Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Theme Song: Move by TobyMac.

Alexander C. Fargho


Name: Alexander C. Fargho
Age: 24
Gender: Male


Faction: Saints of the Wild

  • Set of pre-war clothing
    • Blue sweater vest
    • Clean, but worn out khakis
  • Set of post-war clothing
    • Ragged black t-shirt
    • Dirty blue jeans
  • Various medical tools
  • .32 Pistol
  • Machete

  • Medicine (major)
  • Sneaking
  • Hunting
  • Cooking
  • Shooting

Ultra x-ray vision. (Comes in handy -- you know, for medical purposes.)


Quick to speak and quick to help others, especially the women. He can turn out to be a huge jerk or a huge sweetheart once you get to know him, depending on if he likes you or not. As mentioned, he often favors helping the women out as opposed to the men.

Alexander’s parents were two young, traveling merchants, though their names and what they sold remains unknown. Alex was found by a traveling Saint couple among the carnage of his parents’ caravan, where the young merchants had been robbed and murdered. The two Saints were initially in search of a cow that had escaped and wandered off, but immediately returned to their Californian camp directly west from the main Saint base in the middle of the Mojave after finding the freshly-orphaned child. Back at the camp, Alex’s minor scratches and bruises were tended to, as well as a small, strange burn on his left side in the shape of a crescent moon.

It was determined that Alex was a year old at the time he was found. He would be brought up through the Saint orphanage system with other parentless children -- playing with them and attending classes on the general education of the land and how to treat different types of injuries and illnesses. All of the children saw many others come and go. Some went by dying, and some went by leaving. There were many friends that Alex made who never stayed.

By the time he was thirteen, Alex was expected to hunt and do farm work with the other Saint boys aged thirteen and older. For a while, he felt as if he were being treated like a slave -- if a boy was not doing a job correctly, or did not kill at least one animal during their assigned hunt, they would be beaten and sent to bed without dinner. After a while, he learned to accept this treatment along with the others. It did not, however, push him away from his studies. He one day hoped to become a medical professional in the camp.

At twenty, Alexander’s wish was granted. He’d been working for two years under the apprenticeship of the leading medical professional at the Californian camp when a message was received from the Saints’ main base in the middle of the Mojave, responding an acceptance of his request to travel there for work, as they were lacking suitable professionals. Although he hadn’t been expecting a positive response and thought that the acceptance was quite odd, he packed his belongings and began traveling to the base by horse almost immediately.

The trip was longer and harder than he’d expected, and when he arrived to the base, he was disappointed to see that the children and women were not treated much differently than at the camp he grew up in. However, it was something that he shrugged aside, because being an adult man, he had an advantage. Even more so now that he would be alongside the leading doctors of the base. It didn’t take him long to warm up to everyone. It was during his first year at the Saints base that he seemed to acquire the greater strand of the present-day Canilo virus. He was laid up in the infirmary himself for several weeks until the virus went away. It was during the final week of his infection that Alex had his first taste of human flesh.

He could not rid his mind of the thought of the freshly-amputated arm (an amputation that was completely butchered but would not have been if he had just been able to perform it) lying in its designated disposal bin. Nobody will notice if you take a small piece and try it, a small voice in his mind kept whispering. After not too long of listening to this voice, he gave in, and dragged himself out of bed to perform the taboo act. It happened that, in fact, nobody did notice. Every now and then, Alexander still treats himself to an unfortunate patient that ended up dying naturally or losing a limb.

-Secret cannibal.
-One of the leading doctors in the Saints of the Wild’s main base in the middle of the Mojave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Carmen Moss

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Faction: Buzzard; will join Saints

Gear/weapons: Spears (usually with glass heads) and bow/arrow

Skills: Hunting (major), tracking, crafting (gotta do something with that dead animal) and hiding

Powers: Night vision, mild regeneration


Source: giorgiobaroni.deviantart.com

Personality: Carmen is a fiery person in general–– very defensive, as one would have to be–– and is suspicious of everyone and everything unless she knows them. Protective of those who are close to her. Only gentle when there’s no one else around, because she wants to maintain her tough image.

History: Carmen doesn’t know anything about the circumstances of her birth (she was born in the back of a dysfunctional Diesel truck and promptly left there; luckily a Bear found and raised her). She didn’t like the way Bear society worked (military-like structure, high discipline, etc.) so she left at 16 after learning some rudimentary survival skills. Little did she know that these were not entirely sufficient for the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Mojave desert.
The real source of her survival skills is trial and error. Carmen nearly died twice alone in the Wild: the first time from dehydration (she got incredibly lucky and made a solar still that managed to keep her going), and the second time she was attacked by some kind of mutated feline–probably a mountain lion (it was so messed up she couldn't tell). That was how she learned to close a wound and generally take care of one. She still has a scar on her outer left thigh.
Now, how'd she meet her furry friend? She was creeping around a small settlement, mostly just looking for things to scavenge. A pile of garbage and scraps toward the edge seemed like a perfect place to start, and she just happened to find a puppy whose teeth were too small for solid food, and who was also trying his best to tear into some kind of festering meat. Carmen, taking pity on the little guy, scooped him up, walked him to her next camp, and chewed up a portion of her food for him. She didn't expect to form a bond with the puppy, and intended to let him go wherever he wanted once he was old enough to fend for himself.
Obviously, that didn't happen. Chester's three years old now.

Etc: Has a dog named Chester. He helps her hunt and keeps her sane.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Karrigan "Ironhide" Fenyr

"Ain't no such thing as a sin when you live in hell."


Name - Karrigan "Ironhide" Fenyr
Age - 33
Gender - Male


Faction - Formerly a Diesel, now a Buzzard
  • Honest Hears - Ironhide's primary weapon of choice; can't go wrong with the classic break-action 12-gauge sawn-off shotgun. Obtained from a group of tribal Buzzards, it has a sort of deep red-oak color, giving it a look that reminds Ironhide of blood from a bleeding heart, hence the name "Honest Hearts"
  • Pipe Pistol - Handmade by Ironhide, he fully admits that this isn't the best crafting in the world but its more than enough for him; it ironically serves has his longer ranged weapon.
  • Combi-Axe - A weapon-tool hybrid, Ironhide's Combi-Axe combines a femur and a buzzsaw blade to make a creation that's a war axe on one side and a hammer on the other.
  • Tool Boxs and Supply Bags - Basically a lot of junk stored in a lot of bags, containers, barrels, etc kept on his truck for repairing, tinkering and trading.
  • Old World Blues - A Diesel war-truck that Ironhide used to own and made his escape one. An up-armored truck from what he presumes were the pre-war days, Old World Blues is now what he uses to conquer the endless deserts of Canilo, equipped with a reinforced front for ramming and plenty of nooks and crannies for Ironhide to store stuff in, its a worthy beast for a outlaw to ride. It gets its name from its tarnished paint job and the fact its from the old world; Ironhide sometimes just calls it Blue though.

  • Mechanic (Major) - Its almost shameful if you're a Diesel and you don't know how to use tools to fix vehicles
  • Crafting - Making car parts all day will eventually give you the skills you need to make a lot of other things
  • Brawling - Between bar fights and using heavy objects all day, one would assume that you'd have the strength to one punch man someone's face; having incredibly tough skin helps too
  • Quickdraw - Not quick marksmanship in the traditional sense, Ironhide's shooting skills are strictly limited to close quarters given his choice of weapons but he still can put a bead on his target much faster than most
  • Scavenging - Always a nice thing to have, cars and guns don't just make gas and bullets on their own ya know

Power - Very durable skin to the point he doesn't even wear armor, he states its as hard as metal hence the name "Ironhide"


A tall and intimidating man, Ironhide stands at well over 6 feet at about 6 and a half (if old world tape measures are anything to go off of). Like many in the Wild, he's somewhat emaciated but has hard, strong muscles from years of engaging in melees and working metal. With broad shoulders and a brooding, slightly hunched stance, many would guess that Ironhide isn't the exactly the most social of people. It doesn't help that he has a wild, fiery red mohawk, green hawk-like eyes, a gnarly beard and pierced ears.

Clothing wise, Ironhide wears no undershirt, preferring to show off his tattoos, scars and smudges as a sort of sign of him being a badass or something to that effect. Wearing two belts (for swag points obviously), Ironhide's pants are a rough faded black that have some elastic belts right above the knee with some outwards facing pads right under them for protection. His short black boots are steel-capped and have some short nails poking out on top of the toes for some killer fashion as well as several metal bolt studs and nails on the soles for traction while running.

Jewelry wise (if you can even call it that), Ironhide has two rough silver snake-like earrings, a chain with a weight on the end for chain-related activities, and a belt full of oddities like parts of skulls, beads and tools as well as the all important alcohol-holder that sometimes has a molotov in it. Much of his clothing has visible cuts on it and has been crudely sown back together with bright red string.


It goes without saying that Ironhide isn't the most social of people, being a Diesel and all means that his moral compass isn't exactly a thing he really cares about. He's self serving and his own man as he says, only guided by profit and survival. However, under all his snark and supposed apathy, he does actually care about people and is something of a gentleman in rare cases. In fact, one of the main reasons he left the Diesels is due to the treatment a certain group of slaves before they were all beheaded since one of them spat on a Diesel's shoe. Of course, he'll never say he left because of this and much rather come up with a more badass and macho-sounding excuse to sate his own egotism.


Born to a captive slave mother and a Diesel mechanic, Ironhide was raised as a Diesil from birth. Born with a hammer in his hand as they say, his childhood consisted largely of making things from scrap and shooting stuff, it wasn't until his teenaged years that he started getting into bar fights and realizing his mutation. His name comes from a legend he tells that one time 10 men tried to stab him and shoot him with shotguns and he came out without a scratch on his skin. Dubious nature of the tale aside, there was no shortage of work for him to do from raiding to fixing stuff up to making stuff to sleeping around with girls. One of his tales involves him sneaking into the bed chamber of one of the daughters of the leader of the Diesel.

However, as his youth started to distance itself from him, Ironhide began to see the world in a different light and the activities he once found pleasure in started becoming less fun. He stopped going to wild parties and warbands for raiding and began to immerse himself in reading old world texts (or what scraps he could find) and working on his vehicle. Of course, then fate had his way where he decided to defect from the Diesels and left in his Old World Blues, riding off into the eternal sunset since.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Theme Song: Better Off Dead by Z.Z. Ward

Fren Bleas


Name: Fren Bleas
Age: 42
Gender: Female


Faction: The Boars


  • Tracking (major)
  • Hiding
  • Running
  • Sneaking
  • Pick-pocketing

Strong bones.


A very outspoken individual to be a Boar woman. She is very vengeful, and has a huge lust for power. Despite this, she can be a very kind woman and will help someone who she is positively associated with.

In the Boar camps, the women are silenced and treated like objects, even if they are a member of the Boars’ ranks themselves. Fren was born to a slave and a Boar soldier, nearly dying during birth. The man who delivered her disposed of her as they do the other sick or dying infants -- away from the camp for the mutated animals to feed on. However, her mother managed to sneak out of the camp long enough to retrieve her. Fren was raised in secret, and as she got older and learned more about her birth and infant years, she silently questioned why her mother did not leave the camp when she had the chance. Nevertheless, she obeyed the commands of the men, who didn’t seem to notice never seeing her as an infant or a toddler -- not that they cared.

Fren defied the Boar men in every way that she could. She was often beaten and taken advantage of for her bullishness, but it didn’t slow her down. In fact, as she got older, she learned to use her appeal to get what she wanted. By the time she was eighteen, Fren had worked her way to being considered “one of the men.” Often times, she was sent out to copulate with a wealthy man, kill him in his sleep, and steal his valuables. If the man had a wife or children, Fren would notify the other Boars, who would come to capture them as slaves.

During her time as a Boar, Fren has never been proud of what she does. However, it is the only way of life she knows. In that way, Fren considers herself wiser than the others. She knows that she can’t escape -- but she knows that what she does is wrong.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Adrian Reeves

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Faction: Diesel

Gear/weapons: Wrench (for bludgeoning and fixing––very efficient!), canteen, hunting knife, some dried-out food.

Skills: Mechanic (major [obviously]), driving, traps, selling

Powers: Strong bones, mild regeneration


Source: aitsena.deviantart.com

Personality: Overconfident and entitled partially because he’s sheltered and in a rich faction. Can make hilariously stupid and reckless decisions (good thing he has regeneration). He resents the Bears and the Boars, doesn’t care about the Saints, and finds the Mile-High Club very amusing and fun to mess with. Kind of a joker. A bit of an alcoholic.

History: Diesel born and bred: grew up somewhat entitled, and that ended up staying with him. Has been working on car parts from a very young age, as one would expect, and always loved it. In fact, since he was a kid, he's been tricking out rides to an impressive extent (at least, it impresses himself).
At fifteen, thanks to the recruitment of a few daring (painfully stupid) friends, he started trading with the Mile-High Club, ferrying “the goods” from Mile-High camps to Diesel HQ. He’s been doing this ever since, although his role has evolved from simple delivery boy to getaway vehicle driver and bootlegger.
Throughout his twenties he has antagonized and bullied Mile-High settlements, accidentally set a druggie on fire, pretended to be one of them by getting thoroughly high, driven a load of chems back to Diesel headquarters while drunk, and gotten laid with someone from Mile-High whose sex and gender he couldn't tell.

Etc: Found out about his strong bones and regeneration by falling off of a unicycle at the top of a hill covered in cacti.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: 'Sythi' (Real name unknown)

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Faction: Buzzard

Gear/weapons: Slave rags consisting of a torn dress in several places and a rock she found moments after escaping her captors.

Skills: Running(P), Hiding(S), Sneaking(S), Swimming(S)

Powers: Strong bones

Written Appearance: Sythi stands an even six feet, her messy long hair is mostly blonde with a faded bluish dye in it. Her eyes, should one manage to get a long enough look at them, are a dull green color. Her clothing is torn in several places, most of the dress' skirt torn with holes everywhere. She wears no shoes, as they were stolen from her not long after being captured, so her feet are rather dirty all the time. Her figure is thin, though it's unknown if this is due to genetics, or if she simply refused to eat what was given to her. On the outside, she appears like a normal person, but behind her dull green eyes is a secret. Her body has several visible bruises, especially visible on her legs, though she appears not to be affected by such marks.

Personality: Sythi is unpredictable, highly unstable, and sometimes hostile. She suffers from split personality disorder, brought on due to both her genetics and her previous living environment. It is unknown just how many personalities Sythi exhibits, let alone if she even has a personality that was once her real self anymore. She tends to lash out at anything without provocation or warning; she can also be shy and quiet, fearful and a coward, or even a crybaby. It really all depends upon which personality is in control. She also talks to herself, as is typical of one with her condition. Though rare, she has been known to inflict harm upon herself should an angry personality lose control. All in all, Sythi is a danger to everyone and must be dealt with caution.

History: Sythi once was a member of a settlement, but she had grown tired of living in it, mostly because of the overcrowding. So, she left and became a Buzzard, often coming across worthwhile objects she could trade for food. However, as she remained out in the Wilds, her mind began to degrade on it's own. Sythi knew of her family's genetic disease, and she had already started showing signs earlier than normal, most likely due to the Canilo disease which may or may not have played a part in it's quickening. As she made her way to another settlement, she had been unfortunate enough to be rounded up by The Boars and brought underground, turning her into a slave. At first she fought them, her power capable of injuring those not careful enough. Eventually she began to stop fighting back, whether that was due to the disease or the fact The Boars broke her will, is unknown. However, she did suffer trauma while in the tunnels, as did every woman who was a slave. The men would have their way with the women nightly, and Sythi was no exception. This only fractured her mind more, until she finally snapped one day and killed the man who had her that night. She escaped through the tunnels, though it took all night to do so. She found a rock near the exit and brought it with her, making her way back into the Wild once again, though not as the same person she once was.

Etc: Sythi is unstable, and will not hesitate to kill depending upon which personality is in control. Use extreme caution when approaching! She also happens to pick up and collect little odds and ends, whether useful or otherwise; it's unwise to try and take them from her. Also, there's no concept of time in her mind. Events that happened weeks ago, she might believe happened hours ago, perhaps even moments after she recalls them.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name: Avary Muse
Age: 13
Gender: Male

Faction: The Buzzard
Gear/weapons: Blades
Skills: Pick-Pocketing, Back ups: Writing, tracking, sneaking, driving
Powers: Night Vision and Enhanced Movement


Personality: Mischievous, solemn sometimes
History: His parents died of the virus, and he ran away before The Solution came, now he hangs with the Buzzards or by himself and pick pockets. He is know on the top 10 list of wanted criminals for several crimes against the Solution. He's always on the run, but will stay in one place if the reason arrives.
Etc: TBD
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lenna Ross


Name: Lenna Alexandria Ross
Age: 48
Gender: Female


Faction: The Bears

  • Bears soldier uniform armor
  • Bears service rifle
  • Personal garments
  • Ample ammo

  • Shooting (major)
  • Tracking
  • Running
  • Sneaking
  • Cooking



Lenna keeps to herself unless called after. She has a lot of advice to offer to the younger soldiers, although all of it might not be useful or valuable. Although she is a huge risk taker, she presents significantly great leadership abilities.

When Lenna was born, she did not possess a single defect, illness, or mutation. The Bear doctor who delivered her was completely astonished at how healthy she was. Her parents both possessed the lesser strain of the Canilo virus, yet Lenna did not have a single trace of it in her system. In her early years, she seemed to be more advanced than her age, and learned at a much faster rate than the other children. Her parents took pride in this, and enrolled her in the local school a year early. It didn’t take much time for her to form friendships with the other children, which would come in handy later on down the road.

Being a woman, Lenna was discouraged from joining the Bears’ army as an infantry soldier, and instead more encouraged to do something along the lines of medical attention or cooking. Ever defiant, she resisted, and went on to make it through basic training. When she was still freshly enlisted, she kept her hair short, but later took to growing it out and styling it in a bun.

By the time she was thirty years old, Lenna had achieved the highest rank for a woman -- Colonel -- and also became the commander of the second brigade. During that time, she noticed two younger girls who appeared to be apart of a separate group watching the Bear soldiers as they trained. They would show up occasionally, and then every day, inching closer to the base until Lenna decided that they were becoming too suspicious and too nosey. She confronted them. It led to a friendship between her and the two girls based off of mutual respect.

However, when Lenna was still only a fresh recruit, she experienced an injury that caused her to go blind in her left eye. It was suggested that she quit, and go on to something less dangerous, but she was ever persistent. The memory of her injury seems vague now -- as if she's tried to block it from her mind.

While under the stress of being a commander, she lost contact with her parents, who eventually died of old age and relative illness. Her mother went first when Lenna was 34, and her father then died when Lenna was 38.

Currently stationed at a Californian outpost.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris Fault


Name: Christopher Peter Fault
Age: 19
Gender: Male


Faction: The Mile-High Club


  • One set of filthy clothes
  • Multiple chems
  • Unidentified rifle with a bit of ammo


  • Shooting (major)
  • Tracking
  • Running
  • Sneaking
  • Pick-pocketing

Mild regeneration
Mild x-ray vision


Honestly just what you’d expect of a Mile-High -- out of it and completely bonkers most of the time. During the rare, painful moments that he’s sober, he’s extremely depressing and self-deprecating.

Chris was born inside of a quaint settlement with few people. His parents were local traders, and had just gotten a license to start gathering and selling clean water before he’d took off to join the Mile-Highs. He got involved with them at sixteen after an encounter with a female from the faction who had a one night stand with him and got him to try a couple of different chems in the same night. It wasn’t until very recently that he’d tried eating human flesh for the first time (after being encouraged heavily by his fellow Mile-High members, of course).

-Open cannibal.
-One of the Mile-High’s biggest sellers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Acanthus82


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Oliver
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Faction: The Mile High Club
Gear/weapons: An old fashion shaving razor, drug bundle (syringes, metal spoon, lighter, rubbing alcohol, gauze), homegrown weed, smoking pipe
Skills: Medicine (major), Selling (alt), Sneaking (alt), Hiding (alt), Crafting (alt)
Powers: Enhanced Senses (smell & sight)

Written Appearance: He's a slim man of average height with a fair skin tone (pale, if we're being honest) and hands that are smooth with long bony fingers. His hair is always cut down to stubble, but one can tell it would normally be black. He has pale green eyes with dark circles and a scar that runs down the left side of his lips.

Personality: Some call it cynicism, others sarcasm... Deep down it's apathy that comes off as a dark sense of humor. The high is the only thing that feels real to him anymore. When he's sober, he's an ass. When he's on something, it can range from energetic to complacent, depending on the flavor of the day.

History: Oliver grew up in the Mile High Club. His mother wasn't much different from the low rung, whoring herself out for what chem she could get. She has no idea who his father is. Growing up was no parade. He spent his days scavenging for food on the streets and his nights tending to his stoned out mother.

When he was sixteen, he caught the eye of a doctor that frequented his mothers's bed. By then, Oliver was strong and sharp, having not partaken in any drugs by this point. Seeing the rise and fall of his mother's sobriety left him fearful of trying anything. Dr. Hicks was old enough to be Oliver's father. He was tall with blonde hair, blue eyes and a trimmed beard.

Dr. Hicks chose to take Oliver away to a better part of the settlement. He was high up on the food chain of drug suppliers and you can't get more luxurious than that in the Mile High. Of course, Dr. Hicks wasn't necessarily feeling charitable when he made the offer. People would pay high for play time with the young man and Dr. Hicks intended on taking some of that time himself.

Seduced by a better life, Olive accepted his place as a kind of consort for the doctor. It was here that he was truly exposed to the ways of the world. Eventually, he gave into the temptation of intoxication and, to date, has probably experienced every drug available. He also learned that he had a knack for concocting and identifying drugs through smell and sight. He became a sort of blood hound for bad trades and quality checks. As time went on, he learned medicine with Dr. Hicks applying his supernatural senses to diagnosis and treatment. Just by smelling a persons blood, he could determine what they were on. His eyesight helped with surgeries and autopsies.

As his career ascended, his soul descended. Practicing medicine with the good doctor was an evil thing. He experimented with new drugs on live subjects and then testing their limits for physical sensation, sometimes in very gruesome ways. At first, Oliver couldn't stomach it and often had nightmares (he still does sometimes). However, getting stoned will make that all go away.

Eventually, he left Dr. Hicks, turning to drug running and dealing. Quality control was his specialty and building rapport with his clientele was essential. The Diesel trade good when you're good to them and they know the best comes from Oliver. Granted, he's had to be harsh with a few bad eggs... They returned to the faction insane or physically twisted.

He isn't as pretty as he use to be. The drugs stole his youth and left him thinner than he should be, but he still has a charismatic air about him.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaylan The Lioness
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Kaylan The Lioness Queen of the Pride

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Shania Daniels
Age: 29
Gender: Female

Faction: Buzzard
Gear/weapons: Scalpel, Industrial Staple Gun, Medical Scissors, forceps, pliers, hammer and punch, scraps of cloth, pouch of salt, Carbine Assault Rifle, 9mm Pistol, dagger, gas mask, pouch of cocaine made from plants she grows in an abandoned animal shelter, human teeth, and finger bones, a couple of joints.
Skills: Major Medicine Minor Crafting, Shooting, Tracking, Cooking
Powers: Ultra Xray Vision


Personality: How can you describe Kalissa other than that she is a woman who takes great delight in stitching people up, so much that it could be almost consider vulgar. In a way she is deviant, while in others she enjoys helping people get better even if it causes them a lot of pain. A sadist if there ever was one she also has a strong appeal to her greed to never do anything for free, and never leave anything useful behind, which is why she often be seen pulling teeth from corpses to crush them into dust and mix them with painkillers to stretch out the usefulness, her pain killers usually consisting of cocaine as the addiction keeps her patients coming back for more.

History: She was born to a bunch of drug addicted raiders who had taken over a old humane society shelter, they treated her badly for being different than them, as she had no interest in getting addicted to the drugs, or hurting folks for no reason at all, instead she spent her time watching them mix the chemicals, and reading old medical books she had brought back with her from a hospital they had raided. They began letting her make the drugs for them and she mixed it up one night to be a extremely lethal dosage that ended up killing all of the raiders. She made the shelter into her own, and setting things up to be how she liked it. More and more it began to resemble a medical clinic.

So with her self taught medical knowledge learned from reading the medical books she had gathered from hospitals and old bookstores, she dissected the raiders which included her parents, and learned more about the anatomy with each body. She began to wander away from the building spending a couple of days at a time out in the wild looking for people to try her skills out on, many times it ended in death, but with each person she grew a little better at her field medical skills, though they were almost as brutal as the wound itself as she made due with whatever she happened to find to fix people up.

She has since made quite a name for herself as a Wild Surgeon, even if it is as cruel one with a penchant for causing her patients pain, regardless she has saved many lives and many are thankful for her help even if they did have some pretty bad scars.

Base: She live in old Humane society building, that she converted into a makeshift medical clinic complete with a small garden in the back where she grows Coca plants, marijuana and opium, the base is also inhabited by a man known only as Jones, Kalissa amputated his legs and put him in a wheel chair, he has lived in the clinic since helping take care of her plants and guarding it with a trusty sawed off shotgun.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terrorbubble


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Derek Walker


Name: Derek Peter Walker
Age: 22
Gender: Male


Faction: The Diesel


  • Set of personal garments (pictured above.)
  • Various gadgeteering tools.
  • 10mm pistol.
  • Small switchblade.


  • Crafting (major)
  • Selling
  • Hunting
  • Writing
  • Running

Mild regeneration.
Strong bones.


Derek is a quiet type. For the most part, he keeps his head down and speaks only when spoken to, particularly when spoken to by his boss.

Derek was born into a small, overcrowded settlement some two or three miles west of the Diesel camp he’s currently living in. The first few years of his life were as normal as normal can get in a post-apocalyptic wasteland setting. Both of his parents were present, nurturing, and loving as they could be. The settlement in which they lived was rather advanced -- they had an amazing clinic, plentiful farms, and polite people to associate with. Three months short of Derek’s seventh birthday, however, the settlement was raided by a group of Boars who happened by. The local militia took care of the majority, but some still got away with supplies, food, and slaves. This included Derek’s three year old sister and their mother.

This left Derek and his father alone. At first, his father was obsessed with seeking revenge, but never properly carried out his desires. Derek would watch his father make plans, writing them down, drawing out movements on scrap pieces of paper that could have been used for better things. Around this time was when Derek began hanging out with the local mechanics, who repaired and worked on motor vehicles with travelers, for a price. There, Derek learned the basics of maintaining and repairing vehicles, and even started to learn a bit about robots.

So, by the time Derek had turned fourteen, his father decided that it was time they move on from the settlement. At first, Derek was confused, but it later became known that his father was interested in seeking out The Diesel camps. They offered much more for Derek and his father than the settlement had, what with larger and cleaner facilities, personal housing, and their tight-knit family-like structure. It happened that, with his father quickly gaining popularity even though Derek had never before seen him tamper with vehicles or other machines in the slightest, his father scored himself a position in the higher ranks. He became the leader’s right-hand man.

Then, when Derek was eighteen, there was a massive conflict inside of the camp between The Diesel and a group of Mile-Highs. At the time, he wasn’t as in the know as the other leaders’ sons and daughters. He’d been hanging around the teenage “misfit mechanic” bunch. However, one of his friends, Alejandro, informed him of secret gatherings where members of The Diesel met up with members of the Mile-High in order to exchange parts or services for drugs, then get high together. The Diesel had failed to pay a due to the Mile-Highs, which sparked the battle that was taking place.

Although he is now twenty two years old, Derek hangs around one of the Diesel members like an apprentice. Adrian Reeves (@CLIW) caught his interest about a year ago, and since then, Derek has been admiring him from afar. It has only been recently that he’s managed to make conversation with the man.

-Owns a 17 year old blonde slave named Anna.
-He is the owner of @shylarah’s Tachi.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

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