Fallout: The Long Haul

This is not Fallout New Vegas .5. This is not a story of settlers, or wanderers. It is the story of an expedition. If you are ready to write, love Fallout, and are ready to explore areas of the Wastes never before explored, read on.
A decade following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Mr. House rules over the prosperous city of New Vegas, with the combined forces of the NCR and his Securitrons pushing Caesar’s Legion far beyond the banks of the Colorado River. With a firm grip on his upgraded Securitron army, House is too formidable a foe for the NCR to attempt to remove, forcing an uneasy peace between the factions.
After Mr. House revealed his hand at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, a young entrepreneur, based in The Hub, sought a partnership with the elusive dictator. The wealthy young man, Sherrington Tenpenny, along with brilliant engineer Hayley Carter, reverse engineered a lost technology of the pre-war world.
Thought lost to “ancient” entities like Mr. House, Tenpenny uncovered a series of underground magnetic rails which once linked the east and west coasts, stopping in large cities along the way. These rails used Mag-Lev technology to send high speed hover trolleys across the nation, making a cross country trip no more than a 2 day endeavor.
After the Great War, the various powerstations (located in major cities along the trolley’s routes) that generated the magnetic fields necessary to move the trolleys were scavenged for parts, lost to destruction, or simply fell into disrepair. The necessary energy, a patent protected fusion core owned by the LevTram coach company, was never recreated, and soon the memory of the cross country transit system was lost to the memories of the few ghouls old enough to remember a time before the bombs fell.
Until now.
Hayley Carter, using Tenpenny’s funds, has reverse engineered the fusion core, and the two, together with the security backing of Mr. House, plan on resurrecting the LevTram Lines.
Quick cross country travel will bring drove to New Vegas--furthering House’s empire and further lining his pockets, as well as increasing his influence over the recovering wastes.
It will bring the current caravan companies to their knees, giving Tenpenny an insurmountable edge in the shipping and transit industries, growing his wealth exponentially.
Before they can see their dreams come to fruition, there is a final obstacle standing in their way: the powerstations must be revived.
That is where you come in.
Personal messengers, encrypted Pip-Boy frequencies, and special radio broadcasts have been made across the wastelands from The Hub to New Vegas, calling for any and all adventurers willing to ride the trolley from one side of the country to the other, aiding Hayley Carter as she repairs and revives the trolley system.
For those who make it across and return to New Vegas? The ultimate prize--total freedom. A penthouse room at whichever Vegas casino they choose, and a monthly salary more than what any man or woman could spend in that time.
The catch?
The wastes are full of those who would never see the trolley live again. Raiders, tribals, dangerous fauna, “concerned” caravan company mercenaries, and if they don’t stop you, the Brotherhood of Steel may have a certain aversion to such technology being in the hands of Mr. House and Tenpenny.
Will you answer the call? Will you ride the rails, and stick out the hardships for The Long Haul?
Here’s the run down on this RP--
You can play essentially whatever characters you want, so long as they aren’t awful Mary/Marty Sues and they aren’t Godmodders.
Also, this RP will ALWAYS BE RECRUITING AND OPEN TO NEW PLAYERS. Since we’ll be visiting a variety of cities and smaller destinations along the way, there are always new points for entry.
Here’s the biggest thing: I need you guys.
We’ll be going to a variety of cities across the nation. Bethesda/Obsidian spend months to years of time researching and coming up with creative ways of taking their locations and making them really feel “Fallout”-y. I can’t do it alone. I need you guys to bring the creativity to the table to help make these cities different from one another. You have creative freedom here, and I’d love to see what we can create together.

Green Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Reno, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Billings, Fargo, Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City
Blue Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Salt Lake City, Denver, Lincoln, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Philadelphia, Washington, DC (Capital Wastes)
Red Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Albuquerque, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami
So, who is interested? Comments? Questions? Slander?

This is not Fallout New Vegas .5. This is not a story of settlers, or wanderers. It is the story of an expedition. If you are ready to write, love Fallout, and are ready to explore areas of the Wastes never before explored, read on.
A decade following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, Mr. House rules over the prosperous city of New Vegas, with the combined forces of the NCR and his Securitrons pushing Caesar’s Legion far beyond the banks of the Colorado River. With a firm grip on his upgraded Securitron army, House is too formidable a foe for the NCR to attempt to remove, forcing an uneasy peace between the factions.
After Mr. House revealed his hand at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, a young entrepreneur, based in The Hub, sought a partnership with the elusive dictator. The wealthy young man, Sherrington Tenpenny, along with brilliant engineer Hayley Carter, reverse engineered a lost technology of the pre-war world.
Thought lost to “ancient” entities like Mr. House, Tenpenny uncovered a series of underground magnetic rails which once linked the east and west coasts, stopping in large cities along the way. These rails used Mag-Lev technology to send high speed hover trolleys across the nation, making a cross country trip no more than a 2 day endeavor.
After the Great War, the various powerstations (located in major cities along the trolley’s routes) that generated the magnetic fields necessary to move the trolleys were scavenged for parts, lost to destruction, or simply fell into disrepair. The necessary energy, a patent protected fusion core owned by the LevTram coach company, was never recreated, and soon the memory of the cross country transit system was lost to the memories of the few ghouls old enough to remember a time before the bombs fell.
Until now.
Hayley Carter, using Tenpenny’s funds, has reverse engineered the fusion core, and the two, together with the security backing of Mr. House, plan on resurrecting the LevTram Lines.
Quick cross country travel will bring drove to New Vegas--furthering House’s empire and further lining his pockets, as well as increasing his influence over the recovering wastes.
It will bring the current caravan companies to their knees, giving Tenpenny an insurmountable edge in the shipping and transit industries, growing his wealth exponentially.
Before they can see their dreams come to fruition, there is a final obstacle standing in their way: the powerstations must be revived.
That is where you come in.
Personal messengers, encrypted Pip-Boy frequencies, and special radio broadcasts have been made across the wastelands from The Hub to New Vegas, calling for any and all adventurers willing to ride the trolley from one side of the country to the other, aiding Hayley Carter as she repairs and revives the trolley system.
For those who make it across and return to New Vegas? The ultimate prize--total freedom. A penthouse room at whichever Vegas casino they choose, and a monthly salary more than what any man or woman could spend in that time.
The catch?
The wastes are full of those who would never see the trolley live again. Raiders, tribals, dangerous fauna, “concerned” caravan company mercenaries, and if they don’t stop you, the Brotherhood of Steel may have a certain aversion to such technology being in the hands of Mr. House and Tenpenny.
Will you answer the call? Will you ride the rails, and stick out the hardships for The Long Haul?
Here’s the run down on this RP--
You can play essentially whatever characters you want, so long as they aren’t awful Mary/Marty Sues and they aren’t Godmodders.
Also, this RP will ALWAYS BE RECRUITING AND OPEN TO NEW PLAYERS. Since we’ll be visiting a variety of cities and smaller destinations along the way, there are always new points for entry.
Here’s the biggest thing: I need you guys.
We’ll be going to a variety of cities across the nation. Bethesda/Obsidian spend months to years of time researching and coming up with creative ways of taking their locations and making them really feel “Fallout”-y. I can’t do it alone. I need you guys to bring the creativity to the table to help make these cities different from one another. You have creative freedom here, and I’d love to see what we can create together.

Green Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Reno, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Billings, Fargo, Minneapolis, Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York City
Blue Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Salt Lake City, Denver, Lincoln, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Philadelphia, Washington, DC (Capital Wastes)
Red Line: LA (The Hub), Las Vegas (New Vegas), Albuquerque, Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Atlanta, Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami
So, who is interested? Comments? Questions? Slander?