Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"My name..." Deja murmured, smiling as she walked between Abraham and Tai Yang. "When a samurai earns their title, they are referred as though they are a guardian, a cur, or a greatly respected warrior." As she talked in her usual, soft manner, she unfolded her parasol which concealed her blade, using it to shield her pale features from the sunshine. Despite not being able to truly see where she was going, knowing that her new friends were on either side of her gave her enough stability to continue on.

"A grand example, is my adoptive father Kuno. He is known as the Samurai of Oak, for his wood based combat style."

The samurai was quiet for the beat of a moths wing.

"Yes..." She murmured in response to what Abraham said. "I do not know my way around either, Sir Tai Yang. I would need assistance to the very room of my dormitory, unless I have been placed into a place separate from the Dormitory?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melanie opened the door and saw the staff inside.
" Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Melanie asked, being the polite person she is. She looked around the room. She saw Aram's arms. Someone's hurt. I have to help. I'm pretty sure I brought my bag 'o medicine. Melanie walked over to him, and unwound the bandages.
" Oh, and whoever wrapped his arms, you did a decent job," Melanie said as she unwrapped the bandages, dug in her bag for burn ointment, applied the ointment, and then rewrapped his arms.
" Sorry, I'm Melanie Orochi. I'm a new student. Sorry I'm late, I've been in the hospital for a while and they just let me out. Oh, and I'm sorry for just unwrapping your bandages. I've just developed a habit of treating most wounds I've seen on people, unless the people are suspicious."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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""Mmm.. Fury, I was going to ask if you knew about the first war between supernaturals and Dawn Slayers, but, that is a long discussion for another time." Tai Yang explained why he had asked about Fury's age.

"Ah, I see. By title, you mean, a descriptive name. A name that represents what you exceed all others at. Thank you for enlightening me." Tai Yang appreciated Deja explaining herself.

His terseness and wrap up of his questions was because they had now reached the Headmistresses office. Tai Yang stopped.

"To answer your question, the dormitories are straight that way... Er... Uh..." Tai Yang pointed, and then realized that said pointing was completely useless for one of his audience. "Abraham, if you could take Deja straight that way, then through the first building, there will be a path to two buildings that are mirror images. The left one is the girls dormitory and the boys is on the right. I must take my exit, my apologies."

Tai Yang entered Yui's office, noticing that it had a lot of people in it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Such flattery from his murderer from a few centuries ago, even when his experience with dealing with other gods really just summed up to cutting them into little pieces with his sword. The sword that he didn't have now. He doubted that he'd be of much use in the upcoming staff meeting, but shrugged in the end. It must have been the thought that counted, or whatever. At this point, he knew nothing about Dios's full capabilities, other than the fact that he was a shitty golem-maker and that he was a self-proclaimed Dragon God who, despite his godhood, still relied on an army to get things done.

Skipping over to the dormitories with the Ninja Janitor in toll, he closed his eyes, searched for the school nurse, or some other medical authority, found none, and decided that he'd be better off just dumping the woman onto some bed. With an unceremonious toss, he threw her onto the bed, counted how many times she rebounded on the springy mattress, before tucking her in, like the good godfather he wasn't. Scratching his head, and wondering what else he could do with his time, Val decided that he might as well just go and have that staff meeting again. They were having cupcakes without him though, and that headache-inducing living toaster was there as well.

Really, he almost felt like he should just not go, out of spite for all the disrespect he was getting. How dare Yui not shower him with praises and assorted slices of sugary delicacies for having the common sense of ensuring that no students got directly involved with Dios? How dare the school not worship the land he stands on, and pay tribute to him on a daily basis for keeping the world safe? How utterly inconceivable.

But he went to the principal's room regardless, noticing that another late arrival had come...to tend to Aram.

“Two-timing now, Aram?” he asked the succubus cook, “Was Key not enough for you?”

Just a cheeky little quip, really.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The whole world seemed to just stop, as soon at the small toaster felt the lips of its headmistress touch the flat surface of its cheek; a shocked expression decorated its small face. No longer bouncing or flailing around, with a loud audible pop, the toaster turning into normal toaster mode. Landing on the desk top, the donut popped out, in perfect toasting order.
"Now, I brought something for you, and don't you dare refuse. “ Admittedly, there wasn’t much of a plan for his arms, other than to let his demonic regeneration fix it up over the course of the week. Aram didn’t object through the whole thing, letting out a saucey grunt, groan, and/or moan with a few less gentle touches here or there. There was no point in struggling, besides getting more injured, he could hardly struggle with his injuries, anyhow…

“There. That should help. I'm sure you were going to put something awful and disgusting on them, but this is probably better. At least now you can stick your arms in whatever you want, and they won't get infected."


…was Miss Begay sure about her first aide knowledge? Lifting up his arms, the bandages were done up in thick layers…dual mummies. He could hardly move them or his fingers. It didn’t seem like grabbing one of the offered cupcakes was going to be possible anytime soon, he’d have to make do with his hard candy...maybe, those cupcakes looked too tempting to pass up. Either way, he still had his thanks to give…

Aram turned to look over to the headmistress, “Thank you for the offer, headmistress…you don’t have to worry too much about me, as you can see, I’m being taken care of quite well here.” Lifting his arms a little, the demon gave a joking smirk before returning to his usual expression, “Here, I didn’t forget.” Using his sweet magic, a box of donut appeared and dropped onto the unoccupied desk space gently.

Now, turning to Miss Begay with a kind smile, “Thank you, Miss Begay, I appreciate this greatly. Can’t you, perhaps…” His lips curled into a bigger, teasing smile, “Perhaps you could feed me that blue iced cupcake over there?” But before he could make a gesture towards his target, the office door opened again.

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" Pretty soon, the same thing that Key did was being down on his arms again, this time by a student. "Oh, and whoever wrapped his arms, you did a decent job," With the bandages now off, a new series of grunts, groans and moans came forth from Aram’s lips, at the application of stinging medicines onto his wounds was done by the girl. "Sorry, I'm Melanie Orochi. I'm a new student. Sorry I'm late, I've been in the hospital for a while and they just let me out. Oh, and I'm sorry for just unwrapping your bandages. I've just developed a habit of treating most wounds I've seen on people, unless the people are suspicious." After a moment, the girl rewrapped his arms…and by the gods that reigned, the amount of bandages this time seemed to have doubled from the last. His arms were bandage mummies, chunky like casts.

Why was fate drawing complications to him like flies to honey?! All he wanted to do was eat sweets and teach how to make sweets…ah, this was life, wasn’t it? Letting out a sigh, Aram inclined his head before giving his thousandth smile today, “Thank you Miss Orochi, you know quite a bit for somebody so young...” And then more people came in. Keep calm…and…flan…

Trying to force him mouth into a polite smile, the corner of it twitched irritably after Val’s comment, “Welcome Mister Tai Yang, Hall Monitor Kaireiss…”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

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"Easy enough. Thank you, Tai Yang." Abraham replied as the martial artist departed, headed for the direction that seemed to be where the Headmistress' office was located. He paused long enough to take a look around his location so that he would remember where he was going through when he needed to pass through later, and turned his attention once more to Deja. "Mister Yang indicated that we were to travel down the hallway to your left. I'm sure we'll be able to see the point where the path branches easily enough."

Make sure to take the right path. Your grandfather made that mistake once. It was inconvenient.

.. I have no response for that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Noticing Toaster's miniature heart attack-or whatever you wanted to call it-Yui took the time to retrieve the now cooked and well done doughnut before taking a small bite out of the side. Crunchy...but still sweet.

She continued to munch on the thing much like she had done at the opening ceremony as she witnessed three more individuals enter her office in the span of only a few seconds. She gave a nod of greeting to Tai Yang and Val but paused at Melanie.

A student? Yui narrowed her gaze. A different student. Different....was that the right word for it? No...it felt familar....could it perhaps be...? Anything was possible in this World, and even Yui's suspicions made sense in these appropriate circumstances. For now though, she chose to let it be without notice. She would investigate and later verify her theory on the young dragon girl later in private.

"I believe it is time to begin then."

She handed a blue cupcake to Val and Tai before taking the box of doughnuts Aram had conjured up and placing them in her drawer for later consumption. "Thank you Pollux-san," she said stoically before turning to the only dragon in her room. "Considering your presence here, I will allow you to stay and listen only this once, Orochi-san." She focused on Melanie for a second longer before turning away. "Please remember that this is a staff meeting, and that all students should be in their dorms. Especially when we were just attacked."

Crossing her hands and leaning forward in her seat, Yui looked at each and every one of her staff. Where exactly were her other two Vice Principals? They especially should have been at this meeting? Shrugging, she decided she would just have Toaster fill them in on the details. They had wasted enough time already.

"And that leads us to our next piece of discussion. The issue of Dios. Having known him the longest, I can safely say that his boasts are questionable at the most, and that this "army" of his is still to be held in speculation. Regardless, I want classes to become more focused this year and for all staff to be on their guard. As Dios so aptly put it, we are at war here with an unknown enemy. It would be best to keep things under at least a grasp within our control."

The Headmistress frowned. "Dios is no ordinary dragon. Rather, he is a Dragon God, specifically the Heavenly Dragon of the Sky Loft. This means he has control over the five basic elements of fire, earth, wind, water, and ice. As you all witnessed shortly before, he also possesses the power to combine said abilities." Her frown deepened. "Make no mistake. Despite his habit of over exaggerating, Dios is a deadly foe. Please keep this in mind when defending this Academy. Is that understood?"

After waiting a few seconds, Yui visibly relaxed and a small smile replaced the frown on her face. "Good. Now that we're finished with all this exposition, let's move on to something more uplifting. Classes should begin at their expected time intervals tomorrow as usual. I would also like to remind you that the Academy's annual "Welcome Dance and Ball" will be held this Friday evening. Anyone that would like to assist in chaperoning may consult either me or..."

She glanced at the still comatose toaster. "....probably just me. I expect to see both student and staff enjoy themselves. Perhaps even a bit more than that..." The Headmistess stole a coy smirk at Aram, Key, and Val. No doubt some...interesting thoughts were running in the Esper's mind. Too bad they couldn't read it.

"On one final note, I'd like to remind everyone that we have our annual Health Inspection tomorrow, courtesy of Daichi Kuroki." A cold chill suddenly and violently swept through the room dramatically. The mere mention of the immortal Health Inspector was enough to bring shivers down anyone's spine. Especially if they held a teaching position....sighing, Yui mentally closed the window that let in the unwelcome draft, apparently unfazed. "Please...don't do anything that could get us closed down." Again, she looked at Toaster.

"Now then. Are there any questions? If not, then I bid you all a peaceful evening."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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"Health Inspector?" Tai Yang was unfamiliar with the concept, and worried with the gravity of Yui's tone. He was also holding the cupcake awkwardly with his left hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 23 days ago

Edit: I had to add a reaction to Val. I mean, he was just so... and she's just so... so I changed a few things around.

Decent? Did she say I did a DECENT job? A smoky smell began to fill the air as her thoughts continued. What kind of girl shows up to a staff meeting anyway? And besides, what if I had already put medicine on him? Then she'd have unwrapped them for no reason! Despite the growing smell, Key's face remained neutral ,as she was very skilled at hiding her anger. Well, except for that one biological problem. Her face would never show a scowl, and her voice was rarely raised, but her power always came through whenever she felt even a little frustrated.

It was annoying at the very least and sometimes got her into a great bit of trouble. Fire was not wanted in most places, and a furious Key could barely control her element. This was why she was working on her temper, even if it seemed that she was making very little progress. A girl, probably no older than 16, was already setting her off. At least she would be in the library. Her anger stewed as she continued to think about how the little girl had insinuated (in Key's mind) that she had not done a good enough job.

Luckily for her, Key's attention was soon pulled to something else.

“Two-timing now, Aram? Was Key not enough for you?” Her anger was gone in an instant. The fire in her veins instead moved to fill her cheeks with a scarlet blush. Aram and her were not a thing. All she did was wrap his wounds. Like a good teacher would. And she would never... do.. that with him. A-and.. besides.. he was in love with food. She wasn't even sure he was straight! It was here that she remembered his earlier words.

"Perhaps you could feed me that blue iced cupcake over there?”

At first she just stared at the dreaded thing. She felt like a teenage girl getting picked on for some crush which was strange because she didn't even like him! Since when did she get so flustered? Her blush was as strong as ever as Key held the cupcake out to Aram so he could eat it while she listened. Fortunately for him, she did not want her own. Though sweets were certainly tasty, she preferred spicy foods much more than sweet foods. Possibly due to her element, or possibly due to the culture she was raised in.

"On one final note, I'd like to remind everyone that we have our annual Health Inspection tomorrow, courtesy of Daichi Kuroki."

The cupcake in her hand was almost completely crushed. After all, a fire user who could not control their temper was liable to cause trouble. Key would need to learn to count to 10 for an entire day. "I think I'll just lock myself in a steel room," she muttered quietly to herself. That or she could take her anger out on the stupid god who decided to embarrass her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yes, perhaps we will be able to see." She chuckled softly and reached out her hand, eventually finding Abrahams shoulder. "You have been kind to me. Thank you, sir Abraham. Let us walk the woods with sir Tai Yang sometime." And with that, she nodded her head to him-and Fury, before walking down the hallway to her left, her fingers grazing the sides of the walls to keep her wits about her. She wondered, where indeed her dorm room should be.

At last she came to the first door she could find. Her fingers traced the outskirts of the door and she eventually found the doorknob. Slowly, she opened the door, immediately sensing someone within.

"Ah... Hello..." She cautiously walked in, two stepping her way around to make sure that she wouldn't trip over anything in the darkness behind her blindfold. It would seem the energy radiated from beneath the desk, if her fingers were one to trust that it was indeed a desk. She knelt down, folding her parasol into her lap. "You must be my roommate." She smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Day 2: We're Safe, We Swear!

The early sun shined brightly in Headmistress Yui's office, bathing the area in a warm and golden glow. The second day of the school year. Everyone should be in their classes and fulfilling their duties. However, these gentle winds hid a storm of dark omen that would soon descend on all of Hikari Ryodan Academy.

Today was the day....the dreaded....Hikari's annual health inspection. Thunder and lightning sound effects were seen in the background and Yui sighed. She would have to remind the Drama Club to turn their props off during story exposition.

Glancing to her left, she noticed the sleeping form of Vice Principal Toaster. After his cooling off yesterday, the toaster had remained unconscious on her desk for the remainder of the night. Well, he'd be awake soon enough. Poking him on his side out of boredom, Yui was about to fully emerse herself once more into her paperwork, when an odd presence soon entered her mind.

Odd and overbearing. And it kind of smelled a little too. It had officially begun.

".....Daichi-kun. You're early."

Going back to the paperwork, the Esper sincerely hoped everyone would be on their best behavior. Especially on a day like today....

Not too far away, standing outside the school gates stood a man of....questionable fashion. An eye-patch and some weird looking suit? Nevertheless, it was the perfect attire for a perfect being: Health Inspector Daichi Kuroki. Walking calmly through the gates, the immortal man picked his first location of inspection randomly.

The library. How perfect.

Taking steps that felt like miniature earthquakes, Daichi braced himself at the front door of the library...before proceeding to reel back and punch through the thing, causing an explosion. Some sprinklers went off here and there, but if the Inspector had any worry, he didn't display it visibly.

Striding forward into the now demolished opening of the library, Daichi looked around with a hard glare in his eye.

"Insufficient! How does the mountain expect to stand if it cannot brace the impact of the wind! This door lacks unity in its fibers for a strong foundation! Where is the librarian? Show her before me so I may enlighten her in the ways of the World. Show yourself Keezheekoni Begay!"

Somewhere deep in her office, Yui was fiddling around with a spare pen. With Daichi here, no work would be accomplished on this day. The Esper stifled a sigh as she rested her head gently in her hands.

This would be a long day for them all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ninja Janitor

Daichi would swiftly notice a waft of smoke slowly spreading its way past him.

Finished with the repairs from Dios' attack, the Ninja Janitor had deployed a smoke bomb directly behind Daichi and was already attempting to repair the door. Alas, due to unconsciousness, she had not been warned about Daichi.
Elsewhere, Yui would notice on her desk a message that had not been there before, likely delivered during the night or a moment of distraction. There was a sad ninja face formed of Popsicle sticks, combined with a message, 'Sorry I couldn't protect the student. I shall endeavor to do the Clan of Yakimura honor next time.' There was a wrapped package attached to the message. It was a daifuku, good, traditional Japanese food (well, influenced by China, but everything was influenced by China) that sadly wasn't nearly as sweet as Yui favored. Ninja Janitor was still a stark traditionalist (she was a ninja, for example) when it came to food, and pre-western influence Japanese food wasn't nearly as sweet as Yui preferred. She was trying, however, and the daifuku was sweetened better than her last such attempt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 23 days ago

"Insufficient! How does the mountain expect to stand if it cannot brace the impact of the wind! This door lacks unity in its fibers for a strong foundation! Where is the librarian? Show her before me so I may enlighten her in the ways of the World. Show yourself Keezheekoni Begay!"

Key, who had up until then been organizing books in preparation for said health inspector turned around with a fire in her eyes. No one kicked in the door to her library and got away with it. And did he cause that smoke? Her blood turned to fire. "Excuse me?!" her voice was rising with every step she took towards Daichi. "A library door doesn't need to withstand a kick! It needs to withstand fire! And who are you to just come bursting in here and tell me that my library is insuf-" And here she sputtered to a stop.

Today is.... If this had been an anime, this would be the scene where Key sits in the corner with a storm cloud over her head as she realizes that she could have potentially just messed everything up. Health inspection, her mind finished for her while she was off hiding in a fantasy world. Trying to salvage the little dignity she had left, she bowed in respect. "I'm sorry. Forgive me. Of course you're right. The door should be able to withstand such a basic attack. Please teach me all that you can." Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, Key could not hide the cringe that came with the words and the ever increasing burning smell that came with her pressed down anger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The little Toaster dreamed. Dreamed of a factory of many more of his brothers and sisters, before they all separated and lived their lives...of the sorcerer opening up a portal to an experimental dimension while cooking his breakfast at the same time, and tripping over while carrying the little toaster. Many, many more memories filled his sleeping head, all more good than bad. Try as hard as he could, knowing that these were only dreams, the toaster was stuck fast in them like a fly in a trap. And then...

The little toaster felt a distant vibration, like something in the school had been disturbed. Being rocked from his sleep suddenly, Toaster's eyes snapped open and he proceeded to bark angerly at nothing for about half a minute before realising that there was, in fact, nothing but the headmistress in her office. Shaking his head, then pawing at his little toaster face in what must have been a grooming sort of act, he stretched his little toaster body before turning to the headmistress, "GOOD MORNING, GREAT OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA! FORGIVE MY LOUDNESS THIS MORNING, I THOUGHT I FELT SOME FORM OF DISTURBANCE IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING!" Exclaiming his reasoning's to the headmistress, he padded on over to where she lay her head and nuzzled a hand. This little toaster needed no one else other than the headmistress, no one else at all.
Aram rolled out of bed shaking. There was...he felt fine, but...the pain from his arms was overwhelming. Getting up shakily from the floor he had literally rolled onto from his bed, he plopped himself to sit back into his bed. The demon was hesitant, but did proceed to take off the bandages. And there it was, absolutely nothing wrong. For the most part, his arms were no longer bleeding, but now he still had fresh, open wounds. They were fine, in the scheme of things, but they didn't seem to have healed much from yesterday. This didn't mean anything. Sometimes the healing process could be fast, and sometimes it could be slow. At least most of his fingers seemed fine. Conjuring up a piece of hard candy, Aram caught it in his mouth while proceeding to bandage up the wounds again. His classes started in the afternoon, so he could probably relax for a while longer before preparing for the lessons. Pulling on pieces of his clothing slowly, he couldn't help but moan here or there when a particularly bad injury was poked in the wrong way. It was going to be a long day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Noticing the message and the small package of food, Yui unwrapped the thing as she read the words. It was daifuku, plain and simple. Taking a small bite, she couldn't help but frown just a little to the lack of sweetness in the dish. Then again, her standards were inhuman when it came to sweet delicacies, and it was to everyone's thankful relief that Espers couldn't contract diabetes.

Still, it would be rude to deny the gift, and so Yui sent a mental message to the ninja janitor. "Thank you for the gift Yakimura-san. Please don't feel too responsible for yesterday's events." She was about to take another bite when she remembered something.

"Ah, we also have our Health Inspection today. Apologies for not informing yo-"

The loud crash coupled with Vice Principal Toaster's rapid barking interrupted her message. The Esper simply took more bites of the sweets, figuring the ninja janitor would figure out what was going on sure enough. Letting the little toaster bark to his metallic heart's content, Yui continued eating quietly until Toaster quelled his rage and noticed she was sitting right there.

As he began nuzzling her hand, a plan began to formulate in the Esper's mind. Everyone knew that for some godforsaken reason, Vice Principal Toaster and Daichi Kuroki just didn't get along. Therefor for the sake of the school, the Headmistress resolved right then and there to make sure Toaster did not leave this office for the remainder of the day.

But how to go about such a task? Should she start simple?

Reaching out her hand, she began petting the toaster gently on its...er, head. "Toaster-san. You were rendered unconscious by my discipline yesterday," she began slowly. "As such, I would like to inform you now that Health Inspector Daichi Kuroki is currently on campus." She waited to witness his reaction to the piece of news.

Meanwhile at the library, said Health Inspector was examining Key fully now, his one eyed gaze analyzing everything. "I cannot teach you. Do you know why? It is because you are falling. How does one expect to stand up when you are still crumbling away? I will let you continue to fall until you reach the bottom. Then...I shall teach you to stand!"

Okay. Whatever that meant.

Turning around in the smoke filled doorway, Daichi's hard eye caught sight of the ninja janitor. In a flash, the immortal man was standing by her side, examining her work closely. He have her a critical stare...before nodding....and giving a thumbs up?

"Descendant of the Yakimura-clan! Praise in your work and line of duty! Always remember what you are standing on. The ground, yet not the ground you are standing on...."

Lifting his left leg, the Health Inspector stomped on the ground to further emphasize his point, causing another miniature earthquake that rumbled the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ninja Janitor

Mitsu was paying attention to the telepathic message from Yui and thus completely missed when Daichi noticed her and and started standing by her. When Daichi spoke right next to her, she spazzed out, simultaneously thwacking into the door she was in the middle of installing and throwing another smoke bomb at the ground, which didn't help as Daichi was apparently already unfazed by the smoke. Slightly confused from her impact, she made with her practiced retreat, jumping into the open ceiling tile she had come from.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago



Hearing the door slide open and breaking the near perfect dark and silence, Jinx listened to the footsteps that came inside. She remained still as if asleep but was awake enough to see if they would just walk past or not... but this unknown girl approached her. Not knowing her intentions Jinx braced herself, and as the girl had spoken she didn't hesitate a moment longer before pouncing on the girl quicker than a tiger and pinning her to the ground. Jinx quickly separated the umbrella from the girl and put her own dagger towards the girls throat with a cold glare as she heard the metallic sound inside the umbrella. "Oh really?... Well, Then I should tell you I have but two rules..." she said coldly as she glared at the other girl, "One, Stay the fuck out of my way, and I stay the fuck out of yours... Two, if you try to stab me in the back, I won't hesitate to stab you.. ." Now do I make myself clear?... she said allowing the girl a moment to respond.

Jinx then slowly let go of the girl and quickly got of her before sheathing her dagger once more, looking to the umbrella she went over to it and checked out the concealed blade before letting it fall to the floor as she went back under the desk once more. "Good night..." she muttered as she went back to sleeping.


Next day-

Jinx awoke early, probably earlier than most and in the morning she was rather quick to leave the room, soon sneaking around exploring and killing time she heard the message for the inspection. She herself couldn't care less, but it meant that she needed to send her loot early, she usually didn't want to waste her one day sending early in the morning, but she figured she could go one day without it. Jinx then hurried to collect her stash, find a private place and get a time portal open so that she could send all of her loot away to the wizard.

After that she found a nice tree outside where she could sit and watch as an earthquake happened to the Academy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Melanie woke up in the morning thinking about the health inspection. She was new here so she didn't know what it was like. But, from the staff's reactions she guessed that it was bad. Melanie got up and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She was pouring milk when a small earthquake occurred. The milk sloshed all over Melanie.
" Oh My Gosh, I was trying to eat breakfast," Melanie told herself. She sat down and started eating. Today will probably be fun, She thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Having not expected the 'greeting' she got, Deja had indeed fallen in surprise. When the rude demon removed herself from atop her, Deja gritted her teeth, and grabbed her parasol once more. She turned her back to the demon and left, grabbing her own luggage and removing it from the space. "It would appear I am in the wrong room."

In truth, she had never been so offended. She treated others with only respect and she is greeted with such heated anger, and for what purpose? No matter. She would find a room for herself. She went a few doors away from the rude demon, eventually finding one unoccupied, and placed her things away, hanging paper lanterns, adding her own things to make it feel like home. Even if she couldn't see her decorations, she knew they were there, and that was all the comfort she needed. After slipping into a plain, white cotton kimono, Deja fell asleep.

Next Day

With a stretch, a small breakfast of white rice from her rice cooker she had brought from home, and the replacement of her kimono, Deja walked out of her single bedroom. It was sunrise... and that meant it was time for her walk. She walked what she found to be a path, travelling on the edge of the woods nearby a stream of some sort. She could feel the breeze blowing flowers into her white hair... This was truly a grand place to be, save for the offensive demon she met just yesterday. She tried so hard to give others a fair chance... and yet... they treated her sometimes so...

Deja lowered her head in mild sadness. Was there something wrong with her? She didn't mean to offend the demon girl, if that's what she did...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Health inspection already?" The speaker, a tall-ish man with glasses and a mug of coffee in one hand, stood in the hall. An exaggerated sigh filled the air as he took a long sip from his coffee, rolling his eyes slightly as it sloshed about and a few drops spilled onto the floor with the latest quake. He set off walking at a brisk pace, taking another long sip from his mug. Judging from the origin of the noise, the Inspector had elected to stop in at the library first. Nothing was burning, so he supposed that he hadn't made anyone too angry yet. "Sounds like Daichi is enthusiastic as ever!"

The man's name was Gregory Stein, one of the school's vice principals. Unlike his colleagues, he had also been completely unnoticeable the day before. Truthfully, this was because he had been stuck in something of an altercation with a necromancer, a baker, and a bank the next town over, and hadn't been able to make it back until just after Dios' return (Though he had been very aware of the return; The former vice principal's presence had made his danger senses go off like crazy, and had led to another altercation with a police officer that didn't quite understand the concept of 'emergency'), and it was at that point that aforementioned officer had caught up with him. The misunderstanding had been sorted out, but it had taken a few phone calls, and several hours processing time. He had gotten a free ride to the academy and coffee out of the deal. though, so he supposed it wasn't all bad.

It did, however, mean that he hadn't reached Hikari Ryodan until roughly twenty minutes before Daichi.

He knocked on, and pushed open, Yui's door with his coffee hand, as the other was occupied with balancing the box of a dozen donuts he'd talked the police station out of on his way out. The donuts were a very necessary measure; He was, after all, a day late, and needed to ensure that he balanced that negative with a positive. Not that he was too concerned; the Headmistress tended to at least tolerate the fact that every now and again he was inconvenienced.

"Headmistress!" He greeted cheerfully, taking another sip of his coffee. "Looks like yesterday went off splendidly! Aside from some bad mojo in the afternoon, the damage of which is gone, for which I suppose we must thank our wonder Ninja Janitor. Ah, Toaster! You look well. Try not to bite the Inspector's ankles this time."

"Speaking of which, isn't it a little early for our friend Daichi? He must be very enthusiastic this year!"


Abraham, for his part, seemed rather unconcerned at the commotion as he took a seat in the cafeteria. The teenager took a bite of his breakfast, peering at the book held in his opposite hand. This process continued until the second quake, at which point he closed the book and set it down on the table.

Fury, I think this shall be an interesting school.

Did you come to that conclusion before or after the shouting toaster?
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