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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A small group of friends enter their last year of Hogwarts after the Summer holidays of 2013. They are talented, in one way or another, and have grown together over the last few years, and it seems as though their last year will be a breeze. However, a threat looms as the wizarding world is driven in to an age full of dark rumours. After a mass Azkaban breakout, the majority of the escapees being ex-Death Eaters, many anticipate that a new war is on the horizon. Since the breakout, nothing has happened, and Hogwarts will continue to run as per usual, though this has not stopped fear from being rife among wizards and witches. This is a new era, an era of fear - dubbed by the tabloids as the Era of Trepidation.

So, basically, around 4 friends are in their final year of Hogwarts. They aren't too worried about this whole Death Eater thing as it's really overhyped by the newspapers, though as the year progresses it might become much more of a threat. This will mostly be character based, however.


  • No overpowered characters. No animagi (at the beginning, you may learn it over the course) or any other OP abilities.

  • Only a select few will get in so don't apply if you can't take rejection.

  • Try and make your character interesting in some way, rather than very generic.

Age: (17, or 18 if your Birthday is right at the start of the year.)
Physical Appearance: (Image included. Prefferably real life. No anime.)
Blood: (Pure/Half/Muggle-born)
Wand: (Wood, core, length)
Companion: (cat, rabbit, owl, mouse, etc. nothing too large or rare. optional)
Skills: (i.e. riding broom, charismatic, good at spells, etc.)
Favourite Lesson:
History: (including summary of first 6 years of Hogwarts)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bradley Sawyer
Physical Appearance:
Six foot. Athletic.
Half Blood
Ash. 10". Dragon heartstring. Rigid.
Cat named Castro. Large, lazy and grumpy but loyal and affectionate to his master.

  • Basic spells are very powerful.

  • Charismatic.

  • Athletic.

  • Quick learner when he wants to be (which is rarely).


  • Poor at more advanced spells.

  • Stubborn, headstrong. His temper can kick off.

  • Easily manipulated.

  • Short attention span. Doesn't 'apply himself'.

Favourite Lesson:
Defence Against the Dark Arts
His father.
Upon first encounter, Bradley seems like a very normal person, perhaps a little unsure and quiet, but generally unremarkable. It takes closer imspection to see his true character.
To his friends, Bradley is open, friendly and laid-back. If you have his back, then he has yours, without a doubt. It is hard to gain his trust, but if you have it, his loyalty will be stalwart.
To his enemies, or his friend's enemies, he is a bit of a loose cannon. Most of the time he will ignore them or only slide a small, scathing insult their way, but on some occasions, when he gets riled up, he can flip, and nothing will stop him from having the final say in the matter. Some call it foolhardy, he calls it passionate.
He can have a laugh, and is not afraid to break the rules to have some fun, as he has done numerous times in the past. He is not a model student for many reasons, including the fact he often does not concentrate in classes he doesn't care for, such as History of Magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WanderBug
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Interested! May post a bio later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wriggle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Pamela Harrishon
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Physical Appearance:
Blood: Muggle-born
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ivy wood, Thestral tail hair, and ten inches long.
Companion: Black Widow spider.

  • Born with a photo-memory.

  • Can do transformations of inanimate objects better than most other spells.

  • Is part of the Quidditch team, a defender, and one of the best.


  • Her little brother who is also in Hufflepuff.

  • Being teased about the ever changing color of her hair.

  • Her over sized nose.

  • Not being able to hold on to a strong spell for much time at all.

Favourite Lesson:

  • Potions and Poisons.

  • Mythical Creatures

Bogart: A dark pool of blood that keeps bubbling and growing.
Patronus: A jaguar of abnormal size.
Like most girls who like the darker side to everything, Miss Pamela is a bubble of sunshine wrapped in a dark cloud of hate. She doesn't put herself out into many new situations, so when one does come around she comes off as antisocial. New people often get scared away from her because of how she talks and what she talks about.
History: Early life was quite easy for the young Pamela. She was well liked in her circle of friends and found all of them in odd places. It was all happy times until she started to show abilites that went beyond natural human talents. Of course she'd already had her photographic membory, but what she started showing was powers to move things while standing still or even float a little herself. By accident she even turned a lamp shade into a coffee pot. Little blips of magic kept popping up until one day when she got her letter. It had been the oddest letter she'd ever received, but it explained so many things that had gone one in her life that she broke down at the moment she'd read it and cried.

The first year had been strange, being called Muggle-born, or mud-blood, were common things with pure-bloods taking some high ground. Like her old school, though, she found friends that would accept her. In classes, as she'd started to grow in ability she'd been able to answer more questions and do more spells. Remember everything helped a little as well.

Years two and three were the easiest, having established herself in the wizarding community before quite well in the first year. In the second year she'd tried out for Quidditch, making defender easily as she'd sent the bludger the the leg of another student. Helping win several matches won hufflepuff the house cup for the year, even thought they were just the egg heads of the school. They lost it the next year because the seekers kept loosing the snitch.

Four and five had felt strange for most of the students, with tension in the community growing and spreading. Of course Pam's friends and herself hardly ever got mixed up in politics or in drama, so it didn't affect them nearly as bad as some other students. A few had already been pulled from school by their parents, worried that there would be another attack. Pamela had just done her home work and kept her head down for both years, only standing in the spot light if it was for her sport.

It was now time for her final year at Hogwarts, and she had no idea what to expect.
Other: She had four tattoos, one on her hip of a lily, one on the bottom of her foot which is like an x-ray of her foot, the word beloved on her right wrist and the sign of the deathly hallows on her right shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 20 days ago

I'll have my cs up in a little bit. This is a place holder
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ratites


Member Offline since relaunch

Interested! Going on a trip tomorrow but I'll try to post a CS in a day or two!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nice one. Get your apps in guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hate to be that asshole but it's animagus not animorphs, or your speaking of metamorphagus (who have to be born with the ability). Besides that you also kind of learn how to become an animagus in your third year, it's a time consuming and dangerous ritual most people see as frivolous because it holds no real value in war or anything else. And now my side in it, how is it OP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

PhoenixEye9 said
Hate to be that asshole but it's animagus not animorphs, or your speaking of metamorphagus (who have to be born with the ability). Besides that you also kind of learn how to become an animagus in your third year, it's a time consuming and dangerous ritual most people see as frivolous because it holds no real value in war or anything else. And now my side in it, how is it OP?

Brainfart, corrected. Also, animagi are banned from Hogwarts, that's why the Marauders did it in private.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ok, I actually did not know they were banned... learn something new every day :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Totts


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Name: Janet Groot
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: heterosexual
Physical Appearance: She stands at 5ft 8inches, and is not very athletic.
Blood: (Pure/Half/Muggle-born) Muggle-Born
House: Gryffindoor
Wand: (Wood, core, length) An elegant rosewood wand. Twelve inches long with a core of merfolk hair.
Skills: She's charismatic and quite good at spells, she loves to ride brooms, but she's not very good at it however.
Weaknesses: She's timid around some people and is quite scared of new people, but once they're friends they see a whole new confident person. She is quite bad at potion-making and is hopeless at care of magical creatures.
Favourite Lesson: Charms
Bogart: A werewolf
Patronus: A short horse.
Personality: She is timid and scared of other some of the time, but is very friendly once you get to know her, she loves to help others, almost to the point where she'll help them even if it means something bad happening to her. The most important thing to her are friends, and she'll do anything to get friends.
History: She passed her OWLS with flying colours, and helped her friends study for them. She was never a trouble maker, and always helped everyone in any way she could, she loved to go to class & study the spells, given the fact that since she was muggle born she had never seen them before. She saw them as a way to empower herself, to become her own superhero like the ones she always dreamed of being.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm working on a bio. Will be up in the near future!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Scotsman
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The Scotsman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Jack Winters
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Physical Appearance:

Blood: Half-blood
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Mahogany, Dragon heartstring, 11".
Companion: None.
Skills: Very good at picking up difficult or complex skills. Highly intelligent. Quick.
Weaknesses: Can't seem to grasp the simple techniques. Has a tendency to over-complicate things. Quite often becomes too passionate or emotional in regards to an item or activity.
Favourite Lesson: Defence Against The Dark Arts.
Bogart: A deep, infinitely black hole.
Patronus: A gorilla.
Personality: Jack is generally well liked around Hogwarts and Ravenclaw. Smart, can be funny, and doesn't have any flaws which would make people dislike him, Jack is popular among the upper-echelons of the Hogwarts society. But this creates a big divide between him and the 'less-enjoyable' compatriots of Hogwarts. Fiercely loyal to friends and acquaintances, Jack enjoys helping his friends as much as he can, knowing full well he's doing good to them.
History: Jack was relatively quiet throughout school. Only answering questions in class when asked or the teacher was beginning to look sad at the sea of confused faces, his professors took a liking to him. He excelled in most of his classes, all except Charms, where he would constantly perform the wrong technique. This is where he met Janet Groot. She helped him pass his tests, and he slowly began to develop a crush on her, and ever since the first year of school he has had a crush on Janet. Jack continued to work hard throughout school, only getting into fights where his friends were threatened. Jack passed all of his OWLs with good marks, within the top 10% of students.

Note: I'm beginning to see various similarities between some of the other characters here. If you aren't okay with that, Nevermind, let me know and I'll change it. Thanks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Stephen Leo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Physical Appearance:
Much like this, far less likely to smile. Average height.
Blood: Muggle Born
House: Gryffindor
Wand: Rowan Wood, Phoenix Feather Core, 11". Springy.
Companion: A rather morose barn owl, Dante.
Skills: Stephen is a capable flyer, with a gift for being in the air.
He is rather skilled in Transfiguration.

Weaknesses: Stephen is competent in most other forms of magic, but not outstanding in any way, with a particular weakness in Herbology.
He is a poor dueler, and overly susceptible to going along with what his friends suggest.

Favourite Lesson: Transfiguration
Bogart: Voldemort
Patronus: A ferret.
Personality: Stephen is a rather average fellow. He is rather cheery, or at least contented with his lot in life, and enjoys life at Hogwarts. He doesn't expect much of himself, content to let others take the lead. Although he possesses courage, it rarely manifests itself, as above all else, Stephen is humble. Although many a snobby student would say it is because he has nothing to brag about, Stephen is never one to toot his own horn, yet is the first to celebrate others achievements. Despite Stephen's overall cheeriness, he can be rather critical and is often aware of other people's influence.

History: Stephen was a near Hatstall, spending four minutes with the hat on his head until it finally declared him as a Gryffindor. Many question if he is fit for the house, as does he, and he constantly asks himself if he should have been placed differently. However, he does enjoy the other students in the house. Stephen progressed through Hogwarts, not making much of a mark in any fashion. He became competent in transfiguration as the years progressed, but this was more than balanced by his inability to comprehend the basic details of Herbology. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to pass his O.W.L.s and is frantically preparing for his N.E.W.Ts, a daunting task. Although he readily picked up flying, and was offered a position on Gryffindor's Quidditch team, he refused, much to the dismay of his fellow classmates and the joy of the Slytherin students. Although he knows most of the people around the school, he doesn't have any particularly solid relationships, something which bothers him.
Other: None. (Yet.)

That's that. Hope it's alright. If things need to change, let me know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gonna sort through the apps soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Absolutely interested in this. I see you don't have a Slytherin student yet. I'd love to fill that role. The Below CS is a work in progress, but I wouldn't mind some input if you have time, since you mentioned that acceptance would be difficult.

Name: Oliver Nott
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Physical Appearance:

Blood: Pure (Though this is unproven, it is widely accepted, as house Nott is listed as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight families of "true pure-blooded wizards." Despite the fact that the veracity of the source of this claim is in doubt, it is still the accepted notion that the Notts are indeed a Pure-Blooded wizarding family.)

House: Slytherin

Wand: Coming to only nine inches, the wood is yew, carved into a curve in the handle that makes the wand seem shorter than most. The core is Dragon heartstring, which is a notoriously dangerous pairing with Yew wood, both to the weilder's enemies, and himself if he is not careful. Despite this, the combination of Yew and Dragon heartstring allows for easier spellcasting, and more powerful spells, though constant focus must be maintained to keep the wand in check when casting more difficult spells, lest the wand's famous temperament cause a backfire, or worse.

Companion: A mischievous and troublesome raccoon named Pickett
-Great grasp of spellcraft
-Calculating mind

-Physically meek
-Dangerous Wand

Favourite Lesson: Defense against the Dark Arts (Particularly Dueling)/Charms
Bogart: Himself as a Death-Eater
Patronus: A Fox
Personality: Sharp as a tack, Oliver has been doted on as a prodigy. He's a star in Slytherin, though his skills aren't quite on par with all of the attention he gets. He's well put-together, and mild-mannered, if a bit blunt. He takes his magical education seriously, but tends to spend too much time in the library. He holds his family name in disdain for siding with Voldemort in the war, and isn't a fan of the reputation of Slytherin house either, and is often defensive about the subject.

History: (including summary of first 6 years of Hogwarts) I'll get to it soon.
-Oliver handles himself well in courtship situations, and is known as somewhat of a flirt, though this has never lead to anything noteworthy.
-Oliver likes to attend Quidditch games, but would never dream of playing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevermind
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Nevermind Wasted Undone

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, so this is how it's going to be:

3 males (due to the ammount that have applied) and 2 females to start off with.

I'm really struggling to pick the two additional males to my 1. Do any of the 3 of you (Lucian, ThatCharacter, Scotsman) have a reason to be less favoured (i.e. not much interest, inactivity.) Of course if all three of you are enthusiastic for this, we'll have to find another way around the situation.

For the Female side of it all, Totts is accepted. Wriggles app is incomplete. Still a chance to get in for a female character, but only 1 (perhaps 2 if there are a couple good ones.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nevermind said
Okay, so this is how it's going to be:3 males (due to the ammount that have applied) and 2 females to start off with. I'm really struggling to pick the two additional males to my 1. Do any of the 3 of you (Lucian, ThatCharacter, Scotsman) have a reason to be less favoured (i.e. not much interest, inactivity.) Of course if all three of you are enthusiastic for this, we'll have to find another way around the situation.

I'm pretty enthusiastic about this, myself. I'm also on every day, bar the weekends. I'll give it up if you truly want me gone, but I would love to be a part of this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ThatCharacter
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

As I've said, I am really interested in this. I will be around more and more, especially as the summer moves ahead. However, it is your call. And if it is a matter of needing to make character changes, I definitely can and will.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Scotsman
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The Scotsman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nevermind said
Okay, so this is how it's going to be:3 males (due to the ammount that have applied) and 2 females to start off with.I'm really struggling to pick the two additional males to my 1. Do any of the 3 of you (Lucian, ThatCharacter, Scotsman) have a reason to be less favoured (i.e. not much interest, inactivity.) Of course if all three of you are enthusiastic for this, we'll have to find another way around the situation.For the Female side of it all, Totts is accepted. Wriggles app is incomplete. Still a chance to get in for a female character, but only 1 (perhaps 2 if there are a couple good ones.)

I may be inactive due to me starting my new year of high school with three classes I haven't done any prerequisite classes for, and an ultra hard class. However, I'm still very excited for this. If you need me removed however, that's not a problem.
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