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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Griffin chuckled at the man's answer. He stood just out of reach. Griffin respected other people's personal space as long they respected his. Griffin had never attack someone who hadn't first attack him or someone else. "Really?" Griffin stated sarcastically. "I believe that is a requirement for getting a room at this wonderful establishment. Personally I agreed to come to this fancy hotel to save my brother from the cops that though that he was me. Not that I committed a crime mind you. My arrest is a complete misunderstanding."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weav3r


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James felt one corner of his lips begin to tug its way upwards more and more with each moment that passed as he listened to the explanation that was coming from the stranger. It seemed that his attempt at digging details out of his fellow inmates was going to be far more easier than he had originally anticipated..he didn't do a thing so far and already he was getting useful tips.

Disregarding how amusing this entire meet was going so far, James quickly wiped that smile from his face and continued to speak, "I wouldn't tell that to any of them." He nodded his head towards the courtyard and the various other prisoners that were gathered up around the premises then turned the gaze of his one eye back to the one speaking with him and attempted to establish eye contact "It will display your weakness. Courage to stand up for the ones you love is an admirable trait..but if word gets out that you actually committed no crime, you will regret allowing yourself to retain such a strong moral standing."

Then just to make the encounter a little more personal -- and to place himself into a more intimidating posture -- James leaned his torso forward just a little bit and propped each of his hulking arms atop his thighs, with his one eye not once averting away from the fellow inmate, "Remember..you're in prison. Morals don't mean a thing in here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Griffin nodded sagely. He knew the man was trying to be kind. He thought Griffin was regular person who could not defend himself. Griffin studied the other inmates a moment. He knew that most of the prisoners had committed crimes that were much more serious then his. But he had taken out big wigs before. He wasn't afraid that to do so again. "I am not afraid of them. I have destroyed killers before I will destroy them again. Once those who have put me here figure out that I was only taking out people who were hurting others they will release me so I can once again protect my brother and those who are weak."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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"my dear friend. morals mean everything" as Charles is thrown into the court yard. "Doctor Charles Matthew Richardson. at your probable service", he was eyeing the large man seeing all weak spots he could exploit if the time came. he could see the stranger near to him 'pursuit of knowledge'. turned to look at the girl being crowded 'need of attention and requirement of good look's'.

he cant wait to leave this place and get back to his cell to structure a way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid struggled to find a way around Jasmine, dribbling back and forth, attacking, being blocked.
When he finally got an opening to score it was because 'the slasher' distracted Jasmine.
This ruined the game for Jerid, and ticked him off. He inspected her and pondered for a second.. He remembered the name but where.
A few minutes later he slapped his hand in his palm signalling the quarter dropping.
"Ooh I remember! The slasher! Yeah, I had a few clients thanks to you. Made quite the prize of your name!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

(what an original name User :3 and I half thought your Avatar would be the Laughing Man from Ghost in the Shell :3)
"Morals break down when you are ordered to take advantage of a woman in the name of Billions of Dollars from a mysterious benefactor...." Himori said darkly, seductively, "Do not talk to me about them, because they never kept the innocent out of jail."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Depends on the person and on the morals." Jerid butted in.
"I suggest you pick a few you thing are right and stick to them. Don't worry to much about what other people insist is right or wrong."
He bounced the ball up and down.
"Then again this is advice coming from a convict."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


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"I do, I don't use my 'powers' for Evil" she said with a smile.
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"morals are the only thing separatism us from machines. shame im unaware of mine" yep, defiantly attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid dropped the ball, suddenly a serious look on his face. With a slightly lowered voice he asked.
"Define evil."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jasmine looked at the talk of morals and scoffed "morals don't mean shit here or outside..." She spoke grimly a look of a combination of rage and internal hate as well."I believed in morals yeah right up to the day the cops raped me beat my ass and left me on the side of the road for no reason at all....they looked to me and saw just another ghetto rat with no power and no god...." She chuckled darkly "don't ya see? There are no morals no gods no church no good everyone is a rotten bastard at heart...guns and money with these two things the world is a beautiful place."
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"such hope here, keep your morals close by..... for a storm is brewing" he ran and picked up the ball. "now, why is everyone in here then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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Jerid grinned wickedly "Morals..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Rock Killjoy said
Jasmine looked at the talk of morals and scoffed "morals don't mean shit here or outside..." She spoke grimly a look of a combination of rage and internal hate as well."I believed in morals yeah right up to the day the cops raped me beat my ass and left me on the side of the road for no reason at all....they looked to me and saw just another ghetto rat with no power and no god...." She chuckled darkly "don't ya see? There are no morals no gods no church no good everyone is a rotten bastard at heart...guns and money with these two things the world is a beautiful place."

"My brother woukd say just because you were mistreated does not mean that the world is a bad place. You are not the only one with a story of pain and torture. That is why i have chosen to destroy those who hurt others." Griffin tod them gruffly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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rolls eyes "lets guess, you kill the ones who kill? for the greater good. a what his name.... dexter? your no better tan any of us in here"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

"I don't use this talent of mine to make people my slaves, or get laid, or to make people love me, If i get anyone to love me it will be because they do..." she said looking kind of distant, "Jasmine I feel for you so much," she said respectfully, "Try having that happen for 12 years of your life, along with the experiments, operations, and torture." she said softly, then 4 years of trying to learn to trust people again, and finding out the world isn't a living hell after all..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by akje
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"Better and worse are impossible to quantify. Just like good and evil. I'll tell you if I am good or evil if you can tell me what it means to be either."
Jerid made his voice sound a little more threatening and aggressive, but completely calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

User said
rolls eyes "lets guess, you kill the ones who kill? for the greater good. a what his name.... dexter? your no better tan any of us in here"

"I did not say I was better. Simply that my reasons are better. I am doing the world a favor whether the world kniws it or not." Griffin told him calmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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"as was I my friend, riding the world of parasites like you." throws the ball at him and takes a step forwards, "don't forget where you are. these walls are what you WILL be seeing for the rest of your life. get used to it, were you new family now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DixeyRay


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rock Killjoy said
Jasmine looked at her and didn't take her hand at all she just spat on the ground "yeah I remeber you" she looked at her "Killed that Iranian diplomat in transit on an Iraqi train started a huge conflict...which gave my guys and me enough time to slip our hands into the Iraqi governments national treasury." She crossed her tattooed well fit muscular arms over her chest "not shocked to see you here you don't happen to have a phone do ya?" She chuckled knowing she didn't if only she could call Venom she could make escape so much easier.

" sorry I don't right now that got taken of me so I couldn't call home gang, well don't they know the only contact on that was my boyfriends cause I could remember that one, wait did you say you h other clients who ?. And what's this about morals the world is a living shot hole why would you try and make it better. You work, eat and sleep that's life." She huffed and
Tapped a sharp short finger nail against her jumpsuit. " aha your crimes are so foolish I was caught in action after how many diplomats killed, oh ya around 102 I'm rich I lived on the edge through I could have just quit years ago. Why because if I quit I would have to join and if you know me I don't join anyone " she tapped a small Chinese symbol on her shoulder which said' Alone in roses' she laughed and pulled down her sleve.
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