Galactic Standard Year 3321.
Welcome to Stardust, a hands-on science fiction civilization based RP where you will lead your civilization to its inevitable greatness or doom. A simple Decision Based System has been created to maximize uniqueness in the various civilizations with a single resource system, while still creating a system of rules that inherently prevent power gaming. Stardust is a vast universe, represented by the map below. It is the Interstellar Age, and this RP will take place ten years after the founding of the Galactic Conclave, a loose political union that allows unique representative nations to take their woes.
Civilization Creation
The resource in this game is Influence, which is the amount of power your ruling party exerts. You start with 50 Influence and can build your internal empire using them here. Each Turn I add up your Influence, then you may spend it as you please.
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 12 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
- Galactic Conclave: A political organization that was formed after the Treaty of the Stars ten years ago. It exists as a currently unitary representative system where every Member Civilization can send one representative to discuss political matters of importance. Membership is voluntary.
o Member Nations: Free Worlds Confederacy, Kylathian League, Llorian Republic, Children of the Void, Drakkonian League.
o Voting: With 5 Members, passing a vote currently requires [3] of the [5] Members Votes.
o Conclave World: Which world will host the Galactic Conclave.? This issue has not been voted on. Summit is held on Core World Kyvas. (Civilization of Host World has +2 Influence/Turn for 5 Turns).
o Conclave Fleet: Being a member currently requires no admission of a nation’s fleets toward a Conclave Fleet. This issue has not been voted on.
o Conclave Army: Being a member currently requires no admission of a nation’s soldiers toward a Conclave Army. This issue has not been voted on.
o Representation: Joining the Galactic Conclave allows each civilization to send a single representative to the Conclave. (Maximum of 2 Influence on Voting).
Member Civilizations (Colonies / Systems / Fleets / Armies )
- Free Worlds Confederacy: (3 C/2 S/2 F/5 A): The Free Worlds Confederacy is made up of five solar systems that were in relative close proximity to each other. While experiencing two Intersolar Wars, they settled their differences and unified politically, becoming the second strongest member state of the Galactic Conclave:
- Kylathian League (0 C/3 S/5 F/4 A): The feline Kylathi are a traditionally honor based society. They are made up of hundreds of city-states and nations that act unilaterally, much like the Free Worlds Confederacy but with less autonomy. Their fear of deep space travel has slowed their expansion efforts considerably.
- Llorian Republic (5 C/1 S/2 F/2 A): The weakest of the three member states, Llorians are semi-aquatic cephalopods that have mastered terraforming technology. They have since colonized nearly a half dozen worlds, sprawling their political grasp across the stars with ease. Their small military however leaves much of their frontier largely undefended.
- Children of the Void (2 C/0 S/6 F/3 A/2 AG/1 CO)
- Drakkonian League (0 C/5 S/5 F/2 A/1 AG/1 CO): Humanoids that have shown a capacity for war, the Drakkonian League stands in political contrast to the Kylathian League as the premier military power, and there are whisperings of a potential rivalry. This hierarchical society contrasts itself further compared to the largely capitalistic felines of Kylath Prime, who favor ambitious individuals as opposed to a rigid class system. The Drakkonian League has no colonies but their home systems are well developed and well protected.
Non-Member Civilizations
- Imperium of Savas (5 C/4 S/5 F/9 A): Green skinned humanoids that possess an inner and an outer set of eyes, the Savai are a highly imperialistic and racist species. The Imperium is larger than any of the nations of the Galactic Conclave and has announced it's desire to see those of the Conclave bow to the Imperium. The Imperium is known for it's huge xenoslave trade as well as routinely oppressing it's own citizens. It is a paradox however, for even the lowliest and most oppressed Savai considers himself too righteous to live amongst other species.
- Socialist State of Free Planets (0 C/3 S/4 F/5 A/2 AG): A political dissident of the Free Worlds Confederacy, the SSFP is a well established autocratic regime that embodies the very ideals the Free Worlds Confederacy strove to eradicate. Their ambitious and murky geopolitical situation have been some cause of concern, as well as their rejection to formally join the Galactic Conclave.
Civilization Name: (Terran Republic, Kylathian League, etc).
Civilization Homeworld:
Civilization Creation: (60 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 9 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
Species Description: (Humanoid, bipedal, etc. Give a brief description).
Brief History:
Member of Galactic Conclave: (YES or NO).
Civilization Name: (Terran Republic, Kylathian League, etc).
Civilization Homeworld:
Civilization Creation: (30 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 9 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
Species Description: (Humanoid, bipedal, etc. Give a brief description).
Brief History:
Member of Galactic Conclave: (YES or NO).