Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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So here is the OOC for my King Arthur game that I outlined here. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/28364/posts/ooc?page=1

Here are a few rules.
1. If you have an issue or a disagreement, take it up with me in a reasonable way.
2. No insane Kratos type characters who are fueled by ANGER and RAGE and WHERES MY WIFE!?
3. If you have an issue with another player, please be amiable or take it to PM.

Other than that, I think we will be ok. If I think of more, I will let you know.
Here is an example character sheet

Description: Words are fine but use a picture if you can find one.

Name: Arthur Pendragon

Age: 18

Brave, compassionate, humorous, but hesitant and in over his head.

Originally, Arthur lived as Arthur, son of Ector. In truth, he is the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall. When Arthur was only a week old, his father was betrayed and killed. To protect him, Merlin put him into Ector's care. Now a young man, he yearns to be a knight like his brother Kay (who is only a year older than Arthur). Ector has refused him so far, but Arthur always has a habit of getting himself into trouble...

Excalibur appears to be an average looking arming sword, but in the hands of it's true owner, it softly shines white and hums. If anyone were to use Excalibur other than Arthur, it would not behave any differently than any other sword. But wielded by the true king of Briton, it makes a mockery of even the strongest armor and rends flesh and bone with ease.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sir Gareth shall be hereth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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(This picture is to be used predominantly as a vague guide- I'll alter a lot throughout my description.)
Gawain is relatively youthful looking, though a few signs of age are prominent. He has blue eyes and a moderate build, being 6"2 in height. He is moderately well built, and seems to show some scars from fighting, though not as many as a normal man-of-arms. He retains a thin beard, and has from time to time, a good mustache that seems well developed and curled..

Name: Sir Gawain Lottson
Age: 25
Personality: One of the most courteous Knights alive in Arthur's court (later), Gawain is renowned for being a symbol of Chivalry, being honorable in battle and in his actions. At least, on the surface. While he offers help to fellow rookie Knights, and is as loyal as any steed to the King, he does have a habit of being a little light-headed and drunk from time to time, and a little violent when he falls out of line. But most of the time, he is an honorable man, and is a trustworthy Knight of the Round Table- being the man to have by your side when the rain decides to pour and friends are more than a valuable commodity in a situation, but are the difference between life and death. He is a little aloof, but none the less, knows a firm line between right and wrong, and will die for that belief- with his character one that is repeatedly tested and tried in some ways, to question sometimes his rightful morally yet misguided attempts to do what is right for his King and his servants.

Backstory: Gawain was born to King Lot of Orkney, being a nephew of Arthur's and brother to Mordred and King Lot's other sons. He was quickly brought up to become a Knight, and along with his brother, Mordred, became a keen jouster and man-at-arms, being proficient in swordplay, whilst being young seeming to have a very good morality and showing Knightly traits from a young age. Though sidelined in favor of his brother as his brother seemed to be more capable as a fighter when younger and was far more influential, he still retained an influence of his own among a select group, and moved to England, staying away from his brother after a drunken brawl incited by Mordred that saw the two split apart and remain as enemies in both their view on the world and their actions. Gawain saw good, and wanted to be a better example, not seeking fame and power, but rather, simply the want to preserve Britain away from barbarian influences and stability- someone who would be the new King, and someone that perhaps, he was destined to follow in maintaining order and unifying Britain. Gawain is a particularly famous jouster, though he is more than capable in hand-to-hand combat and swordplay.

Equipment: Plate Mail Suit of Armor (Includes Wyvern figurehead atop helmet/on the red/blue cloth on parts of his armor, rather than purely exposed plate)
Poleaxe (Two-Handed), OR
Shortsword (1H)Rounded/Kite Shield (Wyvern Emblem)
Black Warhorse (Called Valiant, of a Bohemian Kladruber breed)
Jousting Lance (When Jousting)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dropping out, Thanks
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Aaand posted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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This is a "Rule 63"'ed character.

Sir Tristan of Lyonesse

22 years of age


Tall (five foot ten) and lean, her figure is more boyish than womanly. She has fair skin like her mother, and inherited her auburn hair and long lean frame, but her face is more that of her father with blue almond-shaped eyes and a straight nose. She cuts her hair short like a man: shaving it down so as not to choke out the fit of her helmet and letting the top layer grow no longer than her chin.


She's very formal, and very aware of her gender in her life as a knight. She feels a need to prove herself, always; it's a by-product of her upbringing. When one knows her well, she will be more relaxed, and she gets along easier with men than she does with women (to whom she cannot relate.) She doesn't like to be called Lady Tristan, and will sharply correct errors in this.

Weapons & Equipment

Sword with shield (coat of arms: lion of Lyonesse - a gold lion on a green field)

long bow
Belted (with pouch) tunica with hose, boots
plate mail in battle
Would prefer not to wear them but has a few dresses for formal occasions.
(Will provide details later, am exhausted from setting up the back-story you're about to read...)


King Medliadus of Lyonesse, father. Lady Moeya of Lyonesse, stepmother. Georg, half-brother, heir to King Medliadus.


"My mother died upon my birth, and named me Tristan as a bearer of great sorrow. Her name was Lady Elizabeth, and when I was in the womb an enchantress witched away my father King Meliadus by sending a magnificent stag to draw him into her castle, where his bewitchment with the foul she-devil caused him to forget my mother entirely. Upon a fortnight of his absence, my mother was maddened with grief and ran off into the wintry forest to try to find him where she succumbed to the bitter cold and birthed me, a red stain on that pure white snow. Those who went to retrieve her brought back her corpse and a squalling babe. It was already too late when the Merlin was able to undo my father's bewitchment, and restore him to his castle.

And so, I was largely raised by a woman who was not my mother, my father's second wife Lady Moeya. Happily for Moeya, she birthed a son soon after marriage, and when I was no longer in any way important I was quickly put aside. On the one hand, I yearned for her to be a proper mother to me, but on the other I was free to find guidance in my life by those more willing to give me their attention. This meant my father and his knights.

I spent my childhood watching the knights and learning from their mock battles. I attended church and learned my letters. I followed my father around like a loyal hound, and I managed over time to wheedle him into allowing me to learn sword play and archery. When I approached thirteen, Lady Moeya began a campaign to have me sent to a nunnery, claiming I was much too masculine to ever be married off. I was like my mother: unusually tall and lean without much in the way of womanly assets. What in my mother was a willowy beauty with eyes like a doe, I was more lanky with muscles honed by swordplay and eyes that were smaller and almond shaped like my father. Unable to convince my father to send me to the nunnery, Lady Moeya contrived to send me to France for a time. An attempt to soften me, I suppose. It didn't work well, thought it wasn't absolutely ineffective. On the path I was before I was likely to turn myself into a Queen Boudica and stain myself with woad and go running about the forest chasing down deer. Instead I suffered our French cousins to dress me in silk and bows and other awful female accouterments for a time, where I still insisted upon practicing my archery and swordplay every morning. That I could out-hunt many of the men at the French court won me the right to continue this discipline. I returned to Lyonesse at 18 still more a knight than a lady, and still unmarried. Men don't seek to wed women who can out-fight and out-hunt them, especially if they aren't sole heiresses to any wealth or land.

Upon my return, my father and his people greeted me with love, but Lady Moeya greeted me coldly. She hadn't made anything useful of me, and still felt I was a threat to her son, despite being a healthy young lad himself. Maybe she had some strange thought I would want to marry him, I don't know, but she tried again earnestly to get my father to send me to a convent. I overheard them arguing about it, and stepped in on my own behalf and begged my father to let me take vows as a knight and live by my sword rather than spend my life as a bride of Christ. Lady Moeya just about fainted and my father was taken aback by the suggestion, but seeing little other choice to make the women in his life happy he consented to my request.

But I did not take my knighting from my father. At the time, Lady Igraine of Cornwall was seeking forces to help fend off raiders from the sea. I departed with a small contingent of men from Lyonesse to lend her aid. No one knew of my true sex until I presented the head of the raider chieftain before her, and removed my own helm in her presence. From my bravery on the field, and perhaps the novelty of a woman knight, Lady Igraine offered me knighthood in Cornwall. I took my vigil the following evening, and went the next morning to my destiny."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sorry. Pc troubles and unable to do much for a while
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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/me waits to see if anyone uses a Monty Python and the Holy Grail image for a character reference...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I am still here by the way. I was just waiting for a few more people before we got started.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WitchChild


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

wonderlandalli said
/me waits to see if anyone uses a Monty Python and the Holy Grail image for a character reference...

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

This RP going anywhere? We could take it off with all the characters current- though it leaves a lot of gaps.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nobodyman123
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I had an interesting idea earlier today. If anyone is interested, we can try and save some of these characters but change the setting. I just started playing Skyrim again, and thought an Elder Scrolls RPG would be cool.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FourtyTwo
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Not really a Skyrim fan to be honest. Though are you up for a 1x1 of sorts with me? I'll PM about it, if you are.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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It's news to me...

ALSO I GOT A TEACHING JOB FOR THE NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by wonderlandalli


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I"M BACK!!! Sorry I just finished off two of my four jobs, now I just have the magazine part time, preparing for the school year (ALL THE LESSON PLANS!) and making art. :) :) :) So sorry for the extended leave! (I'm an ass!)
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