Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The wind rushed past, lights streams flying by in the side of a visor as the black and read motorcycle leaned avoiding cars on the free way heading into the city of LA. "I can feel them" the voice inside of the mind of Victor Faust spoke. Victor himself was quite as he passed cars. People that were on their way home from work, going out for the night, going to parties and living their lives like nothing was wrong. Most of them will die this night. Victor was deep in thought as he rode through the night. "We are not alone in our Hunt" that voice spoke to him once more. "I know" Victor said before turning, veering onto an off ramp he rode down off of the free way descending down into the city streets. Victor's eyes glowed with a dark light as he started to speak, chanting as the voice of the demon overlaid his one. This chant would call out to the Demon Souls, would fill their ears.

Soon he was pulling off into a parking lot, slowing down and killing the motor as he ran a hand through his long black hair. "lets hope the children know to answer the call." Though it didn't take long, soon they were not alone though it was not the Demon's they waited for. falling from the skies descended mortals, possessed by demons five in total as a tall man walked out front.
"So the first Demon Souls shows himself, Tell me how did you learn that spell" Spoke the tall man, looking with eyes of pure black.
"The time for subtlety is over" spoke Victor Faust, he could feel the demon in side of him smile and laugh as soon dark black smoke poured from his body. Dark lightning arching in those clouds as his laughter cut through the night as the demon's eyes went wide. Stepping back. "What, you should not have awoken yet, it is not time" spoke the Hellspawn acting as the voice.

Out in into the World Tenebrae laughed as dark energy erupted around him licking at the at the night air. The dark energy behind that helmet glowed out. "And yet Here i am" spoke Tenebrae in his dark terrifying voice. Towering over any mortal he stepped out around that human on a bike. The ground burned with his steps as the sound of armor clanked and chains rattled. "How short sighted are the Minions of hell" he spoke as that walking armor filled with energy moved toward the small group "make it quick Tenebrae" Victor spoke sitting up and looking down at his watch "the others should be near by, I can feel them. It shouldn't be long now." he said.

"He has only just awoken, he is still weak kill him" shouted the demon as all five of them moved to attack. With out hesitation they charged forward as Tenebrae only laughed and with a swipe of his claws ripped the first of them down as blood and gore flew out, his eyes glowing shooting out a light as the demon soul inside perished. Turning he punched his hand forward with claws out reaching though it's chest and ripping out it's hear as it fell over with that same glow of inner light of a demon's demise. Those chains flashed to life flying out catching one in the air, another going through the gut of the other as they were suspended in the air. Crying out in agony as they glowed Tenebrae walked up to the last of them "And so your torment ends" as that large hand grabbed his head squeezing it down and crushing his skull. "Hide your self, we don't want to spook our guest" Victor spoke as Dark clouds sprouted out of the back of Tenebrae as wings formed. Launching into the air. Victor was left alone now to his own thoughts. Raising his watch he looked at the time. "two more hours till the end of the world, " he said crossing his arms and leaning back "and for two ours they are defenseless." he added on.

As he sat on his bike. That spell would call out to the demon souls, drawing them to this spot, hopefully before any possesed find them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lilith was standing below a hill, wind blowing slightly, a cherry tree fitted on top of the rounded hill. A dark silhouette figure was standing beside the luminous tree. That figure was looking toward the sky, paved in dark blues and deep purples, one star was faintly twinkling. The silhouette figure turned toward Lilith it spoke in a low voice, opening his right arm wide putting his left upon his stomach, the silhouette then bowed. Lilith could not understand why the figure was bowing nor did she hear its words. She tried to speak, ask what was going on, but it caught in her throat. Lilith was getting frustrated she tried again yet still she could get no sound out. The silhouette was now standing his gaze locked on Lilith. She heard her name being called. She was starting to get uncomfortable. Lilith backed away still hearing her name.


She snapped awake, eyes glazed over, Lilith looked toward the sound of her name. It was her father he was pulling over his suit jacket. “Looks like you went to sleep honey. We should head home everyone else has already gone.” Lilith nodded lazily the dream she had was weird. She had been having them on in off for the last month. They always left her very frustrated. As she walked with her father down to the company car her body felt a buzz. So many feelings rushed around inside her body. It felt heated and tingly. She wanted to shed her skin off with so much pressure pushing agents it. “Father I think I will walk back I need some air.” She tried to give her best smile. She wanted to do nothing more than walk away. However she had to keep up her little good girl act in front of her father. “Now sweetie I don’t know if that is such a good idea.” He opened the driver side door not getting in until Lilith did. “It is only a few blocks I promise to be straight home.” She started scratching at her arm, something she did to keep her clam when she was trying to be nice but just wanted to lash out. Jack thought for a moment. “Well you are old enough to walk on your own. Don’t take too long to get home.” She gave a slight smile. “Thank you.” Jack nodded sliding into the car. “Love you.” Lilith face dropped only for a moment. “I love you too.” She said it as nicely as she could but the words felt like acid.

Lilith was walking down the street her body had not calmed down any. In fact it seemed like it was growing. Lilith started to hear a voice boom inside her head. She jerked her head around trying to find the voice. No one was around but the voice was still there. God I know I am not that crazy. Lilith ran her fingers in between her hair grabbing at it hard. “Just shut up!” She yelled as loud as she could at the voice ranting inside her head. Just as she did so a ‘normal’ person walked by her wide eyed. “Do you have a fucking problem?” She asked with an evil grin. The unknown person looked down rushing past Lilith. The voice had gone silent. However it still felt tingly inside her head like it was still echoing the words. A normal person would just walk home and not think about the voice. Yet her body was still buzzing and Lilith was not that normal. She turned away from her home and toward where the voice was leading her to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gabriel was riding around on his motorcycle, getting some fresh air, when suddenly he heard the voice again.

"It is time for me to awaken."

He had heard this voice multiple times, and sometimes saw the voice in his dreams, though it was only a shadow. This time though, the voice was louder and clearer and alarmingly scary.

it surprised him, as he flung from his bike and slid across the ground.
"Owwww shitfuck goddamn that hurt!" He went to pick up his bike when he felt a sudden attraction to go somewhere. What he hadn't noticed till now was that there was some creepy girl also walking the same way.

"Hey lady, you want a ride? I have an extra helmet. I can get you there faster. So whadda you say?" Gabriel asked, extending out his hand to the wierd lady. This may not have been the best idea, but he was one not to shy away from help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Leo was in his friend's party.Everyone is dancing and the party lights are going crazy but Leo was there eating a lot of food and drinks a lot of beer.He was already drunk and pushing himself to drink more.All of a sudden everything turns round.He was getting dizzy.He tries to get up but his walking were pretty drunk-like and he bumps a lot of people then he heard a voice.

"Leo......"a mysterious voice called,it was familiar because he heard this on his dreams

As he heard that everything turned black.It was darkness everywhere then after minutes in the darkness everything went back and his friends was trying wake him up.

"Leo! Leo!" His friends said while shaking him

Leo was not drunk anymore and managed to stand up by himself

"Woah dude you collapsed all of a sudden,are you okay?" His friend asked

"Yes I'm okay.... I need to go home now" Leo answered

"Ok dude be careful out there" his friend said before he left

Leo thinks about the voice while he was walking.Who was that a demon? A ghost? or maybe some hallucination because he is drunk that time.Leo laughed and he tried to forget about it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victor waited on his bike. Looking down at his hand covered by his riding glove. He was deep in thought at the moment, thinking of how things would change after this night. Humanity doesn't even know what was coming, isn't even prepared. Hell, the people who are supposed to fight the on coming legions aren't even prepared. Tenebrae and himself the only ones awake, and that is simply because of the un-natural nature of their bond. Speaking of that demon he looked up at the sky, soon a large pair of wings flew across the moon. He was circling, flying around and victor could only assume he was also picking off possessed humans while he was at it. Tenebrae did like to enjoy him self when ever he was allowed out.

For a few moments he looked around, before he chanted again. His voice echoing some as this time the message was a bit clearer. The chanting was in an ancient language that would sound like gibberish to most, even the demon souls who could hear it inside of there minds as if they were surrounded by it, but the last phrase stood out "Come forth, and Learn, come forth and fight, come forth and awaken the demon inside" it trailed off as he was sending out a sense of urgency. He stopped for a moment looking at his hand as it was shaking. Soon his chest being wrecked in pain as he reached up clenching it and falling over some "gahh shit" he cursed as Tenebrae was quickly landing hitting the grouhd "What are you doing, you know not to preform magic when we are separated." That deep voice ringing out in annoyence "sorry old friend, you know how impatient I can be" Victor said.
"That impatience will be the death of us" replised the demon kneeling down.
"Return to your rounds, i'm sure there are hundreds of possessed around"
"If you die I am cast out of this world, so don't get your self killed" tenebrae said as victor only laughed the demon spreading his wings and flying once more. It was true, there lives were bound so if one died so did the other. Well, he would die and Tenebrae would be cast back into hell, where he would be sure to get a warm welcome by those he left behind. Reaching up running a hand through his hair he was growing tired of waiting looking down at his watch "ninty minutes" he cursed some "looks like we will be fighting our way out of this city. He said looking up, dark clouds were starting to form over they city, gathering as it looked like it would be the start of a large storm, and in a sense it would.

"Getting off of this bike he reached down pulling a katana and sheeth off of the side of his bike slipping it over his shoulder. "waiting, I hate waiting"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Chris was Tending to the Care home garden cutting the overgrown bush's. He was thinking of the Dream he had and the voice he heard. it seemed familer somehow but also distant and discorded. A storm grew over head the rain pattered down on the bush. Chris decided to give up in the rain and went to head inside but a voice trickled through his brain "so you've finally stopped trying to keep me out hehe" "who the hell are you" Chris asked Annoyed at this intruder in his brain. Something started pulling him like a invisible rope he was trying to resist but it was futile "where you going" the voice asked questionably "i don't know i seem to be drawn on a hook or rope" Chris replied a hint of fear in his voice. "demon tongue its acting as a beacon its calling us to it hehe" the voice said barely hiding its enjoyment "is that a good thing or a bad thing" Chris replied panic slowly taken his mind "well lets just say the last person who ended up calling me against my will is in pieces" the voice said Threateningly

some minutes later..

The Force was pulling Chris closer and closer to a war-zone a Creature rushed out from the undergrowth towards a Shadow in the skies. "whats happening" Chris asked knowing nothing will be the same. "oh some chaos is going on i can smell blood in the air" the Creature replied almost hungrily But suddenly a human with claws Leaped at Chris form behind he was sent sprawling to the floor in a rumble of teeth,claws,hands and fists "shit" Chris shouted as the creature dug its teeth into his ankle Chris tried to crawl away but to know avail the creature was to powerful...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lilith heard the screeching sound before she seen what was happening. She looked up as a man picked his bike up. Is he drunk? Lilith thought as the man asked her a question. Lilith smirked. “How can you get me there faster when you can’t even drive? Obviously you have crashed and hit your head more times than it should if you think I would go anywhere with you.” Lilith tilted her head slightly. “Also to think someone like you could possibly know where someone like me is going can only be laughable.” Lilith’s body was twitching all over she was about to say more to the young man but the voice boomed yet again. She twisted her head around looking for the speaker but once again no one was visible. This time she slowed her breath, closing her eyes, she tried to listen to the voice.

(Awaken the demon inside)

It was the only part she could make out as her head was about to split open. Awaken the demon inside. What the hell does that mean? Lilith started biting at the inside of her lip walking off forgetting all about the man who had just asked if she needed a ride. “I have to go meet a demon.” She said in a low whisper of a voice. She was slowly walking and as she did it seemed that the air was getting colder. Shadows danced along the building walls and whispers faintly echoing throughout the city. Lilith was starting to get pretty unconformable, the night and the entire city just felt off, it was all wrong. It only took Lilith moments to walking into the parking lot clearing and what she saw was odd even for her.

Lilith looked upon what was yet another guy with a bike however this one had a dangerous weapon. He did not look to friendly either. A shadow from above caught her eye, looking up, Lilith could see a figure that to her was hideous. She could not rip her eyes from the thing flying in the sky. My god! She screamed inside her head. I have finally gone mad!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"What's her problem?" Muttered gabriel, hearing the voice go off again, this time clearer. "Yeah yeah i get it. You want to wake up. Now shut up." Gabriel revved his bike, zooming off the same way the creepy lady went.

When he got there, he saw a man sitting next to a bike, as well as a creature flying in the sky. "Well thats about par for the course. Hey you! Why are we being pulled here? It's seems awful coincidental that you, and a beasty in the sky seem to be here as well as me hearing these wierd voices in my head. Could you care care to explain?" He then turned to the girl and said " Hey spooky lady. Nice to meet you again."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwolf


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Victor could feel the presence of Demon Souls. Turning he saw a woman as soon a male on a bike rolled up into the parking lot. "It is not a coincidence. I am the one who called you. I am Victor Faust." he said walking towards the pair "and you are Demon Souls, humans born with the soul of a demon attached." His narrow eyes looked at the two before he lifted up his wrist, he wore his watch on the under side as he looked at the time "and in one hour and fifteen minutes the end of the world will start." he said as he noticed them both looking up "and that is Tenebrae, my demon" he said as the demon descended down to the ground landing with a large crash behind Victor, kneeling it stood onto it's feet, towering above victor as those eyes holes with nothing more then energy behind them gazed down at the two humans "Children, I told you" that dark voice spoke as Victor laughed some "It will be fun to see which of them survive the night" that dark voice spoke again as VIctor spoke up "they both will, that is why we are here my old friend" Looking off into the distance Victors brow curled as the wings of Tenebrae spread "I can feel it" and with that the large suite of energy filled armor was off once more. "It seems one of your counter parts has run into trouble" Victor said returning his look to the pair, they were children, maybe not physically but then all mankind is nothing more then a child in comparison.

Tenebrae flew through the skies before looking down. Seeing the boy on his back with the possessed in front of him. He came crashing down behind the possessed as his claws were soon sticking out of the front of it's chest and stomach. His eyes were wide looking down before that inner light glowed out them and the body went limp as Tenebrae pulled off of it letting it drop to the ground. Looking down at the boy the demon laughed "Oh today has already proved to be so much fun" it said with a dark sense of joy before reaching down, his large hand easily wrapped around the torso of the body and he lifted him up. "And so you live child" he was speaking to the demon more then to the human as he once again took flight holding him to return to the parking lot.

Victor Looked to the pair once more, "Once the gates of hell open, the demons inside of you will awaken. I'm sure you can already feel them stirring inside of you, clawing to get free as they cry out for release." he was rather blunt and straight forward with what was about to happen as he looked at them, feeling Tenebrae growing closer. Soon landing and setting down the newest arriaval. "This child was about to die, the possessed are rather bold as the hour draws near." Victor turned "yes, likely to kill them before the demons awaken" he said looking at the boys ankle "unfortunately demon magic isn't all that great at healing, they seem to prefer there killing and maiming spells" he said as he walked over to a car, pulling out a slim jim he worked it down the side and soon the lock popped open. Leaning in he pulled off the underside of the dash and cut some wires as he tapped them the car started. "and here is your ride, I would suggest leaving the bike behind it will be easier for tenebrae and I to keep you safe if you are in one vehicale." he said before looking off in the distance once more and cursing "and so a child dies" said the dark voice of tenebrae looking off "that makes fifteen now..." said Victor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The dream was vivid before it settled back into the forest settings Chris stumbled through the undergrowth towards the creature. He was not running this time he required answers. Chris moved through the ever thickening undergrowth to a cluster of trees from where the shadows erupt from. Standing in the center of the ring of trees stood a pillar with a thick glowing orb resting on top.Two chips rested on both sides of the orb. the leaves rustled behind Chris "so u found the epicenter of your soul" the voice whispered in his ear. before throwing Chris into a nearby tree. Chris looked up at the creature it was stumbling forward unlike its speed that it displayed earlier it stop just in front of him"What the Hell are you" Chris asked looking at the face hidden in shadows; expecting a hideous face to stare back at him. the creature leaned over its face close to Chris "I am a Demon unlike any other" the voice said barely disguising its pride

Chris look at its Face a blank white Sheen stared back "you are have no face" Chris gasped "because i have no name" the demon replied "everyone before they are born has a named For them decided by fate However fate never gave me a name it had its uses but also its Flaws I could not be summoned by anyone without my consent But i could not use Regular demon magic like storm control or lightning good riddance it was shitty anyway" the creature lamented. "what is that orb on the pillar" Chris asked wondering the worse "that is our Soul we are inextricably linked" the demon replied annoyed "why is their chips in it" Chris asked already knowing the answer "when you got your ankle crushed by that... Creature" the demon spit out with disgust "my ankle was crushed as well" the creature said looking down at the dried blood on its leg. "don't get yourself hurt again or i will kill you" the creature said casually "i need to think of a nickname for you i can't just regard you as it or thing anymore" Chris told the demon the vision faded before returning to normal "your waking up" the demon regarded with a crazy smile "Wait whats your name" Chris shouted as the world began to fade away

"my nickname" the demon regarded smiling. The demon flung back its head and laughed "i am the Slender-man And those Douchbags better fear me cause i will hunt them all down and Slice them into Millions of pieces"

Chris woke up in the back of a car...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheRpgGamer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Leo was walking back home when his all surroundings turned black.It seems like a nightmare is about to happen.Leo looked around the dark and sees a door.Leo ran to the door but he felt that his feet were digging down.Leo looked down, he was standing on a floor of corpses.The corpses have still blood on them and their parts are dismembered.it smells bad,flies are flying all over the corpses,and the maggots are moving all around the corpses.Leo ran and ran.As he ran more, he gets deeper.As he reached the door.He got consumed by the floor of corpses.

On the other side of the floor of corpses is a pit and he fell into it.As he hit the ground, he saw 2 eyes are glowing, it seems like a eye of a predator then it spoke.

"Hello....." the thing said in a creepy voice

"DON'T HELLO ME! WHO ARE YOU!?" Leo asked angrily

"Ohohoho... no need to be angry..... I am a demon" the thing answered and reveals himself.the things looks like a lion and it is not just any ordinary lion.It is more bigger than a normal lion and it seems to be stronger than a normal male lion.

"By the way, since you asked for my name... my name is Cerberus" the lion introduced himself

"Now that I mentioned my name.What is YOUR name? human" Cerberus now asked for Leo's name

"INo way! I cannot just say my name to a nobody!" Leo refused to say his name

"Is that so? It seems like we have the same personality" Cerberus replied

"I don't want to socialize for long it kills me... now BE GONE!" Cerberus added angrily then Leo falls again.

Leo was falling to a very pit again.There was a small light there but as he falls, the light gets bigger constantly.Leo falls and falls until he reaches the light.He wakes up and discovered himself laying on a hospital bed
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Adrian......Adrian....ADRIAN" the voices called in the darkness.
Adrian awoke furiously with tanto in hand covered in sweat.damn just another nightmare.yawning Adrian gets up and quickly puts on a white teeshirt to go with his jeans. sliding the tanto back in its sheath he lays it back on the bed.look at me now years of training and I still wake up covered in sweat. opening the door he steps into the light of the next room.
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