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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Mummy did seem to have a point, the Guild was rather new, in fact it was literally brand new, all the chaos caused Measha to forget today was the grand opening. It was a bit odd to consider people you just met family, but no matter. He ignored the Mummy Boy's comments and remained focused and prepared when suddenly an old man entered the room. He recognized him from earlier, he was one of the enemy wizards that attacked the Guild. This made Measha nervous, he was in this dark room alone, and now it was two on one. He had no idea what the geezer was capable of.

"With all due respect sir, there's only one old man i'll ever consider to be my grandpa." Measha said rather sarcastically. The old man tapped his cane and suddenly the goo from earlier was all over the place, wrapping around the cloth. He was no doubt at a disadvantage, but there was no other option but to fight. "That may have made me happy if you did it sooner... " The Mummy remarked before lifting his hand an whipping the goo covered cloth at Measha who rolled out of the way and immediately began launching fireballs at the mummy. The goo cloth shot up and absorbed the impact of the fireballs. "Guess i'm gonna have to take out the geezer first" Measha thought to himself when suddenly the Mummy perked up and looked to his right.

"Ah, it seems they have already made it through. We will have to meet up later. He then backed up and bowed as to apologize for leaving. The old man didn't say a word, and simply melted into a pile of goo! Measha was taken aback, and didn't realize how much he was craving a fight until his opponents left. The Mummy had entered a room located opposite from Measha's position. He chased him down, and to his luck the door was unlocked. He barged in prepared for a fight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maria was so focused on trying to put up her arms to try and protect her from the blast of the shockwave that she didn't even notice Sam until he had grabbed her, throwing both himself and her away from the speaker, though the sheer shock wave sent them flying across the halls floor. With a hail of wooden and metal splinters falling down, Maria looked around shell shocked for a moment, spotting Sam moving, only to smile a little before passing out. As the dust cleared from the stage the people could see that the blast had cleared away the back and the door leading straight into the Guild Master's Office... Time to say hello to the person behind all this.
Orin straightened up, fresh from the fight that he was just in, panting a little before putting a thumb up to Kaldis to signal he was fine, he suspected Hector was as well, after all he was a dragon slayer. "We need to hurry, come along. I am going to need your help this time, just like last time remember? Heh" He did not wait around long as he started to make his way towards the door, still too shy to check on the girl, and Hector was a tough guy so he was fine. As soon as he came along Orin would head into the hallway and make his way to the guild masters chambers.
Before the two groups that came from each hallway was the guild master, sitting at his desk at the end of the rather long room, his hand tucked under his chin as he peered over his glasses to the people coming into his room. On either side of him there were the old man the two had met, along with the mummy man. "Ah, I am so very glad that you could all-,"


The door on the other end of the room shattered, sending shards of wood scattering across the ground, showing the group from the main hall... "... Could all join me..." Standing up he smirked away. "However, for pray to come into the predator's den, either bravery or stupidity wont help them." He cbhuckled, wondering what they would attempt to do, it was so amusing to him that they would even try to do this against him of all people!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Measha barged into the Guildmasters room to find the Guildmaster himself sitting at a desk, along with the old man and mummy boy. The sight of Orin and Hector boosted his confidence tenfold, and a cloak of fire once more engulfed Measha's body. He had the urge to simply charge his opponents, but recalled a lesson he had taught himself earlier today. "Think before you act" He thought to himself, and so Measha took a moment to analyze the situation. He had been among nothing but talk all day, now was the time for action! Fortunately, Measha took note that the old man had yet to surround mummy boy's cloth in goo, now seemed to be the perfect opportunity to attack.

"Enough talking!" Measha shouted, and with haste he crouched and began concentrating his fire magic. "Flame Clones!" with that, three large balls of fire spawned around Measha and took his form, clones made of nothing but pure flames. At Measha's will the three clones charged the three enemy guild wizards, it wasn't much of an attack but more of a distraction. As the clones attempted an attack Measha began spinning furiously and flames surrounded the area around him, he was preparing another Whirlwind attack which would be directed right at the mummy boy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam came limping into the room, using the spear as a crutch.
He was mentally debating if he would spend another healing potion. He drank one already, gave one to a guild member and left one with the unconscious Maria.
This means where were only 2 left. He decided to keep them reserve for now.
And maybe pay attention to what was going on in the room. Walls were busting from almost every direction and people came pouring in it seemed.
Sam peered trough the chaos to listen to the guy who seemed to be the guild master.
He was preparing a witty reply to the man's questions when Measha shouted and started flinging flaming clones all over the place.
Sam rushed to cover. From there he saw Orin prepare himself for more combat also.
"What was our goal here anyways?" He whispered at him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

Kaldis smiled when Orin signaled that they were alright, he hadn't really fought at all, so he felt guilty that he couldn't pitch in against the sheer power Bull had displayed. He then nodded and followed Orin wordlessly until they reached they reached the door, and gulped before saying: "This is where it's gonna get crazy..." as they entered the hallway. His heart began to race...this was where he had to prove himself for real, the other mages had just been a warm-up, one that he'd had time to recover from during Orin and Hector's fight. Silently praying that he was strong enough, he stepped inside the room, a bit after Orin.

As they entered the room, he saw the old man from earlier...looked like Bullman hadn't been lying, he really was in two places at once! There was another one too...a boy wrapped in bandages. Kaldis wondered for a moment about why he would fight if he was that injured, but payed it no mind as he overheard the Serpent's Dagger Guildmaster give a rather cocky statement about who was the prey and the predator. Sometimes he hated having really good hearing, and this was one of them. The way the old man felt completely safe and secure, even with only a few people left to fight for him...irritated him. Oddly, he didn't even notice the slight scraping sound coming from his scalp, as the antlers on his extended upwards slightly, once they reached an even 2 and a half feet, they sprouted another set of curved spikes, just below the last. He clasped his own right hand with his left, and got ready to carry out Orin's orders once more. "Orin...who are we going for first?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin was shocked at the burst of flames that were being thrown around, forcing him to take cover from it, even though it was meant to be from his guild mate he had a feeling that the flames were going to burn him too given that Measha had not said anything about his flames only burning things he wants, like the rather well known purple flame mage from Fiery Tail. He couldn't tell what was going on so he answered the two that were beside him. "We were-, are meant to find out why they are doing this and stop them." Adjusting his chains Orin looked at the scene before him.

At Measha's attack, a goo wall showed up before the old man, adsorbing the clone while the Guild Master just smiled at the one that came towards him. Just as the fire mage unleashed the flame whirlwind it suddenly came to a stop, like hitting a thick cushion. Before him was not the mummy mage but the Guild Master Axcel Goulard. "Did you really think I would let you attack one of my subordinates with his weakness? Imbecile!" The smoke pushed away Measha's attack, hopefully still aflame or he would find himself burned by the smoke, before he progressed towards him. "You should be honored to face me boy, make sure you never forget this moment Kehehehehe"

Orin looked on at the scene, seeing the guild master having crushed the flame clone with a smoke like speak on his way to intercept the attack and the other flame clone attacking the mummy guy... This guy was no joke. "Right... I will take care of the old man. Kaldis you have the mummy, and Sam you help out Measha, it seems like he caulght the wrong kind of attention..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Alright, Good luck to you both then. Kaldis, take my spear. It's enchanted to give the likes of me the martial skill to rival the likes of these people. Add that to your clumsy luck and you'll be a fearsome opponent indeed" Sam laughed before giving them a serious look before turning around and walking into the battlezone.
He tried to go unnoticed and move in the background, though this proved quite difficult when the background was on fire.
He sprinted not for the fight but a large chunk of ice near the place they entered so dramatically. "Always nice to have an ice dragon slayer hanging around." Sam muttered to himself as he broke of a fistsized chunk of ice. "Magical ice..."
He then wiped of his brow and rubbed his hand onto the pale ice shard. "Drops of sweat shed in times of stress..."
He lifted the ice rock in the air and took aim. "And flash boiled at extreme temperatures!"
With a fastball Sam slung the frosty surprise right at Measha's back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Measha hadn't anticipated Axcel to move so quickly to the mummy's aid and deflect one of his most powerful spells with ease, nor did he expect the Guildmaster to engage him. It wasn't wise to take on somebody as experienced as Axcel, hell it was suicide when you thought about it! But in front of Measha wasn't Axcel Goulard, nor was it a Guildmaster, in front of Measha was a threat to his new home, his newfound purpose. In front of Measha was a threat to his future, he wasn't about to let that be wiped away before it had even begun, and so Measha stood his ground, took his signature fighting stance, and engulfed himself in flames once more. Not an ounce of fear lingered in his mind, only the burning will to stop the man before him and the consequences that could befall if he didn't. "You're picking a fight with somebody that has everything to lose," Measha shouted to Axcel as he approached. As the words left his mouth Sam slung his slab of ice towards Measha's back, melting almost immediately after coming within inches of his fire. Measha felt the substance splash into his back and felt the effects immediately, from his perspective everything felt as if it were in slow motion, he gave a confident smirk as he realized the advantage he now had. "My will burns to break yours, Goulard,"

He didn't skip a beat, and in almost an instant Measha was right in Axcel's face, throwing punches and kicks at incredible speeds from all over, each punch and kick accompanied by an explosion of fire. It was almost impossible for one to follow his fists and legs with the naked eye. Axcel seemed to be blocking and deflecting a majority of the attacks but was fortunately on the defensive. Measha's main priority was to keep the acid smoke user on his toes and prevent him from casting his smoke. Just by plowing the man with punches and kicks Measha could tell Axcel had martial arts experience, but he couldn't tell if his experience and training was superior to his, but eventually his speed was superior to the Guildmaster's because Measha had landed a punch straight into his stomach, causing him to reel forward. The one punch turned to five punches, then ten, then twenty, then another twenty, fire exploded into Axcel's stomach as Measha relentlessly threw his fists over and over again into the man's gut and followed up the combo with an upward kick, the heel of Measha's foot ramming into the Guildmaster's chin, launching him into the air. Measha began to spin in place, his amazing speed allowed him to move at such a rate he turned into a mere blur within a second. He began casting fireballs upward into Axcel's floating body practically at the rate of a machine gun. Ceasing the fireballs Measha used the momentum from his spinning to dash forward and up the side of the wall, a trail of fire following him every step of the way. Planting his feet he launched himself towards Axcel's floating body and plowed himself into it, the pair flew through the room and would eventually smash into the opposite wall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

Kaldis juggled the spear around in his hands, surprised that Sam was giving him a weapon. Once the spear settled in his grip, he felt...different somehow. He felt like the spear was...telling him things, and various maneuvers and techniques that looked like they were done by crazy fighting masters were being performed by him in his head. Shaking his head a bit in confusion, he found that the memories stuck to his mind, and he felt like he could do almost all of them. Looking back to Sam, Kaldis said "Thanks for the weapon...be careful. Beatrice will kill us if we die." though oddly, he sounded much more confident and deep in tone than he usually did...was this the spear's magic too? He didn't know, all he did know was that he was supposed to be fighting the person wrapped in bandages.

Holding the spear, he carefully inched his way towards the mummy man, though some part of him still didn't really want to fight these people until he understood what they were after. Relaxing his stance a bit, he looked at the bandaged man and said: "Hey...um...what did you guys want to get out of this anyways? It all seems kind of...pointless." He backed up a bit, unsure of what type of mage the guy was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hector looked over to Elliot as she killed the man, it was obviously unintentional as the boy explained. He followed the group into the next room and stood back as the scene unfolded infront of him. He decided to stay back as the fight started, the boy he met before was fighting like a demon. He looked to Elliot who was standing back as well. "what you not joining?" he asked her.

She raised an eyebrow, "I dont see you jumping in either. " Hector leaned against the wall. "It seems in hand. Besides I want to see how strong the other members are..."

She shook her head, "Sure .... you are just scared thats it. "She smirked before moving towards measha.

"Hmph..." He folded his arms and looked to Orin, wanting to see how strong he had truely gotten over the years
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axcel was taken by surprise as the speedy assault that Measha unleashed against him! He was not expecting the kid to move so fast, but in his mind he thought about how it could have happened. 'damn it, it was what that brat did! What did he use to give him such power?' Just at that moment he smashed against the wall that Measha threw him to, the wall cracking from the sheer impact.

"You..." Spitting to the ground he saw his own blood "You little ant. You dare to make me bleed? I will show you no mercy for this!" Standing up from the ground Axcel reached behind his back, pulling out two very thin daggers, lifting them out to his sides in a cross like shape. "Secret Smoke Magic Art: Ghostly swordsmen" Breathing in deeply he soon bellowed out smoke from his pipe, it floating under his arms just as he dropped the daggers, which were caulght within the smoke and spun around as if being used by human hands. Right then... Now the real fight starts!"

Dashing forwards Axcel went in for a uppercut, though it was slow compared to Measha right now, the true intent was one of his knives, and given there was four directions he could attack right now, it would be impossible to avoid the surprise attack. The dagger would pierce his arms flesh before the other was aimed for his other one, thankfully Measha got back in time. "You may be faster you brat, but you still only have four places to attack from.. Oh, sorry three... Heheheh" Suddenly Measha would feel his arm go numb, also preventing him from using his magic with said arm.


"Yeah... It is pointless, all of it is... Well, maybe. Oh I am Mumford Strap by the way... If you cared..." Strap gave out a sigh as he swayed from side to side, giving off a depressing aura as he was doing so. "We are just sick of it you know... Always being the underdogs. This guild has always been a place that helped fellow guilds that were just starting off and one by one they became great and well known guilds..." Another sense came off now, almost a sense of anger as he clenched his fist.

"Not us though, we remained here, always helping never getting... We even helped a guild you may know today as Blue Pegasus" That would make this guild pretty old given the Blue Pegasus legacy. "Despite this they never helped us back, not when they reached the top we were forgotten... Then Axcel took over, swore we would never be left behind again to guilds that were weaker than us...." Strap was distracted at this point, looking to Axcel fighting.


Orin was still battleing the old man, though he had gotten himself into a little bit of trouble as he was stuck in the goo that he had created "I see you are stronger than your copies. Ugh" The old man was surprised at first but chuckled it off "Oh, so you figured that out huh? Well, it matters not I shall deal with you and then help my grandson Axcel." Raising his cane the bottom flipped open and a huge blast of magical energy shot off, slamming into Orin and burning away the goo. "Heh, young people these days don't know how to-," Suddenly Orin burst out from the top of the magical beam, slightly burned but clearly ok as the chains he had used to protect himself started to go back into their shackles "Chain Fist!" Suddenly the old man produced a wall of goo, but both it and him were pushed back from the sheer power of it.

"Heh, I was taught by someone much older than you. So don't get cocky"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam stood and studied the fights. Measha needed just one more little push and victory would be assured, thought Sam.
He pondered and stared at the old man and his control over the goo. The stuff seemed useful for just about anything.. Let's put that to the test shall we?
Sam broke off a sharp icicle and dipped it in the vial. Meanwhile he sprinted to the other side of the battlefield, taking care to not get caught in the crossfire.
A few meters and a few more close calls further and he'd found himself behind Axcel. He scooped up some of the guild master's blood and with his finger he drew a sigil of chaos on the shard.

"Fire and Ice, powerful magic unknown and blood of the anarchist... And an invitation for magic to flow freely."
Sam mumbled to himself as he concentrated on the spell.

He took a piece of cloth from the wreckage and wrapped the cold weapon in it, so it only showed the very tip of the icicle.
After finding eye contact with Measha he tossed it over carefully, accompanied with a foreboding look. Making it clear that this was a dangerous tool. Sam silently gestured a stabbing motion, followed by a thrust of his open palm, as if throwing a fireball, then jumping back and covering his face with his arms. That should be clear enough he thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Measha grasped his bloody arm. "Just perfect" Axcel then charged forward, thus putting Measha on the defensive. Now aware of the daggers he blocked Axcel's attacks and avoided the daggers as best he could, the speed making up for his numb arm, but he couldn't find a chance to attack. An opening eventually presented itself and Measha kicked Axcel in the chest, sending him back only a couple feet, but one of the daggers was now speeding towards his leg. Measha leaped into the air, avoiding one dagger but leaving him vulnerable to the other, which was now speeding towards him. He spun midair, causing the dagger to pierce the arm it had slashed before. Measha grimaced from the attack as he landed some yards away from Axcel. "I guess i'll just have to fight you from here." He said with arrogance, hiding the pain from his voice. Fear and doubt were unknown in his mind at the moment. Standing up straight, he took his fighting stance once more, except now his damaged arm was behind his back, and would remain there for the rest of the fight. "Flaming Fists: Flame Cloak!" Measha shouted, fire engulfed his body like a suit of armor.

Measha began to gracefully throw kicks and few punches towards Axcel from his position, the fire surrounding his body extending a far distance towards the Guildmaster in the shape of a fist or kick. The floating daggers were much easier to avoid from this distance. Each time Axcel came within striking range Measha would sprint out of the way using his speed, avoiding the daggers and simultaneously launching punches and kicks of pure flame towards him. This tactic kept Axcel away and allowed Measha to focus on avoiding the daggers but it also locked the two into a ranged combat. It was a stalemate. Measha had to devise a plan and act on it before his magic was depleted and the effects of Sam's ice shard wore off. At this rate both would occur very soon, and leave Measha completely vulnerable.

"Only three places too attack from huh?" Measha shouted before abandoning his previous strategy and dashing straight towards Axcel. He leaped into the air above him. "Flame Clones!" Whilst in the air three clones dropped down and engaged Axcel. "Now i've got fifteen!" he shouted, landing a distance away. The Guildmaster was now being attacked from all over, but the clones didn't inherit Measha's speed and were considerably weaker than him, so the combat was more or less even. Axcel along with the advantage of his daggers made short work of the clones. "Axcel!" Measha shouted from afar, catching his attention. He stood still, now gripping Sam's icicle in his right hand, and locked eyes with Axcel when suddenly a fourth clone fell from above and grabbed him from behind! Measha smirked, "Gotcha," and sprinted with amazing speed towards the Guildmaster, but to his dismay the effects of Sam's ice shard had worn off just as he began to move. "Dammit! Not good!" Measha was now sprinting at normal speed, both daggers now aiming for him. If he didn't make his move now, Axcel would break loose and Measha would lose the fight for sure. "Don't let me down Sam!" he shouted before leaping into the air and launching the icicle towards Axcel whilst being stabbed from both sides by the floating daggers, one in his good arm, the other his leg. Measha fell to the floor as the icicle impaled Axcel's shoulder. The flame clone that held the Guildmaster in place gripped the icicle, causing it to melt. Measha did as Sam instructed and curled up on the floor, preparing for impact.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sam saw the icicle strike home and held his breath as he channeled all his magic on the water.
"With all my power I call upon the wyrd. Alea iacta est bitches!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

Kaldis listened intently to Mumford's explanation of their guild's history, and he couldn't help but feel a little...empathetic towards them. He agreed with him, at least to a certain extent, that it wasn't right for them to just be forgotten after all the help they'd given. But even so...doing something like this didn't feel like they were trying to better themselves, they weren't trying to gain glory honestly. This was something that a Dark Guild would do. Maintaining his composure, Kaldis looked at Mumford before saying: "So...that's why. But...why are you attacking smaller guilds then? You aren't going to get anything out of this...a-and you're getting innocent people involved too! That's not...that's not what a Mage Guild should be doing!" He maintained a grip on the spear, but he felt his conviction shift...if they were to destroy this guild, would that only prove them right?

Shaking the thoughts from his mind, he looked at the fight between Measha and Axcel, the fight accentuating to the point that both has stab wounds now. Seeing that something was happening to the icicle Measha had thrown, Kaldis couldn't tear his eyes away as he waited for the unexpected...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sayuri smiled at the breeze she was feeling. Something so weak would no be able to defeat her. Curling up her fist, she burst forward, dodging the mini tornadoes Kael was throwing at her. When she got close enough, she thrust her fist into the collarbone of Kael, while giving more power into the fist to make it hurt even more.

Kael was taken aback from this tactic of rushing headfirst into a attack, but he saw she was able to dodge his attacks. I guess I will have to stop holding back. While thinking this, he felt a bone breaking. He searched around for a bit, before noticing his opponent was there with her fist in his neck. He started to fall again from the force of the punch. When he landed, the tiles around broke underneath, with shards flying about, hitting anybody in sight.

A smile crept upon Sayuri's face. It was a quick fight, but satisfying at the same time. Now, maybe the antler boy could be the next dish. She began searching around for him, scanning the destruction around. Wow, I did not do my usual amount. I probably should've thrown wind boy around a bit more.

Gathering his strength, Kael hid, observing his guildmates fighting the girl with the speakers until they finally defeated her. However, the Guildmaster was here now, ready to pummel them. He was torn to rush to help them, but the mage girl would cause trouble, for she was powerful. He thought about this for a bit, before he had made his decision.

Sayuri saw that the Guildmaster had come out. She felt some fear, but banished it into a pit. Such a weak feeling, but understandable when facing the master. He was so powerful, she just began to blush at the thought. Wanting to help, she began to rush forward. That is, until she hit a wall. What was happening?

Kael concentrated a bit more, trying to keep up the wall of hardened winds that would be able to keep her out. He could not allow her to help her master. She began to attack it several times, testing out the strength of the wall. With every hit, he winced, for they were powerful hits, like the one that hit his collarbone. He knew that the wall would not stay up at this pace, but he was no good in hand-to-hand against her, for she was very good at it. However, he had to keep his comrades safe!

He rushed from the pile of rubble he had been hiding in and tackled Sayuri from her position in the air, pushing himself and her into the stone wall of the guild. He felt some blood beginning to fall down his face, but he had to continue. Sayuri began to kick him, trying to make him let go. His ribs began to be sore, but he did not let go. Sayuri finally had had enough and grabbed his arms and began to push outwards, forcing Kael to let go. Kael felt pain as his arms were being pulled out of their sockets. He just wanted it all to stop, but he had to fight. Using the wind as a buffer, Sayuri let go.

Both of them taking their chances, they began to infuse their bodies with their magic before going to a flurry of blows. They did not even seem to try to block the other person's blows, but countered with their own strike. The power of the magic began to rise, making the very foundation of the main hall to shake from it. The walls began to crack, the wind became thick and heavy to breathe. Kael's silver aura and Sayuri's black aura began to show in the area before dimming again.

With a final blow, two bodies went flying in opposite directions. One of them landed fine on the ground, with dust being kicked into the air. The other hit the wall with a force to be embedded into it. The wall began to moan as the surrounding area slowly weakened before falling in on itself. With that support, dust began to fall from the ceiling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Axcel smirked away as the boy engulfed his body in flames, finding it cute that he thought that would provide him any sort of protection from his daggers! Dashing forwards Axcel twisted and hopped over the fireballs with a amazing athletic ability that most mages lacked, though despite this the boys speed kept him from getting any nearer to him. "Tch, you are just wasting time. As soon as that effect wears off I will punish you for wasting my time."

It was right then that the flame clones appeared "What?! You can make so many? Huh, still not enough!" The guild master, unlike before, was aiming for killing blows on the clones but it was more or less even with how many of them there were around him fighting, if he didn't have the daggers he would have been done for. After dealing with the three clones Axcel turned his attention to the main body, however he failed to notice the other clone dropping down, grabbing him and causing him to wince from pain "AH Damn you!" His daggers ripped the clone apart, but too late to defend himself from Measha's attack, forcing him to attack as well.

"A worm like you could never beat me!!" After the conflict Axcel peered down to the shared of ice stabbed into his chest, though not a lethal hit it was still hurting. "A-As expected you couldn't beat me..." It was then that the shredded clone rose again and grabbed onto both Axcel and the sharde, causing steam to fly out as it melted into the wound. "W-What?!" Slowly his smoke changed color from a ash gray into a golden color. At the moment Axcel tried to stab into the clone the smoke caught aflame and detonated into a bright flash, sending him flying across the ground. "Ah..... I see... *cough* Uhhh..."
"No one was really hurt, we only wished to stop you from growing, to allow us to grow in your place... Now though" His eyes peered over to the fight between the two boys and the guild master. "It seems that ends here." Cloth spread across the ground, suddenly shooting towards Kaldis to attempt to grab onto him and throw him away into one of the near by tables. "Sorry about this.. I dont want to fight but we were ordered too."
Meanwhile Orin was trapped within a pillar of goo, the old man firing his cane over and over again at him, looking more than a little upset about the fact it had little effect on the large man. "Why, wont, you, go, down! Give up already!" With a determined look in his eyes, Orin started to slowly drag himself through the goo, surprising the old man as he increased the canes fire rate "Stop! Damn it why don't you-," Rising his fist Orin punched it so hard that the goo tore open and allowed him to follow through into smashing his fist into the old mans face, sending him flying away. Standing in the drying goo Orin rubbed the back of his head as his body was smoking from magic impacts. "I feel kind of bad for doing that..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 16 min ago

"Wh-what do you-" Was all Kaldis could say before he was suddenly assaulted by cloth identical to Mumford's bandages...was this his magic at work? The bandages wrapped around his free arm and smashed him into one of the nearby tables. It hurt a lot, but luckily he kept a tight grip on his spear, and used it to cut the bandages on his arm. Clutching his aching shoulder, he stood up, now just a bit angrier after being sucker punched. His antlers showed that, growing at least another inch, the spines sharpening slightly. If there was one thing for certain, it's that Kaldis was done talking...a bit late to the party, admittedly. Stripping the remaining bandages off of his arm, he ran his hand along it, and formed a sizable kite shield around his forearm before facing Mumford. "...Guess I'm sorry too then." He began walking towards Mumford, spear held tightly in his left hand, the shield on his right. "I'm sorry that I couldn't convince you." Was all he added as he charged Mumford.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

By the end of it all, the three of the heads of the guild lay before them beaten and bruised from the battle but pretty much alive. Even the guild master was still awake despite the explosion that rocked him to his very being. He was moving up to the desk behind him, crawling to put his back to it and start looking in his pockets for something. "So.. This is how it is meant to be after all" Picking out a pack of smokes he lifted them up just as his now broken glasses fell from his face. Putting on in his mouth with a shaky hand he shook his head "Don't worry, these are just normal cigarettes."

With a puff of smoke he looked to the boy that had beaten him in a sense, though if they were pfighting to kill he thought he would have been able to do just that. "You know.. Maybe you are right, about the dark guild stuff. After all they have to start somewhere tight? But.... they had to start somewhere and I just grew so sick of it all. Even when I was a child it was always about the other guilds and we never got anything back. Well. You going to report us now? If so you better do it fast before we can recover heh." It was clear he was not up to fighting anytime soon, more so bleeding like he was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Thundercat
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Measha watched as Axcel crawled towards his desk, he wanted to subdue the Guildmaster should he try anything, but was completely helpless. Measha lay on the floor, there wasn't much he could do with one leg, since his other limbs were now paralyzed. Although Measha fought Axcel without an ounce of fear, the sight of him now pulling out a pack of cigarettes was horrifying, but he let out a sigh of relief when he claimed they were normal cigarettes. The rest of what he had to say was confusing to Measha, his attention was purely focused on Axcel during the fight, he didn't even realize the other guild heads laying on the floor, defeated.

Measha lay on the floor opposite of Axcel's desk, a few yards away. He mustered up what strength he had left to sit up and lock eyes with the Guildmaster. "You're crazy...to think, we wouldn't report you.....after all this? You're lucky we don't burn this place down." He wasn't sure if he was in the right place to be talking to Axcel that way, he only hoped Beatrix would arrive soon while he was still weak.

Kaldis stood up after his battle with Mumford, having emerged victorious, but drained. He cut the bandages still clinging to his body off with the tip of the spear Sam had given him, and promptly fell back onto his butt. Looking at Mumford as he lay defeated, he said: "...I'm sorry." before leaning back, sprawling out on the floor. Just as he could feel his consciousness start to slip, he overheard the conversation between Axcel and Measha, and felt a slight twinge of pain
in the back of his mind after hearing the story of the guild being left behind. "If we turn them in...would we be just as bad as all the other guilds who turned their backs on them? was all he thought as he slumped to his knees and started crawling over to the two. "Wait...wait. I don't...I don't think we should." Was all he said as he took a sitting distance a fair distance between the two.

Measha was dumbfounded at Kaldis's proposal. "What? Why? Look at us. If we failed here, imagine what would've happend to the Guild."

"I get it!" Kaldis suddenly rose from his sitting position on his wobbly legs, steadily rising little by little. "I understand that perfectly, if we'd have lost they wouldn't have stopped, but do you know why they did all this?"

He actually hadn't considered why another, larger guild would attempt to wipe out a starter guild. "Well, no. I don't see why that matters?"

"Because....because they've devoted every act up until recently to help out small guild starting out...even the one's that are really big now like Blue Pegasus got help from them..." Was all Kaldis said as he fell back down to his knees, too weak to stand.

"So....why are they doing the opposite? What happened?"" It was difficult for Measha to wrap his head around the whole situation. He wasn't sure if it was the fatigue from the fight or, maybe the effects of Axcel's daggers were messing with his head.

Kaldis tried once more to stand, this time only making it to his feet by leaning against his spear and propping up against it. "They've never..." He finally got to a standing position on his own and le tthe spear rest at his side. "Not once has anybody ever returned their kindness. I-I'm sorry but, I...I think I understand how they felt." He turned his gaze to the ground, as he couldn't really look anybody in the eyes, somewhat embarassed to be sticking up for the enemy.
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