I am starting a digimon role play thread. In this reality, like all of the shows (except Tamers and Data Squad) absolutely no one has any clue what digimon are.
no controlling another player or their digimon
No Digi-fuse, (do note that DNA Digivolution may be allowed pending approval)
No Spirit evolution
Do not count on being able to Armor Digivolve
no digimon can be repeated. i.e. if someone choses Boatamon-Koromon-Agumon-Greymon-MetalGreymon-WarGreymon, none of them may be used by another player.
You may be asked to prove your path is a legitimate one. If it some forms have no canonical stated forms, it needs to be logical.
The digivice in appearance resembles the digivices from Data Squad
Character skeleton
Appearance (would appreciate a pic, if it is not one you did yourself, please state where you found it):
Digivice's coloration: white body, accent color of your choice, just do not repeat.
Fresh-In training-Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega
I will edit my post later to finish my bio.
Name: Jaden Moore
Like Haru Glory from Hiro Mashima's Rave Master, but without the sword, a red v-neck instead of blue shirt, and a pair of goggles strapped to his forehead in similar fashion that The team leaders do
Digivice Coloration: Royal blue
Bio: Jaden is a nice kid, he may act hasty from time to time, which can get him in trouble. His reputation as a nice guy gives him plenty attention from the girls at school, none of whom he has an interest in. He finds them to be shallow. A lot of the other boys in school are jealous and do not like him for his luck with the ladies.
One day, Jaden was supposed to be watching his sick brother, Hayden while their parents were at work. He decided to get online for a bit while Hayden slept. That is when he was sucked into the digital world.
Digimon companion:
Metal Koromon-Kapurimon-Kotemon-Dinohyumon-Kyukimon-Slash Angemon (aka GardiAngemon)
Kotemon on, had this path in his debut ,Digimon World 3. Kapurimon becomes Kotemon in some games, and Metal Koromon is said to turn into Kapurimon
Character skeleton
Appearance (would appreciate a pic, if it is not one you did yourself, please state where you found it):
Digivice's coloration: white body, accent color of your choice, just do not repeat.
Fresh-In training-Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega
I will edit my post later to finish my bio.
Name: Jaden Moore

Digivice Coloration: Royal blue
Bio: Jaden is a nice kid, he may act hasty from time to time, which can get him in trouble. His reputation as a nice guy gives him plenty attention from the girls at school, none of whom he has an interest in. He finds them to be shallow. A lot of the other boys in school are jealous and do not like him for his luck with the ladies.
One day, Jaden was supposed to be watching his sick brother, Hayden while their parents were at work. He decided to get online for a bit while Hayden slept. That is when he was sucked into the digital world.
Digimon companion:
Metal Koromon-Kapurimon-Kotemon-Dinohyumon-Kyukimon-Slash Angemon (aka GardiAngemon)
Kotemon on, had this path in his debut ,Digimon World 3. Kapurimon becomes Kotemon in some games, and Metal Koromon is said to turn into Kapurimon