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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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overgrown housecat
* moves out of claw reach *
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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Kaylan The Lioness said
my name is Kaylan the Lioness!lol.. *throws tissues on top of you*

Basets added to the Race list :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll post a CS for the Human King tonight after I get back from the gym. Sorry for taking so long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaylan The Lioness
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Kaylan The Lioness Queen of the Pride

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

lol BASTETS :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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Kaylan The Lioness said
lol BASTETS :p

Nope, Basets now :P Just kidding, I'll go fix that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I can make a human knight possibly. Or Elf Queen...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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what type of Elves are you thinking of having anyway?
or a combination?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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dndragons said
I can make a human knight possibly. Or Elf Queen...

Feel free for either. Just remember, you don't HAVE to fit these roles, these roles just need filled before actual Roleplay can begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaylan The Lioness
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Kaylan The Lioness Queen of the Pride

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

so i need a written description AND a picture?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

want me to hold off on my Knight CS to see if a Elven King player signs up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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Kaylan The Lioness said
so i need a written description AND a picture?

Preferred, but given your race and the fact that this is causal RP, I won't say it's absolutely required.

KnightsTemplar said
want me to hold off on my Knight CS to see if a Elven King player signs up?

No, it's fine. Unless you'd like to be the King.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If he's critical to the RP,I will if no one show up in the next day or two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaylan The Lioness
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Kaylan The Lioness Queen of the Pride

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Masana
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Bastet

She stands about 5’11 and weighs about 140 pounds. She is athletic and walks with a deadly grace about her, almost catlike. When the light goes across her face her eyes flash gold. At night her eyes seem to glow in the dark. She tends to keep very clean have quite the hygiene for such a tribal nation.

Personality: Strong willed, loyal, a bit gullible sometimes, trusting, fierce, these are all words that describe Masana but words can only do so much to describe someone. She lets her heart lead her in almost all things.

History/ Background: Masana is the shield of her tribe, the top warrior among her people and also the chieftan’s daughter. She has spent her years defending the tribe against raiders every so often or leading small raids herself against the other Bastet tribes, the Simba, being their main enemy. This all changed slowly though as tensions in nearby kingdoms increased. Hostilities between the tribes ceased and they held a uneasy peace wondering if they would be swept up into the violent war that threatened to reignite.

It was decided after the tribes held a council of all the Bastets leaders and shields that a single Bastet was to be picked and sent as a emissary to the Xiantha to try and aid in the peace treaties to take place if at all possible. This single figurehead from the tribes was to offer their assistance in any way whatsoever to both Kingdoms without siding with either one. This single member was Masana, the tribes felt she had the head for such things while at the same the ability to survive if things did go south. So she left for Xiantha quickly moving through the woods fast able to make the trip in a few nights rather than the weeks it would take a human or elf on foot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Role: King of the Kingdom of Man

Name: King Erik Yaromir (Yah-row-meer)
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: Idea of what he looks like, but more muscular.
King Erik is a well built and strong man. His body has been honed in the royal training yard of his youth, as well as experiencing the horrors of battle first hand during the war between the Elven and Human kingdoms. His brutish physique aside, King Erik is known for his gentle eyes and brilliant smile. He can normally be found in his royal attire, but his custom battle armor isn't far from his throne. His Armor

Personality: Erik is a kind man, compassionate to the plight of the common man, but vindictive to his enemies. His brash side has more to do with his relatively young age. He can be a bit stubborn at times, but when it comes to tactics and making the hard choices, there is no better man for the job.

History/ Background: King Erik had an ideal childhood, what with being a prince and growing up in complete safety from the war that engulfed most of the Kingdom of Xiantha. However, when the boy grew into a young man, he discovered the horrors of war. For several years he learned the hardships of command and the bloody business that is battle, until the two warring kingdoms ceased their fighting to form a doctrine of peace. At first Erik was outraged that his father would accept peace with the Elves, especially since they had beaten them back to their own lands, but when he stumbled into a med ward one afternoon and saw the countless men that wouldn't see the next day, he realized that no good could come from continued aggressions.

In the few years after the treaty was signed, Erik's father grew deathly ill, his regrets and responsibilities finally weakening him into a withering old man. The prince was depressed immensely, watching the man who had raised him and done so much for the entire kingdom, slowly fade away. He knew that this meant he would be king, but this thought didn't bring the young man any solace, as he would have traded his wealth and own health to save his father. Regardless of his feelings, when his father passed a coronation was held after the funeral, in which the crown was bestowed upon him. He blinked back tears as he watched his father carried to the royal burial chambers under the castle, turning his attention to the hundreds of honored guests who had both come to pay their respects and welcome their new king. In the crowd there were even some ambassadors from the Elven kingdoms and he could have sworn he saw some dwarves as well, though they could have just been children. Seeing the ashen faces of the Elves brought an inkling of a smile to King Erik's face. Not because he wanted to see them sad, but the fact they were just as upset as the humans meant the world to the new king. He rose steadily from his throne, feeling as if it were in his blood to be there (which it was of course) and smiled at the crowd before him as he spoke.

“Friends and family, as that is what you all are too me, I thank you for saying farewell to my dear father, as well as making this coronation all the more special for me. You are the back bone of the kingdom, from royal adviser to shoe shiner, from knight to farmer, each and every one of you play a part in what keeps us strong.” King Erik's smile grew at the cheers that erupted in the hall, as well as hearing them echoed from the castle courtyard, where the majority of the cities people had gathered on this day. Turning his gaze on the Elven ambassadors, he raised his right hand to silence the crowd. “Though don't think I haven't noticed our Elven friends here. Yes, I did say friends, your ears are not mistaken my people. The war that devastated both of our lands is long over and this is a time for us to help one another, not wallow in the squabbles of yesterday. I know many of you may find it hard to forgive, just as I'm sure there are elves among you that feel the same towards us, but we must persevere for the betterment of both our kinds. I will do my very best as your king, I swear this too you all. My only wish is that you try to do the same. Now, bring out the feast!”

The Elven ambassadors bowed their heads in respect to King Erik's words, while the entire hall exploded in cheers of joy from all others attending. As servants and cooks began to rush around the room, depositing massive platters stacked high with foods from every corner of the kingdom, the young king turned his attention to the large windows behind him. His gaze swept over the castle grounds and rose to look as far as he could into the city beyond. From this day forward, the kingdom of Man would be brighter than it had ever been before. That much he swore to himself before taking part in the festivities as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Role: Elven Knight.

Name: Aramil Siannodel
Age: 225
Gender: Male
Race: Elven

To outsiders who dont know him, he tends to be quiet, reserve and observant, though self-confident in his abilities, he's not boisterous or display's in aire of bravado .most times his demeanor is taken as being aloof, Standoffish and with more than a measure of arrogance. He can, but rarely makes friends easily, but is not a fool, placing his full trust only in those who prove worthy of it.To friends,he is attentive, kind and protective. Has a sense of responsibility and justice to those under his care that is difficult to shake off, even while miles away,and it influences most of his decisions.Does not acquire wealth and skill for himself; he thinks of how the riches and new wealth can be put to better use for the Widowed and Orphaned of fallen Comrades during the war. Though he prefers to seek a peaceful solution to problems, he's not hesitant to take up arms in defense of the weak and innocent, he's no push over for once engaged in combat he can be ruthless and overpowering, fully intent on winning.

History/ Background:
Since the founding of the Kingdom, the Sainnodel Family have loyally served the Elven King and Queen, his Father and grandfather having both served in the Royal Guards with Honor. Aramils Grandfather was personally given a specially crafted two handed sword by the King for his years of service which Aramil now carries and practices to become a Blademaster with. After the death of his Father during the Edan Wars protecting a local farming villiage from a Edan scouting party, the King chose to recognize the Siannodel Family yet again for their alligenace and loyalty by offering to send thier Son to train as a Knight and eventually grant him Knighthood when he came of age. Presently Aramil commands the Elven Royal Guard. Aramil holds a personal grudge against the Edan (Humans), having lost his Mate during a Edan surprise attack on an Elven Village.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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I love all of these! and I'm glad that we have the human king and Elven Knight filled :)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

but we need more cannon fod...umm, players
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nohara


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KnightsTemplar said
but we need more cannon fod...umm, players

I'm making my CS now, two actually. One for a role and another... not. So, kinda cannon fod-... player?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Plightz


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Role: Human Knight

Name: Caldwell Pintel
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Appearance: A man taller than average, dark black hair, and a charming face. The only unique feature is that he has a scar on the side of his chin.

Personality: Humor is one of the any things Caldwell likes, he almost always cracks a joke during a tense situation and has a penchant for being sarcastic. He also likes to tease his younger colleagues and even people he barely knows. Even so, he is very loyal towards the king and would never betray a friend. He is easy going and is very lenient with people. Although in battle, he is entirely different, he is very ruthless and is sometimes caught smiling by his fellow knights, which they deem unnatural. Has a small hatred for Elves as he believes they were the cause of the war, but always tries to get along with them.

History/ Background: Born and abandoned by his parents, he was in an orphanage, though he was fairly popular he always had a feeling of emptiness inside because his parents were never there for him. Fast forward a few years later, he was taken in by the king and trained to be a knight, though he disliked the training, he couldn't refuse the king who gave meaning to his empty. He always follows what the king says with no hesitation, meaning that he fully trust the king. After years of training he has become one of the strongest swordsmen of the Kingdom, Presently he has become the head knight and often has meetings for tactics and the like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

My Edan counterpart has arrived.
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