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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Edwin quickly looked around when Dean mentioned that people were giving them strange looks. And she was 100% correct. She heard her say what brings him here. When she talked about her past, he was assuming she meant that he should too. "I, would rather not talk about my past" he said with a grim look on his face, probably looking like he was battling some kind of inner demon. He pretty much was. He hoped she would stop talking about it. He would really rather not have to lash out at her. He would probably lose his first friend, and it would make it a bit harder for him to make new friends. Rumors about him would probably fly all over the place. "All I'll say, is someone close to me told me to come here" he finally said, still with that grim look. However, he quickly went back to his smile and said "Want to check out the job board? It is one of the few ways I can think of to pass the time until the guild master gets here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia kept on crying for several minutes before slowly calming down. She wiped her eyes and took several deep breathes before speaking.
"Sorry about that... that was rather pitiful of me, wasn't it?" She said, her tone low and miserable." But... now you know were I... were I might come from. Anyway, I guess we should head back to the guild. I'm not sure what I'll do but you should take a job if you can. I'll just hide in some corner until tomorrow I guess."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sasha moved quickly, "Ice Make: Floor" And then just as quick, "Ice Make: Freeze" Her basic ice make wasn't as good as the rest of her magic, but it would at least be effective enough to slow them down.

She smiled, and continued, "Ice make: Tiger hammer!" A tiger formed, and rose into the air, as if it was readying itself to pounce. Instead though, it simple crashed against them. She glanced to Angelo, "Alright, your turn"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jolt magic: lightning storm!" I called as I threw up a bunch of lightning bolts into the air then I forced them down like a lightning storm striking down in a lot of places blowing up the zombies and it even hit the assassin that was hiding from us but the assaSsin didn't sure "sasha take out the assassin!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WrittenFaith


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Dean's smile dropped a little more when he said he didn't want to talk about it. "I understand, never do anything you don't want to do." The smile returned to her fortable afterward though it was an awkward half embarrassed smile. She wasn't a fan of the looks they were getting and she assumed if they got up and moved they would get even more looks. "I think we should wait her until the guild master shows up." She voice showing her discomfort in being in the guild hall without actually being a member. She may get along with pretty much everyone but she could be very shy and awkward when she felt uncomfortable.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wes was happily sleeping during the day underneath a nice shaded side of the tree in the forest, there was however a strange sound that awoken him for a bit but he just nudged it off and tried going back to sleep. The few minutes that past eventually turned to a hour with the strange constant noise that kept Wes up "Argh, its already past noon so I guess its a bit late to sleep in." muttered Wes as he began getting up, "Though this odd sound is sparking my curiosity, never so far in my travels have I heard such a sound, and I do have to say that it's a bit on the creepy side." As he thought to himself and began to walk in the direction of where the sound may be emitting from.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by lordmidget
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lordmidget The Ancestor

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Although Minah was originally dead set in her decision to acquire the scepter, she was quickly distracted from her original objective when she noticed two strangers loitering near the entrance. “Hey Jamie, we have visitors!” she called to a small kid sitting on one of the benches at the bar, drinking who turned his head and looked as she pointed to two strangers sitting by the entrance. Jamie hopped off his stool and strode towards them, his coat flapping behind him. “Who are you and what do you want with my guild?” He asked stopping in front of them and looking up at them, giving off and intimidating aura despite his short stature.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After some time of walking through the forest, Wes found his way out by following the strange sound and found himself facing some place that looked like some cemetery, "Or maybe it is a cemetery." as Wes thought to himself. He decided that talking to the person who lives in estate near by would be a good start to the investigation. Though talking to someone wasn't his specialty since he has a tendency of releasing his magic without noticing it sometimes and scaring the locals. With that reminder he noticed the soft ground below his hands being pushed down slowly making Wes quickly shake his hands to stop it. "This sound is really getting on my nerves, but I can't let it get to me. So it's just a really irritating creepy sound and every sound comes from something, so with it getting louder I must be close to it." as he whispered to himself and began walking towards the estate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jangel13 said
Jolt magic: lightning storm!" I called as I threw up a bunch of lightning bolts into the air then I forced them down like a lightning storm striking down in a lot of places blowing up the zombies and it even hit the assassin that was hiding from us but the assaSsin didn't sure "sasha take out the assassin!"

"Ice make: Dog Pillar!" A large ice dog formed, throwing the assassin in the air. "Ice make: Plant cage!" A large, plant that could open like a mouth formed, and as soon as the assassin landed in it, it slammed shut creating a cage.

"Alright, that should do" She said, glancing over to Angelo, "all good"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Wes walked towards the estate he looked down as he could hear some faint screams and different sounds coming from below him. Wondering what it could of been, he decided to just nudge it off and thought it was just his imagination playing some tricks on him. Although he might be a little paranoid since he's being searched and captured for, being above what might actually be a crypt is pretty scary and such sounds have to just be in his head because if it wasn't this would be an even more terrifying change of events. Wes looked back up as he almost reached the estate building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Zombies died, but Aedius didn't mind, his spell was nearly complete, from the left magic seal arose a larger skeleton, which stood at 9 feet, and wielded a greatsword, it made a loud, piercing scream which could be heard throughout the crypt. This was not the end of the incantation, and Aedius planned to channel his spell for a longer time, which would slowly make the next minion stronger. Tired of the intruders in the crypt, he planned to create a large group of minions in the throne room, starting with the spell he was currently performing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Finally arrived at the door step of the estate, Wes could hear his stomach grumbling and hopped that someone was home to could stop the strange noise that was occurring all day and maybe possibly end the noise in his stomach. After knocking on the door, a faint but loud piercing scream could be heard coming from the crypt below as the door swung open, "I thought I told you wizards to get rid of that accursed noise already!" Said the old man who was shaking in fear probably from the sudden noise. Confused, Wes was about to ask "Sir , I only came to-" quickly being interrupted by the old man "Sorry if I might of not mentioned early but yes, I can reassure to you that once the noise is completly gone then I will give the 90,000J reward to your team. So please get rid of that dreadful Boise please, the entrance the crypt is right there." Said the old man as he directed with fingers as to where to go to enter the crypt and then slammed the door when Wes looked over there.
Scratching his head for a bit Wes began muttering to himself again "Oh man, 90,000 should really help last me for some time and not sleep outside or scavenge for food. Though food right would be great right now." As Wes said and walked towards the crypt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Caits said
"Ice make: Dog Pillar!" A large ice dog formed, throwing the assassin in the air. "Ice make: Plant cage!" A large, plant that could open like a mouth formed, and as soon as the assassin landed in it, it slammed shut creating a cage. "Alright, that should do" She said, glancing over to Angelo, "all good"

at least in this area" he said before he heard the loud scream "get ready, I think this is going to get a lot worse a lot faster" I told her as I started to run towards the noise "for phoenix wing!" I called out charging towards the noise ready for fight
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

At the entrance of the crypt, Wes began his descent down to see what and where the noise was so he could get rid of it, "And once I finish this job, all of that money would help bring my love for spicy food back into my life.and with an actual bed to sleep on. Oh, what a life that would be. Hopefully this is easier said than done because I rather not have the old man's crypt collapse if this thing doesn't decide to shut its whatever before I have to bring in the serious force." as Wes said out loud, having a tendency of doing that since actually talking to people wasn't his forte. "It's a good thing that the old man did most of the talking. I really didn't know what else to say but stop that crazy noise and give my something to eat, but with such an award of 90,000 I can't be like that and besides he wasn't the one causing it but trying to find someone to stop it. Good thing I just so happen to arrived." As a small smirked grew on his face, but only to have his brow raise when he suddenly saw the floor new the entrance covered in ice and singe skeleton bones across from him that was also covered in a pile of ice. "Hmm, this is something you don't see everyday. Wonder what caused it?" On closer inspection of the bones, he could tell that they were burnt just recently. "So whatever caused this has to be nearby, but what did this? Cannibals? No no, that's just the crazy thoughts that flowing. Man, this creepy atmosphere from the noise to now crypt, sigh, I better finish this quick before I start imagining anything worse."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ostarion said
The Zombies died, but Aedius didn't mind, his spell was nearly complete, from the left magic seal arose a larger skeleton, which stood at 9 feet, and wielded a greatsword, it made a loud, piercing scream which could be heard throughout the crypt. This was not the end of the incantation, and Aedius planned to channel his spell for a longer time, which would slowly make the next minion stronger. Tired of the intruders in the crypt, he planned to create a large group of minions in the throne room, starting with the spell he was currently performing.

Jangel13 said
at least in this area" he said before he heard the loud scream "get ready, I think this is going to get a lot worse a lot faster" I told her as I started to run towards the noise "for phoenix wing!" I called out charging towards the noise ready for fight

Sasha winced at the piercing scream. "well, at least we know that the old man had something to worry about. That is one hcck of a noise" She said, following him, chuckling at his battle cry. She followed after Angelo to make sure he wasn't going to go and get himself killed. She was slightly unnerved at the scream, but she was completely disguised at the blatant use of the dead. disturbing the dead was just completely and utterly wrong. Sick of this game of find the sicko, Sasha yelled out, "Come out, Coward! Stop hiding, and show us you have balls! Face us!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Wez ran and was about to enter another room he stoped as he could hear other people voices and foot steps leaving the room. When Wes entered in after a few seconds, he saw another weird predicament, "More singed bones and a cage containing something barely moving. What is this thing? Wait, I'm so stupid, wizards of course and probably from a guild from what the old man said. And that means they're after what ever us making that soundsound, so I better hurry before they stop the sound and take the reward. Oh 90,000 please wait for me!" Hurriedly thinking to himself as he dashed through the crypt in search of the strange sound.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Caits said
Sasha winced at the piercing scream. "well, at least we know that the old man had something to worry about. That is one hcck of a noise" She said, following him, chuckling at his battle cry. She followed after Angelo to make sure he wasn't going to go and get himself killed. She was slightly unnerved at the scream, but she was completely disguised at the blatant use of the dead. disturbing the dead was just completely and utterly wrong. Sick of this game of find the sicko, Sasha yelled out, "Come out, Coward! Stop hiding, and show us you have balls! Face us!"

Damn straight! None can defile the dead and get away with it!" I called out as I ran down the long corridor with sasha knowing that someone our something big was going to stop us from finding this mission and get the Damn gave robber
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

lordmidget said
Although Minah was originally dead set in her decision to acquire the scepter, she was quickly distracted from her original objective when she noticed two strangers standing near the entrance. “Hey Jamie, we have visitors!” she called to a small sitting on one of the benches at the bar, drinking who turned his head and looked as she pointed to two men standing by the entrance. Jamie hopped off his stool and strode towards them, his coat flapping behind him. “Who are you and what do you want with my guild?” He asked stopping in front of them and looking up at them, giving off and intimidating aura despite his short stature.

Edwin saw that the person that he assumed was the guild master, had finally arrived. "I am Edwin, and this is Dean. We would both like to join the guild, if that is okay with you". He seemed to be trying to intimidate them. Not like that would work, as he wasn't even planning to hurt anyone here. He waited to see if they could join.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Creating a small dust cloud from his feet, Wes ran as fast as he could to try and be the first one to stop the strange sound and gain the reward first before the two mages could. During that run he ran pass two people who were most likely the two mages who he heard early and might be part some guild from what the old man at the estate was saying. "Cya slowpokes!" Smirked Wes when he passed the two. "Better move those muscles you have there unless your already dead!" Once he made it into another room, he jerked as he stopped and saw some more undead things suddenly appearing near the entrance of the room. "Well at least these guys are moving unlike their other counterparts from before."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hey! This is our job!" Sasha yelled after the guy, not recognising him from the guild. She chased after him, "Come on Angelo!" she said, skidding into the room, looking about the room, seeing the undead.

She was already moving quickly, "Ice make: Floor!" She said, and then moved onto another formation, "Ice Make: Hedge Hog Bowling!" Hedgehog's formed, and essentially curled up and rolled towards the undead
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