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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

[i]The cold winds of winter blow south across the Big Winter. Sprinting south from Canada, over gichigami and into the states below. The water sits frozen. Stronger than any steel and silent. Waiting. For what? Spring is coming, and the waters will slowly thaw and open up. Bringing with it renewal of life to our new, darkened world.

There aren't many alive today who would remember the world as it was over sixty years ago. Many of those who could even claim it are nearing their last breath. And the stories they told to their sons and their grandsons are just that: stories. It's all become a nostalgic memory, a part of our past as we carry on through today. Too much has changed to ever make it believable.

To the youth, or the parents who sired their flock in this new world the idea that too eat was a small feet is hard to believe. We hunt now, we scavenge. And what we farm doesn't seem to get all around. People hunger, perhaps greater than before. Man can freely kill another, where before he may kill his kin but be discovered soon after; there's freedom in killing as there isn't in eating. And man possessed light at the tips of their fingers, now we do not; that's gone to the shadows.

Many born today could not see our old world. They can never comprehend all its majesty and greatness. They listen to us as we pass through, telling stories of wagons that moved on their own. Machines that flew through the air. They gawk at the weathered rifles we keep on our backs and the sadly mismatched bows slung in our packs. We're teachers to the new world about the old.

Our written knowledge tells us much, reminds those who still remember what we were and gives us mission. It tells us what we need to know. By the year 2016 the nation that was the United States was split in debate. Arguments over economic fears in rising inflation, job loss welled together with infighting over the rights of personal health in a concepts beyond the comprehension of today. Many had drawn their swords, demanding they set sail across the Great Oceans to bring stability in a land called Eastern Europe as another nation named Russia rears.

But no matter their efforts, the situation slipped and the topics polarized more as two sides tugged and pulled. But ultimately, the end never came by the efforts of man and man alone. Though it would have been more merciful than out starvation.

On June 2nd, 2021 the lights went dark. Slipping out and dying not with the bang man waited for. The night sky flowed and danced like melted glass. Ghosts of green and blues sucking out the power that had made mankind. And as the sun rose, the night did not end for humanity. The light did not return. Society had paralyzed itself. Armies stopped in their tracks. And what came the following morning burned such a mark that there's no need to be a written reminder on the Second Suns.

Nuclear missiles, as many old enough that knew them by that name whispered. Atomic fire. Some theorized that it was a last launch of some rival, angry at us that the lights went dead and their cars stopped cold, that ships ceased sailing the Great Ocean and we could no longer talk across the globe. That people died in hospital that day, and the flying machines crashed into the cities killing many more.

Others had said that perhaps it was the dying breath of a system in some corner of the world. That in some cruel loop a launch was made against an enemy that never attacked. But whether it was revenge, or the last of a faulty component, it did not bathe us in fire and turn the Earth black.

Or some suggested that perhaps it was doomed to happen. It was God's last will.

Though some of our former cities were eclipsed and died in fire, it was not the end we dreamed of. We continued walking. The forests were still green. And we were far too numerous for own good.

Earth, our mother, lives on as we do. But humanity as it was is a legend now. Things are beyond what we knew it.[/i]

With that pleasant introduction out of the way: Welcome to “As We Knew It”. An RP set in a world plunged into darkness not by nuclear fire, or bitter warfare, but by the collapse of our electrical infrastructure. In a magnetic fit, celestial forces pummeled Earth, forcibly shutting down international – or national – communications, electrical, and computer networks bringing the world to a grinding halt. A society so dependent on smart phones, automobiles, and electricity was greeted to the startling effect of having lost it all in one great black out.

No power generation works anymore. Computers fail to work and cars fail to start. Chaos boiled in the last days, killing many. But what's worse is that many persistent programs failed to die, making the situation worse in some cases.

For the sake of diversity in atmosphere for this RP there has been a small-scale nuclear launch. Not enough to spoil the world's atmosphere or dramatically effect anything. More so some major cities, one of which being Chicago.

The RP – for centralization purposes and my convenience of being most familiar with here – is set in the Great Lakes region of the US and Canada. Chicago – marked green – was hit by a rogue nuclear missile when the star and sun-bound EMP blast broke through the Earth's magnetosphere and caused havoc in the world below. The green band emanating from Chicago shows the persistent field of irradiated fallout sixty years after the fact.

Chicago is also the basis for rules when it comes to big cities in this RP.


For all purposes: let me put this down on Big Cities now: they're fucked up. Whether this means the close proximity of so many people having lead to an aggressive, almost unconquerable collective of tribes or gangs or mass physical or mental degradation due to the failure of industrial safety procedures during – or after – the black out (as is to be the case in Detroit).

Or, like Chicago is nuked (and is to be the only city in the region to have been nuked). The reasons that cities won't be the best place will depend on who's active in the area or who is in the city. But if you're setting up in a city then I don't want to see a faction encompassing the entire city.


The electrical crash of 2021 left humanity for the most part physically unscathed. This means that post-crash there was about as many people standing as there was before (with the exception of Chicago). This is meant to turn the post-crash world into a massive violent, and destitute affair. Populations may move around seeking safety in less inhabited areas of the region, or taking up extreme violence to take what they need. The crash of the industrial world would also lead society trying to produce for a people that they do not have the skills or tools to produce for, which will compound the problems. Some areas may be better off than others, but on the whole life isn't a premium and raiding societies would be common.


Obviously, there won't be any working machines in this world. With the wash of EMP across the world the electrical routines so common in everything would be cooked or non-operational. I don't want to see tanks rolling about or people taking to the air in airplanes. As well, factories would be blown out because the power plants have blown out. Systems could – and have – failed leading to further desolation everywhere. And though there are things that could be repaired the general theme on this is that repairing them is not on the mind of everyone. They need to eat and defend themselves and getting a power plant working isn't a priority.

I will permit fire-arms. But modern weapons will be few and far between or too expensive the use. Bullets will need to be made by hand making automatic weapons way too expensive to use in general purpose applications, or anywhere out of desperation. And the parts needed to maintain them would come at a premium and as such the number of working automatic weapons will be falling.

Home-made, basement made weapons can be made. But they'd be more archaic and simple single-shot weapons. They'd be made with the availability of resources at hand, the cost to keep up with ammunition or even their over-all effectiveness. I want to see less Call of Duty and Fallout with gunplay and more medieval means of getting the knitty-gritty done. Bows or crossbows would be the easiest to make and maintain here given how few components they need in a world drawn back to a point well before industrialization and where most are starving.


There will be many player-made factions, but I want to bring to light two NPC factions that will be persistent – or should – throughout this world.

[inheritors of] FEMA/The F5 - The former Federal Emergency Management Association had been created in the late 70's to manage disaster recovery efforts and to survey the damage for the federal government in Washington DC on the deceleration of a emergency in a selected region. The organization was split into eleven different bureaus to manage to the breadth of the United States.

However, the collapse of society and FEMA's ability to coordinate with itself and with Washington had greatly effected the organization's ability to operate. More so in the Great Lakes where nuclear fire reigned on Chicago, destroying their regional headquarters and further crippling their ability to operate to their full organizational potential. All the same they remain.

Scattered offices throughout the Great Lakes continue to operate, if with a crippled ability to coordinate their efforts. Loose, informal contact with the rest of what remains of FEMA continues on. Though as the generations within the organization change as they do outside, the use of FEMA as an acronym dropped or new names were given to them by post-black out communities across the region. Most popular of all being The F5.

The F5 continues a mission of teaching post-apocalyptic communities to survive in as loose a definition to before as possible. Though they may not hold the organization knowledge to keep combustion engines working or to even build new ones, the least they can offer is the ability to organize based in the rising Missionaries of the F5 and traveling medical care or training between communities. Often time the F5 serves as a politically neutral caravan, moving between communities to bargain between them the needs they both need.

From a political standpoint this keeps smaller communities from showing their hand to potentially predatory groups who would keep their distance base on the variety of unknowns this keeps. For the larger communities this puts in someone else's hands the methods to spread their influence through kindly donations.

Aventurier - Men and women of distant purpose, the Aventurier claim to be from a place known as the Kingdom of Quebec, though self-proclaimed. Often speaking the language of their own language in the post-apocalyptic landscape the actual intention of the Aventurier is a mystery of their own. Though their primary purpose seems to be that of scouts or explorers sent to learn and trade with the land beyond their own.

For the new communities of the Great Lakes, the Aventurier are a source of trade to and from far-flung places many of the new generation would never had heard of. Such places as Les Aungtupée or La Nouvelle-Orléans. Though their ability to find and sell such far-away materials is renown, it is hardly anything but a luxury market to many in the new world, and aesthetic baubles.

Though with a commercial role, many come with other services. A regimented, military society. The Aventurier may see fit to his own honor to contract his own services out. Though his true loyalty lies in that land of Quebec and its interests ultimately over ride its own.

The Aventurier hold a more central presence in the Great Lakes, and have set up their frontier forts at both Sault Ste. Maries and Detroit/Windsor.


I am going to assume that by this point you've read the whole three pages of this OP. Or at least most of it. So I'm going to say this: In this RP we're not writing to be the best in a statistical sense. There will be no points to spend, or anything that turns this into a rigid sort of accountancy with some writing elements. If you want to go through and do numbers, you may. But do so that they fit in the narrative.

We are writing to tell a story, explore the world, and describe our societies as they evolve. Put yourself in this sort of field and think not “How can I be uber?” but “How will they react?” Granted sixty years wouldn't be enough for many of the “meta” aspects of American and Canadian culture to fade away in full, but there is no doubt elements in the world around them and in the world they live that will continually mold the way they grow. Perhaps they consider themselves victimized? Perhaps they found an example of some small part of the old world they want to emulate? Or perhaps it's all circumstance and they will change to fit this bill. Remember, many people who would remember our world have most likely passed or are getting old enough to pass away.

The idea this won't be regulated by the constant need to produce points and graphs that you can't at least expand. You may if it's in any faction of your nation's interests. You can develop beyond your original form, but regulate it. By that, I've always been a fond of keeping at least a loose track of time, which will for now be strapped at three pages being the passing of a month, you can do calculations on what is a day however you want. If things get active, I will increase the amount of time. I just feel we need a way to determine the seasons and keep us all in synch.


History: [I ask for this you at least write something three to four paragraphs in length as a minimum. This isn't nearly a quarter as long as some applications so you should have the coherent energy to assure me you got a coherent idea on what's going on]

For individual characters - This is not required for anyone doing a nation sheet, but for anyone who wants to be a part of this without fretting over running the potential hundred characters that come with a nation. This is for people who want the flexibility and personal relation one may have with doing a single character.

Back story:


… By applying I am trusting you to help make this interesting. I will not bother you over the regular rules of Role Playing and I trust that you have read this opening post. By applying you recognize you're not just in an RP, but the potential for a sub-community. I may be the GM, but I lay my power down to the well being and content of the people who wish to be a part of this story. I am trusting all of us to be a part of a dialog in character and out of character for the sake of consistency, understanding, and to prevent issues before they arrive; by this I believe in communal self-moderation and if there's an issue you feel needs to be addressed that you will raise it in thread, but not out of hostility.

I trust us to not god mod, power play, or to do simply casual gaffs. I expect us to push ourselves in writing and to hone and refine our skills and even to possibly learn about something beyond your own world, or to expand your imagination into something else. I expect reason, and all that good stuff.

Most of all, I hope I won't be running this and end up wanting to pull out my hair. So let's keep the drama to a minimum and only in story.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

I'd also like to iterate that anyone who did an app in the interest check will need to re-post and expand it. Because I'm a dick like that.

I also still got dibs on Traverse Bay and I'll do my part when I'm not lazy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HazmatMedic


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Placeholder. Don't forget about me, okay?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

I won't forget so long as you make an App. There's no member limit.

If anything, once things become crowded I'm expanding the area, so don't worry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LockeanProviso


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Faction: Ascent Corporation
Location: Headquartered around the Cyuahoga Falls Region in Summit County, Ohio occupy a significant position of power within the city of Akron and the surrounding suburbs. Around all territory south of the Ohio 80 Turnpike and north of the 76 highway is under Ascent Corporation control.

History: (I'm placing the date at 2081)

The Ascent Corporation has rather modest beginnings considering the circumstances. Following the incident Cleveland, while avoiding the brutal fate of Chicago, fell into utter chaos. The city was torn apart by gangs and looting. Anyone who had any brain left after the earth was fried got out of there as quickly as possible. They fled to the south into the suburbs. Factions waged wars for survival and scant resources and everyday new gangs formed in Cleveland. They became entrenched each vying for what little remained. The city that stands today 60 years later amounts to nothing more than an ashen battleground which is perpetually in conflict. Cleveland is widely regarded as a downright dangerous place which is not hospitable to newcomers. To this day no single faction has been able to maintain order in the city and violence is abundant in the dwindling population.

The Ascent Corporation was formed from by the first wave of people who fled Cleveland, and to a lesser extent Akron. Mainly composed of business executives, wealthy property owners, and intellectual leaders the Corporation was formed strategically to provide organization and support to the people of Suburban Ohio. The people of the Suburbs in which the Ascent Corporation first started were relatively calm and preferred to lock themselves in their homes rather than go looting. Nevertheless some violence and crime did occur in the early months after the incident. The Corporation had a rough beginning, tasked with organizing a scattered mass of people and faced with threats from raiding Cleveland or Akron based factions the first five years were tough and full of losses. However the heavy presence of national guardsman in the area and willingness of local authorities to work together with the citizens and the Corporation contributed to the swift establishment of order and in the year 2025 the Ascent Corporation forces captured the Ravenna Armory and the Kirwin reservoir. This added firepower and strategic position gave them a distinct advantage in the region and allowed them to hold off raiders from the city. The Corporation expanded its territory and initial agricultural and health programs were begun in these years' this was a time of significant organizational enhancement and expansion. In the year 2032 the Ascent Corporation had established influence in some Northeastern parts of Akron but met resistance from a few stronger factions within Akron.

The Medina Alliance, The Logan League, and The Revelation Church Brigade each held around a quarter of city of Akron along with the Ascent Corporation in 2046. The four factions spent five years in conflict until in 2051 the Ascent Corporation allied with the Medina Alliance drew the Logan League out and crushed them at the Battle of Rex's Erection (Yes this is a real place). Beaten and faced with the combined might of the Alliance and the Corporation the Logan League and the Revelation Church Brigade unwilling to cooperate with each other were all but forced to surrender. In 2052 the Logan League signed a ceasefire and in 2053 the Revelation Church Brigade followed suit. Later that year the collective peace agreement was signed and the region was stabilized for a time (With significant concessions made to the Ascent Corporation and Medina Alliance). Initially there was unrest in the region among former enemies but soon trade began to flow between the factions. The Ascent Corporation invested heavily in the Logan League territory during this time. The people of that district were left devastated and quickly sold themselves as cheap labor in order to survive. Ascent investment continued to pour in in the coming years and the region saw an influx of immigration; with the Ascent investment had come Ascent troops and individual enterprises.The Logan League resentful of the Ascent presence in its territory grew angry and riots broke out. Some of the former Logan League soldiers and laborers turned to crime and violence and soon a rebellion broke out. Ascent businesses in the region were hit hard and several Ascent citizens were killed with threats made against dozens more. The Corporation responded swiftly and in force, having built up significant garrisons in the region as far south as Barberton they quashed the rebellion in two months time.

Since then The Logan League has been reduced to a police-state. The Ascent Corporation instituted a puppet governor in the region and regularly patrols the streets. The next action they took was to begin marking all people who were citizens of the Logan League with an identifying tattoo on the left hand. Initially this was a system of organization and prevention of terrorism; The Logan League had continued the resistance by turned to crime and guerrilla tactics. But soon it became a system of oppression. The Logan Leaguer's became little more than second class citizens or slaves. They worked long hours in sweatshop like conditions in order to earn a subsistence living. Local Ascent Citizens began to refer to the Leaguers as "Logs" derogatorily in 2062 and outright classism was widespread and accepted by 2068. The Ascent Corporation funded it all.

Meanwhile the Revelation Church Brigade, never a strong faction, sat by and allowed the injustice to happen so long as they were afforded the freedom of religion and an ample concession of territory in the portage lakes region. They soon became dependent on the Ascent Corporation and the large fields of the Medina Alliance for food and other necessities. Their territory is considered "sacred" as per their demands in the ceasefire treaty. Their fields lay relatively untouched and the people prefer a life that is simple and in union with God.

In 2075 the Ascent Corporation, the Medina Alliance. the Logan League, and the Revelation Church Brigade signed the Summit Coalition Agreement. A multilateral trade and political agreement that united the four factions into the Summit Coalition. The leaders formed a council of appointed officials, two from each member for a total of 8. The Logan League council members are known puppets of the Ascent Corporation but each member has a single vote on affairs of the Coalition and a majority must be reached for any major decision. The year is now 2081 and the four factions are only just beginning to break in the new coalition status quo. There has been little conflict since the last Logan League Rebellion 20 years ago. The Ascent Corporation is beginning to turn its eyes outwards and on to other areas surrounding Akron. They have recently encountered the Lords of Canton to the south, some have met them with hostility and others with friendship.

I'll do characters later.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EncryptedCrunchwrap


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Faction: Marquette Commonwealth


2021 saw the electronic world crash and burn. Nuclear fire ravaged whole cities as nations collapsed. Soon riots sprung up in most cities across Michigan. Anarchy spread like wildfire, leaving a trail of devastation. To the relief of those in the Upper Peninsula, most of the chaos lay south of the Mackinaw Bridge. Some county governments continued to linger on, the remnants of broken nation. The winter of 2022 saw thousands flee, entire villages and towns deserted. Starvation and poverty awaited those who decided to stay. When Spring finally came, the situation only worsened. Bandits from the border of Wisconsin, having plundered what they could from their area of operations, decided to trek eastward. Mobs of bloodthirsty vandals struck numerous towns, looting and pillaging. Through Summer the slaughter continued, the raiders coming ever closer to the cities of Marquette and Sault Ste. Marie. Winter eventually struck, halting the bandit horde. The government of Marquette rounded up local police and national guard units, seeing the short window of opportunity to strike. The bandits had taken control over the city of Iron River, having massacred the locals. Badly equipped and trained, they stood little chance against the army sent to eliminate them. The siege of Iron River was brief and bloody, seeing the bandits wiped out in a matter of hours.

When the army returned to Marquette, many of the officers began to notice the commanding tone of the local government. Instead of bringing order to neighboring counties, the national guard and police were merged and ordered to garrison the city. Disputes between civilian and military officials led to factionalism. Many academics and locals voiced support for the military and police, while those cautious of military perspective sided with the county government. A tenuous balance of power lasted until 2028. Unpopular reforms saw many outlying communities threatening to leave the umbrella authority of the city. In response the government ordered the garrisoned national guard to march on their opposition. Disillusioned with a dysfunctional and corrupt government, the garrisoned guardsmen and police led a coup. The months that followed saw a new government arise.

Many of the people in Marquette felt that democracy was a flawed and weak idea. Elections over time degraded into farcical contests of popularity and not competence. To avoid creating another corrupt administration, the people gave up their voting rights. Instead of elected officials, people would hold office based on their merits and knowledge. Academics took up positions pertaining to the sciences, medicine and engineering. Locals grabbed positions regarding development and social policy. Thirty individuals came to represent the bureaucracy of this new government, Six departments were concerned with legislation, research, security, industry, agriculture and education. One representative from each department would serve on the "High Council", conferring with their peers before making an important decision. New administrators are added to the administration after an intense vetting process, allowing only the most qualified to find a position. To celebrate the establishment of a new government, Marquette County was renamed the "Marquette Commonwealth".

The first order of business for the Commonwealth was the resolution of domestic concerns regarding hunger and crime. Of the 70,000 people in the Commonwealth, 1,800 were convicted violent criminals. Devoid of local agriculture, Marquette couldn't afford to feed criminals who could not contribute. The police liquidated the criminals in a month. The government realized this measure would not save the nation from starvation, and so food rationing was initiated. By 2030 the Commonwealth's food supply was maintained by constant hunting and fishing. In 2044 the government decided to open all viable mines within the Commonwealth. The labor pool with mining expertise was rapidly diminishing, so the sooner the mines opened the better. Much of the mining equipment in Marquette was unfit for use, so the spare tools left became a precious resource for the Commonwealth. Most of the vehicles left after the flare were scrapped for spare parts, metal and fuel. Communities outside the authority of the Commonwealth soon came to rely on it for rare mechanical components. A brief monopoly developed, allowing Marquette to stretch it's influence to previously isolated villages and towns. Once every vehicle had been scavenged thoroughly, Marquette's economy was now dependent on mining. The economic developments, however, were far less noticeable than the societal.

The Commonwealth is an authoritarian meritocracy that lauds industriousness, humility and intellect. The people of the Commonwealth are patriotic, motivated by the desire to unite the state of Michigan once more. Instead of class differences, the Commonwealth divides the population based on which department they fall under jurisdiction. In this manner, people are respected for their merits instead of wealth. The government has generally been seen in a positive light by outsiders, but some are quick to point towards perceived flaws. The biggest complaints stem from the harsh penalty of execution bandits and violent criminals face, as well as the authoritarian nature of the government. Some say that the citizens of the Commonwealth appear distant and cold, severely lacking empathy. These opinions seem to contradict the charitable projects the Commonwealth has undertaken to educate and protect communities outside it's borders. Many welcome the Commonwealth as an alternative to anarchy, while others are weary of their expansionist ambitions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
Avatar of Dinh AaronMk

Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

You don't need to do an app for characters, unless you want to keep track of them and have a public record of who they are. But as you stand you're good right now. I'll get to map work in a bit. Until then:

Faction: Traverse Bay

Location: Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Benzie County.

History: It is said that the night the lights had died over the world there was a fierce storm blowing over Traverse Bay. The clouds thick and heavy with rain and whipping across the city a harsh gusting wind. And so when the residents woke up to dead clocks and dulled light bulbs there was not a thought of panic among them. It was odd when the generators would not light, and concerning that the cars never started. But for the city there were was plenty of felled trees and damaged power-lines to attend to. But the mounting feeling something had failed grew as the county trucks did not even show to clean up the mess. Even the phones did not ring when the men and women of Traverse attempted to call in report the damages.

The steady sense of unease over the city however broke full force when bright lights burned deep into the sky, burning harsh against the clear blue like a dramatic second sun summoning the gaze of the men and women south to where they witnessed with apt horror the bright-white fire that bloomed into the sky and shrouded even the sun in a single moment of utter destruction. The burning cataclysm succeeded in melting the gnawing unease, and erupted in their hearts a sudden explosion of dread. Something wasn't just off, something was terribly wrong.

That immediate afternoon the county offices and city hall was bombarded with panicked demands to confirm what was going on. But like the citizens of the city they county and municipal authority was incapable of ascertaining the information on what was going on. The phones dead, the computes inoperable, and even the radios in a state of dysfunction there was no way of getting news out or in. For once, Traverse City realized just how isolated it was in the wide country and forests of upper Michigan.

The desperate situation boiled as the people of the tourist community on Lake Michigan. But in the chaos people found a surreal solace in a young college man by the name of Joshua Bringman. It wasn't a sense of leadership he presented in any formal sense. But the idea that if it's the end of the world, might as well not let it clip his wings. Through a surreal way of finding the irony in the situation, the young Joshua managed to find a way to build a cult around him. One which grew to be of considerable influence over Traverse City for the first year of their isolation.

Much of the new Traverse City writes its history to the tune of the stories of Joshua Bringman. Even over sixty years it has become difficult to distinguish the wine-laden stories of the young leader after he enrolled at Northwestern. It is said that the man was elected to all council positions in a magical post-crash election. It is said that the wineries he visited produced triple yields in the harvest of that year; so much so they found it difficult to pick all the grapes and that winter wine became especially abundant. It is even said that Joshua Bringman is said to have seen the face of Mohammad in a bottle of wine, and the image of Jesus in a gallon of vinegar. There are many stories of him walking through the street in a toga during the summer, and using driftwood as a sled during the winter.

What is certain though is that after five years of keeping a shaky situation stable, he died.

The death of Joshua came as a shock to an already weakened region. Many credited him to keeping growing raider populations from the city, though that was hardly the case and is one of the few stories with a valid explanation to.

When Joshua was found dead along the shores of Lake Michigan by a group of refugees from the south his corpse was returned solemnly to the city. The refugees hoped to recieve a reward, but quickly found themselves imprisoned by Joshua's casually appointed right-hand, former sheriff deputy Daren Makorvich. The news that the destitute refugees had been imprisoned for bringing back Joshua's body was kept swept under the rug as the community set to mourning the loss of their spiritual leader. Daren was quick to place himself as being the heir to Joshua's legacy as the rightful city management and county charter challenged his disposition.

As ceremonies were made to lay Joshua's body to rest the two emerging sides began their conflict, bringing to the fray the chaos that had been forestalled for as long as it had.

The week after Joshua's burial the heat between Daren and the Council had grown so hot that both sides came to violent blows as Daren ordered the city hall raided, claiming it to be the will of Joshua. That night a fire glowed in Traverse as a mob of a hundred armed men stormed the City Hall and raided it inside and out. Several aids to the city management were captured and lynched as the building was burned behind them. The city council responded with what it could by rallying the local business leaders and the wineries to muster the resources to put Daren down, opening what'd be named later as the Vine Revolt.

Ultimately, the conflict ended with Daren as victor. In roughly two months he had seized control of the city council and the local vineyards for himself. His strength coming from in part by refugees and bringing in southern raiders as mercenaries to unseat the hold power. Once in control, Daren rebuilt the Council to his own fancy and as a reward awarded the vineyards to his most able followers. The rest he had executed.

The reconstructed city council was built up by Daren and his favorites who assumed control of Traverse City. The new government was able to utilize Traverse City's natural influence to exert and enforce its influence on the general Greater Traverse Bay area, with the exception of a county that refused to bend the knee after criticism towards the new council as being oligarchic in nature; which isn't a fact Daren and his successors hid with many of the council seats occupied by the Wine Barons.

Daren Makorvich was assassinated in the year 2043, walking home at night from a council meeting. The assassin was never apprehended, but the militant leader died choking on his blood from a a lung punctured by a shiv. His seat on the council was soon replaced by the councilmen and by their rough constitution a new Leader was elected by the name of Erin Marlow.

Traverse Bay has since become a influential force across north-western Michigan, trading wine, grapes, vinegar, ink, and the associated products across the shores of Lake Michigan to Holland and even around to Lake Huron. In the sheltered Traverse Bay the fledgling merchant republic builds its merchant fleet to trade for goods from the Aventuriers and supplies with the F5 to better feed and serve a society growing from refugees attracted to Traverse City by its stories of wealth and booze. Much of the growing issues threatening the Republic arise from its growing squalor and the growing demand to spread out to better meet the demand falling on the Republican Council.

Joshua Bringman has also entered the local lore as not only a founder, but as a demi-god of sorts. Shortly after his burial his body was exhumed by followers and placed in a make-shift shrine set on a hill overlooking Lake Michigan. Serving as a source of pilgrimage, the make-shift hedge of driftwood and boat parts stands as a sanctuary to Joshua's legend and is a home to several relics of his life. Here, citizens often make small sacrifices in the hopes of achieving personal good fortune. The upkeep and practices in the shrine are overseen by a collective of priests known as The Vineyard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

You're also both good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EncryptedCrunchwrap


Member Offline since relaunch

I understand this RP will have tech limits, but then I think about the cities. Detroit is going to have a lot of abandoned equipment that is still viable. Will we eventually see low levels of tech development?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
Avatar of Dinh AaronMk

Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

EncryptedCrunchwrap said
I understand this RP will have tech limits, but then I think about the cities. Detroit is going to have a lot of abandoned equipment that is still viable. Will we eventually see low levels of tech development?

The point of the RP isn't to approach it from a technological advancement point of view, like how you may play Civilizaton or something. If anything, it's meant to to be taken from the point of view of something like CK2 if you must go in like a video game, not much tech emphasis. But it's there if you want it.

For that purposes, major urban centers are supposed to be the epitome of Hell on Earth. Even if most people left initially, the size, scale, and nature of big cities would bring in far more aggressive groups looking for a jungle-like hide-out or to get a hold of the wealth, then defend it mercilessly. So it's not really "abandoned".

And for people who'd need to pry it all apart to carry it back by land or sail it on cheap wooden boats, would it even be that advantageous to bring back machines that have long-shorted out? The most valuable parts you may be able to strip would be the metals to recycle.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm not quite up for a nation right now, but I think I can work with an individual.

Name: Louis LaGrunge (real name Pierre LaGrange, but very few people know this and fewer who know his name know that he is alive)

Appearance: Wears the gaudiest stuff he can get a hold of regardless who it was meant for. Suits, dresses, curtains, it doesn't matter. He tends to favor bushy black wigs and pays well for them.

Back story: Born near Saginaw in 2042 to the local two time mistress of a traveling Aventurier, Pierre's mother took to French culture like a child takes to a new toy. She tried to teach herself French, and her bastardized version of it made her into a barely passable translator for the local government. Her grammar was hacked, her speech riddled with English, and she had no real concept of gendered words, but education had been shattered after the end of the world and the last pre-war educated were already thinning out. She tried to pass it on to her son, but he only learned enough phrases to curse or mutter on purpose in order to sound like a native speaker breaking into his first language.

Pierre had no father figure as a child, as he never met his real father and his mothers obsession with her baby daddy drove away any would be suitors. He learned how to read at an F5 caravan that traveled a circuit across Michigan, staying in one place for a month before moving on. There was little to read, however, and oftentimes he found himself practicing by reading instruction booklets or long outdated textbooks. His knowledge was fractured and random, but he became more educated than most people around him. When he managed to pick up a real book - a biography on Louis XIV of France that his mother found and held onto like a bible. The lonely boy from Saginaw found a father figure in the Sun King.

With his mothers death from an influenza outbreak when he was fourteen, he fled Saginaw and joined a trade caravan heading to Denver. This became his life. He learned how to barter, fight, travel the wilds, and scavenge. Louis LaGrunge, as he called himself, grew up to be amongst the celebrated Merchants of the west, traveling as far as the Pacific ocean and returning with goods to sell in the region of the lakes. He has scavenged cancerous Chicago, visited the Empire of Texas, and sold scrap in Quebec.

LaGrunge travels with few companions nowadays, though he has a habit of taking elderly lovers with him on his adventures. Having returned from New Mexico, he has crossed the border into Illinois and is readying to travel to his home land along the lakes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

Accepted, my friend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LockeanProviso


Member Offline since relaunch

Waiting for more players to join or are we getting this thing going soon?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 14 days ago

We may start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Still in Colorado but maybe I can apply soon.
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