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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sounds of construction trailed off across the cool winds that blew on this sunny day, which was a day that one Beatrix Fiarglaive had decided that it was to be the day when the guildhall was to be finished! She had grown tired of living out of a hotel as she hardly got any sleep while sharing a room with Sophia and Orin, one snored and the other was up late... Which was which she did not care as she constantly punished them both for it. Right now she was relaxing in a hammock strung up by two paper poles she had summoned.

Suddenly the light across Beatrix, who was dressed in summer clothing, was blocked out by a hulking mass of muscle known as Orin. "You know. If you sleep all day you will get bags under your eyes" A pink bird fluttered down onto the three meter long beam was was carrying. "Baggy eyes! Baggy eyes!" With a groan Beatrix sat up. "You are blocking my light brat.... Also shut up bird before I make you our first guild feast."

Lifting the beam Orin placed it standing up, looking over the construction. "That being said. We are almost done. Finally. A place to stop and call home, not to mention work! Gahahhaha" Beatrix looked a little shocked for a moment, rubbing her head as she tried to remember something... "What is the matter mother?" Beatrix stood up and looked around "I uh... Can't remember if I ordered the job flyers today or not..." Orin allowed the beam to fall "WHAT?! We told you we needed them today!! Beatrix swiped her hand out "I know, I know. Geez. I think I ordered them... I may have been drunk while I did it though. Now where is that other brat Sophia?"
While that was happening a rather slender man in a cap and lacrima powered running shoes came up to the front of the guild, a stack of flyers in each of his hands. "Kekeke. Hello? Anyone from this guild here? I am here to deliver important documents!..." With a scrowl he zipped around the front entrance a few times. "How dare they keep me waiting. They need to be quick quick if they want these...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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A large mass of paper that carried a little girl made it's way-

Actually no, that is merely an illusion one might have had while watching the scene. It was actually the little girl who was carrying the large mass of paper, not the other way around. This girl, otherwise known as Sophia made her way to the guild entrance. What got her running like crazy was a small piece of paper with a messy note one it that the first guild jobs were ordered to come in on that particular morning. One glance at the note made it clear that once elegant handwriting was heavily affected by the alcohol consumed by the note's author. Clearly, the Guild Master has been drinking and even performing paperwork intoxicated.

From a distance, the Ink Mage could spot the courier and she could only hope to be fast enough to catch him. The amount of paper and scrolls on her didn't exactly improve her agility, nor did the fact that she barely slept for the past couple of days. Excited by their guild hall's construction, she's been developing new ideas for her inky creations and the greatest inspirations always seemed to come to her in the dead of night. Beatrix, her master would have none of that entire staying-up nonsense, so Sophia's been doomed with the punishment to take care of tons upon tons of exhaustingly boring paperwork that was usually hurled upon uprising Guild Masters.

"Sir-! Excuse me, sir!" She had to take a couple of deep breaths between as she approached the courier. Not that she was quite able of seeing him from under heaps of paper. "S-sir I'm Sophia from Azure Dragon, here to collect the job fliers!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

"I still don't see what we're doing up and about this early." Lemmy complained, rubbing the metaphorical sleep from his painted on eyes. "I know, and it's weird." Jynmi replied, pulling open the door and motioning for him to hurry up and get out. "I've only gone over why a thousand times in the last fifteen minutes, and twice that amount last night." The doll shook his head as he stepped outside, and leaned against the wall as he waited for the young man to lock up. "Don't be such a drama queen. Nobody has repeated anything that many times, ever." To that the doll didn't get a response, unless one counted the checking to see if the door was locked as a response. "Well?" Lemmy asked. The human tilted his head in the direction of the guild, and started walking, and with a sigh, Lemmy fallowed. He wasn't close behind, because he was half his human counterpart's height, which would've put his face at butt level, but close enough so there wasn't any chance of the two becoming separated in in the thick morning crowds.

"Do you think there's going to be any jobs today?" Lemmy had gotten tired of walking behind the young man, and hurried up so he could walk next to him. "I mean, really, do you really think there's going to be any jobs for us. Think about it, just for a second. We go through all of this, and then get there, and find out there's nothing for us to do. What then? Look at all we've sacrificed, and that'll be for nothing. Oh the horror! Can you imagine it! It's still not too late, you know. We can still stop, and go back, to bed even. Doesn't that nice, bed? I could go for some sleep." The doll bobbed its body at a failed attempt at making its head look like it was nodding. "Right?"

Jynmi shook his head. "We got up before noon, and had to walk a few blocks. I wouldn't exactly call that a grand sacrifice on our part. Besides, you don't sleep. You just sort of fall limp, and try your best to look like a harmless antique."

"I don't sleep yet." The doll corrected. "But maybe I will, someday. You never know. All we have to do is keep trying, and who knows. I'll be asleep before you know. I just need to practice. Well, I need to practice, and some opportunities to do so. That's right, feel guilt, your taking away a chance at sleep, practicing for it at least." The doll pointed an accusing finger at Jynmi, but he ignored it as the turned a corner, and hurried towards where the guild was being constructed, and a man with fliers was talking to someone he thought he recognized.

"Hey!" Jynmi called, cupping his hands around his mouth so they would act like a microphone. "Please tell me there's something left." He smiled as he hurried over to the two. One was a man, and he didn't think he knew him, and the other was a girl. He was fairly certain he knew her, or should know her. Of course, he wouldn't ask if that was the case just yet. Maybe he'd get lucky and she'd introduce herself, or Lemmy would know, and use her name. He stopped by them, and did his best to keep the fact he was mildly out of breath hidden by talking slowly and refusing to let himself rest on his knees. "Hey. Hi. Hello. So are there any jobs left? There looks to be a lot of fliers."

"No!" Lemmy called, hurrying behind him. "Tell him there's no jobs! Do it! Unless you feel guilty about lying, which is understandable and even commendable. but if that's the case than quickly, someone burn them."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Melody was darting around trying to help out were she could. Her limited amount of magic didn't really help her when it came to trying to help finish off the guild hall. She had tucked her long blonde hair up into a neat bun so her elf ears weren't covered by her hair. She ran over to the group of three people to go help in case someone needed her to carry something. Her dark green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She had changed from her normal outfit into an outfit more fit to working and building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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"H-hello!" Sophia did her best to give them a small smile from under heaps of paper that clouded her view. She had just received a nice moderate bundle of job fliers for her guild from the postman and with that, the amount of things she could carry was beginning to exceed her limits.
"Jam- No, Jynmi, was it? Sorry I didn't remember you name well, we haven't been properly i-in-intro-" A light morning breeze was all it took for Sophia's parchments to be sent flying, scattering over the ground. "Aaah, I hope Master doesn't see this! I'm so sorry, can you hold on to this. You can look over them, but I need to write down what we got before we place them on out guild board and they're up fro grabs. Y-you're early so..." She bowed her head in embarrassment, as she pushed the pack of fliers in Jynmi's hands and proceeded to pick up her documents and paperwork.
From the corner of her eyes she could spot the blonde haired elf approaching them. "Aah, hello Melody!" She said in her usual, meek voice, still fighting with the papers around her. Confusion was obviously getting the better of her and she knew one thing for certain - she's likely to be doomed if Beatrix spots her like this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Orion groaned to himself as he hammered away in the rafters. "Whose great idea was it to think I want to spend my mornings in a roof. Early morning training my foot, just cuz I'm using a hammer I made doesn't make this training." He struck nails between words. He had already hit his fingers several times at this point and was far from happy. "why could Kerenza be here with her magical people and make them do this crap" He paused for a moment, letting the hammer fade away looking around what would become the interior of the Guild. So fat it looked pretty good, almost grand. It was amazing except for the fact that he was here building it instead of home sleep like he ought to be this early in the morning. He summoned a new work hammer, since the other one was worn out from over use and kept hammering in nails like he was told to do. "this better be worth it" he again mumbled although no one was around him
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Hello Sophia." Mex says as she picks up the papers in one single swipe. "I can carry these for you if you want Sophia. I've finished up the other jobs I had to do." The blonde haired elf said as a few loose strands of her hair fluttered into her face due to the breeze. "Its not right to overload you're self." She said quickly balancing the papers so she could push the loose strands from her hair. She then turns to Jynmi. "Hello. Don't think I've meet you yet. I'm Melody but my nickname is Mex." She says smiling brightly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

There was a bad grunting sound that was the end result of Lemmy's attempt to draw attention to himself by clearing his throat. This was all for show of course, which was traditional for throat clearing, because Lemmy didn't have a throat. He didn't have anything that could even pass, anatomically speaking, as a throat. He had a head, and that was connected to a body. Eir go, no throat. "Excuse me." He said, stepping forwards, into the make shift group, and raised his hand. "I know its only natural for everyone here to think I don't warrant a hello, but I do. I'm not a toy, or some kind of maker magic creation. I'm a sentient being with a conscious. As for you." He pointed at Sophia. "Why didn't you burn the papers. Now we're going to have a job, and I've got practicing to do because of it."

Jynmi slapped Lemmy on the back of the hand. "Oh shut up. Be nice, and help her with the pages I'm sorry about that." He took the papers and held them carefully so that the wind wouldn't cause a repeat mess. Lemmy glared, or tried to. Its difficult to do a good glare when your eyes were only marker drawings. He did that for a moment before squatting down, though he didn't have to squat much, to help Sophia pick up papers. "I think your right. We haven't met. Yes, I'm Jynmi, and this is Lemmy. I know you might not believe him, but he's actually telling the truth about himself. So, it might help to protect some feelings if you didn't address him as a doll." Unsure of what else to do, he squatted down and started picking up fliers too. "Anyways. It's nice to meet you Sophia. "

Jynmi's eyebrow arched as he noticed the new girl introducing herself. "Hello there Mex." he said, putting a flier on his stack, and then reaching up to shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you. This is Lemmy." He pointed at the doll who pretended not to notice. IT was the one time, not being able to show expressions was a blessing. Well, it was the one other time, the other time were in moments were he needed to bluff. He was an excellent card player. "Uh. Let's call him my friend, because that simplifies things, a lot. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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"Thank you so much Melody! Can you please leave them inside on the main table of the guil?" Sophia smiled gratefully at her pretty elven comrade. She always liked Melody for being so bright and easy to talk to, albeit being a prankster is she wanted to.
Grunting from down below caught her attention and she just then saw a wooden doll...that eer... claimed not to be a doll. Moreover it... or he told her to burn the pages. She was about to start panicking over what had she done wrong and if the white-haired mage wouldn't have interfered, she would have been brought to tears. "T-thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't see you before over everything I had to carry, I-" In embarrassment, she bowed her head, letting long black strands of hair slide over and slightly hide her face, but looked up again when Jynmi introduced himself and his doll... doll-like companion.

She quickly picked up the rest of papers and fliers, which she could now easily carry in one hand, since Melody has taken some away and there were also Jynmi and Lemmy who each held a stack. "I-it's a pleasure to meet you both! Let me properly introduce myself..." The Ink Mage offered her hand first to Lemmy (to compensate for ignoring him at first), then to Jynmi. "I'm Sophia, otherwise known as Inky and I'm Miss Fairglaive's apprentice. Now... I think the main hall is just about finished, s-so should we head on inside and I'll see if I can get you a drink before you run off to any of the missions?" Not being entirely used to them, Sophia's soft voice still quivered a little, as she was quite nervous around new members, but she did her best to be as welcoming as possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Kaldis entered the guild hall, he had to say, even if the hired carpenters did most of the work, it wasn't too shabby in the slightest. Planks were sturdy, decent quality lumber being used, and not a single draft could be felt along the walls. It was shaping up to be a proud building for the proud new Mages' Guild. He heard the familiar banging of a hammer coming from above, and the all-to familiar sound of pained groans from smashing your finger with a hammer. He sauntered over to where he could get a good view of the amateur in the rafters, and saw a familiar face, a member of the guild with silver hair, the boy had the tell-tale look of pain and frustration usually accompanied with a hammer and nail. He noticed that the boy de-materialized and then re-materialized his hammer, it seemed he used some kind of Make-Magic, much like himself. Wondering how the boy hadn't thought of it sooner, he used Make-Magic of his own to form a small, wooden clothespin, he then reached into his bag at his side and pulled out a shining, fresh apple. Not knowing how long the silver-haired boy had been at this, he pinched the clothespin's handles and secured it onto the apples' stem and tossed it up and onto the rafter.

"Hold the nail in place with that and you should be good to go!" He yelled up to him before walking off to see if anything else needed to be prepared for the Guild's first day. He eventually got so anxious to work he started checking chair legs to see if they were wobbly or unbalanced, and eventually settled with making sure EVERY floorboard was nailed in securely. Every single one of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin had left the beam on the small hill out back. It was just a piece of leftover lumber that he was going to carve anyway so at least it was not one of the support beams, like he had done when they were first building the hall. Kaldis was so made at him he was given the role to only carry things from that point on.Walking up to the front of the guild he suspected he would find Sophia here, trying to get the members acquainted with one another and the new guild.

The post man was surprised to see so many people, but he had a job to do! "Please sign here, here, here and here. Also need your guild seal here. Thank you. Would you be interested in any of our offered we ar-," Suddenly the postman was silenced by the large guy known as Orin walking up to the group. "H-Have a good day" With that he was gone as fast as he had come, just a trail of smoke behind him as he went.

Orin shrugged at the postmans response, it was not like he never got that reaction before. Looking down to Sophia he reached down and grabbed onto one of the flyers. "Mo-, I mean Beatrix is in the guild hall, so I would hurry if I were you. You know her attention span is limited." HE was speaking to everyone at that point


Meanwhile a door shaped hole was sliced into the back of the guild hall, Beatrix stepping through it soon after with a copy of sorcerer weekly grasped tightly in her hands. "Oh Kaldis you are here. Good. I wanted to talk about adding a back door and seating out back" Well she just made the door frame at least... Moving over she sat down at the bar, which again she had ordered for herself, and watched as the others were coming in.

"Well, stick the flyers on the job broad. See, I told you I remembered ordering them. Good work Orin, Sophia. " Ok, so it was mainly Sophia that did all the work on that front, but with ink magic writing was easy... Right? Orin sighed and rubbed his head, getting a peice of paper and handing it to her. "You still have to decide which ones of us you are going to be making s-class. It is apart of your duties." Beatrix looked over the paper

"Uhh, more work.."

"You don't work anyway!"

"That is my point. I am not use to it. Also dont raise your voice to me brat. I may accidentally hurt you... Anyway, hmmmm."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Lemmy sighed. It was a lot more believable than his throat clearing. "Alrighty then. Se we're good now." He reached up and took the girl's hand and shook it gingerly. "As long as I'm not forgotten, and nobody gets me confused for being this guy's." He pointed at Jynmi. "Magical work of art, I'm good." Jynmi took Sophia's hand when it was offered to him, and mouthed the words an apology. "Some tea sounds great." Lemmy agreed, and he said as much. Then he said how much he'd like to taste tea since so much of of their money was spent on buying it. Jynmi ignored him and turned to the guild hall and gave an impressed whistle. "It came out nice. I was kind of starting to worry because of how long construction's been going on. It looks good, at least on the outside."

"Alright already." Lemmy snapped. "We've gotten to know each other, and everyone is everyone else's best friend. Can we go inside already. If I stay out here any longer my wood is going to bleach or I'm going to catch on fire. Its bright today so I'm assuming its hot. Let's get inside before I catch fire or something so we can get this show on the road. The sooner we get a job, the sooner we finish, and the sooner I can get back to practice! God, I need my practice."

Jynmi turned nervously to the others and apologized, again. "He hasn't gotten any sleep, ever. I guess its a curse of, his, uhm, circumstances." Lemmy didn't bother waiting, or looking back as he headed inside. "Stop being all cryptic about my life story, and come on!" He disappeared into the door.

"Oh." The young man's already white face somehow, despite the laws of physics, turned even paler. "We better follow him." Jynmi said, hurrying after the doll. "I don't trust him alone." There was the sound of destruction from inside, and Jynmi wasted no time, waiting for the others, hurrying after his partner to stop him from destroying their new home away from home.

The guild hall was even nicer inside than outside. It looked bigger, and was spotless. Jynmi didn't pay all of the surprised granduer more than a moment's notice. He was too preoccupied with finding Lemmy and then yelling at him for whatever he just did. "What did you do?!" He snapped. "Please tell me it wasn't something expensive. We don't have very much money as it is, and I don't want to have to take another carpentry or blacksmiths job on the side, again." The doll only shrugged that "It wasn't me" type shrug that only little ones that keep getting into trouble and are just as surprised to find there was something wrong and they weren't the source of it, and pointed at a woman at the bar.

"Whose that?" Jynmi asked, feeling like an idiot for needing to ask. He couldn't tell why, but he got the feeling he should know her.

"OH god. Why do you waste time like that?" Lemmy asked, pinching his nose which wasn't there. "You know what's going to happen." He didn't wait for a reply and hurried up to the woman. "Excuse me, ma'am, miss, lady. Uh, what do I call you? Er never mind, your older than me so I'll just call you ma'am. We're guild members here." He pointed at Jynmi, who wasn't fast enough to hide, and so only stood paralyzed with shock. "And we were wondering, well him mostly, who you are. So, who are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Okay Sophia." Mex said as she carried the papers into the guild hall. When she entered the guild hall she almost dropped the papers in surprise. It was so beautiful inside the guild hall. She quickly made her way over to the main table and set the papers down. She span around and looked around the guild hall her eyes filled with awe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The sun shone down brightly, but whatever warmth it cast down on the earth was quickly dissipated by the cool winds that travelled in the sky, pushing sparse clouds around. Nevertheless, Kerenza enjoyed this type of weather. It reminded her of days where she could spend hours idling in the gardens of her little mansion. But now, idling was a luxury that she could not afford. Time was money, after all, and she was a young lady now. It was imperative that she waste not her time on something as pointless as walking about bare-footed, soaking in the refreshing winds. Even more importantly was the fact that today, of all things, was the day Azure Dragon's guild hall was finally completed. Which meant jobs. Which meant work. Which meant increasing her reputation. Which meant more jobs. Which made her happy. It was a nice thing, being useful and productive. Made the little girl feel important.

Of course, she was pretty sure that she was already one of the most important people in the Guild, considering her ultra-rare, avant-garde Spirit Make magic, which made her worth seven people. Sure, she could only technically bring out five of her Spirits at once, and sure, she wasn't going to do any physical labor, but that still meant that she could have almost all of her Spirits working, at the low low cost of only a few favors and promises!

And while she, herself, could be motivated by the promise of curry, her Spirits...

Flanked from both sides by a redhead, effeminate boy and a raven-haired young man, Kerenza wore an expressionless mask as she walked through the streets of the merchant district, ignoring the demands and prodding of her Spirits.

Rose Red draped one slender arm over the girl and teased with a grin, “Hey, princess, when are you going to give me the kiss you promised?”

“Ohoho, that looks tasty. Go buy me that thingy-ma-jig, Renzie~ You owe me after all,”
said Forest Falls, leaning over a display of steaming meat pastries.

“Aw, are you afraid of giving up your first kiss? Don't worry, this won't count, so you'll still be pure. Anyways, boys like girls with some experience!”

“Wait, no, gimme that...uh...Mont Eclaire dessert thing! It's only three times as expensive, for a taste that's ten times greater!”

“Is that a blush I see on your face? See, what did I tell you, Forest? Even our princess can look cute when she reacts her age!”

“Eh, I don't really care though, Rose...but hey, look, no hands!”

It was only when Forest decided to try his acrobatic skills by balancing with his head only on a clothesline suspended two stories above the street did Kerenza's expressionless, mature mask finally explode into a bajillion pieces, fury and embarrassment skyrocketing into the stratosphere. Shaking with an almost seizure-like frequency, she let out a banshee's screech, and ran off, ahead of her two Spirits, yelling all the way, “I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!”

It took her only a few minutes before she reached the Guild, and she was pretty much winded by then, collapsing right there on the ground, intent on taking a few minutes of unglorified, unladylike rest so she can better present herself later.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


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A small smile that formed on Sophia's face could tell her adoptive older brother just how happy she was to see him. Las time she was left to deal with the nosy post man alone, she ended up being half forced, half persuaded into ordering 50 sets of air fresheners. Needless to say the Guild Leader was anything but pleased. At least the new Guild Hall was coated in wonderful fragrance of lavender now…

She mouthed him a silent ‘thank you’, before nodding approvingly to Jynmi and Lemmy who were discussing tea and running off into the grand guild hall with everyone else.
It was magnificent. For someone as small and simple as Sophia, it was like walking in a mansion. Her large grin threatened to split her face in two. She happily skipped over to her master, who was already sitting at the bar, that will probably become her usual spot in the hall.

“Yes Master, I’ll get right down to it~” With that, Sophia took out a thin black brush and scribbled ‘two birdlings’ and ‘paper pins’ on the edge of the table. Soon enough, a couple of small birds resembling finches, only that they were entirely black and white, appeared there along with a hefty amount of black paper pins. In mid air she swiftly wrote ‘‘use paper pins to stick the guild fliers to the job board’’ while focusing on how exactly the two birds were to do that. With a motion of her hand, her line of command swirled around the two motionless birds, its ink merging with their bodies. The command gave her creations purpose and with that, they flew up, one picking up fliers and the other sticking them to the board using inky pins.
Happy that she managed to get her magic right this time, Sophia swooped behind the bar to start the water for tea and pass out some drinks. If they were going to be choosing who the S-class mages should be, they could at least do it over a full cup. “So, what would all of you like to dri-“

She nearly choked on thin air when she noticed Lemmy heading in to ask the most ridiculous of all questions – who was the grand guild master herself. Sophia’s big black eyes tried to make contact with ghostly pale Jynmi, as she used her ink to write in air;

This is Beatrix Fairglaive, the GUILD MASTER

The writing floated above Beatrix's head and Sophia could only pray that she wouldn't notice it. Hopefully it wasn’t too late to inform the dol- ehem, Lemmy and Jynmi about her this...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mex watched as the jobs were posted. A smile lit her face up. She didn't smile much but when she did she seemed kinder and younger than she normally looked. She walked over to the bar and sat down on a stool. She rolled her eyes at Lemmy's stupid question. She started to undo the two buns and left her waist length curly hair fall so it rested against her back.

((Just to note Mex is leaving on a job at 2 pm central time and won't be back till 7 pm because the birthday party's going to be longer than I expected.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Orin peered over to Sophia putting up the job posters on the broad, walking over to take a look at them himself though he had to turn two of them around so they were facing the right way. One of the problems with Sophia's creations, wouldn't know logic unless it was written into them. With all the flyers up he took a long look at each of the jobs on the board, more so the S-Class one.

While the boy was busy, Beatrix was glaring at Lemmy as it asked her who she was while being in her guild hall, only to turn her gaze to the one it pointed at. "I am...." She slowly raised her head to the floating letters above, so she just pointed to those instead "That. You would do well to remember me. I hate to repeat myself doll" With that she walked into the center of the room "Well then... It seems like we are missing a few people. However, I think it may be safe to say that the guild is officially open! You may all now take jobs from the job board... While I get drunk and reap the benefits... Also someone help up Kerenza"

With that Beatrix went to take her place behind the bar, patting Sophia's head as she went "Good job" Of course, this was no normal guild hall as it was both a pub and a magic shop all in one. She never had any intention to leave her magic shop behind, and besides it would be a waste to just get rid of all her old stock... However that did not mean the guild members would get free rides on stuff that she was selling. If they wanted something they had to pay, as only the drinks were free. For all those of legal age, which most of them were not.. Perfect~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mex got up off of her chair and walked over to the job board. She hummed softly under her breath as she studied each job carefully. She pushed her hair so it was hanging over one shoulder. She picked a job off of the board and made her way over to Master Beatrix. Her hair somehow made its way so it was hanging over both shoulders again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soranea


Member Offline since relaunch

As the guild was announced opened, Sophia could burst with excitement and pride, but of course, as a proper lady, she didn't show much on the outside. Only a peculiar sparkle in her black eyes told the tale of her growing love for the guild.

With Beatrix patting her head, she felt a small blush creeping over her pale cheeks. "T-thank you mo-Master." She half-muttered with a soft smile on her face. It was reare for her to get praised, so the guild master must have been either already tipsy or really pleased with ther.

Looking over at Jynmi, she could tell he must have been a bit uneasy, so she secretly scribbled a couple of words on the bar and then flicked them over to him, so that they travelled over the flat surcafe over the bar, to the floor and under Jynmi's legs. The message was short and simple; Don't worry

Deciding that she might as well take a second look at all the jobs as well, she saw Orin already taking great interest, his eyes constantly darting back to the S-classed one. "Ooorin~" With that, she waltzed over to him and tugged on his arm. It took all of her meager weight to even raise the interest of the big bulky guy. "Do you already see a job you like?" She read through the titles, stopping specifically at the S-class one. It would be fitting for him, yes, but she wouldn't dare to go for anything like it... "Are you... are you already considering the S-class one?" A worried expession formed on her face as she read the description. Absent-mindedly, she scribbled 'sit on my right shoulder' into air, sending the command to wher two birds who obeyes instantly, the two of them now motionlessly occupying the ink mage. As she thought about the jobs someone like her, someone as puny and unexpirienced, someone as useless and weak and... all of that... could touch, her gaze travelled way up, to the Enchantment job. Well, something like that could be possible... least she was in a team with someone. She dug her face in her hands, trying desperately to keep out the thoughts of 'who in the world would even be your teammate'. Whenever it was the time to take jobs or team up, her lack of confidence got the best of her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Kaldis nearly jumped to the rafters when he heard the sound of a piece of the wall section just got completely cut out. He was about to get insanely angry that someone had just defiled the building he'd labored to build until he saw the familiar face of Beatrix coming through the newly-made hole. She mentioned how they'd need a new back door, as well as outdoor seating. He scratched the back of his head nervously before stammering: "W-Well uh...I'll see what I can do, but I don't really have a hinge for a door on me, but I'll try and get one as soon as I can...I'll just uh, seal this back up." He stumbled over to where the new hole was; it was certainly a clean enough cut to fasten a door onto it, and getting the door would be no problem, he still wished Beatrix would have given him a warning before cutting a chunk out of the wall.

Tilting his head as he mentally measured the new hole, he figured that he might as well plug the thing up for the time being. He balled his left hand into a fist and placed it in his right palm, and within a second a door-like piece of cherry-wood started materializing in the perfect shape to fill the hole, thought it was a bit awkward considering it formed in his palm. The sudden weight made him arch forward a bit, but he set the door into place quickly nonetheless. It was a snug fit, but it could still be taken off for when he would put the hinge on it. He sighed a bit, an itching sensation lay at the back of his mind telling him to finish putting the door in when it wasn't possible at the moment. Even if he put a wood hinge on it, the thing wouldn't hold, and it'd probably squeak like crazy. He sat down at the new bar and began eating one of the apples in his bag.
"Next time, could you please tell at least tell me in advance when you want something added? I'll get a hinge for that door as soon as I can..." He continued to munch on the apple as he glanced at the job board, wondering if he should even bother trying to take one on; He couldn't think of a way he'd be useful on a real job. He turned his head to the side and placed it on the bar before whispering to himself: "Maybe if I make a big enough stick..."
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