Name: Ranko Maeda
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: She is a quiet girl. When it comes to school, she often keeps to herself since she's a bit shy. Although, once you become enough of a friend to her she proves to be more energetic and fun loving girl. She has a habit of dwelling on the past and wondering what could of been, though she try's her best to always look forward. Since she has a little brother, she often plays video games and watches cartoons to the point where she's developed a small hero complex though most of the time it's hardly shown.
Weapon: Naginata
Arcana: The Hanged Man
Initial Persona: Inugami
Ultimate Persona:
Character Stats:
Athletics: 9
Academics: 10
Charm: 9
Courage: 11
Backstory:She lives together with her mother and younger brother in the city and works a part-time job at her grandfathers cafe to help her mother with monetary trouble. Her mom is a kindergarten teacher so she doesn't receive much pay. Out of mysterious luck, she got a transferred to Gekkoukan High where they offered to pay for all of her school expenses so that her mother wouldn't have to worry. Of course she was quickly sent off and thus her new high school life began.
- Ranko usually wears sweaters or pants because she falls asleep when she gets cold.
- People used to think she was a boy when she was younger.
- Her mouth is like a black hole when it comes to food
Here's my slightly tweaked character