Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Come closer.... Come closer if you dare... For the story that i am about to tell you.... It could be true, or it could be false... It's all up to you!"

And old man, sitting in the darkest corner of the market... And yet... More and more people surrounded him, for a story was always good to hear, even in times when the wicked rule the city, and the poor are used as cattle.

"Let me tell you about... That one special night!"

As the old man looked around the crowd, he knew that everyone listened to him, and so he started his story.........

"Everything changed on that night, on the night of that assassination. They just layed their son in bed, for after a long day of work, they knew it was time to relax.
But... Once they walked upon the blacony they were assassinated! Each and every single person knows about this day! But... Did they knew the secrets?
For the assassin was no regular assassin... No no... The job was to delicate for this... So... The assassin who did his job, got assassinated himself!"

The old man looked trough the crowd... And noticed their reactions... And yet, secrets were ment to stay hidden in this town! But instead of keeping quite... The old man continued telling the story that he started.

"So... now the question remains... Who assassinated the assassin?! Well... That question may be easy to answer, for their name is Night Raid...
They watch over us, as they bring down the wicked! Now... Who and where are these wicked humans you ask?! Well... Nobody knows... And yet, each and every single night another high class family gets assassinated by them!
For the Night Raid, they fight for the city, as they claim it back piece by piece... Bit my bit... And yet, they also had their loss... For nothing truelly remains a secret..."

The man stops for a moment... As he looks around with a smile on his face...

"So my beloved Night Raid... Cleanse this city, and bring back the light!"

As the old man shouts his last sentence into the crowd, he notices the guards running towards him... But just before the guards could capture the old man, he dissapears...


Character Sheet:
Age: {16 ~ 21 }
Appearance: Picture {Anime or real} or Description, what ever suits you ;)
Weapon: This can be any kind of weapon, from swords to guns! Only one weapon allowed!!!

~ As GM, the final decision is mine to make!
~ No God Mode or Mary Sue's !!
~ Each character can only have one weapon, not more!
~ As long as you are in the secret base, try not to destroy anything :/
~ Please RP the sex scenes trough PM! :)
~ Violence is allowed!
~ Try not to power-post! For sometimes it is impossible to follow the RP then :)

Character list
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UncannyWanderer


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'll make a CS tommorow if I'm not feeling lazy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll make my CS in a bit!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey Shadow, I'll make a CS soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Let me guess this is based on Akame ga Kill!!! We gonna have our own teigu? Cool! *fanboys*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Nikaido (Nikky) El-Hashem
Age: 21
Gender: female

Personality: As an individual, Nikky has a very cheery demeanor and isn't afraid to show her emotions. She is outwardly kind and talkative, making sure that there's never a dreary moment. She greatly dislikes being alone and becomes very depressed and lethargic when she is; basically she uses others as an emotional crutch, even if they dislike her or have ill intentions towards her. Nikky is extremely observant and learns very quickly in result, especially when she engages in conversation or does her "people-watch" activities. She will be a bit tough with her colleges, especially if they step out of line, usually challenging them or playfully harassing them. Her outward personality, however, is tested during missions when she takes life after life; as much as she tries to hide it, she does have a malevolent persona under her positive attitude which she used to be able to control,but now it only comes out under extreme stress situations or influence of material sources.

Biography: Nikky grew up in an "as close to ordinary" life in the military district, naturally enlisting into the imperial guard when she came of age to provide for her family. She learned to combat all who she was taught threatened the peace and sanctity of The City. Of course when you're paid to protect those who are corrupt, you become corrupt yourself. As the years passed, Nikky killed and destroyed like a mindless drone, and getting paid to do so drove her even further into darkness. One day while assigned to guard the home of a very powerful and influential highborn family, Nikky was offered a deal of a life time; all she had to do was dirty her hands a bit and she would be set till the end of her days. What was asked of her was to set an example of a family, one of the few remaining uncorrupted, and make sure that the image of their "little accident" would be burned into the minds those who opposed her corrupt employers. Gladly accepting the mission with promise of fortune, Nikky undertook the job, but it wasn't as easy as killing and leaving a head on a pike.
The family was under protection by other uncorrupted families, rebels and even some of the Night Raid at the time, which meant Nikky would have to do much more than mow her way through. Even after eventually killing the targeted family, Nikky was chased by those who protected her victims. When she ran to to her employers for protection, even they tried to kill her as well to silence her. With the whole world against her, she had nowhere to run or hide; in a twisted act of vengeance her family was killed by the rebels, and this drove her to the edge. Life was not worth living any longer, not when you're wanted dead by everyone. As one last act of rebellion against the twisted world, Nikky faced her hunters and fought as hard as she physically could.
Bloody, beaten, and left for dead, Nikky lost everything that day. She almost lost her life, were it not for a shadowy figure looming over her. She cried out, even in her bloody state, begging for mercy and forgiveness for her actions. She awoke one morning wrapped in bandages, inside a warehouse, alive.
Now Nikky fights for the Night Raiders in order to repent for her sins.

Weapon: Bladed Tonfa()

Extra: She has quite the sweet tooth
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Shitsui Mitsuhide

Age: 19

Gender: Male

With a height of 5'5"(Pretty short for a guy, eh?) and a small body frame, Shitsui is perfect for sneaking around in the shadows and making quick strikes. In order to strike deep fear in his prey, he paints his face slightly on his eyes, somewhat like a clowns eyes. Two upside-down triangles under his eyes, which he will then wet to make them look as if they are pouring down his face, like tears ruining mascara.

Personality: Shitsui is a rather strange character. He acts incredibly nice and polite, to give others a false sense of security and trust. Really, he is just a broken boy with a mind set on violence. In fact, he will usually go out of his way to take assassination missions for others, if they're not up for the task. He keeps these violent obsessions under check this way, in order to avoid having conflict with other Night Raiders. One might call Shitsui sadistic and even, though uncomfirmed, a masochist.

Though Shitsui acts friendly, helpful, and supportive of other Night Raiders, he has a tendency to get extremely pissed when called short, little, a runt, etc. Other then this, he has no real problems with the other members. In fact, he is extremely protective of other Night Raiders. Whether this is true feelings for the other members or simply to protect his murderous intentions are not known. It seems that the only people he shows true concern for are those born under poorer birth, just like him.

Biography: Born in the Tan District, Shitsui and his family had no home to live in other then the warehouses of other people. Sleep, food, and hygiene were luxuries for the once rich Mitsuhide family. They had been robbed of all their possessions by corrupt government officials and tax collectors and were forced to forever move from warehouse to warehouse in order to avoid being caught by the owners. One night, Shitsui's family was caught by a powerful crime-lord and Yakuza boss when he noticed rustling behind some crates in his warehouse and decided to take them to the gangs hideout in a corner of the Entertainment District.

They kept them in the dark for three months. with enough food and water to keep their bodies from going frail. Their nights of torture were long, painful, and agonizing. No one knew who they were or had even known of their disappearance. Those days of sitting in the basement of the Yakuza's hideout cracked Shitsui's mind and will, breaking him down until all he felt was a burning rage...a need to kill. Watching the pain, blood, and faces of fear on his parents began to feed his inner desires. When the final day had arrived, they had killed both his parents in brutal fashions in front of him. That was the final piece to make him snap. Before he had been killed, a figure in a cloak arrived in time to kill the gang of Yakuza, except for one...the very Boss who took his family.

With a dagger in hand, the figure handed Shitsui the weapon, as if to test him. Taking the dagger in his hand, he stared at it, with his heart racing with excitement. Carefully, he took his time with the Yakuza boss, enjoying the cries of mercy and agony from the older man. As the blood raced down the mans wounds, Shitsui's breathing had increased, and his pace began to quicken. Quickly taking the mans heart, he crushed it within his free hand, and watched the blood trickle down from his fingers. He was satisfied...and with this death, he had been invited to join the Night Raiders, to punish the corrupt and evil. More than happily, he accepted this offer...and since then, he has began to feed upon the pain and terror of his victims faces.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I feel like I made my character a bit too scary...perfect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Masaki Haruna said
Let me guess this is based on Akame ga Kill!!! We gonna have our own teigu? Cool! *fanboys*

Hahahaha hell yeah ^^
But I just took the concept of the anime :P
Fun part is, don't even know how it will go for I only saw the anime ^^

@CorruptedShadow: I LOVE HIM!! ^^ He is accepted :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Since we can only have one weapon, does that mean dual swords aren't allowed? :)

Wait, nevermind. Looks like someone chose dual daggers so I guess it's fine. Haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dual-wield is allowed! For it will still remain as one weapon, but it is more for if you take a sword or a gun.
So if you stick to like... A dagger and create two of them, it is fine :)
But if you do a duel-wield with a sword and gun... Then sorry but no :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Wooo, accepted! Gonna have some fun with this character...kinda adds a bit of a comedic relief with the shorty thing, y'know? By the way, I edited something in his extra's and changed it to "Whatever". Just wanted to let you know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll be at work in a moment, but I shall keep an eye out in here :)
Each CS that is posted, i shall gladly take a look at them :)

BTW: Does anyone know how to create a link to the CS? I saw it in other RP's but I don't know how to do it :/ and it is quite handy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I don't really know how, but what I do is just copy the character and put them in hiders...if that helps?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet:
Name: Katsu Takata
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Personality: Katsu is a strange young boy. Of course, that sounds vague, but you’ll understand what I mean. He’s a highly intelligent and calculating child. He’s mostly shy when he’s being sincere to someone he isn’t close to, however he can act as if he knew the person for years, speaking comfortably when he’s lying or trying to impress someone.

He's very compassionate and kind but can kill people he doesn't know without having any moral contradictions -as long as he actually has a reason to- ever since he took his first life. This tends to give people around him an uneasy feeling when they're with him.

Biography: Katsu is the very definition of the word 'gamin'. Ever since he was a boy, he has lived on the streets along with a couple of others just like him, some older, some younger... He grew up with them as brothers and sisters but he left the group at the age of 12, after most of them died from a contagious disease. He had been with them ever since he ran from the orphanage he was put in at the age of 9.

Now living on the streets without anyone to look out for him, or anyone for him to look out for, Katsu survived using the skills he'd learned stealing for the group. Over the years, he grew more and more skilled in fighting with a staff, the edge of which he'd sharpened. Stealing to live, he learned how to be discreet and fit in, increasing his acrobatic skills for when he would be running away.

One day, he was caught stealing from a blacksmith, almost emptying the man's deposit. When the blacksmith found him, he trapped the boy inside. Seeing the helpless gamin, the man felt pity and offered him a chance to earn money for himself. Katsu knew that either he accepted the offer or he'd have to go to jail or back on the streets. He worked with the man for several years, helping him craft weapons. For once, the boy had gotten a father figure who would give him an actual bed to sleep in. One day when he was going up to his room in the attic, he overheard some people talking. There were several guards and a cloaked old man in the smithy, talking to the blacksmith. He saw one of the guards push the back of his spear on the blacksmith's shoulder and knock him over the counter. "You have three days," Katsu heard. "Got it?"

After several days, Katsu woke up to screams. He ran out of his room in the middle of the night, seeing the bleeding man on the first floor. He quickly tended to his wounds and put him to bed, sitting by his side. When the man woke up, he explained what had happened. The man who had come the other day had ordered ten freshly made swords by that day and when he hadn't made it on time, the man just wanted to make his point clear. He tried to explain it in a way that would make the nobleman seem innocent but was unsuccessful. Later the next week, when they revisited the smith, the blacksmith was sleeping soundly in his room. Katsu was the one tending the shop, sitting behind the counter. He said the weapons were ready but that he couldn't carry all of them. He instructed the men to follow him to the back and two of the guards left, leaving only one behind with the nobleman. When he led the two men to the back, he slashed the first one's throat with one of the sword's he had picked for "demonstration". While the other man was trying to draw his sword, he stabbed the man under his chest, sticking the tip out of the man's spine. He fell with the sword stuck in him. Katsu went over to the weapons and pulled out the spear he'd made himself.

He circled the shop, running from the back and coming back in from the front, he stuck the tip of the spear into the unknowing guard's back. Without any hesitation or pause, he separated the nobleman's head from his body. The local police force found the bodies in the slums, squeezed into a dark alley. After that night, he started disappearing from time to time, not showing up for days or weeks.

Currently, Katsu continues to help the owner of the blacksmith shop who is still unable to sit up properly.

Weapon: The bladed long spear in the appearance.
-He uses both sides of his weapons, both the back and front.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Hikaru || 18 || Female

Amaya has a very reserved personality; She doesn't show much of her emotions. However, she is very compassionate when it comes to her comrades, and she makes sure that no harm comes to any of them. At a young age, she already had a strong sense for justice. She is a good person, but she is strict and often criticizes bad behavior. Amaya is also impatient, and she doesn't like it when people don't answer her questions fast enough. She is usually full of kindness when it comes to her friends, but when facing her enemies, she shows absolutely no mercy. She is very cold and ruthless when it comes to battle, and she ends the lives of her enemies without hesitation. Amaya takes her job very seriously and will make sure that she accomplishes her missions without fail.

Amaya grew up witnessing the immoral injustice of the imperial kingdom. She hated the corrupt government, as did her parents who were part of the revolutionary forces. During the rebellion of the Revolutionary Army, some of them, including her parents were captured and sentenced for a public execution. After this, her hatred for the imperial kingdom grew even stronger, and she made it her life mission to avenge her parents.

She was left alone with her older sister, Yuuki, who shared the same goal as her. They both trained everyday to get stronger. They would often go on small missions to eliminate imperial soldiers who were in small groups; just enough for them to handle. Their actions started to be known within the kingdom, and they were both being hunted down. One night while she was heading home, she was captured and was sent in for a public execution for defying the kingdom.

Her sister learned of this through their neighbors and immediately went to her aid. She barged in the warehouse where Amaya was kept in, but there were over 20 imperial guards around, expecting her arrival. Amaya got to escape with her sister's help, but her sister was captured and tortured to death. Before they were parted, Yuuki shared her last words and gave Amaya her own sword. Even if she were to pass away, she wanted Amaya to avenge their family using the sword that she had given her.

Ever since, Amaya have been practicing how to wield both blades to perfection, and she promised never to be weak again. It was her own weakness that killed her sister, and she carried the burden with her, serving as her motivation to get stronger everyday. Her hatred for the empire was beyond words. Not only did she want to avenge her family now, she wanted to kill every last one of the members of the imperial kingdom.

-Always wears a mask during her missions; not showing her face to her enemies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

ShadowRaeper said
BTW: Does anyone know how to create a link to the CS? I saw it in other RP's but I don't know how to do it :/ and it is quite handy.

Something like this?
Amaya Hikaru - WinterNightSky
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@WinterNoghtSky: Yeah like that! :O how did you do that?? Oh and your character is accepted ^^

You don't really need to understand the story around this RP ;)
because I wont truelly follow it, I gave it my own twist and just took the central piece of it ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Could we have our character join the Night Raid in the beginning of the RP but not before it starts?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This is how you do it:

(url=http://example.com)Name of the character - Name of the person who made it (/url)

Note: Change the ( and ) to [ and ]

When you're copying the link, make sure you copy it while being exactly where you want the link to lead to. For example, you want to create a link to my CS, you scroll down to my cs, then copy the link above. And if you want to make a link for CorruptedShadow's CS, scroll to where his CS is, then copy the link above. Ehh, I suck at explaining.. -_-

And thanks for accepting :)
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