Kallian Renae Zelinsky

(See picture for outfit information)
Kallian, (or Kallie as everyone and their mother seems to call her) grew up in the ‘higher-end’ of town with a very comfortable life. Her parents were ridiculously rich, and they were the kind that liked to show it off. In fact, they spent so much time away from home to spend their money that Kallian hardly ever saw them growing up and relied on her older brother (who is always gone since he just opened up his own night club), bodyguard and maid to help raise her. As a child it was hard for Kallian to get used to the fact that her parents didn't want to spend time with her, but as she grew older, the more she liked it since it gave her the freedom to do whatever she wanted.
What started out to be a straight-A student in school gradually declined and by the time she hit high school, she was barely scraping by to pass her classes. She wasn't stupid, she just stopped caring. Why should she apply herself in school anyway? She had all the money she could ever want, she would never have to work, so why did she need an education? The only reason she continued going to school was to hang out with her friends, but even then from time to time she and her small group would skip school to go hang out with the college boys.
Kallian could be what you would call the 'social belle' of any situation. She was the girl that every jock in the school wanted to take to prom. Unfortunately, she was also the girl that all the other girls sucked up to in order to mooch off of her money. But the harsh reality was that the guys only liked her because she was hot, and the girls only liked her because she had money. No one in high school even wanted to get to know her, and she pretended not to care.
In reality, when Kallian isn't at school or out shopping with her fake friends, she is usually in her room in the big empty house just watching the minutes tick by. Her life on the inside is nothing but a hollow shell of loneliness, and it was about time she started to do something about it.
Why did your character want to come to this bar?:
Kallian is so fed up with her ‘usual routine’ of a life that she wanted to try something different.
What color glow-stick will they wear:
Green Glow Stick
Writing sample:
From my current RP ‘Once Upon A Time…’ My ‘female’ writing style.
Kallian Renae Zelinsky

(See picture for outfit information)
Kallian, (or Kallie as everyone and their mother seems to call her) grew up in the ‘higher-end’ of town with a very comfortable life. Her parents were ridiculously rich, and they were the kind that liked to show it off. In fact, they spent so much time away from home to spend their money that Kallian hardly ever saw them growing up and relied on her older brother (who is always gone since he just opened up his own night club), bodyguard and maid to help raise her. As a child it was hard for Kallian to get used to the fact that her parents didn't want to spend time with her, but as she grew older, the more she liked it since it gave her the freedom to do whatever she wanted.
What started out to be a straight-A student in school gradually declined and by the time she hit high school, she was barely scraping by to pass her classes. She wasn't stupid, she just stopped caring. Why should she apply herself in school anyway? She had all the money she could ever want, she would never have to work, so why did she need an education? The only reason she continued going to school was to hang out with her friends, but even then from time to time she and her small group would skip school to go hang out with the college boys.
Kallian could be what you would call the 'social belle' of any situation. She was the girl that every jock in the school wanted to take to prom. Unfortunately, she was also the girl that all the other girls sucked up to in order to mooch off of her money. But the harsh reality was that the guys only liked her because she was hot, and the girls only liked her because she had money. No one in high school even wanted to get to know her, and she pretended not to care.
In reality, when Kallian isn't at school or out shopping with her fake friends, she is usually in her room in the big empty house just watching the minutes tick by. Her life on the inside is nothing but a hollow shell of loneliness, and it was about time she started to do something about it.
Why did your character want to come to this bar?:
Kallian is so fed up with her ‘usual routine’ of a life that she wanted to try something different.
What color glow-stick will they wear:
Green Glow Stick
Writing sample:
From my current RP ‘Once Upon A Time…’ My ‘female’ writing style.