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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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KatherinWinter said
"What terms?" Griffin asked

"I said I didn't have to tell you, for now all you need to know is that I turned myself in for some friends." Keeper then turned to the girl that called herself Himori. "Likewise, the names Keeper, you may know of my crimes? Broadcasting on the news right about now in fact."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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CallaLily180 said
"I said I didn't have to tell you, for now all you need to know is that I turned myself in for some friends." Keeper then turned to the girl that called herself Himori. "Likewise, the names Keeper, you may know of my crimes? Broadcasting on the news right about now in fact."

Griffin nodded. He could respect someone turned themselves in for friends. He studied the woman who named herself Keeper. He had heard the name before. She was known for holding people hostage. Griffin had never seen the challenge or purpose to that. But it put her low on his list of people to take out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"I don't watch TV, I find it boring, you may have heard of mine about 15 or so years ago, a girl killing her boyfriends out of sexual want?" she asked, "I was framed if you haven't heard of me, it is because, my case is different, I would also suggest not touching me, it could be addictive..." she commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Keeper blew a bubble and popped it in the boy's face. "Eyes to yourself, has your mother taught you no respect? Now tell me a tidbit of how you got caught, and ask what you'd like about my crimes. Seeing as I'm such a celebrity." Keeper rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Looking at the girl she almost raised an eyebrow, but stopped herself. "What are you talking about? Addicting?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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CallaLily180 said
Keeper blew a bubble and popped it in the boy's face. "Eyes to yourself, has your mother taught you no respect? Now tell me a tidbit of how you got caught, and ask what you'd like about my crimes. Seeing as I'm such a celebrity." Keeper rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Looking at the girl she almost raised an eyebrow, but stopped herself. "What are you talking about? Addicting?"

"Back off Keeper." Griffin growled. The guards turned their attention to him, but didn't move. "I did not commit a crime. Once they figure out that I was taking out evil people they will release me. As for my capture, I surrendered myself to them so they would stop pursuing my brother."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Right, you kill like that idiot on TV...Dexter? Yeah, the joke of crime. And you do know that murder is murder, those people had families." Keeper growled, guards focused on her, wondering if a fight would break out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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CallaLily180 said
"Right, you kill like that idiot on TV...Dexter? Yeah, the joke of crime. And you do know that murder is murder, those people had families." Keeper growled, guards focused on her, wondering if a fight would break out.

"They should have thought about that before they hurt other people."Griffin told her. "I only killed those whose crimes I personally verified."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"Well think about it like this, they are killing to protect, you are also killing to protect but in mass amounts. Which makes you just as bad as the ones you kill." Keeper stated, her face devoid of emotion and her eyes set on his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"What do you mean?" Griffin asked. "None of those I killed were killing to protect."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"They all need a reason to hurt someone." Keeper explained with a shrug, turning and biting her lip as she walked to the corner of the fence. It was the first show of emotion she had made in a year.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"I didn't say they didn't have a reason." Griffin called after her. He shrugged. He didn't care if people approved of his decisions. The only opinion that had ever mattered to him was that of his brother and Zack assure him that he understood even though he did not approve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Kurt once again did as he was told, simply doing as the guards say. He was gaining back ground on everyone here, all at the same time. Jasmine, ex-marine, prides herself on her ability to intimidate others, but is strong either way. Himori, also known as the succumbus, framed for the death of 200 people, any form of touch when not protected causes excitement, lust and can lead to addiction. Griffin, dislikes touch, opinionated, seemingly a know it all. He did this for several more people, intending to learn as much as he could. He looked in the direction of the main group, yet watched all of those in his vision. He leaned against the fense, his face remaining emotionless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"Addicting as in all my body fluids are saturated with pheromones that are addictive, and my saliva has enzymes that break the pheromones down along with other addictions," she said, "But since my saliva also has them, they have to be boiled off to make a real counter agent and work once per case, so you have to get cured again each time, I could kiss you to take the edge off if you happen to make the mistake of touching me and they have run out of vials of cure... you can't synthesize the counter agent." Homori said, "Basically my entire body is laced with a network of glands that also secreat pheromones too.... doctors made me this way.... and it can't be undone without killing me, so I am just a happy little bundle of seductive, and try to live, and wait for my friends and family, and comrades to clear my name before they get silenced..." she sighed, "Draw back I can't wear much for clothing, and I always sound seductive, due to some 'training' i was forced to had, along with I can't touch anyone skin to skin without causing them great pleasure they may want to keep having.... Up Side, I don't age very fast, the pheromones forced my body to take a very attractive look."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jaclyn got bored of listening to them and walked away straight up to the boy leaning on the fence. " so what's your name, call me Slasher." She grinned T him with a hand out. Her grin was evil yet nice thought those who knew her would say different. But anyway most who knew her were dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine looked over at Griffith and the keeper as she shook her head that girl would piss her off a she was sure,never could stand snippy little children like her.Jasmine watched the two hoping they would fight and she'd get whooped however she knew Griffith was smart enough to not just start a fight and bring more heat on himself.She considered going over there herself to teach the girl she wasn't as big and bad as her inflated ego,however she just stood there and waited for the right moment.It might not come today or soon but she knew it would present itself,Jasmine didn't want to draw more attention right now with the talk between her and Griffith about planning coming around more often.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" nothing really none of u guys want to the talk huh. " She she shook her head and walked over to Jasmine again. " hello, remember the slasher?" She asked with a grin holding out her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine looked at her and didn't take her hand at all she just spat on the ground "yeah I remeber you" she looked at her "Killed that Iranian diplomat in transit on an Iraqi train started a huge conflict...which gave my guys and me enough time to slip our hands into the Iraqi governments national treasury." She crossed her tattooed well fit muscular arms over her chest "not shocked to see you here you don't happen to have a phone do ya?" She chuckled knowing she didn't if only she could call Venom she could make escape so much easier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weav3r


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The old man found himself being dragged into the courtyard by two guards; each one grabbing onto one of his arms to ensure that he could not fight back because well..James was a freaking giant dude, standing at nearly seven feet tall and weighing somewhere around three hundred pounds. It wasn't fat that accounted for all that weight either, it was all muscle..so just one guard wouldn't be quite enough to restrain him. Unless it was someone like Bane. That guy could probably hold down an elephant.

Once he was past the gates, both of the guards gave a hard shove against Weaver's back to shove him into the center of the courtyard to which he only replied to by briefly turning his head to the left to let that one eye linger on each of them and give a hard stare..as if issuing a threat. It was one that he did plan to follow through on, too..all he needed was a connection and he would be able to get damn near anything he wanted.
As soon that he concluded his little interaction with the guards, James turned his attention towards the courtyard and allowed for his eyes to begin skimming across all those who stood within; trying to eavesdrop on as many conversations that he could while also picking up on every last subtle movement made by them while he was moving towards one of the benches to take a seat. His back was starting to kill him..which wasn't any surprise. Riding in the back of that truck on his way up to the prison wasn't comfortable in the least bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Griffin studied the older gentleman the guards drug in. He was impressed that they had actually had to drag the man into the courtyard. Most prisoner went willingly to free period. Maybe they had brought him straight here rather then taking him to his cell. Griffin stood to feet. He was shorter then the older man, but then as tall as the men most people probably were. Still Griffin was a respectable 6'6. He was lean compared to the newcomer. But Griffin had never felt the need to have a lot of muscles. Curiosity caused him to approach the newcomer. "We are discussing how we ended up in this very fancy hotel. Would you care to share?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weav3r


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James' one eye quickly darted to the stranger as he approached, skimming the figure all the way from head to toe in order to take in all of the details that he possibly could about the individual. This was his first time behind these bars and as far that he could tell, it seemed like no one here knew him..that was both a good and a bad thing. For his personal safety however, he was only going to focus on the downside of being a stranger in the area and wanted to make sure that the fellow inmate was not going to pose any sort of threat.
"I am here for committing a crime." He answered in a gruff voice which was completely lacking of any emotion. Before he gave away any details about himself, James wanted to obtain as many details about the others that he possibly could. It was a simple survival tactic when you were living life as an inmate..and one that may possibly throw him into the role of a leader somewhere down the line. At least, that's how he hoped it would end up. If not -- he is spending the rest of his life here anyways. Death would only bring him peace.
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