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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I notice the strange lobster pokemon burst in with his team of rapidash, and hear his question, which he apparently asked both myself and Matt. I then look at the supposedly lost pokemon, all of whom were water types, and many of whom could probably be found at Beach Cave. One of them was Josh, but, with how Matt answered, I figured that this was the best way to go about things, starting by saying "Oh, yeah, I've seen a bunch of some of these pokemon. Yeah, you can find them at Beach Cave... uh, if it's a specific one you're looking for, then, I dunno, maybe they're hiding among their own kind? Seems like a smart thing to do," I then add "By the way, not every wild pokemon appears there on the first visit, so, I'd suggest searching through that place multiple times," I then give the giant blue lobster a smile, and wait for Terra to return so that I could get any kind of idea where my room might be. I wonder if he'll actually search that place top to bottom... 'cause that would be hilarious, and would help keep this guy away from Josh and Matt. I think as I continue just standing there, though, by now, I was looking towards the counter, where a grovyle and a shelgon looked down at me expectantly... it seems like they both wanted me to decide on what kind of room I wanted, but I still had to wait for someone else. I then look back for a moment at those rapidash, and think Kinda funny... I keep hearing that Vine can't stand those things... I wonder what he'd do if he were here. I hold in a laugh at the thought of a small, puny-looking pokemon like Vine completely wiping the floor with these jokers, all because of a few fiery horses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Hmm. That's a real shame." Zane said. "Keep those photos. If you see any of those Pokemon, come find me." A whirring sound could be heard in the distance. Zane looked over, and smiled. "Ah. About time they contacted me."
A Starmie landed a few meters away, sliding across the road until it came to a stop in front of him.. "I carry a message from Sandra of Search Team C, sir." The crystal in the center lit up as it spoke.
"Let's hear it."
A completely different voice came from the Starmie. While it had sounded male before, this second one was definitely female. "Hey, Zane, you're probably not gonna like this, but we were attacked by wild Pokemon last night, and all of our supplies are gone. I don't know if you want to send more supplies or if you want us to retreat. We'll sit tight for a while, but we need a response as soon as possible."
"We'll handle the rest of Mt. Dragoncoil in a few days, once we're finished up in Scale City. We'll give you some supplies, and you can send your search team down to Beach Cave. I've got a feeling we'll find something there."
The Starmie spoke in its normal voice again. "Would you like me to send that message, sir?"
"What in the hell do you think?"
"I'll take that as a 'yes', then."
The Starmie began spinning, making the same whirring sound as before. It sped off in the direction of Mt. Dragoncoil, and Zane got back into the water tank. "Now before I go, I'd like to thank you for that little bit of info." He smiled at Anthony as the Rapidash pulled him away.

Now that Zane was out of sight, Matt went over to the crate and opened it. Josh was clearly terrified. He was shivering, and breathing pretty heavily. "Anthony, I swear to Arceus, if they happen to be hiding in Beach Cave and Zane finds them, I'm going to KILL you." He looked around at everyone. They probably wanted an explanation. "I'll tell you guys what's going on tomorrow. I just need some time to calm down a little."
Zane's goons would be all over town looking for him. He made a mental note to tell the Pokemon running the hotel not to tell anybody he was there. Of course, they might not listen to him unless they knew he was with Terra, so he decided to wait for her to get there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago


I got problems. We all got problems.

One problem was, I assumed Davis was dead. Another problem was that it was implied that now Davis failed his job, that job would be passed down to me.

Also, I tried warning Kamina about Davis' little spy. Eh, it was his problem now. One of them's probably unconscious as we speak, and already I'm betting on the fish.

Let's get the theme of problems out of the way. I was hovering over some cobblestone or something similar, floating around a city of dragons with stone buildings that have been carved out of giant rocks. Mostly rocks, because the rest of the buildings were made out of giant timbers of light and dark wood, with wooden bars and such for windows. So much for fearing me. I attracted eerie looks, being a steel Pokemon that could threaten the lives of everyone here. Either that, or my glowing scar would make a few people feel frightened. (No, I'm not super-powered now. I don't feel like a God or anything, so I presume this is just cosmetic.) I felt... defeated, or something. I couldn't explain it, but it just didn't feel good. I felt like just falling and wishing everything would end abruptly, not unlike first seeing Davis leave our home. Change is nature my ass.

Insult to injury was added upon hearing the message again. "If I was a horse, I wasn't beaten to death yet. I wasn't supposed to, being the weaponized Pokemon I was. Que some music, would you?" I ended up just sticking myself onto a wooden bench on the sidewalk, watching as Pokemon of... not all sorts; mainly dragons moved around the plaza checking out stalls and tourist attractions. I was sobbing to myself. Finally, that emotional break got to me. Trees planted in rows on the sidewalk waved as I stopped sobbing after about a minute or two, rubbing my head as I waved away some light plasma.

Revenge? Yeah, let's go with the theme of revenge now. Everyone's doing revenge here of some kind. I got a target known as Dementia, also known as Desia. Just gotta pin down a shadow Pokemon and force all the information out of them. Then, from there, coax someone to hunting her down with me.

My team works. However, I realised there was an event horizon. I expressed a stunned appearance, muttering to myself on the bench as Pokemon passed me without a care in the world. "Consumerism." I said quietly. The event horizon would be going down a path of revenge. One that would ultimately change anyone had they decided to open their doors to that addictive substance.

No. I opted for volunteering instead. A job, to replace my former friend Davis. Everyone's doing revenge, so I may as well come up with something original. Instead of hunting down Dementia and getting everyone I knew killed, I would carefully plan my moves as I routed her forces and defeated her myself. As a job; a favour to the world. Not of needless pain and revenge.

I wonder if I'll be able to find Spruce or someone else familiar in this City... I mean, the first step's finding them and emphasising the danger of Dementia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I look around and see William and Samuel running towards the basement. They explain that the evil pokemon in question was a conkeldurr, which honestly relaxed me somewhat. At least this really isn't my dad's place... and at least we won't have to deal with a bunch of cats...I think as I look back, only to see the monstrosity getting closer. There was a drop directly to the basement, and William was waiting for me, and ready to catch me in my fall. I hesitated for a moment, and I then I hear him shout "You can trust me!" I then jump... it was a somewhat long drop made longer by the tension in the room as the thing continued forwards. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though the thing saw me at all, or, rather, saw anyone who might have been intruding on his home... odd... Why would his mind deteriorate so much? He's still in a home, but... is this place a mystery dungeon all on its own? I wonder if there's a nearby dungeon that sort of 'swallowed' this place, or something. I think as I hold in my screams just from falling. William did say he was here before, and yet a conkeldurr might be enough to kill the guy, given that he didn't seem as powerful as the thing, and it was a fighting type where he was a normal type... he would take huge damage from any kind of fighting type move the conkeldurr might have had at his disposal... how in the world did he make it out of here alive? Maybe I'll find out later, or after we finished our mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see Bonnie jump as the thing busts through the door, and I stick out my hands, then I snap my arms shut right as you fall into my reach. I set you down, and sigh deeply, and say "I honestly wasn't sure if I would actually catch you..." and I whisper "Stay low, and make your way to that door," and point to the door on the far left labeled 'STAIRWELL - BASEMENT.' "If you see something as brown as your fur, try to blend in with it, that thing is STRONG. I'm surprised it didn't kill me when it threw me down here... it was almost like it spared me, or thought I had died..." I whisper as I go invisible. I carefully walk, so I didn't make too much sound, but my blood coming from my foot left a trail. I slip in through the wide crack, because the door was ajar from my last visit. I go down the spiraling, marble and granite staircase, and when I reach the bottom, I saw Samuel, waiting for us.

I look at the room labeled 'BASEMENT' and open it, making a rather loud creaking sound, as I make myself white to make me as visible as possible to any person who would be down here, waiting for someone. Sadly, upon closer inspection, with a lit match, no one was down here, but there was a room with 'BOILER ROOM' on a plaque above the door, and some panel that said "CAUTION: EXTREME HEAT" and I sigh. Samuel walks behind me and gets nervous and says "Well, that's it, mission failed, let's run!" and I grab his arm. "If you're so scared, stay back and make sure nothing except for Bonnie comes down here. Let's wait."

I walk past William and past a bunch of rubble, into a large, spiraling staircase. I look at the bar and climb up it, and say "I could probably just slide down this, it's so smooth!" as I push myself down, letting me slide down the rail. It took about 3 minutes total before I got down, and I hit a pole sticking up out of the bottom part of the rail. It makes me fall and roll down the last two steps, knocking the breath out of me, and I stand up, and I lean on the wall, and cough. I try to look down into the basement room, but it was pitch black, and I kick the pole sticking out of the rail. I use a few moves like Pound on the Pole, making it crack. It was made out of wood, and I grab my fist, and squeeze it tightly, and feel tears drip off my face. I cough and eventually the pain subsides, so I sit, waiting for William and Bonnie, and I hear William come down the stairs and see him turn white.

He lights off another fire-stick, and I wince at the sight. He walks into the dark basement, giving light to the room, revealing boxes... and even a skeleton! Eugh... Is that an Axew's skeleton? Maybe a Bulbasaur's. I pass by a few boxes, with foul smells, and I see a door labeled "Boiler Room, Extreme Heat!" and I tap my fingers together. "So, I guess this is a failed mission! Let's run and get something from Treasure Town, maybe a nice Oran and Grass Gummi shake, maybe?" I say, with a couple beads of sweat forming on my face, and armpits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes was still hidden when she saw the lobster with the rapidash going out the building, going to search for whatever pokemon they were searching for. She kept silent, before hearing more about what was happening.... and about someone named Terra. It was slightly intriguing her, but she shook her head. She needed to go with Spruce.... even if information could be good. She felt a bit.... like she wanted to go and listen to what they were going to talk about... but she also felt like it might be too much. She looked in her bag and got a bit of her soup out. She started to drink it slowly, before feeling its revitalizing effects starting to go inside of her. Tonight she would be going for a bit of practice as well as seeing any defects with her costume. The crooks of the city should watch out, cause she was coming to strike them out. Though it was best to wait just a bit. Maybe she could hear what was all this about. That Zane guy.... he was unsure about what he wanted... probably trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

"Alright guild master." I say while looking at Arnold. "I would like the register as a guild member." I say happily. "Do you have a team member?" asks Arnold. "Of course!" I say while motioning towards Ratnika. "Perfect!" yells Arnold and he places a pack of supplies on the ground. Opening the pack I discover two bags, two team badges and two oran berries and two pecha berries. "Oh yes! I almost forgot! What is your team name?" Arnold asks me happily. "That would be Blue Steel." I say proudly. "Alright! Your room is down the hall and first door to the right!" Arnold then pushes me and the supplies out the door. I sling one of the bags over my soldier placing one oran berry, one pecha berry and one of the team badges in the bag. I then stand outside waiting for Ratnika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ratnika hovered out of the room, following Ven to their room. Ratnika put his team badge on his tapestry and walked down the halls with Ven. "So, what is the first thing we do, now that we're an official team?" he asked. "I heard something about a mission board, are we supposed to go collect a mission there?" he was curious, as he didn't know what to do next. All he knew was that he met someone, introduced, and join in an official team, and now they'd done all that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

"Yeah, I think there are two boards. An outlaw board and a mission board" I tell Ratnika as we walk down the hallway. "The outlaw board contains jobs that have to do with apprehending criminals, while the mission board mostly involves helping other pokemon in some way." I say as I glance out the window. Seeing the darkened sky I realize how late it is. "You know, maybe we should wait until morning? it is kind of late. Plus it would give us time to rest and be ready to take on a missions in the morning." I say while looking at Ratnika. "So what do you want to do? Do you want to go now or wait until morning? I am fine either way." I say to Ratnika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I pretty tired, so I think we should wait." he said before walking down the halls to his room. "See you in the morning." he opened the doors to his room and walked in. It was almost the same as Ven's, so he guessed that most of them looked alike. He went over to the bed, but ignored it hovered over to the wall. His aura of grey disappeared and he fell asleep, going inactive. Honedges don't usually dream, but tonight was different, and he dreamed of his old master, and the new adventures he would embark on with his new teammate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Uh... guys? I don't think that was our client." I say as I notice some movement in a nearby crate. The crate was actually pretty small, so, whatever out client was, he or she had to be a very small pokemon. I lift the already opened lid off of the crate, and watch in horror as a skitty looks back up at me from a floor of flesh and blood. The thing was even currently gnawing on a lopunny head, almost forcing me to remember that horrible scene, and worse? The skitty's fangs and claws were even tinted red. Okay, I might have imagined that part, but it was still not a very pleasant scene with that crate. "Oh thank good-" the horrible creature starts to say, with me responding with what was probably my loudest scream yet, probably loud enough to be heard all the way back in Sunswept Plains, and that mysterious city that was beyond it. It was no surprise that the thing jumped out of the crate and hid in a corner after that scream, just like it was no surprise that I ran off into some other room, shouting "Get away from me, you evil thing!" as I ran off. I found myself in some sort of weird, small room that was filled with sticks that seemed to have bristles at the end of them... oh, wait, these were the things that my dad used to give me whenever he shouted at me to clean up the place... brooms, or something like that. It was dark in this room, and I could have already gotten splinters either from the floor or from one of these brooms, but it was still better than staying in the same room as that horror. A-are all cat pokemon like that? I ask myself, as the situation was way too familiar... it was just as bad as that one time... that time I'd rather forget. Was I wrong in trusting Leo back in Sunswept Plains? I then think as I continue to cower in this strange room, one where I hoped nobody would think to look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I see Bonnie open the crate, to see something and make a deafening squeal. I cover my ears and strike a match. I see the Skitty in the corner, and it was trembling and crying. I shake as I try to comfort it, but the smell was so bad, and it was also drenched in blood. I take out my badge, which actually didn't need to recharge. Speaking of, when it said that it needed to recharge, I found out was actually just Samuel playing a prank at the wrong time... 'recharge'... pfft. What an ass. I was just not pressing the button hard enough, and I say to the Skitty "You're going to be teleported back to the guild, okay? We just need to... to find our recruit." I then stand up and walk outside of the basement, and check every single door downstairs. I grumble something, and then open some doors. "Where are you? We can leave this place if you just come with us!" I yell as I find a door, and try to open it. It wouldn't budge. "Are you in there?" I ask, pushing at the door again, being wary of the splinters. I give up, and sigh. "Please... we need you so we can go..." I say as I hear the monster galloping down the stairs.

I blow out the match and hide under the staircase, as the monster snarls and roars. I am paralyzed with fear, but I don't think he's seen me, yet. He bashes down the basement door, and snarls, entering it, and snorts. I hear him cackle as he grabs Samuel and lifts him up. He snorts and roars, throwing Sam down and hitting him. That was all it took to make Samuel faint. Luckily, the thing seemed to be slow, and also couldn't exactly tell the difference between fainted, and dead... at least, in the dark. I run over to Samuel, and drag him to the door, and whisper "Please! Samuel needs help! Just come out and we can all teleport away!" and I go back to the Skitty, and pick him up gingerly. I carry him over to the door, and try to calm him. [i]We have to tell the guildmaster about this... we have to. If we don't, who knows how many lives could be lost?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hex watched as the Clawitzer disappeared on the distance, his Rapidash rearing to go as Zane was pulled away. Hex was a bit surprised as to how a Clawitzer somehow got hold of so many potent resources, such as a chariot, or a tank, or even the Rapidash necessary to pull the charity along. It must have had a lot of money to it's avail if it was able to afford all those necessities along with followers to help him get his way. Hex could see why Josh might be afraid of him.

Hex watched as Josh was pulled out of the nearby wooden crate by Matt, and placed back in his bucket. Josh told Matt that apparently, if they were hiding out there, he was going to kill him. "So, next plan of action?" Hex asked Josh, Matt, and Anthony. "Go to Mt. Dragoncoil or take care of him? Because right now, Zane seems to be a really bad problem. But we made a commitment to Terra and her dad to completely their mission first, so.. this is all you, Josh, because you know him."

In a sparsely populated area of Birchwood Forest, a large, golden, gooey hive stood solemnly, hanging under a massive tree. Combee fluttered in and out, holding large globs of honey. Inside, a large Beedrill stood, accompanied by a slightly smaller Beedrill. "My queen." The Beedrill said, a slight hint of both nervousness and excitement in it's buzzing voice. It lay kneeling, it's drills held to it's sides. "We may have some excellent news about your daughter."

"What?!" The queen demanded, staring down. She did not have much light shining on her, and appeared to be more of a large menacing shadow, as cliche as it was. "Speak now, Marcus, or I will have you executed." The Beedrill's wings quavered slightly in nervous. "W-well, my queen, we know she sleeps in the Allure Town guild now. Several scouts caught sight of her there, accompanied by a Goomy, Skrelp, and Reuniclus."

"Very well then." The queen said. "We will simply post guards there. Upon seeing her, you will capture her assailants and bring her home." The Vespiquen stared down at the Beedrill, it's golden eyes wide and glaring at the two. "If you cannot complete such a simple task, then I'm afraid you can't work here anymore. You simply have failed too much, and for the captain of our guard squad, that will simply not do."

The Beedrill backed away, keeping it's head bowed low. "Y-yes, m'queen." He turned his head back, and buzzed very loudly. "ALL TO ALLURE TOWN!" He called out, his voice echoing down the halls."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

What's the time?

Nobody knows. The only clock I saw recently was in my house, and even then that thing was gathering dust.

I'd say it was around... 2 am. I don't know, don't chastise me for being so bad with the time. It was pretty dark, and already the plaza began settling down. All I knew what to do was to finish what Davis couldn't do. I couldn't let my emotions run rampant and end up harming my only... well, I'd use the term 'acquaintances' since I barely knew them. However, they were my team, and being in one I had the most fun I ever had in my entire life. More than Sitrus berry hunting.

I was sitting down on the bench, watching as a few clouds began clumping together in the moonlit sky. Weather. What season is it again? Looks like rain would come, depending if more clouds began mashing together in light of the torch-lit city and moon. I scratched my back with my third magnet, appreciating the fact that it was useful for something. I spied as the last Pokemon began leaving the plaza, packing it's stall and using it's giant, draconic arms to carry most of its things.

...and then, I knew. I was exposed in the emptiness. Realising the danger of this, I had began floating upwards and towards a local hotel, which didn't seem particularly new yet had the distinctive smell. Just as I was about to enter, I was snatched and thrown onto the ground. Yeah, I KNEW that would bloody happen. My pupil flared as I rolled myself across the cobble, accidentally colliding into a tree as I saw my aggressor - a Porygon. However, it wasn't... a shadow Pokemon, or anything similar.

And then, it just vanished into an alley just beside it, faster than me blinking. It wasn't that weird one I encountered in Arnold's Guild. I didn't get the message it was trying to send. Was it saying to stay away from Desia, or...? I wouldn't be hindered either way. Davis was dead, and now I would have to avenge him by finishing his purpose. Exhaling (which wasn't what I normally did until the onset of that... twitching magnet), I had jumped forwards before settling at level in the air, which would allow me to enter the hotel.

Inside... well, it was definitely late. Lights just went out, only being filled a lone candle in the air... "Argh!" Looks like I had accidentally scared someone.

"What are you, with those scars and... mother of Arceus, what are you doing at this time?" Well. This Pokemon certainly didn't match the usual accent I had encountered in Scale City. I had taken a brief second to interpret his sentence.

"More like, 'what the hell have I been through lately?' I need a room, but by the looks of this place... I don't have a million Pokes." Funnily enough, a Honedge I would meet later on would say the exact same sentence, except he went 'I have a million Pokes.'

"Yeah... well, I've got a room for 50. It's called the 'Cheap-o' room, so what do you say?" Where did my Pokes go... oh, they were dangling by the end of my third magnet. I still didn't carry a bag for some reason. "Come on, I don't have all night. My wife's been nagging me to get more sleep lately." The Pokemon slurred. I couldn't really see its face, because the candle just went out.

Thankfully, improvising a source of light, I began crackling a few arcs of electricity. That may have woken one or two Pokemon up, but hey, at least I was able to pay after seeing the owner. Rather briefly, since his face was blurred by jumping up.

After exchanging the goods (a key for me, 50 Pokes for him), I had left for my room. I couldn't see in the dark, because unfortunately the clouds began to block the moonlight. So, I just slept on the floor. I didn't need a bed or anything.

I would get a decent surprise in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FyreFenix


Member Offline since relaunch

Walking into the room I see Ratnika leaning against the wall sleeping. I decide not to bother him as I lay down in my bed, resting my head against the cold bedding. I begin to close my eyes hoping desperately for no dreams. To my despair I begin dreaming of the day my parents were killed. Everything played out the same way it had that day until I was engulfed in the shadows. A sharp light pierced through the darkness and I hear a voice calling to me. All that I could make out was my name, "Ven". The voice eventually faded away and I was left to rest in piece unsure of what had just occurred.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes had been listening to everything that was happening, only to hear M go around and going for a room. She shook her head. Well.... if Spruce were to know she was still here... She quickly headed outside, costume on, going to the city. She was full of energy now, not needing any sleep at all. She jumped on a small building, before going on top and jumping from building to building, moving quickly in the night. She was feeling free right now... feeling refreshed. Just then she heard someone yeling.
"Thief! Somebody help!" the voice cried out. Celes rushed to see what was happening, only to see a bagon with a bag in it's mouth, running and bashing anything that was in it's way. The person that was stolen from was a small swablu, who was trying to fallow, but seemed to have a broken wing, probably from that dang hard head. Celes jumped from building to building, before landing right in front of the bagon, and then using her hidden power, sending the thing back a couple of feets. It shook it's head, then looked straight at Celes, seeing only her horns and black and white clothing.

"What in the...." The bagon then says, before receiving a swift attack right in the face, striking it hard. Angry, it rushed at Celes, going to bite, but Celes used her head, leaning down and then lifting up right at the bagon's belly. The bagon then bite her right on the back, making her yell in pain, put only to make her use swift right at point blank at full force, blasting it upwards and into the sky, before making it fall right on the floor. She looked back. The clothing still stood. Thank god that was quality material. She slowly moved to the bag, and then took it with her mask horn. The swablu started to move forwards, still weak.
"My bag.... can... can I have it please.... please!?" the swablu then says. Celes dropped the bag right at her.
"Here.... and please be careful in these hours... it is dangerous." Celes then says in a deep voice, sounding male because of her mask.
"Oh thank you thank you... but... who... who are you?" the swablu said. Celes though a bit at this.
"Call me... Shadowlight." she then says, before running off, jumping and going on a building, and moving away, off in the night, searching for any more criminals. This will be both good training and practice, as well as making her ready for when Spruce will find those other criminals and any other pokemons that they would need to go fight. She smiles thinking. this might end up being one of her best ideas... even if she might use a lot of energy. Well, she could always have half rest, half soup.

After the night was half done, she headed to a tree near town, and perched herself on it, going to sleep in the leaves, calm, without much worries. A couple of criminals were beated down during the night, as well as reports of these being taken down being said here and there. Confuse ray, swift and hidden powers. Those moves were what was the most useful for these fights, as well as agility and skills. She wonders if in the end she might end up as a bit... over trained. Spruce would probably ask questions sooner or later...She will have to hide this as much as she can. It might cause her more trouble if someone finds out.... esoecialy if a member of her family finds about this and her whereabouts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


I yawn, remembering that it's night, and say "Zane looks tough... way too tough for us to handle right now. I say we should head off to Mt. Dragoncoil after this." I then turn towards the two pokemon behind the desk, a grovyle, and a shelgon, both of whom looked as though they could use a room, as well. "Um... we're with Terra." I say to them, and they instantly seem to know what I meant by that, and hand me a room key for room number two hundred and fifty one. "Thanks." I then add as I make my way up to the second floor. The first floor, with room numbers starting with the number zero, such as 013, seemed a little... well, broken. Thank goodness I'm not staying there. I think as I continue towards the stairs, and up to the second floor... which, oddly enough, WASN'T the floor I was staying at. The second floor looked a lot like the first floor, but the rooms had numbers starting with 1, and for some weird reason, the staircase continued only on the other side of the floor, rather than just continuing from where I already was. I made my way to the opposite side of the hallway, which, to be honest, did look a little bit better-kept than the hallway on the ground floor. There weren't as many missing tiles, and there didn't seem to be as much mold growing in said missing tiles. The room numbers were a bit more clearly marked on the doors, and the tiles that were there seemed somewhat cleaner than their ground floor counterparts. Again, I was thankful that I wasn't staying here, and hurried to the third floor, which was where my room would be.

It was as if I had stepped into another dimension compared to the lower floors. Everything was clean, all the tiles were there, it almost looked as though it was gold-plated, heck, even the torches had golden handles, and strangest of all, there were a few hotel workers, a couple bagon and a few treecko who were delivering things such as food and towels to the rooms... oh, and before I forget to note, it smelled so much better than either the outside, or the lower floors. I looked in awe as I slowly made my way to my room. Wow... these hotel managers must really like Terra, huh? I think as I look around the place. I guess those lower floors are the cheap-o rooms... looks like you really get what you pay for around here. I think as I continue to take in this sight. I eventually make it to my room, and open it up to see a table with several berries placed in a basket on it, some chairs around the table, the softest-looking bed I've ever seen, a door to some sort of patio or balcony, as well as a couple of other rooms, neither of which I was worried about at this time, as it was very late. After eating a couple oran berries, I jumped right onto the bed, and almost seemed to melt into it... well, okay, I didn't literally do that, but it might have looked that way. I then remembered that I forgot to take off my helmet, but was already too tired to get out of the bed, and take the helmet off. I stayed in the bed, looking like a puddle of goop, and fast asleep.

I stayed in that closet, not wanting to come out of it and face that vile demonic cat once more, when, out of nowhere, someone tries to open the door. I keep it closed by holding the handle myself, and thankfully, they seem to have given up... well, not all was well, unfortunately, as a few small earthquakes warned me of a conkeldurr who just decided to pay us all a visit. I could hear William from the other side of the door, shouting, however, due to me being scared out of my mind right now, I only heard a few key things... "Samuel needs help!" and "Just come out... teleport away!" I eventually gathered my strength to get out of the strange room that I was hiding in, and notice a knocked-out Samuel, a hiding William, and a rampaging conkeldurr... who noticed me almost immediately. I fumble around with my badge for a little bit, and eventually press the button, which I assumed teleported everyone away, and, thankfully, teleported away. I ended up back in that guild place, with that skitty looking right at me. "uh... look, I don't want any trouble..." I say to the thing, still scared. The thing then completely confused me by handing me some money... as well as a white-colored gummi. "Um... what just happened?" I ask everyone as soon as they materialize behind me. Looking at my teammates, I decide to hand William the white gummi, given that, for some odd reason, I never really liked that flavor of gummi as much as I should, and he was the right type of pokemon for it. As I hand William the gummi, that chatot flies up, and takes the money I just got from that skitty, and hands me the much smaller sum of 100 poke from that bag. After all of that was done, I head off towards my bed, and sure, while it wasn't as nice as the one I used to have at home, it was the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in... just for the fact that, for the first time in my life, I was away from my father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I gasp, and then clutch my chest, breathing scarcely. "What the hell just happened?!" I yell, coughing and gasping for air. "Chatot, I think I have something EXTREMELY important to tell Wigglytuff," I say to him as I lift up Samuel and carry him on my shoulder. I carry my friend Samuel down the ladder and into the crew rooms and set him on his bed. I grasp my forehead and think about what might happen if I tell Wigglytuff about it. I've heard he's very childish, and that sometimes he can freak out... I bet the other guildmaster would handle it better, maybe. I should probably tell them both, or maybe just Wigglytuff... Agh, it was too late now. I have to get some sleep...

I cough a few times before drifting off to sleep, into many nightmares. Things like my head being in that box, and just horrible things about that place, making me jump up and scream. After a while, Samuel wakes up. "Ooah... is this heaven? Where's Arceus?!" Samuel moans. I shush him and whisper "This is the guild. Arceus isn't here." I rub my forehead again and whisper "I can't sleep..." as I pop the white gummi in my mouth and chew it, eventually swallowing it. It tasted delicious, and I sigh... "I think I'm going to have nightmares for weeks, after that little trip..." I whisper, then I try to go to sleep again, this time having a nightmare about Wigglytuff. It ended as quickly as it started... all I could remember was that something bad happened at the giant house, with only him there. When I reflect on it, I think I must tell both of them. There isn't any way I'm going to let him die, or something... and I shake Samuel awake and tell him my dreams. "Just sleep!" Samuel groans before quickly falling back asleep. I sigh and close my eyes...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"We need to get out of Scale City as soon as possible." Josh said. "We don't stand a chance against Zane. If he finds me, it'll end badly for all of us."
Anthony headed into the hotel, and Matt and Josh following him. They went up to the Shelgon and Grovyle behind the desk. "We're with Terra as well." Matt said. They gave him the key to room 252.
"Someone might come in here tonight and ask where I am. If they do, could you not tell them I'm here?" Josh said. After a nod from the Grovyle, he smiled. "Thanks."
The first floor was probably the least sanitary place Josh had seen, second only to a few places in the reef. The second floor, although not nearly as bad as the first, still had some missing tiles, and mold growing in a few places. The third floor was completely different. It was absolutely spotless, and everything from the floor tiles to the torch handles appeared to be made of gold. They walked along the hallway until they came across a door labelled "252", and went inside.

Inside, there was a bed that appeared to be extremely comfortable. There was also a solid gold bathtub, which lifted Josh's spirits a little. At least he wouldn't be confined to the bucket. Matt filled it with water and put Josh in before lying down in the bed and drifting off to sleep. Josh tried to calm down and get some rest, but he couldn't get much sleep no matter how comfortable he was. Every time he managed to fall asleep, he would be awoken by nightmares similar to the one he had back in the cave. Zane was here in Scale City, and the others that escaped could be anywhere. He wished that they hadn't followed him. Now they were in just as much danger as he was. He knew he had to find out where they were hiding, because if he didn't, Zane would.
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