Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The world no longer trusted S.H.I.E.L.D. and with good reason. As it was, no one knew who had secret loyalties to Hydra. Any 'hero' could be a villain in disguise. Peter had already endured the skeptical looks of the Manhattan residents. The NYPD had begrudgingly allowed Spiderman to continue his crime fighting even if they were a little more weary of the web-slinging masked man. Peter went about his days normally, keeping in contact with the police when the need arose and snapping quick shots of himself to hand into the Bugle. Jameson had had a hay day with the Hydra commotion, immediately putting Spiderman into the spotlight as an obvious suspect of disloyalty. Like always, Peter took it with a grain of salt and allowed the papers to say what they would. His actions would speak for themselves. Though his latest decision would probably land him in the hot seat of several organizations.

Peter was perched atop a building, scanning the streets below and looking for the armored truck that was soon to arrive. Shield had requested the help of one of the Avengers in escorting a dangerous person to an underground base location within the city. As the main Avengers were under so much scrutiny, Peter stepped up to help. He may not have an advanced heads up display like Tony, speak several languages, or the ability to turn green but he knew the streets. He knew what was safe and neighbourhoods they should avoid. As far as he was concerned, Manhattan was his responsibility. Even after the alien attack, Peter had stood resolute in his duties despite the lack of recognition of his helping hand during the invasion.

A flicker of movement, or perhaps the lack of, caught Peter's attention and he looked down to a busy intersection. A large truck with four vans, two in front and behind, stopped at the curb. Peter took a last glance at his web-shooters before allowing himself to slip off the building's side. He would never tire of the feeling of rushing wind after leaping from a building. He revelled in the sensation as long as he dared before sending out two long ropes of web that attached to adjacent buildings. He slowed his decent and hopped down the last few feet, jogging to a stop a ways away from the van. Shield agents were already pouring out of the vans, weapons nestled loosely in their holsters. One man stepped forward, he was obviously in charge, and beckoned the web-slinger over. Peter obliged and listened in silence as the man stated their destination.

"We are transporting the cargo to Bryant Park. You are our escort." He said. At least he was blunt and to the point, Peter thought. "I would have preferred Tony Stark, but I have been assured you will carry out the assignment professionally."

"Professional, probably not. Successfully, yes." Peter said quickly with a nod. Bryant park was on the other end of the island past Central Park. There was not much danger from where they stood and where they were going. If all went well, it would be an easy day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LyricsKiss


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In the back of the large truck, a young woman sat. Her hands were shackled together before her, and their gold color matched the monstrosity of a collar around her neck. Many times she had been told by various SHIELD operatives, that it was a good thing they had that technology now. Asguardian, they had called it, but the young woman had never seen anything like it. Entirely gold, the thing circled her neck and ring after ring of metal stacked on top of one another until it reached just below her nose. The thing clutched tightly to the young woman's neck and made speaking impossible, but Kelisandra would never have tried to speak anyways. The young woman was clothed in plain gray scrubs that seemed to swallow her thing figure.

Her head was bowed, black hair cascaded in waves over her shoulders. She had been in the same position for so long it had caused the guards some issue, thinking she might have died. But in response she would make a small movement, and the guards would go back to talking about who they couldn't believe had been HYDRA. But while the prisoner had kept her head bowed, she had been trying concentrate on her thoughts. Her thoughts were the only thing she had in this place, or in the hell she had been before. How sorely she wished she could see the outside, she had never been to New York. Everyone always talked about the sky scrapers and street food, but Kelisandra could see none of it from her well armored metal box.

Very suddenly the prisoner's head popped up as she felt the truck roll to a stop. Someone got out, but no matter how much she strained, she couldn't hear anything. It was a few moments before they began to move again, but Kelisandra couldn't push the feeling of uneasiness away, something horrible was going to happen, and not just to her. The truck rumbled down the road and slowly, the prisoner lowered her head once more. Their caravan would wind through the city by smaller streets, and Kelisandra wasn't sure that was such a great idea. She sat with the uneasiness welling in her stomach and waited for the inevitable.

...Something is going to happen...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Peter swung ahead of the convoy, leading the head vehicles through the city. He tried staying away from busier streets in hopes to avoid trouble that may have been looming around one of the various corners but their destination forced them through the heart of Harlem. Peter wound down roads with more space and were surrounded by schools or parks. He felt confident that a child presence would deter any human threats and that he could get them out of harms way should it not. Each twist and turn brought them closer to central park. That was what worried Peter the most, it was too open. Five large black vehicles brandishing the SHIELD logo was bound to draw attention, especially from the local police force. It was the quickest way however, and Peter turned onto the street.and landed on a street light. Central park was large and open, yes but would not hide potential attackers well, but the buildings lining the edge were perfect for that reason.

As he scanned the windows, Peter's spider-sense kicked into high gear. Without a moment's hesitation, he dropped from the pole and narrowly evaded a bullet aimed at his chest. He shot a web to the top of the building and swung in a large arch that brought him to the window were a man dressed in black tactical gear was aiming down his sights. The speed in which Peter flew through the window caught the man by surprise and left an opening large enough for Peter to firmly wrap him in web. Outside, he could hear a commotion. People screaming, guns firing and orders being shouted. Two SHIELD vans had stopped and had agents kneeling by them and shooting into buildings nearby while the other three vehicles sped away. Peter followed the truck until it turned into Central park and he landed on the roof with a loud bang. Cars were already perusing them and the wall-crawler let out an annoyed huff. It was just his luck that something actually happened during the escort.

"Whoa!" Peter yelled when a rifle appeared from a side window and began unloading into the truck and toward him. He jumped up and pulled himself onto the car with a web. He kicked the weapon from the assailant's hand and poked his head into the car. "That wasn't nice, you could have hit me." The shooter scowled and threw a punch to which Spiderman caught her fist and dragged her from the vehicle.

"This is why you wear seatbelts." He scolded and tossed her in the air and quickly attached her to a tree via web. Peter went to lean back into the window but it was rolled up and unfortunately found out it was bulletproof glass after attempting to break it. Another car sped ahead, but this time a man brandished what looked like a RPG and Peter rushed to stop him from firing at the now vulnerable truck.He jumped from car roof to car roof but the man had fired. Peter shot a web at it but the rocket was too fast and hit the truck squarely on the back wheel which caused the whole vehicle to flip onto it's side and skid to a stop.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LyricsKiss


Member Offline since relaunch

It started slowly and then happened all at once. As soon as she heard the first shot fired, Kelisandra closed her eyes tight, had her hands been free she would have covered her ears. But the worst part was knowing it was going to get worse. She was no idiot, she knew the state of things and she knew it had to be HYDRA out there trying to take her. From the talks of her guards when she was within earshot, a major betrayal had happened and caused a divide. The way the men spoke, it was as if HYDRA were the bad guys, but from Kelis' view, SHIELD did not act like the good guy. Part of her wished to be liberated, but the unknown was much scarier than the hell she had come to know.

They had transported her with the promise of safety upon their arrival, they had promised to unshackle her, but the collar, they told her, could never come off. It was a fair trade to the young woman, after all she was their prisoner, who was she to refuse? Most of the men thought she was deaf as well as not being able to speak, some mocked her in the prison she had been in, and it had smarted, but Kelisandra kept her resolve. Those monsters didn't need to know that she was fully capable of understanding every command, but chose not to. The men in the transport though, had been more gentle than aggressive and it pained Kelis to know they would likely die trying to keep her from falling into the 'wrong' hands.

The blast knocked Kelis back, her head slamming into the metal panel meant to protect the driver. Stars exploded in her vision as everything seemed to tumble to the side and go still. Smoke filled the prison cell, and a cough was trapped behind Kelis' lips. Her hands were cut and oozing blood, and still encased in metal shackles. The crackling of something on fire filled her ears as she weighed her options. She could stay here and die of smoke inhalation, or face what was outside. Either way, she was helpless. More fighting and gunfire sounded outside and all Kelis could think about as the fresh air taunting her outside of the now blown open truck doors. Slowly, and with an inward wince, the young woman in the gray scrubs emerged from the truck and tried to look for somewhere to hide.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The other SHIELD vehicles had stopped, either with agents taking cover behind or due to the death of the driver. The truck was on it's side and smoke pooled from the engine and the fire crawling up the droplets of fuel. The senior officer climbed from the cab of the truck and jumped to safety and looked to have minimal injuries. From the back crawled a woman in plain grey clothes but that was not what set her apart from everyone else, rather the collar that was secured around her neck and blocked her mouth. The device looked almost cruel if not for the matching shackles around her wrists. She was obviously the 'cargo.' Peter did a double take when he heard a soft whisper in his mind, asking for help. If not for the situation they were in, he would have sworn someone had spoken directly into his ear, but yet felt it was only in his mind.

Peter bent backward to dodge a fist and completed a back flip, thrusting his feet into the chin of his opponent. Everyone else was busy tending to wounded or fighting off the remaining threat. It was not exactly even odds, but Peter figured he levelled the playing field by being there. He was Spiderman after all. The suited hero turned his attention to the truck when the back of his skull tingled in warning. The fire was rapidly moving toward the gas tank and the girl was still too close to survive an explosion of that size.Peter dived into the back of the truck, intending to rescue the guards as well. One was dead, head laying at an unnatural angle and the other had already crawled a good distance away. That left just the girl. Peter scooped her up in an arm and attached a web to a distant tree and with a giant heave, launched them out of the blast radius a few short moments before the truck exploded.

The senior officer yelled orders to his men and Peter, telling him to get the girl to safety. That was easier said than done seeing as Hydra had the same advantages, training, and equipment as SHIELD. Peter was tempted to stay and fight but with more Hydra agents appearing it seemed unlikely that it was a battle they would win. "Looks like you're coming with me." He said to the woman. He took her by the hand and began to run. They needed to get to the buildings were Peter could web-sling and then they would find somewhere safe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LyricsKiss


Member Offline since relaunch

Kelis had been blinded by the sunlight as she had gotten closer to the door and before she knew it she felt an arm snake around her and like a slingshot, free them from the back of the armored car. It was lucky for her, she realized, that she had been liberated at that moment, because seconds later the thing exploded. She had ducked her head, wincing from the noise. Only once the wreckage landed did she get a chance to see her rescuer. A man wrapped head to toe in red and blue, a giant spider emblazoned upon his chest.

Spider-Man...she had heard about him in the Fridge. Quite a few of the VIP's there knew the hero well, since he was the one who had landed them in there. They'd all talked about what a buzzing insect he had been, cracking jokes while he was whipping their butts. To Kelisandra, he sounded hilarious, and the sudden rush of recognition made her nervousness still...well for a moment at least.

Kelisandra's eyes widened as she heard the orders from one of the other men who had been transporting her. They should have known an ambush would have been eminent, and it seemed like they hadn't been able to secure more back up. More gunfire broke out as two more black Humvee's filled with suited up HYDRA members arrived, but that was the last of the fray she saw as her injured hand was grabbed by Spider-Man and she was pulled along.


Pain was written on her face as she scrambled to run awkwardly beside the man, her hands still shackled. It was only then that she realized he was touching her and would have heard her pronouncement of pain. She bit her bottom lip as she quickly glanced to the man, that would be the least of her worries if they were caught by HYDRA. Rapid gunfire seemed to follow them and Kelisandra was just waiting for one of those bullets to hit home.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ouch a voice echoed in Peter's mind. He did not remember thinking that and glanced back at the woman he was pulling along. He was fairly confident she was unable to talk with the collar around her throat and it took only a second to realize that thus girl may very well be a telepath. Having met Xavier, Peter was well antiquated with the invasive feeling of talking through thoughts.

Bark exploded beside the girl as they ran and Peter pulled her forward, wrapping her in an arm and taking the full blunt of splinters that flew in their direction. They were close enough now to the buildings to get to safety. Peter held the woman close and aimed his web shooter at the corner of the closest building and with a great heave, carried the pair into the air. Kicking off the side of the building, he attached to the next and the next. Travelling by webs was easy alone when he had two hands but with the extra body and being reduced to a single hand was more stressful than Peter would have liked. The sounds of gunfire and engines were behind them now and he swung himself and the woman up to the top of a luxury hotel by the name of The Carlyle. One the ledge he released his charge to crouch at the edge of the building and watch the streets below. He supposed going to their original destination would have been easier but there was a chance Hydra would be waiting there as well. Had any of the Avengers been in the city, Peter would have alerted them to the threat but as it was, Spiderman was on his own.

"So can you talk?" Peter asked, throwing a masked look over his shoulder, "Or is it only that psychic thing?"

Confident they were safe from ground forces, Peter instead looked to the sky, absently fidgeting with his web shooters and checking their levels. He switched out a cartridge on his right wrist and stepped away from the edge and closer to his 'cargo.' She seemed harmless enough though looks could be deceiving.
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