Name: Shania Daniels
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Faction: Buzzard
Gear/weapons: Scalpel, Industrial Staple Gun, Medical Scissors, forceps, pliers, hammer and punch, scraps of cloth, pouch of salt, Carbine Assault Rifle, 9mm Pistol, dagger, gas mask, pouch of cocaine made from plants she grows in an abandoned animal shelter, human teeth, and finger bones, a couple of joints.
Skills: Major Medicine Minor Crafting, Shooting, Tracking, Cooking
Powers: Ultra Xray Vision

Personality: How can you describe Kalissa other than that she is a woman who takes great delight in stitching people up, so much that it could be almost consider vulgar. In a way she is deviant, while in others she enjoys helping people get better even if it causes them a lot of pain. A sadist if there ever was one she also has a strong appeal to her greed to never do anything for free, and never leave anything useful behind, which is why she often be seen pulling teeth from corpses to crush them into dust and mix them with painkillers to stretch out the usefulness, her pain killers usually consisting of cocaine as the addiction keeps her patients coming back for more.
History: She was born to a bunch of drug addicted raiders who had taken over a old humane society shelter, they treated her badly for being different than them, as she had no interest in getting addicted to the drugs, or hurting folks for no reason at all, instead she spent her time watching them mix the chemicals, and reading old medical books she had brought back with her from a hospital they had raided. They began letting her make the drugs for them and she mixed it up one night to be a extremely lethal dosage that ended up killing all of the raiders. She made the shelter into her own, and setting things up to be how she liked it. More and more it began to resemble a medical clinic.
So with her self taught medical knowledge learned from reading the medical books she had gathered from hospitals and old bookstores, she dissected the raiders which included her parents, and learned more about the anatomy with each body. She began to wander away from the building spending a couple of days at a time out in the wild looking for people to try her skills out on, many times it ended in death, but with each person she grew a little better at her field medical skills, though they were almost as brutal as the wound itself as she made due with whatever she happened to find to fix people up.
She has since made quite a name for herself as a Wild Surgeon, even if it is as cruel one with a penchant for causing her patients pain, regardless she has saved many lives and many are thankful for her help even if they did have some pretty bad scars.
Base: She live in old Humane society building, that she converted into a makeshift medical clinic complete with a small garden in the back where she grows Coca plants, marijuana and opium, the base is also inhabited by a man known only as Jones, Kalissa amputated his legs and put him in a wheel chair, he has lived in the clinic since helping take care of her plants and guarding it with a trusty sawed off shotgun.
Name: Shania Daniels
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Faction: Buzzard
Gear/weapons: Scalpel, Industrial Staple Gun, Medical Scissors, forceps, pliers, hammer and punch, scraps of cloth, pouch of salt, Carbine Assault Rifle, 9mm Pistol, dagger, gas mask, pouch of cocaine made from plants she grows in an abandoned animal shelter, human teeth, and finger bones, a couple of joints.
Skills: Major Medicine Minor Crafting, Shooting, Tracking, Cooking
Powers: Ultra Xray Vision

Personality: How can you describe Kalissa other than that she is a woman who takes great delight in stitching people up, so much that it could be almost consider vulgar. In a way she is deviant, while in others she enjoys helping people get better even if it causes them a lot of pain. A sadist if there ever was one she also has a strong appeal to her greed to never do anything for free, and never leave anything useful behind, which is why she often be seen pulling teeth from corpses to crush them into dust and mix them with painkillers to stretch out the usefulness, her pain killers usually consisting of cocaine as the addiction keeps her patients coming back for more.
History: She was born to a bunch of drug addicted raiders who had taken over a old humane society shelter, they treated her badly for being different than them, as she had no interest in getting addicted to the drugs, or hurting folks for no reason at all, instead she spent her time watching them mix the chemicals, and reading old medical books she had brought back with her from a hospital they had raided. They began letting her make the drugs for them and she mixed it up one night to be a extremely lethal dosage that ended up killing all of the raiders. She made the shelter into her own, and setting things up to be how she liked it. More and more it began to resemble a medical clinic.
So with her self taught medical knowledge learned from reading the medical books she had gathered from hospitals and old bookstores, she dissected the raiders which included her parents, and learned more about the anatomy with each body. She began to wander away from the building spending a couple of days at a time out in the wild looking for people to try her skills out on, many times it ended in death, but with each person she grew a little better at her field medical skills, though they were almost as brutal as the wound itself as she made due with whatever she happened to find to fix people up.
She has since made quite a name for herself as a Wild Surgeon, even if it is as cruel one with a penchant for causing her patients pain, regardless she has saved many lives and many are thankful for her help even if they did have some pretty bad scars.
Base: She live in old Humane society building, that she converted into a makeshift medical clinic complete with a small garden in the back where she grows Coca plants, marijuana and opium, the base is also inhabited by a man known only as Jones, Kalissa amputated his legs and put him in a wheel chair, he has lived in the clinic since helping take care of her plants and guarding it with a trusty sawed off shotgun.