Demons. Vampires. Creatures of the night. For countless eons it was these very beings and many others who plagued mankind, disrupting the very boundaries of the World. For a time, the very equilibrium of our World was skewered, as the vast forces of the supernatural greatly outnumbered humans on all aspects.
But from out of the shadows came the Dawn Slayers. A group of individuals who sought to restore balance by combatting the paranormal. The original Dawn Slayers were crusaders of justice, knights in shining armor armed with magical swords and tools.
Times have changed. The World is in balance once more, the forces of the supernatural kept back at bay. As the years go by, improvements have been made for the better. Humans no longer dominate the Dawn Slayer faction, instead building a peaceful cooperation between humanity and the paranormal. Yes, there are those out there who would seek to upset the balance, but peace reigns for the most part.
Enter Hikari Ryodan Academy.
A pristine school created and headed by Headmistess Yui Momoko, it's purpose is to train the future generation of Dawn Slayers as well as maintain the balance of the World. As said before, times have changed. The duties of a Dawn Slayer now vary greatly. One's task could be as simple as guiding a lost spirit back to the after life or as challenging as slaying a demon that threatens mankind.
Hikari is open to a roster of different and unique characters, and welcomes all students who are willing to learn. From cowboys, ninjas, and samurai, to pirates, spirits, and other beings of the paranormal, Hikari is a school that seeks to harmonize all beings in its student body.
Make friends, combat the shadows, and carry on. Your life at Hikari Ryodan Academy has only just begun.