Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

Tai Yang sat cross legged in an empty class room, slowly eating some rice that was neither fried nor bleached white but in the middle. The chairs and desks had been moved to the side by his own hand, leaving lots of open room, but it still was slightly closer quarters than usual.

He was to teach the class first in the morning for the first year students. If any decided to show up, that is. Tai Yang's class was an optional class on meditation, and if they wished to sleep in, they would likely not attend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Val could tell that today was going to be another annoying day, the type of day that would be roughly the same as yesterday, except perhaps more annoying. Why? Because while he WAS a hall monitor, he was still a student at Hikari Ryodan Academy, and while he appreciated the offer for the teachers to re-educate this Land God in the ways of the modern world, it was nevertheless a bit of a pain in the ass to do what he's told to do. After all, until recently in his memory, he was an all-powerful being that could alter the laws of the world as he wished. Now, he had, god forbid, a schedule to attend to.

Of course, it was also REALLY annoying to feel an earthquake every few minutes while he was pillaging the cafeteria refrigerator for something to sate his taste for food. The Health Inspector seemed to be doing his best to be just like Dios: an annoying, disruptive little bastard that couldn't do anything in a subtle manner. Taking a long swig from a milk carton, and then drawing out a slab of smoked salmon, Val rolled the slice of meat into the shape of a tube, before swallowing it whole. Not bad. It'd do for now.

With all that done, he finished by scooping up a handful of oatmeal from a large pot in the serve-it-yourself section of the cafe, drank it all up, licked his fingers clean, and then waved off the dirty looks he got from the more hygenic breakfast-goers that morning. After all, he was a Land God, and Land Gods don't have germs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 23 days ago

"I cannot teach you. Do you know why? It is because you are falling. How does one expect to stand up when you are still crumbling away? I will let you continue to fall until you reach the bottom. Then...I shall teach you to stand!"

was followed by,

"Descendant of the Yakimura-clan! Praise in your work and line of duty! Always remember what you are standing on. The ground, yet not the ground you are standing on...."

Key was KO'd. Was that her soul leaving her body in such a wriggling fashion? Just her mind running away from her again. If she was less shocked, she may have realized that this was a coping mechanism to help distract her from her anger, but as it was, she was just trying to understand what Daichi had said. Falling? The ground crumbling? She looked down, thinking perhaps he had meant it literally. After all, his "enthusiasm" was shaking the whole school. But no, the ground was still intact. For the most part.

The anger was back and for a second, Key wondered why after all the trouble that it caused she still could not control it. Then the second was gone and her voice was raised again. "She wouldn't need to be repairing the door if you hadn't broken it! What kind of health inspector ARE you? You're making the school LESS safe!" Her hands were pushing against her head in an attempt to force understanding into her mind. It wasn't working. The gods were laughing at her, she was sure of it. It was their cruelty that had sent this man to her domain first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As the headmistress petted the little toaster on it’s head…top…it’s eye went the size of saucers, and it crooned happily at this.

"Toaster-san. You were rendered unconscious by my discipline yesterday. As such, I would like to inform you now that Health Inspector Daichi Kuroki is currently on campus."

”…” The Toaster paused for about five minutes, just about to shoot a mini particle beam out a window in blind fury at the mention and thought of such a fiend at this school…but at the suddenness of snapping out of it, and finding the other vice principle in the room, Toaster shot the mini particle beam at Gregory Stein. In pure, mindless, aggressive instinct, the little toaster proceeded to hop up and down on the fallen man’s chest, barking loudly to proclaim his dominance. For the moment, it took the little toaster away from the thought of that FUC%ING DAICHI @$$HOLE FIEND! ”RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR!”
Finally getting up and out of his room, Aram made his way to the library…before his arm and hand injury, he had planned to make a rather difficult cake for the first class, to show them what they could achieve through hard work and study. Now, it seemed like it’ be extremely difficult, or at least painful, to try it. First class…would just be the boring tool and ingredient lesson, which Aram would need for it.

Making his way down the hall, Aram made his way to the front of the library in time to see a large man punch the library door down, their ninja janitor throwing a smoke bomb…all the good stuff. Flattening himself against the nearest whole and solid wall, the demon perked up his ears and listened in as best he could, rolling the hard candy around his mouth using his tongue.

"…cannot teach you…falling...expect to stand up when you are still crumbling away…fall…reach the bottom…teach…” His ears needed time to adjust after the shock, the booming blast of a punch done by the man.


"Descendant of the Yakimura-clan! Praise in your work and line of duty! Always remember what you are standing on. The ground, yet not the ground you are standing on...."

There was a crawling feeling…thinking of what the headmistress had to say yesterday…

"She wouldn't need to be repairing the door if you hadn't broken it! What kind of health inspector ARE you? You're making the school LESS safe!"

Yes, this must have been the health inspector…it sounded like Miss Begay wasn’t happy about the door, but had to tolerate it as much as she could. Tolerate it, because he was sure anybody would normally start attacking if the man wasn’t who he was. Fixing his clothing, and running a hand through some light tangles of his hair, Aram made his way to the entrance of the library…that is, after waiting a little longer for the smoke to clear up more, and for the mysterious mini earth quake to clear. Leaning down, in what appeared to be an easy-going and nonchalant manner, Aram knocked on a hollow wooden piece of a door in a humorous manner, “Excuse me, Miss Begay? I need the cooking utensil and ingredient textbook…?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Yes," Yui agreed with Vice Principal Gregory Stein. "Daichi-kun seems to be taking this year more seriously than previous ones. Perhaps-" Of course, she was rudely interrupted by a certain beam firing toaster. The box of doughnuts previously held within Vice Principal Stein's grip were now lying ruined on the floor as the small toaster jumped up and down on the reaper's unconscious body.

Dead silence.

Yui looked at the fallen doughnuts then back at Toaster. Slowly, the doors to her office began closing, the locks being snapped into place. An aura of silent rage filled the air as Yui levitated Toaster until they were meeting eye to eye.

"Toaster-san," she said sweetly. "I see you have destroyed a beautiful display of sweets provided by one of my lovely Vice Principals." Her tone was quiet but held within it the darkest of authorities. Digging into her drawer, Yui produced a wicked looking fork. "It's a good thing Stein-san can't hear us right now." She brought the utensil closer to Toaster's opening.

"It would be a shame to be interrupted in such fun~"

Still in the library, Daichi raised an eyebrow at Key's anger finally billowing forward. He continued to remain in his silence before letting off a hearty laugh that sounded like volcanoes erupting.

"This is why you fall!" he told the librarian. "To let such emotion control and influence you so easily...you continue to fall into your own passions and desires! But perhaps, one must not contain your flame. No, perhaps one must contain the fires within you, yes?" The Health Inspector turned to grin at Aram.

Great. Even the Inspector was shipping the two now. "As for you Aram Pollux you must learn balance. The gecko becomes fat when it dies if it continues to chew its own tail."

As Daichi continued to beam with pride at the realization the librarian and sweets-loving teacher were no doubt having about themselves, a strange wind entered the air. "A reek of darkness," he muttered to himself before turning to head to the cafeteria next.

It wasn't up to him to stop this threat. Only if it became big enough to upset the balance of both Worlds. And right now, the presence was only interested in one other. Far from its desired goals.
The presence watched the human samurai with the utmost curiosity. He could tell there was doubt in her heart, and he simply urged to nurture and help her understand those fleeting emotions more so. To make her free from all restraints. That was why then, the Dragon God himself appeared before her in a flash, resting in a nearby tree. He wore a black suit with a red tie this time, grinning as he whistled to get Deja's attention.

"A beautiful day for a walk, wouldn't you agree?" Dios smiled in amusement as he waited patiently for the student's response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ninja Janitor

After a few brief moments of sharpie squeaking noises, a sign fell down from the ceiling, slowly turning for both Aram and Key to see. Sadly, for the Ninja Janitor's usual modus operandi of attaching a gift, she didn't had time. The constant damage was keeping her busy.

"Does he think speaking in easily deciphered riddles, obvious doublespeak, and poorly crafted parables makes him look smart? He's an overpowered moron with no sense of grace or propriety. :("

More squeaking. Another sign.

"The Bearer of my Bearer,
A soul long passed,
Still glows brighter,
Through the Riddle's Glass."

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 23 days ago

"To let such emotion control and influence you so easily...you continue to fall into your own passions and desires! But perhaps, one must not contain your flame. No, perhaps one must contain the fires within you, yes?"

Fall into her passions? And desires? Key was tempted to yell after him, saying that if she'd done that she would have been doing her best to burn him to a crisp. He was safely untouched, so she was still holding back some. Probably wouldn't have mattered anyways. He seemed amused when leaving, so perhaps she was off the hook for the yelling, wait WHAT?

Her anger and the falling signs had distracted her from that last sentence, but now she was finally reacting.

No, perhaps one must contain the fires within you, yes?

Did.. that mean what she thought it meant? And he had looked at Aram. KO'd again. That health inspector continued to get the better of her. Like before, after Val's comment, she had turned into a blushing mess. Four full lives and somehow the implication of anything romantic going on ever, and she couldn't even function. How embarrassing.

"Cooking and ingredient textbook. Right. I can get that." Key's voice was high as she spoke, and she would not look towards the glutton. Hadn't she heard he'd been an incubus at one point? No wonder nothing like that fazed him. Trying to calm down her blush, she started the hunt for the textbook that Aram had asked for. Though she'd had a few days to go through everything, she'd recently put the library on a new system hoping it would make things easier to find. It didn't. And now she was having trouble remembering it.

After what seemed like forever, though, she returned with three copies. "Just in case, you know, you get one sticky. Or something. It doesn't mean anything!" And then she was gone, hiding and cursing everyone who was shipping them. Ridiculous.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deja jumped at the whistle, and the familiar voice of the man that had attacked the school yesterday... yet she couldn't feel his presence. She looked up at where he sat in the tree, only the noise allowing her to pinpoint where he'd been. This bothered her... why couldn't she feel him? Although she was nervous for a moment, she took a breath... and reminded herself why she was here. She walked up to the tree, her face toward the man that had wrecked havoc upon Hikari Ryodan Academy.

"It's only a fine day to those who could appreciate it. Me..." She turned toward the stream, having forced herself to relax now. "I believe there is seldom a soul to appreciate what is... I can tell even without my sight."

For a moment she was quiet, and she had to swallow her anticipation all the while clutching the sword within her parasol. Her fingers itched for the blade but she would not lose her composure, and her voice will not betray her apprehension of battling with a powerful being. She could hold her own fine, but the last thing she desired was to harm anyone... With that, the memory of what had transpired last night flashed in her mind, causing her to frown and tilt her head down once more.

"Sir Dios," She murmured, turning back towards him, "I... must ask why you come to me now. I understand your hatred for the Academy..." She turned towards the stream once more, petals falling on her parasol. "And I may be a student... Yet I do not know you, nor you I. Have I offended you?" With those words her face turned to him once more, slightly straining her cheeks as though she were gritting her teeth. There was nothing she despised more than offending anyone, and it seemed by the demon yesterday that it may become a trend.

She knew Dios was dangerous, but she came to Hikari Ryodan seeking to be equals, to defend all supernaturals and humans alike. And Dios, in race, or past action, just as Tai Yang, Mistress Yui... anyone was her equal in terms of existing. To Deja, that was all that mattered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hikari Ryodan, also known as Light Troupe or Company of Light, the aloof dark haired girl entered the school premises, she got her stuff taken care of by the dorm people. Hopefully, this school is as entertaining and worth her time, hearing rumors about everyone being a Dawn Slayer was one thing that got her interested but knowing her attitude, she couldn't care less about being one. That being said, it was a frivolous feeling yet restrain, one does not simply enter the school without being prepared and know what class would you be in therefore she checks her schedule book, her first class for the day.

The first class, meditation, it won't be much of a problem since the aloof girl does it every time and learned it in Kung Fu. It's time for plot to take action, the girl thought, she would engrave everything in a diary and anything worthy she sees of taking memory of. Mediation class by Mr. Tai Yang, assuming he is Chinese then the Meditation class wouldn't be so boring after all, what matters is cleansing with the soul and feeling the flow of the universe. This class is a warm up for the aloof, dark haired girl for it is something related to martial arts, she shall achieve and exceed her limits but calm before the storm will she move on full course.

She entered the class, "So, no one else is around, that's just too bad." Afterwards she bowed to Mr. Yang and have her seat, "Greetings." She said with her usual one liner.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"Haha, yes, I share your sentiments exactly." Tai Yang was in relatively good spirits despite the dearth of attendance. He had expected it, really. "Greetings to you as well. I am Tai Yang. You are?" Tai Yang set aside his food for the time being so that he coulf focus his attention on his first student.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The little toaster was levitated off the ground by his head mistress quite suddenly, in his opinion...with his little head back in the game, he noticed the fallen sweets and his headmistress's fury...

"Toaster-san, I see you have destroyed a beautiful display of sweets provided by one of my lovely Vice Principals. It's a good thing Stein-san can't hear us right now. It would be a shame to be interrupted in such fun~"

With a fork brought out, the little Toaster knew it was all over. At least...at least it was all over in the hands of the headmistress he most admired...

"As for you Aram Pollux you must learn balance. The gecko becomes fat when it dies if it continues to chew its own tail."

"Cooking and ingredient textbook. Right. I can get that."

Aram was fine with becoming fat...and maybe also becoming a gecko, but that was besides the point. As suddenly as the health inspector came in on a wrecking ball, he was gone just as quick. With that, all that was left was for him to wait for the textbook to be brought to him. The library didn't suffer too much damage, aside from a broken door and a cracked wall here or there. Ms Begay quickly came back with multiple textbooks, "Just in case, you know, you get one sticky." Aram couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at this, "Or something. It doesn't mean anything!" And then she too ran off, before he could even smile and thank her. It suddenly struck him that maybe he should have asked the librarian if she had a change of bandages handy...oh well, there was always next time. Holding his small stack carefully, the demon made his way to the cooking classroom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yui brought the fork closer to the toaster's opening in a threatening manner...only to stop mere centimeters from it. Sighing, she put the deadly tool down and gave her Vice Principal a stern look. "Would you like to behave for our guest now? I'd rather not have Daichi-kun close the Academy due to rumors of sexual molestation." Her frown deepened. "Especially if said interaction were to occur between staff. Is that understood, Toaster-san?"

Entering the cafeteria, the man of the hour himself looked around to scan the area. Students were milling about to get their daily nutrition. Likewise, the staff did much of the same. Having caught a glimpse of Val Kaireiss at one of the tables, Daichi made a mental note to greet the Land God-Val couldn't live without his praises of glory-sometime before his inspection was over before setting his sights on a young boy with a strange sword.

Walking over to him now, the immortal man could sense a powerful and archaic force resonating within the blade. Planting his feet on the ground and standing firm and tall, Daichi stared right at Abraham with a burning gaze.

"Young man of bountiful youth. Please, inform me of your stay so far in Hikari."

Crap. Every staff member's worse nightmare. Asking the students how they felt always proved to be a huge gamble. One complaint and....
"You didn't notice my presence. Good. It seems the precautions were useful." Landing on the ground before her, the Dragon God's eyes shifted slightly in interest at the blind student. "I needed to be sure the Headmistress couldn't sense me on campus. Right now, no one can. Except the Hall Monitor and Health Inspector." He frowned. "Though I doubt neither the guard dog or the human trash would so anything to stop me. Not unless I did something directive."

Dios looked at the sky in thought. "Why yes, in fact you did offend me. You offended me by attending this school that teaches nothing but lies." He looked at Deja now, his crimson eyes staring right through the blindfold covering hers.

"But I can forgive that, providing we have a little walk. It would do best to soothe both our consciousness." Motioning for her to move forward, he had already turned to so just that.

"I come to you with two questions in mind. The fact that you haven't cut me down or even alerted the staff suggests you don't see me as an enemy. What is your name student? And tell me....do you think this world is unfair and biased towards certain groups of people?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

When he landed nearby, her first reaction was to tense up, and she felt the urge to leap back.... but she stood her ground. She would not be the first to draw her blade. Though she did not see his gesture ushering her to walk with him, Deja heard him start to leave and chose to walk beside him. She listened, considering all he had said up until this point. So she did offend him... but of course she did. Her father would be ashamed to hear she brought such dishonor unto anyone, even a possible adversary. Neutrality was the key to peace. As they walked, she moved her parasol to the shoulder leaning towards Dios, to shield him too from the sun out of courtesy.

"I am the samurai Deja. Adoptive daughter to the proud Samurai of Oak."

She had answered his first question with ease, but she had to continue thinking about his next question. She thought of how her potential roommate had treated her last night, and how others had treated her... fairly. Yet they were human. There was a difference between belief and what was reality... and thus, Deja could only answer in the most honest of tongues.

"There... is a bias." She said this, almost sadly. Her face turned to look towards the sound of the stream. "A Bias... I dream of one day breaking... to show that... even if we cannot exist in harmony together, we can at least coexist without hatred." Her hand moved over her heart in thought. "I have seen what hatred has done, on all ends of the spectrum, to those who did not deserve it. For... what reason? For the bearance of bone growing out of the flesh? The desire to survive on uncanny means?"

Deja went quiet for a moment upon a sharp intake of breath, and it was clear a memory had been stirred that had upset her. The samurai kept her composure and remained silent again. When she spoke, though her passion had not faded, was now quiet and subdued.

"Such ignorance... is worth Wars to men of lesser books. I will not see such useless blood spilled in the era I might reign."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The 42nd Gecko said
"Haha, yes, I share your sentiments exactly." Tai Yang was in relatively good spirits despite the dearth of attendance. He had expected it, really. "Greetings to you as well. I am Tai Yang. You are?" Tai Yang set aside his food for the time being so that he coulf focus his attention on his first student.

The aloof and dark haired girl, eh, not so much aloof, she began introducing herself with a keen and expressive upbeat tone, "Kyouka. Hasegawa Kyouka, it's a pleasure to meet you Sensei, I don't know much about this school, I'm happy to be under your supervision." She smiled with life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


-In the trees...-

Having sat by her tree for a while and pondered over nothing and everything in an spectrum of her own desires, Jinx had certainly noticed the weird humanoid fro yesterday arrive. Yet she didn't look at her directly, it was fairly easy to locate her by sound and presence alone and she didn't feel the need to attack her if the girl didn't approach. Yet it didn't take long for the girl to be approached by a mysterious being in the trees, one that Jinx herself felt she had to listen in on and thus she stood and listened to their talk. It seemed it was the being that attacked the academy yesterday, and even if she herself hardly card about such things she knew it was a being of power. Jinx approached the two of them as silently as a shadow. Yet the being seemed to be somewhat talking about different things with the other girl, Jinx herself didn't feel that its intent was currently hostile, thus she herself could leap into the same tree it just had landed from and observe them from above.

"Well as matters stand, it may not be up to her to notice you in the first place... and secondly it may just be o that there's others around here just as myself whom may notice you and can do those things you doesn't wish for..." Jinx said as she span her dagger around in her hand while using its edge to clean out her nails while leaning towards the trunk high above in the tree. "I'm Jinx, or at least that's what people tend to call me as I bring them misfortune... " she said as she gave a shrug as she hardly cared about such trivial things any longer, a name only really meant that someone could control you if they knew it anyway... thus Jinx suited her just fine. "And obviously the world is unfair, the mere wish for peace give birth to countless wars... and as long as there is beings in the world, they want a position of power, thus suppressing all they believe to be beneath them... " she said and looked towards the two of them.

She sighed, "The simple aspects of life... As long as Light exists, so will Darkness, as long as power exists, so will weakness. The mere aspects of a scale means that everything needs balance, yet to be an even scale, the balance will never be fair... Justice is an illusion created on suppression of the weak, and in the end.. only those who are strong, can decide what is right... and what is wrong.... " Jinx said as she overlooked the two.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 2 days ago

From his position on the ground, Gregory groaned slightly. Consciousness was slowly returning, and with it, his senses. As a result, he was now feeling very, very sore. Truthfully, the Reaper should be counting his lucky stars that he was just sore; had he been a moment slower in twisting to the side when his colleague let loose with a rage-powered miniature particle beam, he would be less sore, and more in need of a trip to the infirmary. After all, a particle beam to the chest was little to laugh over. Not that Stein felt like laughing, because just plain breathing was unpleasant. He'd evaded most of the attack, thanks in large part to his handy "Oh God I'm In Danger of Death" sense, but nevertheless, his shirt was a little worse for wear.

Slowly, accompanied by an exaggerated grimace, he pushed himself into a sitting position. His eyes swept once over the room to the left, once to the right, before fixing on two items; his now-spilled coffee, and the now-fallen box of donuts. Another grimace.

"Well, that's an interesting start to the day."


"Well, it hasn't been going on for very long, sir." Abraham replied politely, not seeming all that surprised by Daichi's sudden appearance. Based upon age and behavior, he wasn't likely to be a student; Probably a faculty member or a similar role. As such, it made sense for him to inquire about the students's stay at the academy so far. The swordsman paused long enough to take a sip of his water, before speaking again.

"It's been interesting so far, though. The faculty and students are a little odd, but they seem good at what they do. There was a minor incident yesterday, but it was dealt with quickly. The janitor must be very good at their job, because there's no sign of it now."

Lava dragon golems. 'Minor incident'. Kid, either you're gutsy or a master of the understatement. I haven't decided which.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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With a quick breakfast wrapped up, as well as sensing that the Health Inspector was close-by, Val decided that he need not to get anywhere NEAR someone who caused earthquakes and property damage for no reason other than the spout out hastily-created proverbs, and promptly walked out. First class of the morning was meditation, apparently headed by a new teacher. Or, more specifically, that Bruce Lee look-a-like who punches lava with no problems.

Of course, there was also that whole thing about Dios chatting it up with one of the other students on campus, the samurai girl who also went and cut lava, but, well, not his problem. They were having a conversation, so he might as well eavesdrop onto it.

Deciding that walking was for humans and flying was for birds, Val teleported through the halls and walls, blinking into the classroom...where only Tai Yang and one other student was present.

“Morning kiddos. Seems like barely anyone's here. Guess meditation is just a free block for them, right, Sun Boy?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The toaster stopped it's high pitched screaming and leg flailing when it's headmistress finally put the lethal torture device down, then put the toaster itself down. As soon it was set on it's own onto the table, no longer hovering up in the air unable to control his motions, Toaster went up and huggled and girl's midsection, "OH MERCIFUL, BENEVOLENT OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-CHAMA~! THIS PITIFUL, UNWORTHY PEON KNEW, DEEP DOWN IN IT'S METAL PARTS, THAT YOU WOULD NOT DEFILE MY INNOCENT TOASTAR BEESTEH BODY WITH THAT INSTRUMENT OF TORTURE!" With this, he took a moment to nuzzle the girl headmistress before looking up at her in a solemn manner, "OVERLORD HEADMISTRESS-SAMA...WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT THAT CUR--THAT BLACKGUARD MAILMAN-ESQUE DAICHI?! SAY THE WORD, AND HIS ANKLE WILL BE DECIMATED!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tai Yang

"Indeed, honorable Hall Monitor." Tai Yang bowed slightly Val after he located him, mild surprise showing on his face, quickly melting to a joyous smile as he realized what good fortune it was.

"I apologize, but I forgot to thank you after I learned you saved the Janitor. The Janitor was the first one I met upon entering the school and she was very help full. Thank you very much for keeping her safe. She gave me this to present to you." Tai Yang held forth a soda can. Said soda can had the top part cut off, and the sides had cut outs in the shape of dozens of falling petals and flowers of varying shapes and sizes. Inside it was a red candle. Finally, all the metal taken from the can was flattened and welded into a baseplate, shaped like a cupped lotus petal of many tiny pieces, to catch the wax as it oozed from the cut outs in the can after the candle was lit.

"As for the lessen, yes, it is an optional one, for now, as I am an Adjutant and in the events of the first day, there was not time to put my skills to the test."

Val's senses, if they were as keen as they were vast, would likely notice that Tai Yang was favoring his right arm, not using it for anything, unlike how he usually talked with both of his hands.

"You are welcome to join us," His left hand gestured to Kyouka. "if it does not interfere with your duties, and I would relish to learn more about you both. With a small group, we can learn more about each other."

"Today's lesson is about the fundamentals of meditation and for our beginning exercise, we will be contemplating the form peace takes to each of us.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yui was taken aback by the sudden switch from screaming fear to affection. The toaster could certainly be a little mood swinger when it wanted it to be. "No, that won't be needed Toaster-san. You see, it is most imperative you keep guard in here to, er, protect me. Yes, protect here in case the Health Inspector decides to mount an invasion against us."

Well, that was one way to ensure he didn't cause any trouble. Petting him on the head and scratching his...er, toaster chin, Yui have him a stern look. "Guard me with your life Toaster-san. Mine has now been entrusted in your....paws."

Were they paws? Who knew? Glancing at the now awake Gregory, Yui gave him the slightest of nods.

"And I'm trusting you Stein-san to make sure our school stays presentable. And please, do make sure to keep Daichi away from the office. We don't need a lawsuit on ankle biting. Also, apologies for the doughnuts. I can give you a lollipop if you want."

Daichi raised one steely eyebrow at Abraham's description of things. "I see. And what's this I hear about lava dragon golemns? Are you saying the school was attacked? Please elaborate on this "minor incident" young one."

Wait....he could hear the sword!?!
"So it seems. This world is a cruel place, one not suited for the weak." Dios shifted his eyes slightly at the arrival of the newcomer. A being who referred to herself a Jinx. She began to speak her opinion on the matter at hand. The Dragon God studied the student before deciding that she was of no threat to him.

"Oh? It seems we come to agreement then. Bias and prejudice can only be shattered by the resolve of the strong willed. Those who are willing to take axion. He turned to Deja now, leaning close to speak in private. At this range, he could easily detect the waves of unease coming off of her.

"A friend of yours?"

Deja's nose wrinkled in utter disgust of the new arrival.

"She is nothing but a cur that leaves a bitter taste on my tongue." She spoke, venom in her voice in response to the memory of how the demon had treated her, and to the words she had dared speak to either of them. "She is but detrimental to this discussion. I ask favor of you Sir Dios, let us be away to finish speaking what we must without distraction."

Dios chuckled at the young girl's request. "If you insist..." Placing a palm on her shoulder, he whisked them away right outside the school campus, right in front of the front gates. "Dragons have many powers," he informed her. "Teleportation is nothing to me." He glanced at the gates entry way, raising an eyebrow in interest. "It seems the Yakimura Clan are just as diligent as always in their duties," he muttered.

"Now then Deja. You say this world is biased, yes? I believe the very same. That's why I left the Academy." He narrowed his crimson gaze. "The Headmistress simply couldn't understand that force is sometimes needed to change this world. But you....I can sense that you understand pain and the necessary actions needed for peace."

He smiled, offering up his hand to her. Even if she couldn't see him, Dios knew she would at least be able to sense his acceptance. "Tell me Deja. Would you like to change the world for the better? Encourage people to strive towards a better version of "peace"?

Deja hung on his every word, nodding in acceptance as to what he was saying. After a moment of silence, Deja found his hand and took it into her own palm. She could feel heat on her cheeks, emerging into a blush at the notion that someone had chosen to understand her passion, her ultimate desires to change the world. And even better, shared them.

"I would, and would be honored to aid you in the future waves of toil for a better tomorrow." Deja spoke quietly, but the intimacy of this conversation had her heart pounding despite her calm manner. It was not a romantic type of intimacy, perhaps not yet, but a connection found only between those you could share your dreams with. A friend... at least in Deja's blinded eyes. "My blade is at your service, Sir Dios."

"Excellent." Dios took the girl's hand and gently planted a small kiss on the surface. "I look forward to working with you. From now on you shall be my eyes and ears here at the Academy. Please, feel free to report anything you find needed of my attentions. I won't hesitate to appear."

He placed a finger over her lips. "Let's keep this little alliance between you and me, yes? The Headmistresa never tends to...agree with my ideals." Standing back, he began to flicker out of view and out of sight.

"Farewell for now. Deja of the Samurai Oak." And then he was gone.

Deja's cheeks only warmed and turned a deeper shade of red when he kissed her palm, and when he pressed his finger to her lips. She waited for a moment until he was gone, feeling her lips where he had touched them for a moment longer...

"Farewell for now... Lord Dios..." She whispered.
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