Name: Jonny Davidson
Age: 17

Jonny is a short individual around 5'5". It's something that get's on his nerves quite often, because reaching that shelf or seeing over that guy in the movie theatre is a real pain. Thank god he weighs less than a feather so he normally sits on a friend's lap like a child to see that movie screen!
If his height wasn't enough, Jonny's body doesn't seem to know what
testoserone is and his skin is rarely ever graced by body hair. Not to mention the fact he's had the comment before that he looks more like a lesbian than a boy. He could point out the obvious fact he has nothing up top though.
He wears clothing that shows off his arms and neckline, so most of his clothes are often sleeveless. Jonny sorta hates the fact that the sleeveless tanks he loves have found their way into popular fashion, however. When it comes to his legs, he HATES them for being so thin and bony, so jeans are always a thing, loose jeans, jeans where he needs a belt, it's almost comical sometimes.
In colder months he tends to wrap up in furry coats, scarves, hoodies, etc.
"Get your hands off me asshole. I didn't say you could touch me."
Jonny is a recluse when you first meet him. He tends to shy away and turn a shoulder when adressed. Appearing to dislike crowds and people, most people don't take the time to notice he's silently crying out for attention. Those who do take the time, however, must be careful of their approach, as there is a reason we call him a recluse. (Spider puns, if you didn't catch that)
With a single word you could describe Jonny, that word is "sarcastic." But if you wanted to be super descriptive (which honestly, his sarcasm overpowers almost EVERYTHING else) you could also say he is snarky, testy, ill-tempered, firey, impregnable, insufferable, self-justified... Which again, is why you must be careful when paying attention to this recluse, as this is exactly what you will be confronted with.
Jonny does, however, have two major chinks in his personality. Poetry and romance, in the personality of a new friend, disarms him immediately. Feeling loved by someone--someone
special-- causes the snarky, bitchy exterior to melt away and reveal the lonely child hidden inside. When it does melt away, you can hardly recognize Jonny, because when his true colors shine? He becomes the best friend you will ever find.
Back story:
"I know there's the whole 'Way back when we new there was something different about Jonny...' But if I ever catch you bringing that up, I will tear you limb from limb with a rusty butter knife and a cheese grater. I hate cliche crap."
Jonny was born to a rather poor family in the bad parts of town. He never knew what it was to be spoiled, never knew what it was like to own a phone, never knew what it was like to be able to spend time with your parents. The only thing that Jonny ever really knew, was that he was destined to be destitute.
He grew up trying to make friends, but his affinity for things like kittens and hairbrushes tended to brand him as a degenerate. Jonny never quite understood why nobody could ever try to be friends with him, and his repeated rejection slowly twisted his psyche into developing defense mechanisms that manifested as many a bad personality trait. The real Jonny was lost to the void of loneliness and only the recluse Jonny remained.
Then one day in high school someone finally decided to try and reach into Jonny's heart and find what hid inside. A boy named Jake slowly earned his trust and whisked Jonny away on ventures in the world of plenty. He bought him clothes, took him out to eat things you couldn't buy with food stamps, and taught him how to love again. But Jonny always knew something was going to happen, so when Jake was killed in a shooting trying to protect him, Jonny's heart was locked in a vault so thick that you could swear it died in there.
Extra: Give the boy some cake and he'll follow you around for a few days.
What did you wish for?:
"He was there, Jake was there. Sitting, smiling, he waved at me. There were tears in my eyes when I ran after him. I thought we could go back. But I knew he was dead, so when I stepped on the train and he was gone, I wasn't really surprised."