Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

Member Seen 15 days ago

I am starting a digimon role play thread. In this reality, like all of the shows (except Tamers and Data Squad) absolutely no one has any clue what digimon are.

  • no controlling another player or their digimon

  • No Digi-fuse, (do note that DNA Digivolution may be allowed pending approval)

  • No Spirit evolution

  • Do not count on being able to Armor Digivolve

  • no digimon can be repeated. i.e. if someone choses Boatamon-Koromon-Agumon-Greymon-MetalGreymon-WarGreymon, none of them may be used by another player.

  • You may be asked to prove your path is a legitimate one. If it some forms have no canonical stated forms, it needs to be logical.

  • The digivice in appearance resembles the digivices from Data Squad

  • Character skeleton
    Appearance (would appreciate a pic, if it is not one you did yourself, please state where you found it):
    Digivice's coloration: white body, accent color of your choice, just do not repeat.
    Fresh-In training-Rookie-Champion-Ultimate-Mega

    I will edit my post later to finish my bio.

    Name: Jaden Moore
    Appearance: Like Haru Glory from Hiro Mashima's Rave Master, but without the sword, a red v-neck instead of blue shirt, and a pair of goggles strapped to his forehead in similar fashion that The team leaders do
    Digivice Coloration: Royal blue
    Bio: Jaden is a nice kid, he may act hasty from time to time, which can get him in trouble. His reputation as a nice guy gives him plenty attention from the girls at school, none of whom he has an interest in. He finds them to be shallow. A lot of the other boys in school are jealous and do not like him for his luck with the ladies.
    One day, Jaden was supposed to be watching his sick brother, Hayden while their parents were at work. He decided to get online for a bit while Hayden slept. That is when he was sucked into the digital world.
    Digimon companion:
    Metal Koromon-Kapurimon-Kotemon-Dinohyumon-Kyukimon-Slash Angemon (aka GardiAngemon)
    Kotemon on, had this path in his debut ,Digimon World 3. Kapurimon becomes Kotemon in some games, and Metal Koromon is said to turn into Kapurimon
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

    Princess Mizuki

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I would like to reserve the purple digivice & Renanon with her evolutions

    (Currently at work)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by saberx9


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Age 15
    digimon : Jyarimon Gigimon Guilmon Growlmon Wargrowlmon Gallantmon red digivice
    (Like Sho Fukamachi from the Bio Booster Armor Guyver anime and manga but with red sunglasses a black cowboy hat and a bule book bag.)
    Bio: Arthur grew up traveling the world with his dad on archeological digs.He is a nice guy, he may act hasty wind his friends are in danger that can get him in trouble.His constant companions were books on the archeological digs. His favorite book was King Arthur: and the knights of the round table. Because of this, he has a strong sense of justice, duty, and courage.His as a older sisier how is a tcheaer.His mother was killed in a car crachs wen he was 6. While using his fathers laptop to check his e-mail, he opens up a mysterious message. After which his computer pixelized and he was pulled into the digital world.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

    Princess Mizuki

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Name: Lena Johnson
    Gender: Female
    Age: 13
    I created her on the pixie scene maker on Dolldivine.com (for the main site you might be better off typing in www.dolldivine.com)
    Digivice coloration: purple
    Bio: Lena grew up traveling the world with her parents, an archeologist and an author. Due to growing up as an only child in a traveling family she is pretty quiet and very curious. In Africa, last year, she contracted an infection that nearly killed her, and caused her to be stuck in the hospital for nearly 10 months. Even though she has had plenty of rehab she is still not very strong, and probably never will be again. When she was released she moved in with her grandparents, and quickly learned how to use a computer. Kids at her new school loved hearing tales of her adventures, and encouraged her to post them to a website. When she got on to add a new story to her site she, instead, ended up getting pulled into the digital world.
    Digimon: Relemon- Viximon - Renanon - Kyubimon - Taomon - Sakuyamon -
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

    bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

    Member Seen 15 days ago

    Princess Mizuki said
    Name: Lena JohnsonGender: FemaleAge: 13Appearance: I created her on on (for the main site you might be better off typing in www.dolldivine.com)Digivice coloration: purpleBio: Lena grew up traveling the world with her parents, an archeologist and an author. Due to growing up as an only child in a traveling family she is pretty quiet and very curious. In Africa, last year, she contracted an infection that nearly killed her, and caused her to be stuck in the hospital for nearly 10 months. Even though she has had plenty of rehab she is still not very strong, and probably never will be again. When she was released she moved in with her grandparents, and quickly learned how to use a computer. Kids at her new school loved hearing tales of her adventures, and encouraged her to post them to a website. When she got on to add a new story to her site she, instead, ended up getting pulled into the digital world.Digimon: Relemon- Viximon - Renanon - Kyubimon - Taomon - Sakuyamon -

    This looks good.
    saberx9 said
    Name: ARTHUR SAVAEG Gender:M Age 15digimon : Guilmon digivolution route, red digivice

    This needs more fleshing out
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

    bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

    Member Seen 15 days ago

    I am waiting for saber to flesh out his bio more, I also am trying to see if another player on here wishes to join, for which I will give him a couple more days
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by James Davy

    James Davy

    Member Seen 1 hr ago

    Name: Koji Zakome
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15

    Digivice's coloration: emerald green
    Bio: Koji had become a computer whiz thanks in part to being born in Osaka and moving to Akihabara when he was only 5. He owns an ultra-fast desktop computer and a laptop which he uses for school, both marked with a three-legged raven. Because he preferred to spend his time on a computer, his friends were limited to people that shared his likes and his social skills are sub-par at the best of times. Fate had thrown Koji a curve ball during a lunch break when he logged into the school's computer system to check an assignment grade, he and his laptop were pulled into the Digital World.
    Digimon: Nyokimon, Yokomon, Biyomon, Birdramon, Garudamon, Hououmon
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

    bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

    Member Seen 15 days ago

    saberx9 said
    Name: ARTHUR SAVAEG Gender:M Age 15digimon : Gigimon Guilmon Growlmon Wargrowlmon Gallantmon red digivice Appearance: (Like Sho Fukamachi from the Bio Booster Armor Guyver anime and manga but with red sunglasses.)Bio: Arthur grew up traveling the world with his dad on archeological digs.He is a nice guy, he may act hasty wind his friends are in danger that can get him in trouble.His constant companions were books on the archeological digs. His favorite book was King Arthur: and the knights of the round table. Because of this, he has a strong sense of justice, duty, and courage.His as a older sisier how is a tcheaer.His mother was killed in a car crachs wen he was 6. While using his fathers laptop to check his facebook, he opens up a mysterious message. After which his computer pixelized and he was pulled into the digital world.

    This still needs a little more, for one there is a stage missing from your digimon's tree.

    James Davy said
    Name: Koji ZakomeGender: MaleAge: 15Appearance:Digivice's coloration: emerald greenBio: Koji had become a computer whiz thanks in part to being born in Osaka and moving to Akihabara when he was only 5. He owns an ultra-fast desktop computer and a laptop which he uses for school, both marked with a three-legged raven. Because he preferred to spend his time on a computer, his friends were limited to people that shared his likes and his social skills are sub-par at the best of times. Fate had thrown Koji a curve ball during a lunch break when he logged into the school's computer system to check an assignment grade, he and his laptop were pulled into the Digital World.Digimon: Nyokimon, Yokomon, Biyomon, Birdramon, Garudamon, Hououmon

    This looks good. I hope to have this up and running soon.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

    Miraboreasu Nope

    Banned Seen 2 mos ago

    Question before I consider joining: are custom lines allowed?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Name: Destiny Grey
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Digivice's coloration:Pink
    Bio: Not much known for Destiny. She was stuck at her house the whole time, so she didnt really do anything. She was homeschooled and she didn't really have no friends or anything. Her mother was overprotective of her daughter. Mainly because she was her only daughter.
    Fresh- YukimiBotamon
    In training- Moonmon
    Rookie- Lunamon
    Ultimate- Crescemon
    Mega- Dianamon
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Also. I put that as Fresh digimon, because Lunamon dosent have a fresh form. But that fresh digimon matches.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lien


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Name: Shion Alikara
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Digivice's coloration: Dark Brown
    Bio: Never once questioned why he was in his family home or ventured out. He does not know the family relations but knows his family does get around. Being raised alone in his room which seem to be all ways empty. Of course he wondered what it was like to go out side. To experience the world, see new things. Be someone not him.
    Coredramon (Blue)

    Interesting facts:
    Petitmon can be caught in Digimon World Championship at the Linka Ruins on autumn evenings, Digievolve into Babydmon after a couple days past by while having it.
    Badydmon Digivolves after a couple days again into Dracomon. Dracomon soon Digivolves when it's Vaccine AP is more then 30 and has done 5 battles total turning into
    Coredramon (Blue). If the Coredramon (Blue) Had at least 1 egg revert, it can Digivolve once it has 10 battles done (50% them wins) turning into Wingdramon. Once Wingdramon has a total of 18 wins plus 60 Vaccine AP, it Digivolves into Slayerdramon. Just putting it here since it is actually a evolution chain.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lien


    Member Offline since relaunch

    paigesweetheart said
    Also. I put that as Fresh digimon, because Lunamon dosent have a fresh form. But that fresh digimon matches.

    I love Lunamon. Just love the states you can achieve in the game once you combine Lunamon with another digimon and downgrade it to make it better.. <3
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by bowtiesrcool86

    bowtiesrcool86 Self-Proclaimed Dragon Master

    Member Seen 15 days ago

    Jett Ryu said
    Question before I consider joining: are custom lines allowed?

    I have answered that in the next to last rule.
    paigesweetheart said
    Name: Destiny GreyGender: FemaleAge: 16Appearance: Digivice's coloration:PinkBio: Not much known for Destiny. She was stuck at her house the whole time, so she didnt really do anything. She was homeschooled and she didn't really have no friends or anything. Her mother was overprotective of her daughter. Mainly because she was her only daughter. DigimonFresh- YukimiBotamonIn training- MoonmonRookie- LunamonChampion-LekismonUltimate- CrescemonMega- Dianamon

    I think that makes logical sense, so it will work
    Lien said
    Name: Shion AlikaraGender: MaleAge: 16Appearance: Digivice's coloration: Dark BrownBio: Never once questioned why he was in his family home or ventured out. He does not know the family relations but knows his family does get around. Being raised alone in his room which seem to be all ways empty. Of course he wondered what it was like to go out side. To experience the world, see new things. Be someone not him.DigimonPetitmon-Babydmon-Dracomon-Coredramon (Blue)Wingdramon-SlayerdramonInteresting facts:Petitmon can be caught in Digimon World Championship at the Linka Ruins on autumn evenings, Digievolve into Babydmon after a couple days past by while having it.Badydmon Digivolves after a couple days again into Dracomon. Dracomon soon Digivolves when it's Vaccine AP is more then 30 and has done 5 battles total turning into Coredramon (Blue). If the Coredramon (Blue) Had at least 1 egg revert, it can Digivolve once it has 10 battles done (50% them wins) turning into Wingdramon. Once Wingdramon has a total of 18 wins plus 60 Vaccine AP, it Digivolves into Slayerdramon. Just putting it here since it is actually a evolution chain.

    This looks good too. I do have one other thing to ask everyone. It may or may not come up, but if we have a dark digivolution come up (Grey to SkullGrey, Wargrowl to Megidramon, etc.) would everyone be alright with it?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lien


    Member Offline since relaunch

    bowtiesrcool86 said
    I have answered that in the next to last rule.I think that makes logical sense, so it will workThis looks good too. I do have one other thing to ask everyone. It may or may not come up, but if we have a dark digivolution come up (Grey to SkullGrey, Wargrowl to Megidramon, etc.) would everyone be alright with it?

    Well I went with the Vaccine side Dracomon. I think what you are talking about is a Virus type digimon, hence that every one choose either a Data or Vaccine type. Though the
    Guilmon side does have Virus has it's main role, it soon turns into Gallantmon who is a Vaccine. All so WarGrowlmon can turn into Megidramon, like you said, which is still a virus. All so you can get the same evolution of Gallantmon with Megadramon.(Digimon World Championship) I think you are talking about just Virus in general. Or if you are talking about attribute then you might be on to something else. Sorry I took long explaining that XD
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by James Davy

    James Davy

    Member Seen 1 hr ago

    bowtiesrcool86 said
    I have answered that in the next to last rule.I think that makes logical sense, so it will work. This looks good too. I do have one other thing to ask everyone. It may or may not come up, but if we have a dark digivolution come up (Grey to SkullGrey, Wargrowl to Megidramon, etc.) would everyone be alright with it?

    I've seen them occur in the anime so I'm fine with it. The only time I see this occur here so far is the appearance of Megidramon.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lien


    Member Offline since relaunch

    James Davy said
    I've seen them occur in the anime so I'm fine with it. The only time I see this occur here so far is the appearance of Megidramon.

    Well if he is just talking about virus type Digimon then it's fine because it is common. Really there are a few animes with a main character having a Virus Digimon has their main digimon. And heck, Slayerdramon and Breakerdramon makes Examon. Which is funny because even though Slayerdramon is a Vaccine and Breakerdramon is a Virus, Examon is a Data type XD So. So it is on the topic of Virus then it really is no problem.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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    jorthon That Random Zombie

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Can I still join this?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jorthon
    Avatar of jorthon

    jorthon That Random Zombie

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    If I can still join here is my CS

    Name: Aki Taiki
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearance (would appreciate a pic, if it is not one you did yourself, please state where you found it):
    Digivice's coloration: white body, Black
    Bio: Aki lived a nkrmal life. He was raised in a family of 5. His 2 parents and a brother and a sister. As a kid his siblings and himself would play games together. He would buy candy for them after he got into school. He always wondered how life was different for different people.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Princess Mizuki

    Princess Mizuki

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Sorry I haven't posted yet. I've been dealing with family issues.
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