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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I was simply furious. I checked that entire cave, top to bottom. The entire damp, cold, swarming with wild pokemon cave. Sure, I found some apples and oran berries to keep me going, and yeah, after the rampage I had on the second floor the wild pokemon wouldn't dare come near me, but still... I've been searching all day, Wally's guild was where I was told to go by that dratini who apparently saw a keckleon recently, and Beach Cave was where I was told to go by Wally himself. Agh... why the heck did he have to lead me NOWHERE!? I'm positive that there's no keckleon anywhere in this cave, and heck, there probably never was! I think as I continue down the slope and to the lowest floor of the cave... again. This time, the slope took me into that weird room where there was a smeargle trapped in a sand dune, a message scratched out in the rocky floor that read 'HELP ME', and some fake money near the smeargle who once again begged me to help him. I could already tell that the writing on the rocks wasn't his, as smeargle lacked the claws to write with, and would more than likely use their tail to write a message like that. The fake money was also a pretty decent tip-off that this wasn't a good guy, so, after the umpteenth time of him whining on and on about how the sand is getting in his fur, and how he wants to get out of here and how some guy trapped him in here after countering his trap and of course about how I didn't hear that, I finally snapped, and took out all my remaining rage on this character, whoever he was. I ended up using vine whip on the poor guy as if he were a training dummy, however, I was still sane enough to stop attacking once he fainted. I then wrapped him up in vine whips, making sure to wrap up the mouth so I don't have to hear any more of this guy's whining, and continue on for three more entire runs through the dungeon with no success. I eventually give up and use my badge to teleport back to the guild, perp in hand. Once I got back, I had to walk all the way over to Wally's guild again just to turn in this criminal, and once I do, all I get is officer Blade shouting for someone named 'William' to report to the outlaw board and hand out his reward to me... so, I guess I was right, then? Meh... I just need to find that dang keckleon right now.

The first thing that happens when I enter the room was that chatot flying in here with a fainted treecko... the one that was my teammate. He then calls me 'Just Bonnie'... though, I think he might have misinterpreted that. William, the keckleon who was also a part of my team then shook my hand, and I end up adding to what the chatot said with "There's no reason for the 'just', but I don't have a last name thank to being wild up until today," I had to keep this as my story... maybe someday when I can think about my father without breaking into tears or punching the nearest living thing I'll tell these two the truth, and the reason why I can't go back home. I then hear the treecko ask what my name was, and I answer "I'm Bonnie. I don't have a last name because I was wild up until today," he then talks about first impressions... but I had no idea what those were, so I simply laughed as if he had told a joke and said "Yeah, I guess," though, I wasn't sure what he was talking about. After all of that... William asked about the scars, which immediately brought back memories about my father. Say anything about this, and you're next! You're WORTHLESS, just like your mother! and I knew I shouldn't have broken the family tradition! If I hadn't, you wouldn't be some ****ing rabbit! were a few of the phrases that passed through my mind once that horrible question was asked... and worse? A memory of my mother in her final moments... I couldn't help but break out in tears right then and there, unfortunately. Though it might have broken my story, I just couldn't do anything else once those memories returned thanks to that question. Through my tears, I could hear someone calling for William upstairs for some reason...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see you bust out into tears and I jump back a little. "Oh... um... I guess we'll just have to take that mystery to our graves then, heh..." I say, feeling bad about making you cry. Samuel punches me in the arm right after I say that, and he walks over to Bonnie, and tries to comfort her by saying things like "He didn't mean you make you cry... It's okay... Shh..." and on and on. I cough and look at my feet in awkwardness, and hear my name being called. I look upwards and say "I have to go," and I run out of the crew rooms and climb the ladder upstairs. Once I get to the top, I see Officer Blade and the smeargle. The Smeargle snarls at me, and I walk over, trying not to get near it, and look at the... monochrome Snivy? What? I stand there a little shocked from scaring our newest team member and I dig through my bag after a couple of seconds, and take out a grass gummi. I hand it to the Snivy, and then sit there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, and I look at the Snivy and say "Thanks. I-I have to go and... um... my partner... well, my newest recruit... wait, no, my partner is the leader of the team, and the newest recruit is crying... not happily, either..."

I see Bonnie break out into tears, and run over to William and slug him as hard as I could in the arm, then push him. I drop down to one knee and try to look Bonnie in the eyes, and say "Shhh... I don't think he meant to make you cry, he just wanted to know something... It's alright, you can just tell us later, okay?" and I hear a loud voice shouting for my partner. I see him change colors, from red, to blue, to purple, to yellow, to pink, to brown, sometimes turning invisible, and then back to red, and the cycle continued. I think What the hell is he doing? as I watch him move out. I sigh, and pat Bonnie on the back, and then I stand up. I say to Bonnie "You can even sleep in my bed tonight," and I point at my, now messed up, bed.

I walk away from Bonnie, going upstairs and to the Outlaw Board, then I look for something easy, and I see a black-grey Snivy, and I move out of his way, saying "Oh, sorry," thinking he was looking at outlaws. I go to the other board and see something that says "Trapped in foggy plains, in this big giant house. I'm hiding from a monster right now, and I've heard a lot of commotion... I've been getting really hungry... please send help, I'm in the cellar. I'll find what I can award you with, just BE CAREFUL!" and see it's ranked at A. I take it off and put it in my bag and then climb up the ladder, and exit the guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes moved into Scale City, she looked around, before seeing Anthony with his new helmet, and staring.
I guess someone else found a new look. she though to herself, smiling, before looking at Hex and him at a distance. She then think a bit. Might as well try out her new costume. She moved to a dark corner of the city, and got her new costume out, and putted it on. Spruce would probably come back soon, or else she will have to go back to the guild and look for him there. She sighed. She then put her mask on, and then breath deeply, leaving a rather deep sighed out of the mask. This thing might not be the most comfortable, but it did a very nice job on not showing her identity. And with all the cloth that she added around as a double layer, even triple at some places, it would not break that easy. She then started to lurk in the shadows, looking at Anthony, intrigued by the new helmet, curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Josh still had 1000 poke left. As he searched for a place to spend the rest of it, he came across a shop called Amanda's Threads. He went inside, and was immediately greeted by an Altaira.
"Hi there! Welcome to Amanda's Threads." she said. "I've got just the thing for a Psychic-type like you."
She disappeared for a moment, and came back with a hat that was covered in dirt and dust. "This should keep those Electric-types at bay. It could be yours for the price of 3000 poke."
"I don't have that much. Do you have anything cheaper?"
"Oh, of course I do! Come this way, I think I've got something that would suit you."
Josh and Matt followed her to the other end of the store, where she showed them a shelf with all kinds of scarves. "Now, these may look like normal scarves, but they do much more than make you look good." She picked up a purple one, handing it to Josh. "This one here will raise your Special Attack. It'll definitely come in handy."
Right after putting the scarf on, Josh felt a surge of power rush through him. "Alright, I'll take it." Josh said, giving her 500 poke.

Him and Matt were wandering around town yet again. They stumbled upon a building that appeared to be a dojo of some sort. A Garchomp approached them as they walked inside He was covered in scars, making him look pretty intimidating. "Hello there." he said. "Are you here to train?"
"Umm...yeah, I guess." Josh said. He took out 500 poke, handing it to the Garchomp.
He trained Confusion for a while, and by the time they cam out, he could tell it had become more powerful.

As they started wandering around the city again, they ran into Hex and Anthony. It seemed like Anthony had bought a new helmet. "Hey guys." Josh said. "Look what I got." He pulled out the Thunderbolt TM he bought from Danny's shop. "I didn't use it yet because I wanted to show you guys."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex encountered Josh and Matt on the way out, watching as the two entered the store. "Hiya, guys." She replied to the two, watching as they entered the store, right by her. Inside, they seemed to buying one of their large collections of TM. On the way, Hex spotted Anthony, who seemed to be sliding around the road. As she passed, she noticed he had what appeared to be a large spike on his head.

"Hey, nice helmet, Anthony." Hex exclaimed, fluttering around it's glossy black exterior. A golden bird was laid out on the front, and the spike shone in the light, seemingly glowing in a golden light. "Looks much cooler than your old one." The helmet looked pretty odd. She had never seen something quite like it. As if it were from another time, or another place.

Hex almost forgot about the trip to Mt. Dragoncoil due to all of the hustle and bustle of the city's shops. It would certainly be a dangerous trip, considering the path would be riddled with poweful dragon types that could easily sweep the floor with most of them. It was a good thing she spent most of her money on those Reviver Seeds. Some of them could really use it.

Hex spotted Josh and Matt returning, holding a TM. Josh was sporting a great new purple scarf, which looked fantastic on him. The TM must've been really powerful, which should really help with the whole Dragoncoil mission. "Alright, you guys looking pretty good." Hex turned to Amanda's Threads, where Josh had grabbed that scarf. "I just need to grab one last thing."

Hex flew into the store, the door opening up as she pushed through it. She browsed through their selection of scarves, until she found a nice looking yellow scarf. It looked pretty nice. It was relatively hard to put on, considering she had no arms, but finally slipped it on. The moment she put it on, she felt a rapid boost in what felt like durability. It seemed to boost her defense, which was good.

Hex threw 500 of her poke onto the table, held together in a cloth bag tied by rope. She only had 100 poke left, but she supposed she would just keep it. Hex headed out of the door, her new scarf draped against her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Wait! I need to ask you something really quick." I say to the keckleon who gave me the grass gummi. I then calm down a bit and ask "So... would you happen to be the missing shopkeeper Rosebud?" It seemed like a long shot, given that his voice sounded masculine, and the name 'Rosebud' sounded feminine, but, you never know what other pokemon are going to name their children... keckleon especially, it seemed. If he was the missing keckleon, then I would finally have completed my mission, and would head back to my guild... and I kinda needed that with the wild goose chase I was put on by that blasted, evil dratini... that jerk will pay if this isn't the right keckleon, though... wait... I only remember asking if anyone saw a keckleon, not if they saw one that might go by the name 'Rosebud', so it might all just be my fault. Either way, I was still pretty stressed out from all that happened. Yeah, go to Wally's guild, that's where the keckleon is for sure! I recall, though, it could have been nobody that said those exact words, it was words similar to those that started me on this whole ordeal... at least I got SOMETHING for all of this, even if this wasn't Rosebud, and I had no reason whatsoever to be here at the moment. I couldn't take out my frustration on Wally, he was a guildmaster, and would probably destroy me if I tried to attack him, and I couldn't just attack random citizens in Scale City, 'cause then I'd be an outlaw, and would be hunted down by some rescue team... it wouldn't end well. I wondered, then, if there was any possible way to let out my anger and maybe even spend the 200 poke that I found in Beach Cave... though, considering the size of the place, Scale City was probably where such a place would exist.

I dry up my tears only to notice Samuel left me behind. "Hey, WAIT UP!" I shout to try to get his attention as I run after him. "Why are you trying to leave the rest of your team behind? Are you trying to get yourself killed out there or something!?" I then continue as I continue tailing Samuel, who seemed somewhat slower than a normal treecko. On my way, I pass by that snivy again, as well as William, who was handing the snivy a grass gummi. Why is William giving someone else candy? I ask myself as I continue on. As soon as I catch up to him, I place myself in front of Samuel, and say to him "We should wait. Do you really want to try this mission when we're missing someone?" I then try to make sure he doesn't go too far from everyone else, and hope that William would know where to find us... he should know, after all, we weren't all too far away from the guild where we started this mission. The area we were in was nice and sunny, similar to where I just came from, and the grass was gently blowing in the breeze. The breeze felt kind of nice at this point due to the fact that it was still summer, and still very warm in the sun. Heck, there didn't seem to be a single cloud in the sky by the time we left, and even now there was nothing blocking the sun's rays from hitting us. Surely this kind of weather would be intolerable by whatever ice types might live around here at this time... though, those kinds of pokemon seemed rather rare for some reason.

"Aw thanks, Hex." I respond to Hex before she heads into the shop... with Josh and Matt heading in there as well. Wow, it seems like I got Amanda some customers. Good, she seemed really nice, and the stuff she's selling is pretty cool too. I think as I wait for them to return. Josh ended up with a purple scarf that he says boosts some sort of power... seems like it would go really well with the TM he just bought from the nearby store. Hex, on the other hand came back with a yellow scarf, one that she didn't say what, exactly, it did. I guessed, then, that it was my turn to explain "Well, this helmet actually protects me against other dragon attacks. It, um, makes it so they don't super-effect me, or whatever," of course, this was the information that I got just from the test from earlier, for all I knew, it might actually increase a stat just like one of their pieces of equipment... and if it did, that would be awesome. I was kind of tired now, and decided to slither over to the hotel where Terra said that we'd meet, with my new helmet certainly turning heads around town. Heck, at least five other pokemon asked me where I got that, and every time, I'd respond with "At Amanda's Threads. She's got all kinds of other things too, if this isn't really your thing." I wondered if that place would end up becoming popular just because of me... nah, that can't be right, right? I mean, I'm just some random nobody... maybe it was the helmet, then? Meh, either way, when I looked back at the store, it was already crowded with customers... wow... I ignored it for now, and continued onwards, only just making it to the hotel before noticing that nobody else was following me, and I wasn't following anyone... oops.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

I thought about this for a moment. This Ratnika, just met me and already wants to be on a team. 'Can I trust him? Will he be a good teammate?' after some time of thought I decided to speak "Why not? I don't see any reason not to!" I answer. "Of course we would need to think up a team name." I add. "Any ideas?" I inquire. While waiting for a response I begin to think to myself 'Hopefully I will be able to find out what happened to me when the temple was overtaken. This mysterious energy, 'void' what is it capable of and why did it let me live?' I ask myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I look at my partners as they pass me and then look back at the snivy. "Um... no, my name's William Lennard. What do you mean by missing shopkeeper? Is this 'Rosebud' alright? I-it looks like my partners are about to leave, I probably have to go. Thanks for catching this guy," I say as I take out and put my Pecha Scarf on, then I climb up the ladder towards the exit and catch up with my new partners, and I see the trail that Samuel left behind him. I step away from it and shudder. What could have made him like this? He was nice and all, but... ew. I look at Bonnie and then look at Samuel, who seemed to have a blank expression on his face. I grab the slip out of his hand and read it, and I see that... oh no. No... NO... PLEASE, ARCEUS, NO! I think, remembering that horrible time. I turn a dark color, almost pitch-black, before I fall on the ground and I grab my leg, remembering the pain. I stand up, with the help of Samuel, and go back to green, and I try to stop Samuel from continuing to do this mission, but he shoos me away before I could even get two words out.

I stop in my tracks, still looking forward. I wait for Will before I continue walking, and after a while William rips the paper from my hand, and I let him read it, and out of the corner of my eye, I see him change color, to black, and fall down, and grab his leg. I walk over and help him up, but... he was a little tall for me to help up. I push him so he's sitting up, but that's the best I could do. He gets up and I continue walking, but he grabs my shoulder and I say "Why did you stop us? Let's get to our destination before we talk, or stop." I get to the fog bank after a while, and see the spire of the house poking out of the top of the mist, and I get on my way to it, holding Bonnie's hand, and William's, so that we didn't lose each other, since the fog was so thick.

I walk through a lot of brush and between a lot of trees before seeing an old, wooden door. I open it, and walk in, the room becoming darker than William earlier, and he takes out something from his bag that he had before he got his treasure back, and makes fire on the tip of it, illuminating the room. "These last... maybe 10 minutes, so we don't have long. I only have like 12 left," William says, and we walk through into a hall and we start to explore, seeing broken human tech, and also a room with some vents. William points at them, and says "Get up there, quick, I don't know how long it will be until IT comes and pulverizes us..." and he lifts Bonnie and I up into the vents before climbing into them himself. I crawl through, and fall out into a giant, extravagant room, made of gold, amber, and stone. I gasp at the sheer beauty, and look down to see a lot of blood on the floor, and I scream like a little girl before hiding behind Will. "It's not like I'm afraid of it, it's just I'm afraid of what might have caused it," I whisper. "You should be," William says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ratnika thought for a moment. What would they call themselves? he thought to himself. "Maybe we could be called Team Grey, as you have grey fur and I have grey steel. It seems it would fit." he was happy. He had actually managed to join a team! And now all that's left is a team name, once we get that out of the way, we'll be ready! he wondered what this Eevee was capable of, he would ask him when he got the chance. For now, they must think of a name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

'Team Grey' I think to myself. "Sounds a little bit cliche." I tell Ratnika. I begin to think to myself and decide what our team name should be, I open the doors in my mind when a name hits me. "Blue Steel." I say aloud. "Because you are made of steel... I think, and my blue eyes." I mention to Ratnika. I start to think after looking at Ratnika a little bit closer 'How peculiar, his tapestry is yellow.' I wonder why I didn't notice this before. 'Well I am a little strange myself, so I guess its the same for others' I declare to myself. "So what do you think, Ratnika?" I question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ratnika thought it over. "Sounds like a great idea!" he declared. "So we're now officially a team?" he asked. He was giddy to get started, as that was the reason he had come here. "If so, then I think we must go to the mission board." He was both happy and nervous. Happy that he was now on a team, but nervous that he would end up failing miserably. "Together, we shall travel across the lands!" he said proudly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Josh and Matt headed back to the hotel, meeting up with Anthony. "So, now we just wait for Hex and Terra to get here." Josh said. "Shouldn't take them too long. I think Hex was just behind us." Just then, he heard a voice. The same voice that had been haunting his dreams ever since he escaped from the reef.
"I want every inch of this city searched. I swear, the first one to come back without information will regret it."
It was Zane. For months, Josh had convinced himself that Zane wouldn't come on land to look for him, but now, here he was. "Matt, quick, hide me!"
"Umm..." Matt frantically looked around, before his eyes fell upon a large wooden crate. "Please be empty...please be empty..." Thankfully, it was. Matt placed Josh inside, and closed the lid. Josh's only source of light was the small gaps between the boards, which also allowed him to see what was going on outside.

The sound of hooves filled Josh's ears, and moments later several Rapidash came into view. They were pulling a wagon containing a large tank of water. Inside this tank was, as Josh had expected, Zane.
The carriage came to a halt in front of Matt and Anthony. "Hello there." Zane said, smiling at them. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for a few Pokemon. I haven't seen them in a while, and I think they might have gotten lost."
A Clauncher crawled out of the water tank, and placed several pictures in a line in front of them. The one on the far left was a picture of Josh, and right next to it was a picture of Keira. There were also several other Pokemon, all of which Josh had seen before on the reef. There were at least twelve photos in total. "Here they are." Zane said. "Have you seen any of them?"
"That's certainly a lot of people to lose." Matt said, looking at the photos. "I'm sorry, I don't recognize any of them."
Zane turned to Anthony. "How about you?"
Josh hoped Anthony would be as believable as Matt was. It would be really bad if Zane found out he was lying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


Well...that was a let down. Seems like Spruce didn't need any help at all "well...this was extremely disapointing. Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Guess I'll head back to the guild" After briefly fumbling with his badge, he teleported back to the guild. Had he been paying attention, he would have heard a strange voice gasp and say 'he's about to use his magic' before getting poked again. After returning to the guild, he said to himself "I guess it's too late to start a quest. Might as well do some Splash training then" and with that, he went outside to work on his Splash.

That was so amazing! He had found a magic fish! Sure, he had no idea where he was now, but who cares!? He found a magic fish! "Magic fish!" he suddenly cried out "he's a magic fish! he has magical teleporting powers!" And then...he flipped the fuck out "MAGIC FISHHHHHHH!!!" He slithered out of the guild as fast as his little body could (which wasn't really that fast, but the poor little guy was slithering his heart out) "I saw a magic fish!" he cried out as he moved through the town on his way to...somewhere...okay, so he had no idea where he was going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"If I was a horse, I wasn't beaten to death yet. I wasn't supposed to, being the weaponized Pokemon I was. Que some music, would you?

Thousands of years roaming the dead lands, watching as three survivors of a dead world rebuilt everything piece by piece. Man, a lot of radiation suddenly disappeared. I think Arceus did something to physics or something. Never thought about happiness, since emotions didn't come back to me until I gained sentience about a thousand years ago.

She was strange, just like me. I thought I had escaped her. But no; she spent all those years hiding like me, cowering in our trenches, planning how to cross the no man's land of Pokemon to kill each other. I nearly did once, so she returned the favor. I just wish she had listened to him, with a cliche love ending ending it all and satisfying everyone. All those Pokemon needlessly corrupted to serve her own means, sometimes wasting her resources down to her last few Pokemon just to get back at me. Even him, unfortunately. He wasn't dead, but of course fate led him to her once more, and now he was also an agent of hers. I haven't killed him yet, despite unleashing a hail of energy at over twenty Pokemon at one point. I lost count of how many Pokemon I've had to put down, but being weaponized meant I couldn't be used as a computer efficiently. Those bastards who left me in pain for life didn't think about replacing components of computers with generators and all sorts of doodads.

It was just me and her in this world. One of us would not give in anytime soon. She's rebuilding her forces, while I have to hide. I am nearing the edge of death just so I could save your new-found friends, which I completely understand since I just left you with danger.

Hopefully, this isn't my last transmission. Maybe, I'll be able to finally relax after all of this is over. Maybe, my suffering will be over. Maybe, everything will return to normal, with Pokemon freely roaming the lands without fear of... Desia. I want to be out of pain, and to do that I have to die. But, I have to fight on for those who do not even realize the danger I have failed to stop, among others who have since joined her.

'I will die when this war is over, not as another story.' A less racist version of a quote spoken by a soldier, an hour before being routed by a coalition of Asian forces. He called them a variety of racist words in his sentence - being sentient, I won't exactly recite those words...

Goodbye world. Flappy out."

...and dear God. He was my... guardian for a long time. I knew this message was sent by Davis, because- WHO ELSE WOULD BE ABLE TO TRANSMIT A MESSAGE LIKE THIS!? This was a plain message with no coding whatsoever, meaning he was probably too weak to progress. He was probably actually dying, since I couldn't even trace the origins of that signal. At that point, my wound on my face started to ache. No, it wasn't glowing purple or anything. I was just reminded of Dementia.

Speaking of Dementia, I got face-to-face with one of her lackeys. I didn't feel like fighting, because I was still trying to absorb the emotions sent by Davis. That, and I didn't realise there was a sickly-purple Murkrow behind me, until it started growling. Not in a kind way that would make you less likely to attack something kind...

...but, the kind that was merciless and almost beyond recognition. Bloodthirsty, even for a dark Pokemon that's possibly associated with the Mafia. All that info just from listening to a specific tone of a voice.

I flipped upside down, glaring deeply into the Murkrow's dead eyes, as it dived into me and gave me a few nicks. Instantly, I felt a rage building up as I straightened myself in the air, unleashing my own brand of death at the unsuspecting Murkrow.

"That... is for Bill! Davis!" I unleashed 'a hail of energy,' shocking that purple cloud to the point where it was arcing electricity as it hit the cobbled ground in almost slow-motion. I had wandered off from the main entrance somehow, and... and...

"...and dear God." All I could do was stare at the lifeless corpse, as the purple began to fade away from the Murkrow. I sent my apology through a series of slashes across and down my face, taught by Davis, who explained the concept of religion to me (although he seemed hesitant to explain religions that weren't Christian). I hid the bird in a dense dry bush, and started to approach the heart of Scale City. Already, I felt as traumatised as Davis. Who knew what was to come?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I shout in frustration and anger from hearing that all this time, I was chasing down some OTHER keckleon, and not only that, but one that wasn't even a shopkeeper... no, this one was a part of a rescue team like me. I then angrily head out of the guild, and start my journey back to Scale City, or, more accurately, the city of unreliable citizens. Through pure anger, I knocked out any pokemon that was unlucky enough to cross my path and try to attack me... after a while, they seem to have gotten the point. Strangely enough, I saw a familiar-looking mareep and litleo, though, that buneary that was with them seemed to be gone... weird. I finally make it back to Scale City, only to notice that it was getting dark, and I REALLY didn't want to have to walk all the way back here in the morning. I look up and notice a sign for a hotel, one that apparently was owned by a salamence and a sceptile, one of which wasn't a dragon type, oddly enough. I head in there, and see a clawncher asking Anthony and that... um green thing that held Josh's bucket in Beach Cave... though, I didn't want to butt in on the conversation, as it seemed important, and I was pretty angry at the moment. I walked over to the counter, and look at the prices... 5000 poke for a one-night's stay... yeah, I didn't have that much, and probably wouldn't, no matter how many times I searched through Beach Cave. Thankfully, there was a cheaper option, a 'cheapo-room' for 50 poke a night. I could afford that, for sure. I put down 50 poke, and they hand me my key, apparently to room number thirteen. I head over to my room, and open it up to see nothing more than a bed in my room, though, at this point, that was all I needed.

I get dragged around into some sort of fancy building in the middle of the fog. The gold and amber-colored things, and general fanciness reminded me of home, heck, there was even a giant blood spot on the carpet... just like... home, but, this time, I managed to hold back my tears as I was almost thrown into, and then dragged through the nearby vents. I was about to ask what the heck we were doing here, but from what everyone else was saying, it seemed as though we were hiding from something... something as vague as 'IT'... ugh. I end up whispering, that is, after I hear Samuel scream like a little girl "So, what is it that we're avoiding?" I hoped that I would get a response and not just another scream from Samuel... once everyone fell out of the vents, I could hear some seriously heavy footsteps approaching us, which was weird... what could live here that could be so heavy? The footsteps also seemed to come in fours... maybe we were hiding from some sort of heavy quadrupedal pokemon? Well, whatever it is, William sure seemed afraid of it... I wonder, though, if the thing's male, maybe I'll be able to keep him distracted with attract while they beat up on him. I think as I continue waiting for whatever it is. This waiting seemed to drag on for hours, and yet, the thing never seemed to approach our area. Maybe I was just impatient and wanted to get this whole thing over with... or maybe it really did take hours. Either way, staying in a room that really reminded me of home wasn't very comfortable to me. I ended up closing my eyes before the gold, amber, and various weird things brought back too many bad memories... though, I knew I'd have to open them at some point, after all, I can't fight with my eyes closed, can I?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"It's a Conkeldurr. I've been here before. It nearly killed me, and we're probably no match for it, and according to the mission, we have to get some other poor kid who found himself here. I know where to go, I think..." I whisper to Bonnie and Samuel. l hear the footsteps and with each pound, I wince, more and more. "Brace yourselves, he might be here any second, if you can find your way down, get down it ASAP. It's a brute, I think it might have been civilized at one point, which is why I occasionally hear words from it, but otherwise, it's grunts and roars." I look around, and see a small rubble pathway, and I begin to walk over to it, before I see the doors on the side of the top floor shake, and quiver, more and more as the footsteps got louder, and closer. I carefully step down the path before feeling something sharp puncture my feet, and I grab it immediately. I try to balance myself, and go around the sharp objects, my foot dripping and oozing blood with every hop. Once I get to the bottom, I fall over and take the sharp thing out of my feet. It was clear, sharp, hard to scratch, and had a very smooth surface. What was this material? Was there a way to make more? No time for questions, we have to find that kid and make our escape quickly. I stand up and limp about a foot more before I hear "Will! Catch me!" and I turn around, and run back below the top floor. I watch Samuel carefully make himself hang and I watch him slowly let go and fall. I caught him. He says "Phew... Thanks," and walks around. More rattling, this time of every door it seemed like. "Bonnie, hurry, I think he's here!" I yell, looking at the 18 foot drop. I hold out my arms and wait for Bonnie to do an extreme version of the trust fall as Samuel walks around aimlessly, finding more of the smooth, sharp, clear material. He gets an idea, and bunches up all of the material, and says "Drop this in his path if he walks toward us!" as he makes three small piles. I look back up at bonnie and say "You can trust me!" as I wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

"I think we have to notify the guild master that we are creating a team." I say to Ratnika. "I mean I'm not even a member of the guild yet." I say. "Well anyways, let's go tell the guild master." I add and I walk to the entrance to the guild masters chamber. The small bird pokemon is sitting in front of the door. "You're back..." the bird pokemon says unhappily. "Yes I am. Now I am afraid I didn't catch your name." I tell the small bird. "Likewise." the small bird tells me disappointingly. "My name is Archie." the bird informs me. "I am Ven and this is my partner Ratnika" I say as I motion in the direction of Ratnika. Archie sighs and leads me through the door and I wait for Ratnika to enter the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes had continued to fallow, only to hear about the whole things with Anthony and some trouble that supposedly was going to happen. She shook her head, and waited, listening, waiting. She then heard some footsteps, and then hid a bit more, seeing Spruce actually walking in, angered, and going for a room. Guess he did not find what he was looking... She sighed and thinked a bit. She still felt like she had extra energy.... And she did have her bread for energy. Well, better just wait and see what would happen... Rapidash.... those will be a pain if a fight goes to break in.... She breath deeply. She though a bit more at the moment. If she was going to show herself in the end, she will have to have a name, cause they might ask... and she would not give off her real name that is for sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ratnika hovered in the air, following closely behind Ven. He hovered into the Guildmaster's office and saw Archie, whom he had addressed earlier. "Pleasure seeing you again." he said. "Yes, you're the one who got accepted into the guild a few hours ago, weren't you?" Archie said. "Yes, that was me. Ven here is wanting to join the guild, and then me and him would like to form a team." he stated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The thunderous clopping of hooves filled the air, and several white horses clambered into the city, their flaming mane's billowing out smoke. They pulled alongside a wooden chariot, and sitting in a tank on top of it was a large, powerful-looking Clawitzer. The Clawitzer pulled the Rapidash to a stop, who whinnied and stamped their hooves. The Clawitzer climbed down the wooden steps of the chariot, it's legs scuttling around with surprising expertise on land for a water pokemon.

Hex had been heading to the lavish hotel when the chariot had pulled in. It had blown right past her, almost causing her to crash into a nearby dragon type. It pulled up by the hotel, and the Clawitzer came out, boasting it's massive claw. Matt quickly stuff Josh into a nearby wooden crate. There, it began asking the group a couple of questions, of which she could not hear exactly. He laid of a collection of photos in front of the group, and Matt shook his head at one of them.

Hex fluttered over to the group, trying to avoid the masses of dragon types filling the area. It seemed there was a lot more pokemon than earlier. It seemed most of them were rushing to Amanda's Threads, which seemed to be getting quite a bit more popular. A lot more dragon types were hanging around the store now, entering in and out with all sorts of goods and clothes and accessories. Maybe the fact some of their team bought all those fancy new clothes that it began to attract others.

Hex quickly fluttered over to the group, eager to see what was happening. The Clawitzer stared intently at Anthony, awaiting a response from the small pile of goo. Hex stared at the photos, recognizing one. Josh was on one of the twelve lying across her, and the Clawitzer seemed intent on finding him. "Hm." She said, looking over them. She wasn't completely sure what was going on. They all had some familiarities to them. Most, if not all, seemed to look like water types.

The Clawitzer informed her as to what was going on. Apparently, he had "misplaced" those pokemon, and he was looking for them. She pondered as to what to do. There were two things that could possibly happen. The Clawitzer had harmful intent toward the pokemon in the photos and was looking for them. Or he somehow protected all of them and was looking for them because they ran away. Hex shrugged. "Don't know a single one."
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