Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 25 days ago

Sep, I've been meaning to say. That click for steam wallet codes is a scam. It requires you to download the 'code' after you get the required number of clicks. So, beware.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arachnid Zero

Arachnid Zero

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Posted in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 35 min ago

Yeah I learnt it was a scam just forgot to remove it from my Siggy.

Also welcome to the Party Arachnid, I'm sure Caboose will get his clones to sort you out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

But Nar Shadda is like super far from wherever the hell he is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 35 min ago

Arachnid did it as a look back. He's all yours Caboose :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

Member Seen 4 mos ago

He did it as a look back, but he didn't post anything regarding Nar Shadda
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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ColonelCaboose said
He did it as a look back, but he didn't post anything regarding Nar Shadda

I think he didn't know how your clones would have picked him up all the way back then, that is what it means.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 35 min ago

I edited something in that was meant for a different OOC, lolfail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arachnid Zero

Arachnid Zero

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Yeah, I just wanted to write out the survival scene. So whatever you wanna do, Caboose. If you want to throw in a little lookback blurb where you pick him up, cool. Or if you just wat to post in the now. It will be assumed that you picked him up and he's with Beskad.

Alternately, I could just have him mysteriously show up on Nar Shadda, as if guided there by the force and leave the how he got there alone for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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By the way, Matt. Vor'loch ain't going to be speaking. So continue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sorry I've been really busy lately. I should finish my other character and have my first post up sometime today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 25 days ago

Posted. Sorry for the delay!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ColonelCaboose
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ColonelCaboose Vengeful Paladin

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I will post for me and bounce sometime tomorrow, but I'd prefer if I could get a post from Mr. Spidey so I can respond to that as well :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arachnid Zero

Arachnid Zero

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I'll get one up asap. Probably in about 12-15 hours from now. Unless I don't fall asleep tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arachnid Zero

Arachnid Zero

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Tiny post because this weekend is unexpectedly busy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Finally finished. I was extra busy plus I got real sick which affected my quality and creativity a bit. Hopefully its still good enough.

Crim Drayson






Force Abilities:
Force Speed
Force Sense
Mind Trick
Force Healing
Force Jump
Force Barrier
Force Sight
Force Stasis
Battle Meditation

Non-Force Related Skills:
Since his inception into the Jedi Order, Crim has studied the history of the Jedi, Sith, and the Force. He holds an intrinsic knowledge over all that pertains to history and is known as a scholar of such. Dabbling in diplomacy and the political aspects of the galaxy sparked an interest in the Jedi standing within the Galaxy. Though Crim is not unlike his brethren, taking up an adequate knowledge in hand to hand.

Lightsaber Forms:
Form III: Soresu
Form VIII: Jun-Sai - Where Vapaad is direct and staccato, Jun-Sai is circular and flowing. The lightsaber, as well as the Jedi wielding it, is treated as a total weapon. An opponent of a Jun-Sai user can face not only the blade of a lightsaber, but strikes from its hilt, punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and head butts.

With the Force guiding the user's movements, the graceful precision of Makashi and the acrobatic movements of Ataru combine to create a dance-like whirlwind of death. The duelist moves his body just out of reach of his opponent's attacks while positioning his counter-attacks at the most unprotected targets of his enemy. By sinking deeply into the Force, the Jun-Sai duelist can anticipate his opponents movements, allowing him to block attacks before they happen.

One similarity to Vapaad is the use of emotions to power the style. Unlike Vapaad, instead of tapping into the feelings of enjoyment combat brings, the Jun-Sai duelist focuses feelings of determination. Fear, anger, and doubt are compressed into a tight ball in the pit of the duelist's stomach, and forged into an absolute Will to defeat the enemy. When facing a Jun-Sai master, it is said that one's life is measured in only seconds after his Lightsaber is activated.

Lightsaber hilt and colour:
Orange Lightsaber


Other Equipment:
Crim carries quite a few items around that symbolizes his heart, family, and his love of the past. These items include vibroblades attached to his hip in the shape of wakizashi styled in the ancient samurai culture, a pouch that holds a trinket of his mother, and most sentimentally is the kabuki mask constructed specifically by a padawan that he once trained alongside. A commlink is on his person at all times to keep in contact with his allies.

A product of two Jedi Knights, Crim was born in the very temple that his parents had grown up in and fallen in love. Crim was a by-product of an Echani Mother Seriana, and Korun Father Teilo Drayson which gave the newborn a skin tone brighter then that of a full blood Korun but darker than a full blood Echani. Both Knights were reprimanded by the Order for breaking Jedi Law and conceiving a child that could influence their emotions, thereby bringing them to the Dark Side if unlucky. Ban would not be the punishment doled out to the couple as they held a deep connection to the Order and were allowed to keep tabs on their force sensitive child like others before them. Force Sensitivity was found to exist in the young child around his early years near the first birthday. While not outstanding by any means, Crim was noted for having a slightly higher count then his own father.

By the time that the toddler could comprehend the ability to walk and learn, he was enrolled into the Jedi Academy.within the clan of the Falsi. Training and study was the name of the game whilst in the academy. Teachings of the Jedi spurned an interest in history and standing within Crim; this also helped a garner a friendship in a Nikto by the name Gau-Rin. Gau-Rin was a more eager child to learn the physical side of the Force and Jedi teachings. The boys did not agree on everything, subsequently starting a chain reaction that would lead all the way to their adulthood. Several years of Academy training could only prepare Crim for the inevitable

Initiate Trials came swift upon the younglings. Crim and Gau-Rin were ecstatic to finally engage in the trials that would mark them as padawans. The trials were not truly difficult as Crim has once thought they would be. Studying had led him to recite the Jedi Code like he was just taking a breath. Construction of the lightsaber came to him after he was gifted an orange crystal by his mother. Images flooded his mind while he crafted the lightsaber that would guide his hand for many years. A great master known as Mace Windu took a deep interest in the initiate and watched intently on how Crim would handle the final test; a test to survey the dark side. Crim was placed in-front of Gau-Rin. He could feel the dark side within Gau-Rin's aggression but, there was a glimmer of hope, a light that could be salvaged into a true Jedi. The test came to it's completion and both boys' graduated to Padawan.

Mace Windu took Crim under his wing. Training with Mace Windu was an astonishing process. A master Jedi of Mace’s caliber could almost instantly tell just how to work with Crim. He saw the weaknesses and strengths of his padawan, in turn helping the boy create a form parallel to that of Vaapad. Crim’s trained heavily alongside another human padawan. The padawan became close with Crim until several years later when he failed a test given to him and showed how close to the Dark Side he actually was. Before the Padawan left, he gifted Crim with the very mask that Crim would keep for many years.

Ten years passed within a blink of an eye. Mace Windu was confident that his final padawan was ready to undertake the Trials of Knighthood. His trials would be different to accomadate his skills and influence their decision. Lately his father and his Padawan Gau-Rin had went missing during an investigation. Crim left with Mace Windu and they took off to the back world planet. Two days passed before the duo was able to track down Seriana and Gau-Rin. Amongst the two was a steep dark energy of the force and the dismembered corpse of Crim’s father. What Mace believed would be Crim’s fall and explosion of emotion...was quite the opposite. Crim possessed a level of calm befitting a true knight. It was Gau-Rin that attacked first and began to battle between the Padawans.

Gau-Rin was truly a force to be reckoned with in dueling whilst Crim was the better with the force. The fight pushed deeper into the psyche of both men. An end came upon Crim’s eyes and face was badly burned by a near miss of the Nikto’s light saber. Seriana proved to be a match for Mace, able to knock him unconsciousness but not kill him. She knew it would bring the the Jedi upon them heavier than those that would seek them for Telio’s death. Serian and Gau-Rin left the scene, leaving Mace and Crim alive. Crim never understood why she left him alive but, he would find out one day if he could. The return to the Jedi Temple brought Crim back up against the council with bandages around his eyes. Despite the failure, the council explained that it did not matter that he had not captured his mother nor old friend but that his skills, calm demeanor, ability to overcome losing his eyes, and his ability to help his master instead of continuing to fight against such overwhelming odds. The rank of Knight was bestowed upon Crim and he would learn that force could allow to do more things then he ever thought possible.

The following years saw the usage of the force to accomadate Crim’s blindness, his assignments, and raise as a Jedi Knight. Nine years passed almost suddenly for Crim. His first padawan was acquired after the first year of being a Knight. Training was just as arduous for the Padawan and Crim. Nine years it took for the Padawan to ascend to Jedi Knight and Crim proving himself during the start of the Clone Wars when he turned 31. At age 32, Crim attained the ranking of Master. A master of the force and his emotions led to becoming a rank that not many attained at such an age. Only the time would tell now if Crim would become a legend or a faded memory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Blindness, Okay.
Master, Okay with the skill he appears to have.
Raised by Parents: This is the only issue I have. Even if his parents remained in the order for whatever reason he would not have been raised by them, or at least not them alone. They would try to keep attachment between them limited. As far as Crim would be aware they were just two extra Jedi knights who took a special interest in him. IF you want however you can add that you found out about them nearer your trials.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDoctor
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TheDoctor Wandering

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I finally am not busy anymore and finished my Jedi Knight if you want to review that. I'm going to write up a post for my human now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 35 min ago

@The Doctor
For Human you can have him skulk around Nar Shadda and I can pick him up or you can have him already working with Embo before hand and can walk up to the two of us standing there.

For your Jedi I have two questions. First, Why was he not introduced into the Kel Dor force sensitive order whose name I have currently forgotten?

By Force deflection without a lightsaber I assume you mean just against Blaster bolts, and having to use your hand to deflect them?
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