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4 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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5 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
5 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
5 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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The Lambda shuttle came out of hyperspace both on target and on time. The pilot, a youth straight from the academy, breathed a sigh of relief. They felt safe in the knowledge that their charges would soon get off his ship. Flying with one dark Jedi was bad enough, but two was enough to make him sweat.

He gazed out into the view port at their final destination. The Death Star II was finally beginning to take shape, but it was still far from complete. The hanger bay was fully functional, so that was good enough for him.

"We should be landing in just a few minutes, my lords." he said to his passengers.

"Good." said the looming black shape of Darth Vader. "Do not disturb us again until we land." The Dark Lord turned to his new apprentice.

"They are weeks behind schedule. The Emperor has decreed that we must... motivate them. I will let you take the lead on this, my young apprentice. Do not disappoint me."
Yoda stood on the command deck of the Death Star, watching the escape pods and shuttle craft evacuate the space station. His role in this war was over, and he knew it. He sensed something terrible had happened on green and blue planet below him, but he sensed that both of his pupils were still very much alive. That would have to be enough for now.

Adam's X-wing had already been sent away, and with any luck, the astromech droid on board had already sent a message to the Rebel Alliance explaining the situation. By now, the entire fleet would be on their way to consolidate their latest victory.

On the view screen before him, Master Yoda could see several Star Destroyers move into position. Surprisingly, they did not move to bombard the planet. Rather, they were preparing to destroy their own super-weapon.

"Such a waste, this is." Yoda said to no one in particular. Perhaps the Emperor was sure they could build another and didn't want to let this one fall into the hands of the Rebels. Tarkin was surely spinning in his grave right now.

The first destroyer opened fire, and the old master felt the entire station shake under the oppressive firepower. Yoda, leaning on his cane, steadied himself.

"Fear death, I do not. For my ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is." Would be the last words the nine-hundred year old master would ever say, as the cannons from multiple Star Destroyers ravaged the Death Star, breaking it apart.

And so it came to pass. The Battle for Naboo ended in a tactical victory for the Rebel Alliance, as the Death Star had been destroyed. Greater still, Naboo, under the rulership of King Eskel, threw its support behind the Rebellion, granting it a permanent foothold in the galaxy. Other nearby planets would follow, and in the wake of the victory, Mon Mothma would declare the New Republic to be reborn, with the senate seated at the Royal Palace of Naboo.

For all of this, however, the battle was a strategic stalemate. Both the Imperial and Rebel fleets survived to fight another day. With two major powers in the galaxy, a line had been drawn in the sand. It was time for every planet in the galaxy to pick a side and determine it's own destiny.

On the planet of Naboo, however, a curious event was taking place. One that would have great ramifications for every planet in the galaxy...

The speeder dashed across the verdant green hills of the Naboo plains. It was a government issue model, and Sergeant Kael was at the controls. He carried only a single passenger, who wasn't saying much. They had been driving for nearly an hour at top speed, but the young man sitting in the back had kept to himself nearly the whole trip.

Eventually, the pair arrived at the villa. Gently lit by the falling dusk, the stone and marble building seemed to glow.

"Here we are, sir. Varykino Villa. No one has lived here for decades now, and the previous kings were thinking about demolishing it." said Sergeant Kael. "Are you sure this is what you are looking for?"

The man in the back of the speeder stepped out and gazed at the building. He would need to inspect the interior of course, but so far it looked perfect.

"So far, I think this is exactly what I need." said Adam Skywalker. "The Force is strong here, and I can think of no better place to start an academy."

"Very good, sir. Shall we take a look inside?" said Sergeant Kael, motioning for the Jedi to step inside.

Adam gazed out over the lake. It had been a week since his fight with Vader. His new, mechanical eye was certainly advanced, but Adam felt like he needed more time to get used to it.

He signed, inwardly. Kijani would love this place. he thought to himself.

Eskel had told him she died fighting the Emperor, and the news shattered his heart into a million pieces. But something in his heart told him it was wrong. Kijani was alive somewhere. Adam had vowed to find her, no matter what it took. But it was something he knew he couldn't do alone. Perhaps with a new generation of Jedi, the galaxy might finally right itself...
"What are you talking about?" Adam said, keeping his lightsaber raised and ignited. The soft blue light filled the stone room. Sure enough, this was a tomb, but for whom, he didn't know.

"Padme was a Queen of Naboo, and a good friend. She would have been a good mother, had you not killed her." Darth Vader said, casually taking a step towards Adam.

"Kill her? I don't even know who that is..." said Adam as the realization dawned on him. "My mother was a queen?" he said, feeling his guard begin to relax.

It was all Vader need. With the speed of the wind itself, he closed the distance towards Adam and ignited his own saber. Adam nearly failed to recover in time, but managed to catch Vader's red weapon on his own.

"Is that why were down here, Vader? For you to tell me who my mother is? How could you even possibly know that?"

"Obi-wan never told you the truth about your father, Adam Skywalker." was all that Darth Vader said. At first, it didn't even register with Adam, but the words echoed around both the nearly empty room as well as his own mind. Adam, seeing the words for what they are, felt the sting of tears come to his eyes.

"No..." was all he could say, as his mouth had begun to dry and his heart began to beat faster and faster. The Sith Lord, sensing Adam's resolve weakening, pushed Adam way and grabbed him by the neck with one, massive arm.

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true!" he said, flinging Adam against the wall. The young Jedi hit the stone and felt the air pushed out of his lungs.

Adam felt weak in his limbs, and looked up at the black, skull-like visage of his father. Even saying it in his mind nearly brought him to madness.

"I don't want to kill you, my son." Vader said. "The Jedi have betrayed you just as they have betrayed me. Obi-wan kept you from me and turned your mother against me." Vader lowered his saber but didn't shut it off. Adam rose to his feet, but kept his eyes on his foe.

"Join me, son, and together we can rebuild this galaxy, defeat the Emperor and bring peace at last."

"Peace? I've seen what this peace of yours looks like. You can't get peace and prosperity by standing on necks!" Adam blurted out. He felt his vision begin to turn red. This... man, after all the pain he caused Adam. Killing his master, murdering thousands of innocents across the galaxy and tormenting him and his friends had the gall to make an offer like this? Not a chance in hell.

"The galaxy is a violent, flawed place, my son-" Vader began before Adam cut him off.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Adam said before rushing him again. With a leap, Adam brought his saber down on the Sith Lord's shoulder, causing Vader to give a mechanical cry of pain. Before Adam could strike again, however, Vader decided that the time for niceties was over.

Vader, now in pain, began an assault on the young Jedi. Adam called deeply on the Force, but even as dialed in as he was, he knew that his opponent had been holding back until now. This could only end one way.

The Sith Lord's red saber slipped past Adam's guard. For just a moment, the red lightsaber blade flicked past the front of his face. For just a moment, Adam thought he had stepped away just in time.

Then the left side of his face erupted in pain and Adam smelled burning ozone and flesh. His lightsaber switched off and hit the stone floor with a loud clang. Adam could only hold his face and scream.

"You brought this upon yourself." Vader said from outside of Adam's now limited vision. "You are strong in the Dark Side, young Skywalker, but if only accepted it, you might be able to defeat me. I trust that the next time we meet, you will be more receptive."

The last words from Vader echoed throughout the chamber and Adam felt himself cast into total darkness. Despite his body's protests, he fell to stone floor and let the shadows envelope him.
"The Force is strong with you." said Palpatine as his new apprentice knelt before him in submission. "A powerful Sith, you will become." The Emperor ruminated for a moment before speaking again, his voice loud and clear enough for the whole hanger to hear him.

"Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth... Oratrix." he said, his yellow teeth shiny underneath his hood. "Now rise, my dear. We shall begin your training immediately."

Palpatine motioned for her to rise and to follow him into his shuttle. "Captain." he said aloud, causing a nearby Imperial officer to scurry towards him and snap a salute. "Order an immediate withdrawal of all our forces. Let the Rebels have this meaningless planet."

"My lord..." the officer began. "The Death Star hasn't checked in for quite some time and many of the escape pods have been jettisoned."

At this, the raised his eyebrows. "This is unexpected. But no matter. I'm afraid Moff Tarkin's little toy has been compromised. Order the fleet to fire on it at once."
Adam leaned against the cold stone wall and tried to catch his breath. The blaster burn on his arm hurt like hell, and he felt like he had run a marathon, though he had only been running for less than a minute.

It was so obviously a trap, yet it was one he walked right in to. As soon as the message recorded by Prince Eskel went through, nearly an entire platoon of Stormtroopers attacked his position. The young Jedi had to call deeply on the Force to protect him and deflect the oncoming blaster bolts. One got through, though thankfully it merely grazed his arm.

Now with a healthy appreciation for why most Stormtroopers hated their near useless Plastoid armor, Adam shed his stolen uniform onto the marble floor.

"Where the hell am I?" he asked to no one in particular. Without much time to think, he had bolted for the first open door he could find, unsure of where it would take him. He at least had the presence of mind to collapse the hallway behind him, slowing his pursuers. And yet, he could not sense anyone trying to dig through the rubble. In fact, he felt nearly nothing except for the path that lay before him. "Hate? Sorrow? Guilt?" Adam thought as he felt these things and much more. The blue of his lightsaber barely pierced the black shadows that stretched into eternity before him.

With no where else to go, Adam collected himself and carefully walked forward into the abyss, lightsaber held out before him. At nearly every step, Adam could feel the dark side grow stronger and stronger. After what seemed an eternity, a dim light showed in the distance. Adam, feeling hopeful, picked up his pace. Soon he could leave this awful place and reunite with his friends.

Then the roomed opened up, filling with artificial light. Though the room was large enough to fly an X-Wing through, it was nearly empty, with only a few ceremonial vases filled with red roses. So occupied with the massive space, the lone figure standing on the other end took him by surprise.

"Have you heard of the tragedy of Padme Amidala?" said Darth Vader, standing next to a stone sarcophagus. "In life, she loved a Jedi Knight. In death, she bore him a son."

Adam, confused and startled, raised his lightsaber into a guard position, wondering why Vader hadn't brought out his own.

The Stormtroopers turned on each other without a second thought, first with their fists, then with their blasters. It was merciless, bloody and very quick. Once the mayhem was finished, the Emperor let out a hollow, grim laugh.

"Very clever, my dear. Step forward and kneel before me."
The Emperor, from under his dark hood, glared at the princess like a coiled serpent. "You would pledge your self to me?" he said, his voice getting low. A rye smile played across his cracked lips.

"First, a test of your... conviction." he finally said. "Troopers, step forward and remove your helmets."

The Stormtroopers, conditioned for years to follow orders without a second thought, complied immediately. The faces of the five men were varied, ranging from various ages and skin tones, but each with the Imperial regulated shaved head and no facial hair.

"These men have disobeyed direct orders. Kill them all."
The Stormtroopers stopped dead in their tracks as Kijani commanded them. Whether by confusion or compulsion, Eskel couldn't say. What he did know for sure, was that he suddenly felt very silly standing in Kijani's way. He could see that she was very much in command of the situation, and so he righted himself and stepped aside. His father gave him a confused glance which Eskel could only return. The Stormtroopers, almost sheepishly, lowered their blasters and parted, acting as an impromptu honor guard.

"Right this way, your highness." said one of them through his comlink as he motioned through the now open door. "He has gone to the hanger."

The Imperial troopers quickly led them throughout the halls and corridor's of the royal palace, with many more soldiers rushing pass them to deal with the rioting crowd gathering in the plaza. Not one stopped to question the purpose of the Stormtroopers or their charges.

Not long after leaving the small holding room, the group found themselves in the hanger. A lone Lambda class shuttle sat their, it's engines already roaring to life. On the gangway, a small figured draped in black stood and turned toward the new arrivals. The Emperor himself had an entourage of red cloaked Royal Guards nearby, who tensed at the unexpected arrival.

"What is the meaning of this?" said the Emperor in a voice that seemed calm, but carried a sharp edge of anger. For a moment, the room seemed to buckle at his immense power.
The Imperial Command Center was a hive of frantic movement and shouted orders. The room had dozens of screens, all showing the city of Theed in chaos. The populace of the once oppressed city had risen up against their Imperial overlords, attacking barricades and checkpoints with blasters, blades and the very stones off the ground.

"Sir," said one frazzled tech to his superior. "The Emperor's shuttle is fueled and ready to depart."

"Any word from the Death Star?"

"They've ignored all our hails, sir."

"What the hell is going on up there?" said the officer before another security tech chimed in.

"Sir, squads four and five have engaged Target Alpha and are pushing him towards the Royal Tombs as ordered."

"Good. Lord Vader will be pleased." said the officer. His commlink chimed and he quickly answered the call.

"New order from the Emperor. Terminate the hostages." he said coldly before continuing with his buisness.

"Kijani, what is it?" Eskel said, reaching out to her. When the door opened behind him, Eskel turned to see a squad of Stormtroopers leveling their blasters at the three of them. Eskel screamed and tried to push Kijani down with him before the bolts began to fly.
As Adam uploaded the message to broadcast over the whole of Naboo, he thought to himself that maybe this was all too easy. After swimming up river for a few minutes, finding a set of stormtrooper armor and walking around like he belonged there was child's play. No one even noticed he was still wet!

Was this all a massive trap? Adam thought nervously. With one hand, he felt his grip around his borrowed rifle tighten as he finished broadcasting the message. This place reeked of the dark side of the force. He chalked it up the the strong imperial presence on the planet, but he had a sinking suspicion it was something more.
Emergency Broadcast. All Frequencies.

People of Naboo. For too long, the galaxy has burned with the fires of war. To my shame, and the shame of Veruna family, we were all too happy to watch from the sidelines as the Empire tightened it's grip on our neighbors.

But no longer! Regardless of the words of my father, I will no longer stand passive against the ruin of our Republic. As Prince of Naboo, I now stand side by side with the brave heroes of the Rebel Alliance. Be you patriots and lovers of democracy, I beseech you to stand and fight our Imperial overlords. Together, we may free the galaxy from tyranny and oppressions.

Long Live Naboo! Long Live the Republic!
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