KnightShade said
Do you ever worry about your spam persona getting in the way of people knowing you?
Eh, not exactly. My spam persona is pretty damned close to my actual personality, I just exaggerate the ego for shits and giggles. But I'm not a very open person to begin with, so I don't know if the spam persona thing has any extra effect on that. I don't share shit about my life just out of nowhere, usually only when people actually ask. Tons of people on Skype, where I hang out and chat more than Spam, were shocked to find out I have two sisters when I mentioned them a few weeks ago, for instance.
Awson said
Jorick, would you reroll your life or are you satisfied with it as is?
I'm fairly satisfied as is. There are some things that'd be nice to change, but nothing major that can't be dealt with as is, like getting a job to fix my no money issue.
Kill Bones said
What do you think is your greatest weakness?
This will totally not be used for any malevolent purposes
Hmmm... Probably my lack of empathy. I'm not utterly devoid of it, I'm just not very empathetic at all. This is a pretty big weakness when it comes to social stuff in general, because it makes it hard to relate to other people.
rpg101 said
What is your true, completely honest opinion of me.
That you should fuck off with this nonsense and wait until the honest opinions bandwagon rolls through Spam again.