Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glad to see you guys both made it over! I don't know about everyone else, but RPG crashed on me literally right after I made that OOC post and went to jump over to the IC. It didn't come back up for a couple hours... and honestly I got bored and fell asleep.

So, fingers crossed that things go better tonight. Aint nobody got time for technical issues. :)

Edit: Okay, it occurs to me that I should be giving the new players some direction right about now. Fortunately for you two, the IC isn't very long yet, and I would suggest you read it all now if you haven't already. Basically, your characters need a tour as well. (At the end of this post is a brief IC description of the rooms that the patients are shown after they are finished with breakfast.)

Right now, it is lunchtime in the RP and you guys need to catch up from 7 AM till Noon. Basically, your characters are waking up in Osmond's for the first time. They were sedated on their homeworlds and have no memory of how they were transported to the Institute. They are greeted by an NPC Sibling Nurse (more info about those in the Plot Disclosures post), most likely given some sort of medication (what it is and how it affects them is up to you, or I can create a med for you if you so choose), and then are shown down to the Cafeteria for breakfast. For continuity's sake, we'll simply say each of your characters was the only PC in the room during their meal. You can show as much or as little detail as you like. Complete the tour with your NPC and then have them arrive in the cafeteria for lunch with Cadie and Simone.

This part is for everyone. Since the RP has been lagging a bit lately, we're going to go ahead and wrap up day one ASAP. Once everyone has had a chance to interact and get acquainted a little at lunch, We're going to do a small timeskip to the end of the day, after dinner. Patients will go to bed and we'll proceed directly to Group Therapy on day two. Pumirya knows what I'm talking about, Elsa might but I can't remember if we ran one while she was with us on the first Twisted. For the rest of you, more details will become available as they are necessary. ;)

Also, I am going to be a bit freer with the post requirements since the Guild has been rather wonky. I tried to read and write last night and couldn't get the Guild to load for me. (The Facebook group and DownForEveryoneOrJustMe both said it was offline.) It's done this to me several times in the past couple weeks. I would strongly suggest that everyone back up at least their Character Sheets and most recent posts; either to Google Docs or to your hard drive. Once bitten, twice shy.

@ Pumirya: Your post was lovely, Cadie and I can totally work with that. It'll give me a chance to show something off. >:D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiddo
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Awwwww, I had a post all planned out where I played when Kevin actually got there :(
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Maiden: Thanks. And looking forward to group therapy, lol.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maiden
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Maiden »Ðɛᴀd ƚɳƨidɛ«

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry Kiddo. Standard Asylum operating procedure is a one-way dimensional portal. You sort of get disassembled I think, and it's not something that you'd want to undergo while awake. You get drugged to sleep on your homeworld, and wake up in your room at Osmond's. It's intentionally disorienting. There's a second portal in Orrace, that's how Buck arrived, and he chose to be sedated during his travel as well. It's exceptionally painful... and sleeping patients do struggle less. ;)

@ Pum: Yeah, I think that will get things moving along a little bit. Also: always fun. ^_^

Posted a short one for Cadence. If anyone is interested in interacting with Buck, he's available... otherwise, he'll be doing nurse stuff... somewhere. XD Tigre and I are still (sort of?) working on a collab I think. *cough*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethan


Member Offline since relaunch

Character created based on 'Twisted Redux' Roleplay.

Name: Roger Michaels

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 86

Mental Illness: Dementia, Metaphysical Solipsism: This means that he does not believe that anything truly exist outside of his own thoughts. He believes everything in reality is truly just his thoughts creating events. Topped with Dementia, he doesn't really understand from one moment to the next what he is doing, and remains inside his own self, not aware of what he is doing on the outside.

Appearance: Roger is an aged decrepit old man, with gritty nasty teeth that look as if they hadn't been brushed in ages.His thin stringy white hair is usually a mess, and sits at a medium length around the back and sides of his head. The front and top have balded. Age spots and wrinkles litter his pale skin. His eyes are deep set and green. However, he rarely can be seen staring at anything in particular, as he often looks very blank, as if he is staring off into nothing. He oddly enough, usually has a crooked smile as he stares at the floor from his wheelchair.

His movements are very scarce, and often only shivers or episodes of realization, before sinking back into his seemingly comatose like state. He is rather scrawny in size, and has a stature of no more than five feet tall. Large, thick glasses adorn his face. They are a simple metallic color, and very old. As Roger seldom actually uses them, they sit on his thin flat nose, collecting dust until someone is usually kind enough to wipe them for him.

History: Roger Michaels was born in 1920, in a small home of Washburn, Connecticut. He was the youngest son of 4 boys: Tom, Elmer, Jerry, and Roger. He grew up normal, for any boy growing up in that time period, though he was a bit more daring than his older brothers. He often played practical jokes that would get him in trouble and get in a furious game of Daring one another into doing crazy stuff. He in no way let his age hold him back in participating in the same things his brothers did.

As a young man, Roger, along with many men of those times fell into the war. Roger signed up right away. Elmer followed. The war was tough on Roger, losing many friends and even Family. Roger's mother Elsa passed away of breast cancer while he had been away, and Elmer was shot and killed in the line of duty. Jerry had become a drunk and was living with his oldest brother. Roger felt his family falling apart.

In 1941, Walt Disney released the film Dumbo. Roger was on momentary leave from the military and joined Jerry and Tom in watching the film. He could never quite explain it, but he instantly fell in love with it. Particularly the mouse. Afterwards, Roger found a fondness for cartoons and began creating his own drawings. This itself would get him through much of the war. His fellow soldiers all fell in love with his works and he would daily draw new strips.

In 1945, after the war, Roger met Colleen, who would become the love of his life. He eventually married her and had a son of his own. If that wasn't lucky enough, he landed a job in Walt Disney Studios, creating all sorts of characters. He also witnessed the rise of a cartoon he had written in the war based on his two brothers, Tom and Jerry, by another cartoonist who had taken it and made it famous. Life was good for Roger.

In 1950, Roger was called back to War. The war with Korea was raging on, and the U.S. began to secretly develop ways to stop the spread of communism. One of these was the testing of Super Soldiers. Roger was assigned to one of these testing facility. He didn't exactly like the idea, but he was eager as he usually was, and agreed to the adventure. The test came back negative again and again. Soon, the test however wore on Roger's mental state.

In 54', Roger's wife divorced him after his mental state began taking it's toll on his marriage. A year later, he lost his son in a car accident, and something strange began to happen. In his anguish, he had began to display reality altering abilities. It began with simple things, like water floating upwards from a glass and suddenly more powerful each time Roger displayed a strong emotional disturbance.

However, as Roger aged, it wasn't always this consistent. His powers began acting out on their own as roger's mental situation worsened, and he was clinically declared to have dementia. When his powers became too unstable, the Government took him him, watching him and testing as he aged. Soon, they could no longer control him. Something had to be done, and fast. Now, at 86 years old, Roger is emotionally and mentally void.. but he is there somewhere, because his powers still continue on... his personality showing in his shaping of reality.

Personality: Roger has always been adventurous and full of energy. This is represented in his creations that often take on his own thoughts and personalities. They will commonly consider even the smallest things an adventure. They are highly brave and do not fear much they are faced with. They prefer to act before they think but always appreciates good art and a laugh. Jokes are another strong aspect of Roger's personality and thus of his creations. Many of them will make small nonsensical comments that are often meant to be jokes, though they aren't always understood in the context of what is happening. Many of his characters will go out of their way for the sake of a funny joke.

On the slip side to this, there is the occasional creation that will take on a less humorous outlook. These creations will often be heavily depressed, tired consistently, and walk lazily. These are few and far in between, but usually happen when Roger himself has startled briefly out of his nearly comatose state as a result of his dementia, causing a mild realization of his state and thus forcing his creation into a somber perspective on things.

Roger himself is rarely fully conscious. His immediate thoughts are often empty and inconclusive. The few times that they aren't, he'll often seem very scared and unsure of himself, occasionally causing an uproar until he is forced to sleep. There are small occasions, in which he'll become partially conscious, but lack a grasp on reality and often envision himself in a certain period of his past. These moments will occasionally arise and recreate themselves. It is because of his Dementia and his abilities, that he slowly developed Solipsism, in that he has become unsure of what is real and what is his mind making up. He has almost completely come to the conclusion that it is all his own mind's doing and thus nothing else is real.

Sexual Orientation: HeteroSexual

Fears: Having grown accustomed to his own abilities, he fears true reality. He fears what he has become with age and letting go of his concept of reality. On a smaller scale, he fears lack of adventure and often his creations will present this by turning everything into some kind of adventure. His only fear other than this, is cats. It's more of a mild fear though, extending from his common external placement of his own personality in rats and mice.

Capabilities: Roger has the ability to shape reality with his thoughts. At one time, only being done sporadically or with a heightened sense of emotion, as he has aged, has become more consistent and uncontrollable. This is partially due to his Dementia.

Miscellaneous: Due to the Nature of his personality, and his abilities (Not to mention his prior career), he is often labeled as, "The Cartoonist"

OOC Notes:
  • Most of Roger's interactions with other characters will be through his creations, that will take on and represent his personality.

  • Due to Roger's severe ability to alter reality, I imagine the institute being able to suppress that for the most part, so that he can only make small changes, that are barely noticeable and impress his personality on things, taking an inanimate object or a small creature such as a mouse and turning it into a more humanoid type creature that can walk and talk.
  • Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ethan


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Sorry for being absent!!! I've been swamped. My girlfriend had her birthday on Friday, and everything around that was just Packed with nonsense that needed to be done. I might have to do some quick catching up, here. Many apologies. ::Goes to catch up on the reading::

    oh and "and sleeping patients do struggle less. ;)" I don't think Roger would do much struggling anyways.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    @Ethan: That's all right, no worries. :-)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Oblivion


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    I'm back. My exams finished a few days ago but I had to travel for a little bit. I'll start catching up with what I missed in the IC.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiddo
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    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Got my post written up, will be posting it tonight! Do tell me if I did too much with my nurse(s); I don't know what I doing when it comes to NPCs xD
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Nice post(s) everyone, :-) Hope all are having a good weekend so far.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Hey Pum! :)

    P.S. Maiden and I are slowly but surely working on a collab :) Just know I haven't disappeared :P You all can't get rid of the delightfully charming magician so easily :P haha
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Sounds good. I'll have a reply soon.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    I haven't heard from Maiden for several days. Has anyone else?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Your signature gif is mesmerising, Señor.

    I have heard nothing... I'm not around as much as I was, obvi, but I have heard nothing.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    Why thank you! I am glad you enjoy it! lol

    Hmm.. Strange. I hope everything is alright with her.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kiddo
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    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Eh, Maiden posted on Chrono Asylum:

    (X, I'll PM you here in a little bit, I gotta take a break from RPG to do some IRL stuff but I'll be back.)

    She wasn't feeling so hot last we heard, so hopefully she's just taking a bit of time off for health reasons!
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elsa


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Gaaah I really want to start posting again but I'm worried that if I do my life will get all crazy and I won't be able to keep up again. :(
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    *pat pat* It's okay Elsa :P We should wait for Maiden before we continue
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shin Majin

    Shin Majin

    Member Seen 10 yrs ago

    @Elsa: I'd go ahead and post, if you have something to post. Even if you can't post again in a while, it should be okay if you can just get in a post per week. Given the current rate, you probably won't even need to manage that much.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pumirya
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I am alive.. things were delayed by a bit of a cold. Post should be up soon.
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