Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Galactic Standard Year 3321.

Welcome to Stardust, a hands-on science fiction civilization based RP where you will lead your civilization to its inevitable greatness or doom. A simple Decision Based System has been created to maximize uniqueness in the various civilizations with a single resource system, while still creating a system of rules that inherently prevent power gaming. Stardust is a vast universe, represented by the map below. It is the Interstellar Age, and this RP will take place ten years after the founding of the Galactic Conclave, a loose political union that allows unique representative nations to take their woes.

Civilization Creation
The resource in this game is Influence, which is the amount of power your ruling party exerts. You start with 50 Influence and can build your internal empire using them here. Each Turn I add up your Influence, then you may spend it as you please.
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 12 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
- Galactic Conclave: A political organization that was formed after the Treaty of the Stars ten years ago. It exists as a currently unitary representative system where every Member Civilization can send one representative to discuss political matters of importance. Membership is voluntary.
o Member Nations: Free Worlds Confederacy, Kylathian League, Llorian Republic, Children of the Void, Drakkonian League.
o Voting: With 5 Members, passing a vote currently requires [3] of the [5] Members Votes.
o Conclave World: Which world will host the Galactic Conclave.? This issue has not been voted on. Summit is held on Core World Kyvas. (Civilization of Host World has +2 Influence/Turn for 5 Turns).
o Conclave Fleet: Being a member currently requires no admission of a nation’s fleets toward a Conclave Fleet. This issue has not been voted on.
o Conclave Army: Being a member currently requires no admission of a nation’s soldiers toward a Conclave Army. This issue has not been voted on.
o Representation: Joining the Galactic Conclave allows each civilization to send a single representative to the Conclave. (Maximum of 2 Influence on Voting).

Member Civilizations (Colonies / Systems / Fleets / Armies )
- Free Worlds Confederacy: (3 C/2 S/2 F/5 A): The Free Worlds Confederacy is made up of five solar systems that were in relative close proximity to each other. While experiencing two Intersolar Wars, they settled their differences and unified politically, becoming the second strongest member state of the Galactic Conclave:
- Kylathian League (0 C/3 S/5 F/4 A): The feline Kylathi are a traditionally honor based society. They are made up of hundreds of city-states and nations that act unilaterally, much like the Free Worlds Confederacy but with less autonomy. Their fear of deep space travel has slowed their expansion efforts considerably.
- Llorian Republic (5 C/1 S/2 F/2 A): The weakest of the three member states, Llorians are semi-aquatic cephalopods that have mastered terraforming technology. They have since colonized nearly a half dozen worlds, sprawling their political grasp across the stars with ease. Their small military however leaves much of their frontier largely undefended.
- Children of the Void (2 C/0 S/6 F/3 A/2 AG/1 CO)
- Drakkonian League (0 C/5 S/5 F/2 A/1 AG/1 CO): Humanoids that have shown a capacity for war, the Drakkonian League stands in political contrast to the Kylathian League as the premier military power, and there are whisperings of a potential rivalry. This hierarchical society contrasts itself further compared to the largely capitalistic felines of Kylath Prime, who favor ambitious individuals as opposed to a rigid class system. The Drakkonian League has no colonies but their home systems are well developed and well protected.

Non-Member Civilizations
- Imperium of Savas (5 C/4 S/5 F/9 A): Green skinned humanoids that possess an inner and an outer set of eyes, the Savai are a highly imperialistic and racist species. The Imperium is larger than any of the nations of the Galactic Conclave and has announced it's desire to see those of the Conclave bow to the Imperium. The Imperium is known for it's huge xenoslave trade as well as routinely oppressing it's own citizens. It is a paradox however, for even the lowliest and most oppressed Savai considers himself too righteous to live amongst other species.
- Socialist State of Free Planets (0 C/3 S/4 F/5 A/2 AG): A political dissident of the Free Worlds Confederacy, the SSFP is a well established autocratic regime that embodies the very ideals the Free Worlds Confederacy strove to eradicate. Their ambitious and murky geopolitical situation have been some cause of concern, as well as their rejection to formally join the Galactic Conclave.

Civilization Name: (Terran Republic, Kylathian League, etc).
Civilization Homeworld:
Civilization Creation: (60 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 9 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
Species Description: (Humanoid, bipedal, etc. Give a brief description).
Brief History:
Member of Galactic Conclave: (YES or NO).

Civilization Name: (Terran Republic, Kylathian League, etc).
Civilization Homeworld:
Civilization Creation: (30 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 5 Influence (+.5 INF) (If lost -1 Influence)
- System: 9 Influence (+1 INF) (If lost -7 Influence)
- Fleet: 3 Influence
- Army: 2 Influence
- Agent: 4 Influence (Conducts espionage. Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality))
- Commander: X Influence (Minimum 1, Maximum 10. Quality)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).
Species Description: (Humanoid, bipedal, etc. Give a brief description).
Brief History:
Member of Galactic Conclave: (YES or NO).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hope this isn't too late and that this RP can actually get going as you look like you put a lot of effort into it.

Civilization Name: Socialist State of Free Planets (SSFP)
Civilization Homeworld: Jugashvili
Civilization Creation: (50 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony:
- System: 3 = 27
- Fleet: 3 = 9
- Army: 3 = 6
- Agent: 2= 8
- Commander:
- Alliance:
Species Description: Humaniod
Brief History: Two centuries prior to the current Galactic Standard Year, citizens of the solar systems that make up the current Free Worlds Confederacy fled their homelands to create the Socialist State of Free Planets. The SSFP initially flourished under a communist rule with Marxist ideals and was led by a kind and good leader, Ivan Jugashvili. Whilst his party reigned, the SSFP colonised three systems and peacefully lived apart from other galactic nations. Once Jugashvili died chaos consumed the nation. No one knew who was going to lead the SSFP. The three systems all declared themselves as different factions and civil war broke out and raged for fifty years. The three factions were the Marxists, a group who wanted more power to the people; the Conservatives, who wanted to keep the same system as was in place before; and the Autocrats, a nation who wanted all the power to be given to the leader and his party. The Autocrats become the victor and now the SSFP is now in its current state. It is ruled by the Chancellor of the State, Josef Shostakovich. The nation has just come out an industrial reform that favored the military. It is clear this nation now has much more ambitious intentions than to simply exist in exile...
Member of Galactic Conclave: No.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey man! Application looks good. Where would you like to be on the galactic map?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Civilization Name: The Children of the Void (Void Children for short)
Civilization Homeworld: The City of Fire (Political center)
Civilization Creation: (50 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- City Ships : 2 (-10 inf)
- System: 0 (-0 inf)
- Fleet: 6 (-18 inf)
- Army: 3 (-6 inf) (
- Agent: 2 (-8 inf)
- Commander: 8 (-8 inf)
- Alliance: 12 Influence (Will start your own alliance, or join an existing one).

Species Description: The typical void child stands around 6'4''-6'8''. Physically speaking they look similar to humans, save for the fact that unlike humans they have extended hocks, sharp bone spurs that rise out of the back of the hock, smaller/duller ones that rise out of the elbow and and about every two along the jaw line (The elbow spurs are only a few centimeters shorter than the hock ones, that jet our around an inch, while the jaw ones never rise more than three centimeters. Their eyes also differ from that of a human, as their pupils are thin crescent shape and the rest of the eye is a very pale gold.they also. The atmosphere they breath is very high in nitrogen (the composition is around 90% nitrogen, 8% oxygen, 1% Co2 and 1% other gasses, though like all atmospheres this may very slightly), as such they require breathing masks, or sealed hard armor, when not on a Void Child ship. They can breath normal human atmosphere, but this causes severe discomfort and heavy respiratory irritation.

Brief History: Any self respecting scholar will tell you that the Void Children are a myth, a fairy tail spacers tell their children to help them sleep in the dark of FTL, but some explorers and spacers will tell you differently, they will tell you tails of huge, formidable fleets of warships of a forgotten race, of massive structures, thought too large to be ships, that stood at the center of these fleets, and how all of this would disappear the moment you jumped away, never to be seen again.
The truth is that the Void Children are old, very old. Few know how long exactly they have lived among the stars, some say it has been thousands of years, but only the Void Children know exactly how long. They were at one point a terrestrial race, tied to their homeworld and it's solar system. Though they were and advanced race, they tended to shy away from the other empires, whither this was because of some great distance between them or some other influence no-one can say. But because of this, they began to develop and build the City Ships, hollowing out the small, metal rich, moons of a neighboring dead world to provide the necessary materials. Each was built with self sufficiency in mind, dry docks, hydroponics, even limited foundries. They were built to house millions among the stars. They were completed none too soon as a cataclysm ripped through the Void Children's home, destroying it, but the city ships and the remnants of the military and civilian fleets were able to jump away to parts unknown.
It is now common practice for each city to inhabit a different star system (usually a Protostar system due to the raw material available), and to maintain an aloofness from other Nations, resulting in their mythological status. But they have not spent their time idle, they from near the beginning have built, build cruisers, battleships, light carriers, and even dreadnoughts. This has resulted with them having amassed huge armadas, not only for defense, but for simple living space. This means that the Void Children who inhabit these ships know them like the back of their hand, this coupled with their marine force has made them a very effective armada. But throughout the myth and legends surrounding them there are periods where they seem more active in the galaxy, and as of late it appears that one of those periods is coming about.

Member of Galactic Conclave: Yes, but tentatively. While the representative may show up to some meetings, they try to take on a more advisership role.

I didn't know what to do with the free system, so is it alright if it's just the City of Fire, hence the higher value?
Also this is the closest I could find to what one of their breathing masks looks like (but they aren't bald)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Excellent application. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Certainly hope there is room for me to join in. Looks very interesting and promising!

Civilization Name: Drakkonian League

Civilization Homeworld: Drakkonia

Civilization Creation:
- Colony: 0. (-0)
- System: 5. (-36)
- Fleet: 5. (-15)
- Army: 2. (-4)
- Agent: 1. (-4)
- Commander: 1. (-1)
- Alliance: 0. (-0)

Species Description: A species of sentient humanoids known as the Tengu. Tengu typically stand in the 5'5" to 5'10" range, have two long, proportionately thick fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand, each tipped with talons, and a set of mandibles around their mouths which compromises their facial structure. Although they share avian features, Tengu are viviparous and give birth much like a Human would and could even be considered biologically similar. The Tengu body has a plate like carapace and hardened leather like skin, with the exception of softer tissue at the leg and arm joints along with the neck. Their eyes are forward facing and resemble a bird's eyes in appearance. Though their body structure is extremely slender, they have wide hips and powerful legs which allow them to sprint at high speeds. All Tengu have an 'hourglass' figure, so to speak.

Brief History: With a broad history full of many details, the Tengu were once a species belonging to a wide variety of colonies and clans which paid tribute to an overarching community that worked together to achieve progress. As time went on, this community became more of a focus amongst the people and eventually changed into a central government. Valuing hard work and discipline, the Tengu put the most revered of their people in charge of the well being of their civilization. It's been this way for as long as anyone can remember and has been recorded as such even longer. With the expansion into space and soon after the galaxy, this sense of community only grew stronger.

The Drakkonian League is a governmental body built around the Tengu home planet of Drakkonia. Drakkonian society is a primarily military based structure focused on a hierarchy of social status, those contributing the most to society are given a higher importance and a bigger say in things. Any occupation can hold any position in the hierarchy, though higher positions are normally reserved for those in the military. However, all members of Drakkonian society are viewed as important in their own aspect. The government itself is headed by the Father - General, who is at the highest point of the hierarchy. The Father - General is chosen by and from a group of several military leaders and given the political and social duty of looking after his people. Although the Father - General is no longer considered part of the military, their strategic word is widely respected by the generals below them.

All Tengu men and women are required to serve the Drakkonian League in some way. Private business, free religious affiliation, and unique lifestyle are completely acceptable and even expected. However, every Tengu must serve a minimum of five years military service. They are also expected to pay taxes and commit at least one day per week to public service. Although a society of this nature would not function in other cultures, the Tengu themselves have belonged to honor based societies since the dawn of their civilization. They bring a sense of public and civil service to the galactic community, seeing unity as a means to progress as a people.

Despite building strong roots around their central location in the form of five systems, each protected by it's own fleet of warships and two armies rotating from planet to planet, the current Father - General and those amongst the higher hierarchy have recently been entertaining the idea of further colonizing the galaxy. Whether this is to broaden their horizons or simply flex their might to other nations is up for speculation. Of course, to protect their new colonies they would have to also increase their military presence... which may seem like hostile activity to some.

Member of Galactic Conclave: Yes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Theodorable said
Hey man! Application looks good. Where would you like to be on the galactic map?

I would like to be on the 3 middle systems in the darker part of the right most blue bar, if that makes sense.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looks great, EndCraft; where would you like to be on the map?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You may both create a Minor Civilization that will be NPC'd as well. Feel free!

If we get 3 more civilizations (Player or Minor.) We'll start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

all aboard the Hype Train
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

This gives me the opportunity to flesh out my nation's fluff.

Civilization Name: True Socialist State of Free Planets
Civilization Homeworld: Leningrad
Civilization Creation: (30 Points to spend. You start with 1 System for free.)
- Colony: 2 = 10
- System: 2 = 9
- Fleet:
- Army:1 = 2
- Agent:
- Commander:
- Alliance:
Species Description: Humanoid
Brief History: When the Autocrats won, as they call it, the Great Patriotic Civil War, the remaining Conservatives evacuated their planet and fled many light years away. They set up colonies and named themselves the True Socialist State of Free Planets. They condemned the Autocrats and consider the SSFP as a corrupt nation. They joined the Galactic Conclave and lobbied for an allied force to go out and liberate the citizens of the SSFP from a totalitarian rule. The Conclave have constantly denied requests for two main reasons. The first is that they do not want to risk losing a large portion of their combined military might due to the constant threat of invasion from the Imperium of Savas. The second is that whilst they remain suspicious of the SSFP and its recent military and industrial reforms, the SSFP has not actually partaken in any hostile actions against the Conclave. This has placed the TSSFP in a difficult position as they are not a powerful nation in any military sense and would make them the first target of military occupation by the SSFP...
Member of Galactic Conclave: Yes
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Theodorable said
Looks great, EndCraft; where would you like to be on the map?

Feel free to toss my nation anywhere, as long as it isn't right next to another group.

Very excited to get started! :D

EDIT: I also just thought of some questions! Can you try to explain the combat system a little bit to me? It'll likely be an important part for me considering my civilization is military based, after all. Also, is conversion of enemy colonies/systems possible and will that cost influence? And can colonies be turned into systems at a later date, with the difference in the influence cost being the price?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EndCraft


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Also figured I'd take you up on the offer to create an NPC civilization. If it's okay, I would like to create one more NPC civilization that has no military functionality and would rather be a trade group, to help add some flavor seeing how every other nation so far has a fairly decent if not good military.


Civilization Name: Sirathian Hordes
Civilization Homeworld: Shiksa
Civilization Creation:
- Colony: 0. (-0)
- System: 1. (-0)
- Fleet: 0 (-0)
- Army: 15 (-30)
- Agent: 0 (-0)
- Commander: 0 (-0)
- Alliance: 0 (-0)

Species Description Sirath, a large reptilian humanoid standing in the 8'0" to 8'6" range. They resemble a mixture of elephant, man, and crocodile; with huge tusks and large snout. They are large and stout. Their eyes are that of a creature of prey, sitting to the sides and allowing a 240 degree view. Although their skin is soft at birth, hardened plates and scales grow over the tissue with age. Due to the harsh conditions of their planet, the Siraths have evolved to reproduce very quickly. A single Sirath female can lay several thousand eggs in a year's span. However, many of those children will not make it to adulthood.

Brief History: Confined to their homeworld of Shiksa, the clan based communities once had a shot at joining the rest of the galactic community. However, due their beast like nature, the Siraths instead used their growing technological advancement to wage war upon one another. Shiksa now consists of arid badlands, with tribal communities replacing the once huge clans of the past. Despite this, the Sirathian people have grown stronger in this environment and continue to thrive and battle each other. Nearly every Sirath is a barbarian warrior, fighting for the honor of their clan, the survival of their tribe, or simply for the thrill of battle. They have little awareness of the galaxy around them, having minimal alien contact. The few races who have discovered the Siraths often find that their envoys, explorers, and representatives do not return. As such, it is common knowledge by most governments of the galaxy to avoid Shiksa. Many have considered completely bombarding the planet to destroy the Sirath species, though most politicians view this as too harsh and have decided to allow the Sirathian people of Shiksa to grow and hopefully develop into a more peaceful race over time.

They would make a very formidable enemy if disturbed... however, they could also be easily influenced with the promise of prosperity and success. The species may even unite under a single banner to wage war on the rest of the galaxy, moving planet to planet and conquering each. They would just need the transportation and a single push in the right direction.

Member of the Galactic Conclave: No
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have class today but when I get off I'll take a look at that NPC app and put up a new map!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

The Hype Train is speeding up
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LordHarrington


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm wondering how combat, fleet movement and armies work...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sirathian Hordes looks good!

We need like one more player!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trillovinum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(I'm still working on distributing those points. On that note: I'm a little confused as to what I should do with the stats 'commander' what does that actually mean? Is it a great general or admiral? Because that would be quite difficult for the Ka as they're essentially a single conciousness. Also, how does resource gathering work?)

Civilisation name: The Ka (Collective)
Civilisation homeworld: The Shrine
Civilisation creation: (not final) (60)
1 (free) system
10 fleets (30)
5 armies (10)
5 agents (20)
Species Description: "The Ka is one, the Ka are many but all work towards the common goal: survival."
The Ka are a synthetic race that roam the galaxy in search of resources to fuel their ever expanding collective. Unlike other species, Ka do not have any sense of individuality or even a concept of death. Ka are essentially billions upon billions of computer programs, all working together as one. Their ships, resource gatherers and soldiers are all mobile platforms within which these programs operate.
While the processing power of the Ka collective mind is almost unfathomable, they are sadly extremely uncreative. All their ships, stations and other designs have been based off of others. Sometimes different designs are combined or improved upon after new data has been gathered but the Ka have never created even a single original design themselves.
Aside from one single permanently occupied system known as ‘the shrine’, the Ka are a mobile civilisation. Their so called ‘collectors’ travel around the galaxy in search of resources to further the expansion of the entire collective. This can be minerals to build new ships but also new technologies they can use. To this end, no holds are barred. Advanced organic civilisations, great or small are all targets to mine for resources and like everything else, to be discarded when depleted. They only make exceptions for pre space age civilisations, having learned that such creatures are better left undisturbed and uninformed until they can come up with enough ideas to steal.

Species History: The history of the Ka is long but sadly, not much is remembered. They were created at one point in time, likely many centuries or even millennia ago by an unknown and long since vanished creator. The Ka do commemorate their creator by having a world spanning shrine in his, her, or their honour. This shrine can be considered the Ka’s homeworld and is likely the site of their creation. The planet itself is mostly covered by immense projects of Ka made artificial landscapes to mimic the world as it once was in the times of the creator. In order to maintain these artificial ecosystems, the Ka have built thousands of monitoring and maintenance stations on the planet as well as in orbit.

Member of the galactic conclave: NO
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sounds good!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Awesome! Just one last question, do you want me to tell you where the Void Children are currently or just leave them as a nebulous entity off the map?
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