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Marquette Commonwealth
City of Marquette

Isaac gritted his teeth as the wind howled outside, rattling the windows of his office. The marching soldiers outside caused the pen on his desk to move about, rolling across it's aged surface. It was funny to think that the desk had endured for so long. The Great Collapse tore down nations centuries old, yet this humble desk had made it. Prone to letting his mind wander, Isaac sifted through the papers on his desk. Dull material, to say the least. The Department of Security functions and acts on the labor of six men and women. The burden was immense, but with so few people, the doubts were cast aside. Today's report indicated an increase in merchant activity throughout the northeastern shores. Political relations with neighboring communities have been warm, but increasing shortages cause more to look elsewhere for their material needs.

Isaac turned the page, looking at the segment dedicated to the western expanses. It didn't take long for him to sigh. He skimmed the lines, the news hadn't changed much.

Scouting parties......abandoned camp.....tattered remains....bandits likely culpable.....do not recommend further travel.....

He stopped, unwilling to read more. Winter was always brutal to those in the peninsula, but nowhere was it worse than the west. Banditry and lawlessness created a toxic environment. What few communities that manage to survive hang on by the tiniest of threads, hoping for the next seasonal raiding party to pass by without a second glance. The military still remembered the stories about the battle at Iron River. Slaying bandits was always a popular move, but the logistics typically prevented most expeditions. Bounty hunters and others of martial repute often received contracts to hunt them, but it never solved the problem.

Despite all the problems the Commonwealth faced, it never hurt to take relief in what it accomplished. Isaac frequented the nearby library, home to thousands of salvaged and preserved books. The preservation of knowledge is one of the key goals of the government, leading to merchants from afar traveling to exchange rare or valuable texts. Isaac particularly enjoyed works concerned with onomastics and linguistics. In a time when things are easily forgotten, names are usually the first to go. Nothing stays the same, but often one questions whether the new changes are positive or negative. That lack of control is what frightens so many. That their lives are put on a path with walls and forbidden gates.

Isaac stared at his desk, absent of a concluding thought. The Commonwealth teaches everyone that purpose is invincible. Without it one withers, but to embrace it is to defy the confines of "destiny".

Feeling a realization hit him, Isaac shuffled the reports away into his cabinet.

"Perhaps purpose is all that remains from the sweeping tide of change. Where our wants and needs change, purpose has been the eternal tool to motivate one. All great feats are eventually forgotten, but purpose emerges to fulfill the eternal list of needs society and the individual requires."

Frederick came inside from the front entrance, weary and clearly sleep deprived. He looked at Isaac with some amusement, noticing the grin on his face.

"Why the good mood?"

Isaac chuckled for a moment.

"I found purpose in purpose." he remarked.

I understand this RP will have tech limits, but then I think about the cities. Detroit is going to have a lot of abandoned equipment that is still viable. Will we eventually see low levels of tech development?
Faction: Marquette Commonwealth


2021 saw the electronic world crash and burn. Nuclear fire ravaged whole cities as nations collapsed. Soon riots sprung up in most cities across Michigan. Anarchy spread like wildfire, leaving a trail of devastation. To the relief of those in the Upper Peninsula, most of the chaos lay south of the Mackinaw Bridge. Some county governments continued to linger on, the remnants of broken nation. The winter of 2022 saw thousands flee, entire villages and towns deserted. Starvation and poverty awaited those who decided to stay. When Spring finally came, the situation only worsened. Bandits from the border of Wisconsin, having plundered what they could from their area of operations, decided to trek eastward. Mobs of bloodthirsty vandals struck numerous towns, looting and pillaging. Through Summer the slaughter continued, the raiders coming ever closer to the cities of Marquette and Sault Ste. Marie. Winter eventually struck, halting the bandit horde. The government of Marquette rounded up local police and national guard units, seeing the short window of opportunity to strike. The bandits had taken control over the city of Iron River, having massacred the locals. Badly equipped and trained, they stood little chance against the army sent to eliminate them. The siege of Iron River was brief and bloody, seeing the bandits wiped out in a matter of hours.

When the army returned to Marquette, many of the officers began to notice the commanding tone of the local government. Instead of bringing order to neighboring counties, the national guard and police were merged and ordered to garrison the city. Disputes between civilian and military officials led to factionalism. Many academics and locals voiced support for the military and police, while those cautious of military perspective sided with the county government. A tenuous balance of power lasted until 2028. Unpopular reforms saw many outlying communities threatening to leave the umbrella authority of the city. In response the government ordered the garrisoned national guard to march on their opposition. Disillusioned with a dysfunctional and corrupt government, the garrisoned guardsmen and police led a coup. The months that followed saw a new government arise.

Many of the people in Marquette felt that democracy was a flawed and weak idea. Elections over time degraded into farcical contests of popularity and not competence. To avoid creating another corrupt administration, the people gave up their voting rights. Instead of elected officials, people would hold office based on their merits and knowledge. Academics took up positions pertaining to the sciences, medicine and engineering. Locals grabbed positions regarding development and social policy. Thirty individuals came to represent the bureaucracy of this new government, Six departments were concerned with legislation, research, security, industry, agriculture and education. One representative from each department would serve on the "High Council", conferring with their peers before making an important decision. New administrators are added to the administration after an intense vetting process, allowing only the most qualified to find a position. To celebrate the establishment of a new government, Marquette County was renamed the "Marquette Commonwealth".

The first order of business for the Commonwealth was the resolution of domestic concerns regarding hunger and crime. Of the 70,000 people in the Commonwealth, 1,800 were convicted violent criminals. Devoid of local agriculture, Marquette couldn't afford to feed criminals who could not contribute. The police liquidated the criminals in a month. The government realized this measure would not save the nation from starvation, and so food rationing was initiated. By 2030 the Commonwealth's food supply was maintained by constant hunting and fishing. In 2044 the government decided to open all viable mines within the Commonwealth. The labor pool with mining expertise was rapidly diminishing, so the sooner the mines opened the better. Much of the mining equipment in Marquette was unfit for use, so the spare tools left became a precious resource for the Commonwealth. Most of the vehicles left after the flare were scrapped for spare parts, metal and fuel. Communities outside the authority of the Commonwealth soon came to rely on it for rare mechanical components. A brief monopoly developed, allowing Marquette to stretch it's influence to previously isolated villages and towns. Once every vehicle had been scavenged thoroughly, Marquette's economy was now dependent on mining. The economic developments, however, were far less noticeable than the societal.

The Commonwealth is an authoritarian meritocracy that lauds industriousness, humility and intellect. The people of the Commonwealth are patriotic, motivated by the desire to unite the state of Michigan once more. Instead of class differences, the Commonwealth divides the population based on which department they fall under jurisdiction. In this manner, people are respected for their merits instead of wealth. The government has generally been seen in a positive light by outsiders, but some are quick to point towards perceived flaws. The biggest complaints stem from the harsh penalty of execution bandits and violent criminals face, as well as the authoritarian nature of the government. Some say that the citizens of the Commonwealth appear distant and cold, severely lacking empathy. These opinions seem to contradict the charitable projects the Commonwealth has undertaken to educate and protect communities outside it's borders. Many welcome the Commonwealth as an alternative to anarchy, while others are weary of their expansionist ambitions.
I'll translate six months as two. Still......0_o
Well we've got three nations submitted. Dinh you still interested in this? Don't want to seem impatient or anything.
Daily reminder that Ohio sux. And Indiana. And Wisconsin.
So I hope we'll get some more nation sheets? Definitely willing to commit if this gets the green light.
Nice try. We can't all be winners.
No desire to start with a wealth community. Just small-scale manufacturing and equipment. The scope of industry I'm thinking for the M.C is intact pneumatic and electric cabling equipment. There wouldn't be communications infrastructure nor electrical grid. All the fuel goes to the city, or what little is left anyhow. The city can grind out some makeshift mechanical tools for repairing what's laying around. Mining is the key word. Scale down the current operation and we're thinking medieval mining. The tools left around or cobbled together amplify the output, but there isn't much to pass around. Automobile parts and mechanical repair tools get sold to other communities, exchanges are had.

Bare minimum equipment needed to maintain mid-19th century mining, and a very small labor force to begin with. Again, the villages around Marquette are hilariously dependent on that city. What little they can afford to sell they do. I'm operating under the assumption that all heating and electrical utilities are gone from the surrounding area, including Marquette. When someone can provide you with leftover tools, however crappy they are, that can mean quite a difference. The goal of Marquette is expansion exactly because they are self-aware of their predicament. The M.C isn't wealthy, it's just a fortified hermit government operating on long-term food rationing. Uniting the U.P will ease the pain, but the real bounty lies south.

(I'm attending Western, definitely aware of the size difference. NMU however is still the biggest campus in the region. Training Electricians and Technicians takes equipment, lots of it. The equipment doesn't even matter, it's the textbooks and knowledge they can scavenge.)
Northern Michigan University is a relatively sizable academic institute. Plenty of research and industrial equipment would be hosted there. Training and teaching technicians and electricians involves functional equipment to troubleshoot and maintain. Nothing on the scale of a leftover factory or storage depot, but definitely something worthwhile to small town like Marquette. Then you mentioned mining.

wikipedia said Marquette continues to be a shipping port for hematite ores and, today, enriched iron ore pellets, from nearby mines and pelletizing plants. About 7.9 million gross tons of pelletized iron ore passed through Marquette's Presque Isle Harbor in 2005.

It's certainly nothing like Detroit or Chicago, but it holds a lot of commodities and equipment generally outside the reach of nearby counties. I've been there myself. A whole lot of nothing separating Marquette from the villages surrounding it. Only place that could compete up there would be Sault St. Marie and Houghton/Hancock. Repair garages only get you so far before looting is necessary. Having localized mining infrastructure and equipment, plus the shipping equipment at the docks, gives Marquette an advantage. Put them up against an industrial region and they pale, but locally it dominates.

Titanic........I'll rek u bruv
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