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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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The palace glistened in the sunlight, it's ivory facade polished so fine that it almost reflected light back onto any who stared at it. Towers jutted up haphazardly at various places on the castle roof, the structures serving as vantage points for archers as well as excellent hiding places for deeds that the royal family wouldn't want exposed to their adoring public. To be fair, the royal family had engendered a peaceful and prosperous reign ever since they had seized power from King Larien forty years ago...and yet, rumors about their illicit affairs behind closed doors leaked through to the commoners, pubs and inns across the Kingdom crawling with what the Prince did to this other Princess and what the King had told to one of the ambassadors of Nagalyen, the most gracious and conservative Elven realm known to all. In all honesty, Volgorl despised the controversy that surrounded the royal family.

How ironic it was then that he had been invited to become a member.

A few months ago, the Rakya tribe had deemed the entire Kingdom a blight upon the land and attempted to conduct a religious cleanse, sweeping through villages and burning whatever and whoever they could to ashes. They were closing in quickly on the capital city and the King was getting desperate, so he sent Volgorl's unit down to intercept the raiders as a distraction. Essentially, Vol led one hundred soldiers on a suicide mission to ensure that the rest of the army had a chance to mobilize and pick off whatever Vol and his unit hadn't taken care of. By some stroke of magic or luck or divinity, Vol and his unit managed to catch the raiders by surprise and slaughtered the whole company, inspiring fear in the Rakya. Vol was commissioned to lead the charge into Rakya territory a week later and a campaign in the south occurred for two months which finally broke the Rakya's back, the tribe surrendering after thousands of casualties on both sides. A weary, bloodied Volgorl was greeted by his King on his return with an invitation to marry one of his daughters and become a part of the royal bloodline for his heroic actions. He had wanted to turn it down so desperately, but he knew that if one was given an invitation of this magnitude, one should not turn it down.

"Captain Volgorl!"

Vol's piercing aqua irises peered down to one of the royal servants who had intercepted him at the entrance of the palace.
"Please go inside, my lord. I shall take your mount."
"I can lead it to the stable myself."
"But my lo..."
"Thank you, but I'll lead him there." Vol dismounted from his steed and clapped his hand on the servant's shoulder, shooting him a half smile.
"After all, you probably have preparations to make for yet another feast, eh?" Without a word, the servant scuttled off.

His horse situated in the royal stable, Vol entered into the palace, his broad shoulders at attention. He smoothed his short ash brown hair back, the hair rebelliously going forward once more. He could lead men into battle and yet his own hair couldn't be tamed. Sighing to himself, he continued to stroll forward into the main hall. The grandiose nature of the hall was explicit: gold and purple drapes hanging on the walls, ornate carvings lining the silk carpet that ran down the center of the room and up the marble staircase. He noted that a young woman of comely appearance stood at the top of the staircase..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Sitting in her room, a young woman was combing her curling, long blonde hair with her lips curled up in a smile. She was almost ready, and she had to admit she had started looking forward to meeting this man she was possibly going to marry. At first the idea didn't sound quite as enjoyable to Katherine. She was a princess after all, she was supposed to marry a wealthy prince, a noble man from a royal lineage. Not some ordinaire commoner who spent his time on the battlefield, covered in blood and dirt.. How disgusting. But after a second thought, Katherine had to admit the idea didn't sound that bad at all. So maybe the man was no prince, and most likely not as wealthy as one neither, but he was a captain, considered a hero for what he had done. A heroic man who fought for his country and saved the lives of many... Now that sounded good. Maybe not as good as a prince, but she could live with it.

The thoughts of the young woman were interrupted by a knock on the door, causing her attention to be drawn towards it. "What is it?" She asked, continuing to brush her hair.
"Captain Volgori arrived, your mother is expecting you in the hall for the introduction." A voice sounded, causing the smile on Katherine's face to grow just a little bigger as she put down her brush and got up, a spark lit up in her deep blue eyes, whose colour matched her dress perfectly.
"Well in that case, let's not make the man wait any longer." She said, opening the door and following the guard as they headed to the hall.


Meanwhile, a young woman dressed in simple armour was holding a sword pressed against the chest of the man in front of her, who accepted his defeat and lowered his sword, soon after which the woman did so as well.
"Well done Helena, you're getting better everyday, almost better than I am." The man complimented her, causing a smile to appear on her face. This was what Helena liked, to spend her time training rather than behaving the way she should, according to her parents. She didn't want to be a princess, but wanted to fight. And especially now, training was a very welcome distraction.

Helena didn't like the idea of her parents, she hated it. What were they thinking, letting some stranger decide if he did or did not want to marry her? Didn't she get a say about who she would spend the rest of her life with? It was unfair, and she was determined to do everything she could to make the man unwilling to marry her, because she was certain he was not the man she wanted to spend her life with. For the man she wished to marry, was right in front of her.

If only her parents would accept that. Oh, how furious would they be if they found out...

"Helena, captain volgori has arrived." A voice informed her, causing the smile on her face to fade, just as the spark in her bright green eyes. This was going to be a long week, she thought, as she put the sword away and followed the guard to the hall, not wanting to change her attire just to be pretty for whatever man was awaiting her. All she did to look a little more pretty, was pulling her hair out if the ponytail it was put into, letting her straight, dark brown hair hang loose instead.


"Welcome, sir Volgori, it's an honour to meet you. The tales we heard of you are truly wonderful. Now, if you will follow me, I shall introduce you to our daughters. This way please." The queen said, leading the captain towards the hall, where three princesses would be awaiting her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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With her feet propped up on a couch cushion and a book in her lap, Ada was rather pleased with the world. She was finally alone with her thoughts and a wonderful tale from that mysterious author simply known as "The Weaver". Whoever this "Weaver" character was, he or she knew how to spin a good story. Ada could get lost in these books for days on end, shirking her responsibilities as princess and royal representative to the kingdoms around her. Of course, the dutiful Javier was always there to snap her out of her ruminations in order to appear at this banquet or speak at this occasion. Out of the three royal daughters, her father had chosen her to represent the royal family to other nations as an ambassador. She was honestly surprised at first that he hadn't chosen Katherine; after all, Katherine was the prettiest. However, Katherine had a penchant for arrogance and wouldn't be well received at locales where she had to exhibit any sort of social grace or tact(at least, Ada thought her sister was full of herself). Then there was Helena who would be glad to switch places with the common soldier and shirk her birthright for the glories of battle. Helena was the odd duck of the family, yet Ada got along much better with her than Katherine. Helena wasn't caught up in her own image and therefore was much more willing to sit down and talk TO you rather than AT you. A big difference inde...
"Ms.Ada?" Javier's dark brown face peered into the library.
"Yes, Javier?"
"Captain Volgorl is here. Please go down to the main hall."
"Of course, Javier. Do you think I look somewhat presentable?" Javier smiled.
"Ms.Ada, you look marvelllooouuuss."
"I can always count on you for some moral support, can't I?" Ada stood up, stretching her arms overhead.
"Fine then. Let's see this Captain."

Volgorl followed the Queen into an even gaudier space where a retinue of servants stood on either side, their lines perfect and symmetrical. They would make great soldiers if they could swing a blade. In the center of the large space was a long table covered with the finest silk, an array of finger foods situated on the table. The trio of princesses stood at the closest end of the table, two of them in very stunning dresses, while the other appeared to be rather haggard in appearance. Vol couldn't help but feel slightly guilty about this "selection process"; he didn't know these women and they didn't know him...yet he was going to be essentially forced to choose one? He would have to see how the next few days would play out and hopefully, maybe he can convince himself and the woman he chooses that he isn't just some power hungry captain who wants a piece of the royal pie. One of the princesses, dressed in a gorgeous green gown, approached him and curtsied, saying:
"My lord Volgorl, welcome to the Royal Castle. I am Princess Ada." Volgorl bowed slightly, responding:
"Princess Ada, it is my pleasure to meet you."

Would the others be so brave to introduce themselves?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Katherine took a brief moment to look at her two sisters. Ada looked good in that dress and of course, Helena just looked plain awful in that armour. Did she really wish to present herself like that to a man she might get married to? How ridiculous. But then again, Katherine supposed she shouldn't be too surprised by it. After all, what else should she expect from Helena? The girl could've just as well been raised by barbarians...

Looking at Captain Volgorl, Katherine put on a charming smile and bowed for the man. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir Volgorl, I am Katherine." The young woman said. The man was quite handsome, she had to admit that. Okay, so maybe he wasn't rich, but he was considered a hero and good looking, so that were at least two positive things about him.

Helena looked at the man, her arms crossed in front of her chest and a cold, unfriendly expression in her eyes. Unlike her sister, she didn't smile. She wasn't going to pretend to like him. Why should she? She was determined not to marry him anyway, so why should she put on a happy face and be friendly? He could hate her all she wanted, she didn't care, as long as she wouldn't have to marry him.

"My name is Helena." Was the short sentence that was her introduction, without bowing or anything her sisters had done. When she heard her mother coughing, to remind Helena about her manners, the princess sighed and bowed lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She added, although it was quite clear that the latter was a lie.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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Volgorl issued a greeting about wonderful it was to meet Katherine in response to her courtesy before smiling slightly at Helena's abrupt introduction. She was obviously the "rebellious" daughter of the family. With three daughters, the odds were high for the royal family to have at least one of their daughters go down the route of refusing their birthright in favor of some other philosophy or ideal. Helena seemed to be enraptured with service in the Royal army: her rigid stance, her fierce gaze and tensed muscles indicated that she was indeed trying to become a true soldier. Maybe she was trying a bit TOO hard, but Volgorl could admire someone who wanted to throw off the shackles of wealth and fame for the life of a servant. However, it wasn't she that truly attracted his attention. Both Katherine and Ada were...well, in a word, breath-taking. Their beauty was indeed worthy of all the praise that was lauded upon them.
"You honor me with your presences." Volgorl once again bowed politely.

"And you honor us, dear Captain. After all, is it not you who routed the Rakya with nothing but one hundred troops? You saved our Kingdom. It is our pleasure to have you featured here in our palace." Ada took Volgorl's arm and linked it with her own, the young princess going through the same exact welcoming routine that she always used: tell the person how great it is for them to be there, praise their accomplishments, get just slightly physical in order for them to further let down their walls and then, if negotiating, begin to plant the seeds of change. They weren't in negotiations this time...although, in a sense, they were. Even if the three girls were put into these proceedings against their will, they were negotiating who had the right to marry this man. Ada noted his handsome face, especially his eyes...it was as if his eyes could peer into your very being and extract nothing but positive energy.

She admired that.

"We have much planned this evening, including a grand feast for you and all those who have returned home. You will of course be staying in the castle the next few days. I hope you don't find that too objectionable?"
"No, no, of course not, m'lady."
"We'll guide you to your quarters in just a few moments."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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"But first, why don't you tell something about yourself? A man with a life like yours must certainly be very interesting, captain." Katherine spoke, the smile not leaving her face, not even for a single second. Ada had the advantage that she usually represented the royal family, she just knew what to say and do perfectly to make guests feel at ease, or just to simply get someone to like her. But Katherine wasn't just going to watch how Ada tried to win the captain's favour, she would try just as hard as her sister.

As for Helena, she didn't pose a threat, surprisingly enough. With her love for fights and swords and whatnot, Katherine had expected her to be excited about this man, a captain in the royal army, a man who had the kind of live she was dreaming of sounded like something Katherine thought Helena would admire. Strangely enough, she seemed to feel the exact opposite, or at least Katherine supposed she did, considering her abrupt and rude introduction and the lack of effort to present herself as a pretty woman. But Katherine didn't mind. If Helena wouldn't try to get the captain to marry her, than Katherine wouldn't complain.

Helena sarcastically rolled her eyes, looking at her sisters. Ada was just doing as she always did, being courteous and representing the family, but apparently Katherine planned to win the man's favour early on. She looked pathetic, though Helena couldn't care less. Katherine could marry the captain if she wished to and try to get him to like her as much as she wanted, if that meant.that he would leave Helena alone.

"Can I return to my training now? I wasn't finished just yet." Again, she was lying. When she had won from Richard, the training had pretty much ended, right before the guard came to announce that the captain had arrived. But she would gladly use the excuse to get away and spend her time in a way she actually enjoyed. Being with Richard, for example, sounded much pleasant than being here with this captain, despite what he had done or who he was. In the end, he would merely decide if he wanted her or one of her sisters and pick one, as if they were pieces of meat he had to pick from at the butcher. That was what made her dislike him.

"Come now Helena, wouldn't you mind staying here a little longer? I'm sure that your training can wait a little longer, and I'm certain that sir Volgorl would enjoy your presence." Her mother said, which as kind as it sounded, was not much different from a command. She was going to stay here, if she liked it or not, and that's final.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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"My queen, if it is acceptable to you, I would be more than happy to have Princess Helena return to her training. As a captain, I understand the importance of training the mind and body whenever possible. Far be it from me to interrupt the training of such a promising young soldier in Your Majesty's guard." Volgorl knew that Helena didn't want to be there and he couldn't blame her in a sense. Just one look at her and Vol knew that she was a soldier at heart, one who valued self discipline, sacrifice, honor and duty over the royal trappings of wealth. Not that wealth was a bad thing to the captain, but Vol also could respect Helena's work ethic.
"My regards to you, m'lady." Vol bowed politely to Helena before turning to Ada and Katherine, the two beauties now what occupied Vol's attention. They were gorgeous to be sure and upon initial glance, both seemed to be wonderful choices for a bride, but he needed to know more about each individually before making up his mind.

"You are too kind to us, Captain." Ada said with a smile, the princess rather impressed with the soldier's behavior. Volgorl could have very well demanded that all three princesses wait upon him hand and foot...and yet, he refused. He seemed to be a humble enough man to love and care for a woman while being battle hardened enough to ensure that no one would ever cross him. More and more Ada was beginning to see why so many young women in the court talked about Volgorl. He was a...remarkable man.
"We shall lead you to your quarters now and you will have time to prepare for the banquet tonight. Hopefully you will find your quarters suitable."
"I believe I shall, your Royal Highness."
"Of course, if the Queen would have us spend more time with you now, that would be a very fine alternative. We're very curious to ask you about all the goings-on out in the world."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Of course, Helena just had to continue with her training again. As if that were the most important thing there was. She hardly ever spent time doing something else than training and whatnot. Why did she found that so great and interesting anyway? Commoners were meant to fight on the battlefield, not royals. As a member of the royal family, one had to be courteous, willing and capable to rule a country, and of course to simply enjoy the wealth and fame that came with it. That was just a perfect life.

Shrugging off the thoughts, she turned her attention back to the captain and smiled again. "Why sister, I must say that's a very good idea. I would love to hear some news from outside of the castle, if of course, sir Vilgorl wishes to tell us so." Katherine was being exceptionally friendly towards Ada, and she was aware of that. Normally spoken, she was much meaner, but she couldn't start acting mean and ruin her chances, now could she?

Without waiting for a response of her mother or saying something to either the queen, her sisters or the captain, Helena left the hall and headed to where she always trained, smiling when realised that Richard was still there. "Hello." She greeted, causing the ash blonde man to turn to look at her, a smile appearing on his face.
"You're back fast. Don't you have to be with that captain?"
Helena shrugged. "He's much more interested in Ada and Katherine anyway. Besides, I'd much more prefer being with you." She answered, placing a short, soft kiss on his lips.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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"It would be my pleasure..."

The next hour or so featured heavily socializing between the princesses and Volgorl, the conversation vacillating between old war stories that the princesses reacted to rather strongly(gasps, giggles, and all sorts of expressions that made Vol slightly happy he had stayed) and the princesses regaling him with tales of the Royal family. After the hour passed, Vol was led to his quarters, which featured a beautiful bed chamber with a four poster bed, an ornate wooden dresser and a fireplace among other luxuries. There was to be a banquet that night honoring the return of all those from the battle of the Rakya and those who fell during the conflict. It would be a perfect time for Vol to interact with both princesses one on one and evaluate their character even further. So far, it was quite a tie. They were charming, well-mannered, great listeners...he was beginning to actually enjoy staying at the castle.

Dressed in formal attire, Vol began his trek from the third floor quarters down to the main hall. As he walked down the long stone hallway to the staircase at the end of the corridor, he noted Princess Ada exiting a door near the staircase, her shoulders stooped. She started for the staircase, but stopped for a moment, her frame rising and falling dramatically for a moment before she straightened her stance and continued her walk. Once Ada was out of sight, Vol approached the door that Ada had emerged from. It was an unremarkable wooden door with a latch and a slot for where a peephole was installed. It honestly looked like the entrance to an empty guest room, but what could have caused Ada's reaction? Vol placed his hand on the door and pushed gently, the door not giving way. He knew he should stop, but something told him to continue to press. He pushed harder and the door opened to reveal something he had not expected...


"Oh darling...how I wish you could understand." Ada placed a hand on her sister's cheek, a soft smile playing across her royal countenance. She stroked her cheek twice before retrieving the writing pad next to her and inscribing the message: "I must go and entertain. I will be back to talk some more." Once the message was written, she kissed her sister on the forehead.
"You don't deserve this." Ada rested her chin on the top of her sisters head, breathing out a sigh. Ever since she had been born, Ada had loved her more than all the others, had been there for her when no one else would. She would never stop loving her. No matter what. With another depressed sigh, she turned around and walked out of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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The woman sitting in the rather small guestroom had brown, curling hair, and light blue eyes that had not even the slightest sign of happiness or whatsoever in them. Her dress, a lilac coloured one, was obviously worn and secondhand. Her skin had unhealthy pale colour due to the lack of sunlight, which she could only see at a short moment of the day, when the sun was in such a position in the sky that it managed to shine through the window. Watching as her sister wrote something down, she read the words quietly. She nodded simply as she watched her sister leave and let out a soft, sad sigh. She had never known any better than this loneliness, but at some days, it was terrible and depressing, or felt like it could drive her crazy. Especially after hearing all the stories Ada had to tell, about things that happened outside of Ariana's room, outside of these four walls and this room that was the only part of the world she had ever seen during her entire life. She stared out of the window, wondering what it would be like out there, in the world that was always wide open, rather than her always closed room, but looked away when those thoughts only saddened her, once the realisation hit her once again that she would never find out.

She always enjoyed Ada's visits, she was the only company Ariana had, her only contact with the world. If it wasn't for her, Ariana would never be able to see someone, to talk to someone, to actually do something other than effortlessly trying to fill up her lonely days. Her other siblings never visited, but that was because they didn't know. Both Katherine and Helena were not even a little bit aware of Ariana's existence.

Ariana didn't know anything better than this life, a life of silence and loneliness. It was the only life she had ever known, and sure she was curious about what the world was like, what it was like to hear things, to not live a life merely existing out of rotting away in a room. And sometimes, Ada would tell her about the outside world, other people and whatnot, which always interested Ariana. And though she was used to this life, it at some days just made her feel miserable. Today was one of these days. Staring out of the window again, Ariana just couldn't help but feeling sad. She wasn't even sure why or how she felt sad over things she hardly knew anything about, but still, she just did sometimes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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The guestroom that Volgorl had stumbled upon was furnished rather basically and blandly, as if this were the last guestroom built and the workers had run out of ornate furniture, said workers having to steal from commoners to ensure that the royal house had every room furnished. There was only one window that was fixed rather high, almost touching the ceiling, faint rays of sunlight touching the floor. While the guestroom itself was an oddity, the young woman in it was even more of a strange sighting. She wore a faded dress that covered most of her body, her skin pale and almost lifeless in appearance. When Volgorl had come in, she had been looking out the window, which allowed the captain to see her gloomy expression. Who was this? And why was Ada here?
"Excuse me...forgive me for the intrusion, but I couldn't help but notice the rather lonely room here at the end of the hall. My name is Volgorl and I am a Captain in the Royal Guard. Who might you be?" When there wasn't an answer after what seemed like an eternity, Vol spoke again:
"I'm sorry if I offended you by walking in, but my lady, you do not look well. Is there something I can do to help you?"

Still nothing.

It was then that Vol noticed a writing pad nearby...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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After not too long Ariana noticed that there was a second human shaped shadow in the room. It definitely wasn't hers, or that of Ada, since her sister had just left. Also, the shadow didn't look very feminine, for as far as a shadow could look masculine or feminine. Turning around to see who the shadow belonged to, Ariana saw that there was a man in her room, and it didn't take her long to realise she had never seen the man before in her life.

"Who are you?" Ariana asked, looking at the man. Though it had been difficult, Ariana had managed to learn how to talk, which wasn't the problem. She just couldn't hear anything. When she figured the man did not know that, she handed the writing pad and a feather over to him. "I can't hear." She told him, figuring that would explain to him why he would need the writing pad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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Volgorl nodded with an apologetic smile crossing his lips, the captain taking the writing pad from her gently and inscribing the words:
"My name is Volgorl. I am a Captain in the Royal guard and a guest of the Royal family. What is your name?" It was odd to communicate with someone like this, but Volgorl admired the fact that this young lady didn't want her disability to totally disavow her of any communication with others. Even if it was written, she could still "hear" ideas and concepts. Vol still had a number of thoughts swirling in his mind, two of them coming to the fore of his mind:

Who was this girl?
Why was she locked up in the castle like a prisoner?

She could be a prisoner of war, a young girl being held here from a rival kingdom. If that was the case, Vol would have to speak with the King and demand some sort of explanation for why a young woman, a deaf one at that, was locked away like a criminal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Ariana read what the man had written down. His name didn't sound familiar to her. But then again, she hardly get to hear any news of the things that were going on in the world, or who was important and famous and who wasn't. "It's nice to meet you, Volgorl. My name is Ariana." She answered. To Ariana, it was truly nice to meet him. She never met new people, and apart from Ada never got to talk someone, let alone a captain, who she presumed wasn't even part of the royal family, or the castle's staff.

She didn't know if she were supposed to talk to this man, if one could actually call her way of communicating talking. She was certain that to normal people, it wasn't an usual way of talking, or an usual way to communicate in general.

But she was locked up inside this room for a reason. Sure, the staff wouldn't say a word to her when they came to give her food and water, but she sometimes talked with her sister, although she wasn't sure if the king and queen were aware of that, and if they actually allowed it if they knew. But Ariana couldn't be bothered worrying about that, too excited to finally get a chance to meet someone other than her sister, to not be alone, even if she didn't know how long his visit would last.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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"Ariana...what a pretty name." He said this sentiment aloud before writing it on the pad, a smile playing across his face. It was at this point that Vol noted her eyes: they were...well, in a word, gorgeous. They were the lightest tint of blue, almost silver in appearance. He could see just by making eye contact with her that there was a sadness in her gaze, a profound depression that had existed for a lengthy period of time. Vol had seen that same gaze in his solders on long campaigns, especially the latest one. It was a gaze that conveyed extended suffering, yet there was a twinkle that brightened her eyes. Flipping the writing pad, he wrote:
"Ariana, why are you in this room? It's rather depressing here. Are you here against your will?"

The banquet was just now underway and Ada was worried. She hadn't seen the Captain since their flirtatious excursion in the gardens a few hours ago with her and and her sister. Her father and mother appeared to be lost in greeting the guests, so it gave her some time to scour the immediate area for the guest of honor. She approached Katherine, who stood a few feet away and whispered:
"Sister, where is Volgorl?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Ariana smiled when she read his compliment on her name. When he wrote something else down, she read it again, and nodded, the smile fading from her face again. "Yes, I am. I'm in here because they don't want anyone to know that I exist." She said, not looking away from Volgorl. She was in that room against her will, even though she had gotten used to it throughout the years that had passed. But it wasn't like she could do anything that would change her situation. She was stuck in that room probably until forever, and though that idea depressed her, she had learned to accept it.

Katherine looked at her sister. "I haven't seen him since earlier today, in the garden. I assumed that he was with you." She answered. She hadn't thought much of the fact that she hadn't seen their guest yet on the party. After all Ada was at the party too, and shockingly enough, so was Helena, although Katherine assumed she had been forced to by her mother. With all three princesses there, the odds were he was talking to one of the other two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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They? It seemed like she was being vague on purpose as to the identity of her captors. He scribbled the following message on the notepad:
"Who is 'They', Ariana? Who's trying to keep you locked up like this? Please tell me." Vol was running out of room on the first page, so he flipped to the next and completed the message:
"I can do all that I can to free you from this, but I must know who has done this and for what reasons."

"No, he wasn't with me and I know Helena has no interest in him, so there's no way those two are talking." Ada breathed out a light sigh, scanning the ever growing populace of the banquet and knew that she would have to find him somehow so that her royal parents would not only be pleased, but saved from the embarrassment of not having one of the supreme guests of honor vacant at a banquet specifically honoring him and his men.
"Hold down the fort, would you, dear? I need to find our Captain." With that, Ada glided out of the room and up towards the Captain's quarters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Ariana looked at what Volgorl had written down, being quiet for a moment after reading it. This was a bad idea, she shouldn't tell him. She had probably already gone too far with saying what she just said to him. If her parents would find out, she would be in trouble, and probably the captain would be too. Then again, what were the odds that she would see him again, or that he would actually tell someone about this all? Maybe he wouldn't even believe her in the first place. And if he was a captain and would really try to help her, than maybe, just maybe, the king and queen would listen, or at least think of what the captain had to say. What did she had up lose anyway? It was worth a try.
"They are... the king and queen, my parents." She said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by theprofessorlives


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Volgorl's eyes widened slightly at the shocking revelation. The king and queen were this girls parents? He didn't want to believe it, but her appearance, upon further inspection, bore a similar one to that of Ada and Katherine. The shimmery brown hair, the bright eyes...she was of Royal blood and yet she was locked away in a small room because of what? A disability? He couldn't believe the King and Queen would consent to such a horrendous arrangement. He would have to speak to the King further on this matter. He picked up the writing pad and wrote:
"This is not right, my lady. Please allow me to speak to the King on your behalf." Volgorl heard footsteps behind him just as he handed her the pad...

"Oh no." Ada looked with pity upon her sister, then to the Captain, who apparently from the looks of things had been engaging in conversation with her ill-fated sister.
"Please, Captain, let me explain..."
"Explain what? Your sister has been forced to spend her days in this prison cell with no reasonable explanation! Why is this?"
"Captain..." Ada looked down at the ground, taking in a deep breath before explaining:
"We are the Royal family. We..." She swallowed a growing lump in her throat.
"My parents could not allow Ariana to be seen because it would have brought shame on the family's image. We could not be seen as weak, especially in our royal bloodline." Volgorl could only shake his head, rising to his feet as he proclaimed:
"I must speak with your King."
"I ask that you do not."
"You cannot stop me."
"Do you think I wish to? I want my dear sister to break free of her chains, but my parents will not hear even our pleas. Why would they hear yours?" Vol grimaced, looking down at Ariana, his mind then drumming up a solution. He took the writing pad and wrote out the following:
"Do you want me to take you away from here?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithfulMuse
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ariana watched as captain Volgorl and Ada conversed. Although she couldn't hear what they were saying, it wasn't hard to get a decent idea of what the subject of their conversation was. She looked at the question that was written down on the writing pad, and nodded immediately once she was done reading. Yes, of course she wanted him to take her away from here. To get out of this place, this prison and be free, go into the real world and to never see these walls ever again in her life, was what she wanted most of all.

"How?" She asked, looking at him. Of course she wanted to get away, but that wasn't going to be easy, if it would even be possible in the first place. There was no way her parents would allow her to be seen out in the open, no matter the circumstances, and there were probably too many guards around to sneak away without being seen, so how exactly was he planning to get her out of here? Because to Ariana, it simply sounded impossible.
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