What do you need a scientist for? Zombies are a biological phenomenon, my character is a medical doctor... assuming that is, that I'll be accepted.
Red Akuma said
Hmmm what would a scientist do in the field ?
Invictus said
Study, collect. Yada yada. Actually we can just have us collect and stuff. If we need a scientist in the field we'll Npc it.
Sauron The Dark Lord said
Doctors don't use ranking. I have a real problem with that Major status when you're a Doctor.
Red Akuma said
Lol okay, I'll just make a normal soldier if that's okay ?
Melkor said
I personally don't see why there is not more people with higher ranks. The characters were described as the best of the best...
Melkor said
I personally don't see why there is not more people with higher ranks. The characters were described as the best of the best...
Melkor said
Sure I can see that, but I'm sure one of the best of the best is not going to be the second lowest rank in the military...
Melkor said
Again that doesn't quite matter as far as the desk goes, my character wouldn't be a combatant... No combat, his job was sitting behind a desk. The idea here is for them to be the best of the best in their field, my guy is one of the best of the best doctors.