name: Abigail Shires.
code name: need suggestions.
Appearance (picture not required. keep in mind this is an anime game): forgot I had this

Faction: Rebels.
Personality: She is incredibly rude, and she likes to thing that she can do anything, and acts tougher than she actually is. She is incredibly sarcastic, and is lazy. She is sometimes honest to people whithin her faction, but is dishonest to new members, as they can act suspicious. She is conceited, and sometimes has a very small amount of responsibility. She also likes earning other people's respect.
Bio: She was born in the semi-"ghetto" of Boston, New York, with two other siblings. She actually hated the ideas that politics has. All you have to do is:
Be a politician
Be a lawyer
or Be a Policeman,
and you are free from any problems with the American justice system. Even if she wasn't a part of American society, she'd be siding with the rebels. So, onto her growing up.
While born in Boston, which what she describes as 'The shittiest place in the USA,' besides the original Boston, she learned how to fight and about the shitty justice system fairly quickly. I mean, reading bits of tossed newspaper really makes you learn things. Just kidding, her family wasn't
that poor. Just a slight bit unemployed. She took early jogging, and soon that turned into running about 3 miles a day, and then she gradually got faster.
So, when she was about 25, or so, she learned about this, and she wanted to rebel against the government. To fight against the econemy. To screw them over so ridiculously fucking hard, that they would surrender and actually
help people in the ghetto and such. Those types of things. She wanted to make a difference in the government.
That, or move to Britain. Simply because they have sexy voices. And they're good actors. And they're really nice. Not as nice as Germans, though.
Abilities: She has incredible speed, and has slightly high strength.
She can also manipulate electricity, so she can pull people towards her with electricity, she can increase, generate, and absorb electricity from sources and such. She can also make force fields of electricity. She can also make blades of electricity to cover her hands. Basically, lots of things, she can do with electricity and stuff.
Now. Now. This is the real shit.
She can transform, alter or transmute a small/medium sized object, such as a bullet, into something else, like something small and fluffy around it's size. So, like a regular wooden box, it would take her a lot of her energy to transform it into a bunch of dynamite or something, so she actually has limits. She can also transform small animals into another small animal, and such. Most of the time, this is just temporary.
I said electricity too many times.