Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alright, then... I guess we could wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


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So is it possible for Ven to join "The Odd One's Out"? Its fine if he can not, I will just have him join the guild anyways without a team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Um... I'd kinda rather you make a new team, but...
you can still join if you want.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Any words on my IC post?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Not from me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Antarctic Termite said I'll be around to post tomorrow, most likely.

And here is where I play the 'most likely' card. Today was a student-free day, and yet my school can't fit all the exams into the old schedule so students had to be pulled in to do some of them today. I'm busier than ever. :|

Oh irony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well, I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Got a late start. Although, based on the lack of activity today, I don't expect much tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

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Antarctic Termite said
And here is where I play the 'most likely' card. Today was a student-free day, and yet my school can't fit all the exams into the old schedule so students had to be pulled in to do some of them today. I'm busier than ever. :|

Oh irony.

I failed three of my exams so far.

Well, practice exams. And nobody taught us the difference between mitosis and meiosis. And nobody passed the computer science internal. And we were only taught a proper introduction to an essay, rather than it as a whole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

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Not sure what to say... I am waiting on Lugia's post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Donatello Baxter Jr. (Donnie)
Thunder Wave

Early Life Born Donatello Martin Baxter Jr. in Scale City to Mr. Donatello Martin Baxter(Dragonair)a famous actor & Mrs. Lula Beauty Baxter(Milotic)a famous singer Donnie was born for greatness. In the early years of Donnie's life it was peace and fun both parents spoiled him since he was the only child. They lived in the best hotel in Scale City since his parents are friends with the owners Chad and Terra for free. He was the happiest kid when he was young. Whatever he wanted he got; he had a lot of cousins so he wasn't always alone on his on. Even though he was a spoiled child he didn't act like he was better then anyone. He shared his things with the poor kids in scale city and loved to travel and get into different things. One time when him and some of his friends snuck out of Scale City and went to Sunswept Plains they were attacked by some rabid pidgeyes. Donnie and two of his friends got away but one was killed by the pidgeyes. From that day on Donnie swore not to leave Scale City until he was prepared to fight and not make the same mistake again. After that day that friend's family move away to another city because they couldn't stand seeing there son friends run or slither or fly home to their parents and not seeing there son come back to them. After that tragedy it seemed like Donnie's life wasn't all glitter and gold he finally came to reality and saw what the world really was and he started to grow up.

Preteen Years Donnie parents started to stress never seeing each other like they use to see each other. His mother Lucy was always on the road touring and making appearances with her saw called manager DJ Luxury(Serperior) and his father was too busy to even notice he was losing her. He was doing movies and TV shows all the time while Donnie's mother was having an affair with her manager. One day Donnie's father came home from shooting a pilot early and caught Donnie's mother in bed with DJ he was so mad that he started to attack DJ and his mother. He ended up killing DJ and sending Donnie's mother in the hospital. Donnie Sr. went to jail and is in jail till this very day. Donnie had to take care of his mother until she got healthy enough to take care of him. He lives with his mother in a 6 Bedroom house in Scale City. It's not the same without his father around. He goes to see his father often in jail when he gets out of school. He blames DJ and all Serperiors smug attitudes and hates anything that reminds him of a Serperior. If it wasn't for them his father and mother would have still been in love (So he believes they would have been in love. He doesn't know that his father had an affair with his co-star in his Block Buster hit movie "A Pokémon To Remember" Madame LuTresse Buten(Gardevoir)). He resents his mother for not being there for him and he barely sees her she pays the bills, leaves him 500 poke everyday in the morning and leaves; and he doesn't see her until she comes back after being out all night and getting drunk and locked out because she lost her key again. He just wants to evolve and become stronger and leave and hopefully find a way to get his father out of jail even if he has to break him out.

Now Donnie Jr. is now training and learning new dragon skills and controlling his telekinetic powers he got after the mutations occurred. His mother died a few years back and after 26 years Donnie Sr. was release from jail; he was very old and sick. Donnie Jr. got to spend those last months with his dad who told him everything about his affair and how he always loved his mother but they just didn't have that spark they had when they first met. All Donnie Sr. wanted his son to do was to forgive his mother and him for everything mistake they ever did. "Donnie little Don. Please forgive us for everything we did; me and your mother even DJ and Tressy. If you say in anger you will just turned into a better old fool like your pops." He started to laugh and choke. "I know daddy I for...give everything I know it was hard having careers, family, and everything else." Donnie started to cry; he stayed with his dad that rest of the day and watch his dad pass on. Donnie now lives in that 6 bedroom house having lavish parties and going into the same field his father was in. He's in a new movie called "21 Scissor Street". He's becoming a big hit in Scale city he's still training and one day he will be a beautiful and magnificent Dragonite and be the biggest actor since his father.

Thanks to the mutations Donnie is a sea green color not an ocean blue like his ancestors, his fins on his head are orange like embers and his eyes are rose pink color.
Donnie's white sphere on his head grants him the power to levitate and use telekinesis to move things. Instead of Marvel Scale boosting DEF it Boosts Donnie's ATK.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Now I just wait to get approved right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And suddenly, a ton of non-dragon-types appear in Scale City...
also, how does someone get killed by a pidgey? In pokemon, things don't usually die, so, it would take something WAY higher than your level for that to happen, and those things are about level 2-4, which almost guarantees that they aren't a high enough level to kill anyone. It's almost like getting killed by a baby, it doesn't happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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OH no those other people don't live in scale city they are part of my story actors and singers travel they don't live in scale city. and that story the friend was lvl 1 so that's what happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

DragonBeastMode: Level 1 seems pretty low for a friend. In fact, I expect them to be... just born, if they were to be level 1. However, through tricks of my imagination, I can partially see why they died.

I would go out to claim your character's a Mary Sue, but then I'd be hypocritical; in a future RP, a character of mine named [REDACTED] will do basically just that. Try not to get into any competition with him/her.

Also, we already have a Dratini. This won't deny your app, but it is discouraged to use a Pokemon that's already being used by another RPer.

The only problem so far is that... well, mutations; you're gonna have to explain them.

Scraggy: You need to split up your paragraph. I'm not kidding. You actually have to split it up, otherwise your posts become near-unreadable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

KaBling said
DragonBeastMode: Level 1 seems pretty low for a friend. In fact, I expect them to be... just born, if they were to be level 1. However, through tricks of my imagination, I can partially see why they died.I would go out to claim your character's a Mary Sue, but then I'd be hypocritical; in a future RP, a character of mine named [REDACTED] will do basically just that. Try not to get into any competition with him/her.Also, we already have a Dratini. This won't deny your app, but it is discouraged to use a Pokemon that's already being used by another RPer.The only problem so far is that... well, mutations; you're gonna have to explain them.Scraggy: You need to split up your paragraph. I'm not kidding. You actually have to split it up, otherwise your posts become near-unreadable.

Rewrote some parts of it, and added some splits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Even at level one a pokemon wouldn't get killed by a level four...
so, I'm gonna have to tell you to rewrite that part of your app, okay? Also, 'DJ' would be at around the same level as your father, and unless he has some sort of double-super-effective attack (which, given that Serperior is a mono-typed pokemon isn't possible), he isn't going to kill him. Another option would have been to have DJ killed in a house fire started by your father if you really want the guy dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Y'know what's weird? Usually, I'm the more strict figure when it comes to apps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, when it comes to death and the genetic make up of cities, I know how things should be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ah, well.

So... any activity, lately?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Not likely.
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