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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Lauren stood on the steps of the Academy, staring out at the road that stretched all the way to the massive gate in line with the equally huge wall that surrounded the campus. She rifled through various papers to give to the leader of each faction and two tablets for the leaders of Sedition and Savant. She took out her own and looked over the instructions given to her by the Admins. She ran her hand through her dark hair. She was finally going to meet real, living, breathing people. She was so tired of the monotone voices of the Admins on the intercom. She squinted her eyes at the road, then widened them as she saw the first windowless bus pull in, bringing in the first students that would have their lives changed forever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Sebastian awoke from his thoughts. The bus had arrived to the Academy. He was thinking about Math. It's diversity was a whole other world! It was filled with genius and joy to him, and he loved it. He stepped off the bus and onto the outside of the Academy. He saw a girl ruffling through some papers, and he walked over to her. "You must be Lauren. I'm Sebastian Enquire."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zordon


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Dahlia ruffled her hair as the dull bus came to a stop. Flipping open her compact mirror, she fixed the dark purple lipstick on her lips, redefining her angular cupids bow before placing it into the front pocket of her back pack and standing with the others. She curled her lip in disgust as she shuffled through the bus of other students, doing her damnedest not to brush up against any of them as if their inferiority was contagious. As she descended the bus steps, she looked down to the girl awaiting the new arrivals. Smoothing out the hem of her shorts, she waited behind a male who seemed too cheerful for his own good.

"Excuse me.. Sebastian? I am Dahlia, Dahlia Mavro." she interjected, stepping forward to the woman as if to be taken care of first. "I'm sure the Administration is surely waiting for my arrival." she insisted to the girl, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently for a response from either of them.

(Clothes Reference: )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Roxy hated school. The only reason she was here was because her father sent her. He told her that if she did well enough he would consider taking her into the family business. She wanted a chance to be a part of his business. She want to prove that she was just as strong as the men in his gang. She was determined prove herself.
Katherin was looking forward to this new school. She loved meeting new people and making new friends. There was nothing better then getting to know new people. She knew this school was different then most. She didn't know for sure what made it different but she was excited to find out.
Liz was terrified of the idea of going to this new school. She was shy and meeting new people was hard for her. She wasn't looking forward to trying to get to know all these new people. But she needed to do this, Needed to expand her comfort zone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


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Edward got out of the bus, looking at the school, clueless to what was going to happen. He didn't hate school, he just didn't want to be in school today but he sucked it up and sighed walking towards the school now. He spotted people already having conversations. And he wasn't good at starting conversations. He was wearing jeans, a white t shirt, and black and white vans and ofcourse his glasses. He couldnt see without em, well he could but you know. Anyways, he stood there his bookbag over his shoulder as he stared at the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Gwen was quite happy with her self, she had managed to get of the bus without falling. Today was shaping up to be a good day, she was less clumsy than usual and she wasn't late either. She felt like nothing could possibly go wrong. Ironically just as this thought passed through her head she tripped, knocking into Dahlia. The perfect day was heading straight down the drain, she supposed it was her own fault for being confident in her ability to function normaly for once.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Bambi sighed, taking her glasses off and dusting them with her shirt. She got up amd walked out of the bus, her steps rushed and peppy. She put her glasses back on as she made it off the last step, all she could think was wow. It was a very impressive private school. She walked forwards and approached the girl that waited for...them? That was what she thought. "Hi, I assume your part of the welcoming committee or something?" She raised an eyebrow and tore a few pamphlets from the girl's hand. She then left the company of the girl and looked at the sheets of paper in her hand. She scowled and turned back to the girl. "Umm, what the hell? Is this a joke? What kind of school forces their kids to work?"

(She approached Lauren)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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Lauren laughed slightly at the girl's reaction, "The kind of school that's messed up." She said and smirked. "Attention please!" She said loudly, surveying the mix of people and already starting to categorize them into factions. " I'm Lauren.So, this school is very different from one you ever have attended. There are no teachers here, but don't think that you can run rampant then. There's the Administration, which is much worse than teachers. They're the people that set up this school." She said and took another breath, "Those gates," she said and pointed to the gates which were now closed, "Will never open again unless new kids are coming in. You're stuck here for good." She said. "The Admins have decided that we will be divided into factions. Each faction has significant roles. Everyone take a pamphlet, it'll explain more." She said and handed them out. "Now, Halcyon's by me, Sedition to the left, and Savant the right. Appoint a leader for your faction."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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CandiKane said
Lauren laughed slightly at the girl's reaction, "The kind of school that's messed up." She said and smirked. "Attention please!" She said loudly, surveying the mix of people and already starting to categorize them into factions. " I'm Lauren.So, this school is very different from one you ever have attended. There are no teachers here, but don't think that you can run rampant then. There's the Administration, which is much worse than teachers. They're the people that set up this school." She said and took another breath, "Those gates," she said and pointed to the gates which were now closed, "Will never open again unless new kids are coming in. You're stuck here for good." She said. "The Admins have decided that we will be divided into factions. Each faction has significant roles. Everyone take a pamphlet, it'll explain more." She said and handed them out. "Now, Halcyon's by me, Sedition to the left, and Savant the right. Appoint a leader for your faction."

Roxy snorted. She didn't believe a word the girl said. There was no way they were going to keep her in this school forever. Her father would never allow such a thing to happen. She couldn't imagine any parent would allow their children to just disappears. They had another thing coming if they thought they could control her.
Katherin shook her head. Either the girl making the announcement was crazy or confused. Katherin didn't know which one. She was alittle concerned by the announcement. It was true that she didn't have family but surely most of these kids did.
Liz was terrified by the announcement. She knew her father had been disappointed in her but she had no idea that he was so disappointed that he would send her way. She began shaking. She didn't want to be locked away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mademoiselle


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When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city...

''Welcome to the Black Parade'' started blasting off her earbuds and she held a little wooden matryoshkan doll in her hand. Her forehead was pressed to the window as the landscape rolled by. She spaced out as the song took her away from the tedious bus. Anastasia was back in Russia and she was five years old. She had taken her mothers wooden matryoshkan dolls into her bedroom when there was a blackout. She was scared of the dark so her parents had brought two candles and placed them on the floor. She sat down and set the dolls on the floor. While Anastasia was setting them up, she had clumsily elbowed one and it rolled down until it stopped below her bed. Mother will kill me if I lose one of her dolls! She said to herself. So Anastasia grabbed one of her candles and placed it under her bed as she scooted down. Aha! It was just in reach. She left the candle and grabbed the doll. She went back with the doll and started playing with them until she noticed her room smelled funny. Anastasia looked down her bed and widened her eyes. Oh no! Her father barged into her room "что происходит?" (What is going on?) he asked her but cut her off with a curse when he saw the bed starting to catch fire. He grabbed her as the room filled itself with smoke and ran with her out the door while she still clutched her mothers wooden doll.

The bus suddenly stopped, breaking Anastasia out of her reverie. Chyort voz'mi! She cursed as she looked around and saw that people had already gotten off the bus. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and rushed outside. Anastasia pulled up her hair and made and set it in a messy ponytail. She rapidly to the group assembled by a girl holding some papers and luckily got there before she called for the attention of everyone.

Anastasia rolled her eyes as the girl started handing out the papers. Savant was apparently her 'group' or whatever. Uncle Fredek sure was right about foreign schools being weird. Work, roles, factions? Her family sure was desperate if they sent them to this school. She sighed and shook her head as she started walking to the right where her group was supposed to go to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Whaaat?! In the school forever? What kind of thing is that?! He was not going to stay in this school for the rest of his life! Well, that's what he thought. He didn't know what to do or how to react but he was going to play along....maybe there was some kind of way to get out of the school? This was almost like a horror movie, instead they had to work and all those stuff. He looked down at the papers seeing where he was going to go. For some reason, he decided to join the Halcyon. He walked by Lauren but he kept a stale face looking down at the paper. He was not going to be a leader, please dont choose him! Edward was nervous, really nervous.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zordon


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Rachael shuffled in the back of the group, having quietly stood in the back of the group and was now quickly scanning her pamphlet, her eyes being drawn to the Halcyon section and quietly making her way to where this Lauren girl stood next to a boy. She wasn't sure what the mention of faction leader was but, Rachael just wanted to get inside the Academy and to safety.
Dahlia turned to glare at the girl who bumped into her, only to have her rage cut off by the girl who was greeting them. Annoyed, she grabbed a pamphlet and quickly looked through it, smirking at the term 'Security' and raising her hand excited. "Savant! Yes, that'll be me. Security. Right here." she stammered, moving to the section where Lauren had designated for Savant members. "And, I appreciate all your votes for me to be leader." she added, plastering on a large, brief grin for the other members.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Sebastian took a pamphlet and spotted Savant. He saw he could teach, maybe even teach math! Sebastian stepped to the right. He also saw that he could be leader of the Savant., and he liked that idea. He thought over all the possibilities of what could happen at his stay at the school. He didn't really care for the bad ones, but he loved the ones where he was in a room, teaching to dozens on students. He smiled inside, at the thought of that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Bambi sighed, she looked around and without taking another look at the pamphlets she stepped to the left. If she had to be involved in a group she had to pick the cool one. Looking at her new group she smiled, when she heard they had to vote for a leader she shrugged. Controlling a group didn't sound like her thing. "This sucks." She muttered, shaking her head and smiling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CandiKane


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"Don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. There's a gym with a pool and track, and there's paintball and capture the flag every week. It's all in there," she said and tapped the pamphlets lightly. "Anyway, I'm Lauren. And I know it probably sucks right now, but it gets better, trust me." She said with a small smile. "Your names are?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellGirl13


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Aaliyah was sneaky. Very good at blending in so she wouldn't be noticed. But, this was a bit too much wasn't it? No-one noticed her since she'd been on the bus. She wasn't that invincible geez. Literally, no one gave her anything but a glance. Nice crowd.

She'd sat in the back of the bus the entire time drawing. She would've been looking out the windows, yet there weren't any. Finally, they arrived and everyone quickly got off the bus. She, falling behind after waiting for everyone else to get off. To avoid the rush.

Then, everyone went up to the woman, Lauren, waiting for them. Taking pamplets and in someone's cause, demanding to be spoken to as if royalty. From what she gathered. She'd sneakily managed to snag a pamphlet. Reading through it quickly. She decided she liked Halcyon the best.

Then, Lauren began speaking about choosing your group basically. Everything else she mostly tuned out. So, she managed to hear where each group was to go and after the speech she walked to the Halcyon section where several others were.

Lauren then mentioned something about a pool. This made her begin grinning. She loved swimming! Then, she asked for everyone's names. This caused her to look around. She was definetly not going first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mademoiselle


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Anastasia looked over at the people walking towards the Savant 'spot', one girl and one guy. She eyed the girl who spoke and raised an eyebrow. "Now why would I vote for you? I don't know anything about you" she stated with a slightly accented voice "For all I know, this guy could be a better leader" She said as she nodded towards the black-haired guy. "No offence. Oh, and by the way, my name's Anastasia Volkov" She added.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Sebastian stepped forward, and he heard that a girl named 'Daliha' vote for herself to become leader. "Hello, Anastasia, I am Sebastian Enquire, and I will become the Savant leader. I trust that I have your vote?" he looked over to Daliha. "I am going to become the Savant's leader. It is said and done, you cannot nor will not win."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zordon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dahlia slit her eyes at the girl, parting her lips to make a comment about her foreign background. However, the boy who had been in front of her before now stood, proclaiming himself as leader. "I'm sorry. I don't think you understand. There is no debate, no democracy. There is only Dahlia." She reprimanded, crossing her arms across her chest a smug smirk gracing her face. "Plus, even if I were to entertain your lowly ideas of democracy, who is to say you two are the only ones voting? I'm sure there are others who care to be Savant that have much more sense than the pair of you." Her words flowed, the sound of distaste not even relatively hidden from her tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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"I do not care for your petty arguments. They have no sense of algorithm to them, and since we're going to be living here in this Academy for the rest of our lives, I am going to make sure I spend it as the leader of knowledge, discipline, and security. You shall not stop me, or you will be crushed under the weight of your own stupidity."
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