Basic Information
Name🍉 Konohanasakuya Mikoto (prefers to be called Hana)
Hero Name🍉 Hana
Age🍉 18
Gender🍉 Female.
Ethnicity🍉 Japanese.
Nationality🍉 Japanese.
Detailed Information
🍉 Hana stands at around 5’11”. In clothes, she sticks to wearing the uniform. At formal events she wears a green dress. Always, no matter what, there is at least one flower design somewhere on her clothing. Her hair is short and white in color, and her eyes are brown. Hana is easily described as mature, calm, and gentle-looking. Her body is toned in a way that surprises everyone who sees it.
Hero Appearance🍉

🍉 The same green dress she wears at formal events, except this time there’s a white apron over it. She wears wedge heels the same color as her dress.
Personality🍉 Konohana is a kind soul, always putting others before herself. She tries her best to make people happy, and is always kind to complete strangers. She has a great deal of patience with everything and it takes a lot for her to truly get angry or annoyed with others. She is known to have a great deal of intelligence when it comes to nature. She also has an amazing memory, and absorbs information easily. This is shown by her ability to name every plant she can see, and being able to note the small details and defining traits they have. Her memory does not shine through with anything else. She has several plants that she takes care of. All of them have names.
She has a strained relationship with her parents, and she does whatever she can to separate herself from them as much as possible. While they are both prestigious individuals, she tries her hardest to not come off that way. Other than them, there are not many people she dislikes (with the exception of villains). She enjoys acting as the “mom friend,” and a source for advice and support for everyone. While she encourages everyone to stay on the right side of the law, a part of her doubts which side is truly the right side sometimes. This leads her to have a flexible interpertation of the rules and justice in general.
Hana becomes upbeat and bubbly when around her friends or plants, but is otherwise composed. She often acts without explaining her actions, and lets people get angry at her when they disagree. She enjoys fighting and becomes excited at the prospect of a battle, to the point where it unnerves others. She is disappointed when not able to fight. She is also a hard worker, for better or for worse.
Notable Relations🍉 :(
Everyday Skills🍉 Growing plants
Tending a garden
Giving advice
Using her power, she’s really good at cheating in sports.
Fighting Style🍉 Her fighting style revolves around her ricoheting off of surfaces and platforms (from her power). While not doing so, she uses her rapier to fight. She prefers fighting within her weapon’s maximum range. If she is further away, she has a gun to shoot with.
Strengths🍉 Her power allow her to hit the enemy from multiple angles in rapid succession.
It also allows her to scale heights and close distances quickly.
While in her rapier’s ideal range, she is a potent fighter, and hard to stop.
She is competent at staying in that range.
Is highly trained in fencing, winning tournaments in the past for it.
Weaknesses🍉 She is incredibly limited when she isn’t in her ideal range. She has little tools for being both too close and being too far.
Her only tool for being too far is to get closer.
If someone is too close to her and continues on being close to her, she ends up being defeated easily.
Meanwhile, if someone is too far and is able to stay at that distance, she is also defeated easily.
Equipment🍉 A double edged rapier, is durable and has a knuckle guard. Is identical to the second weapon
Konohana has the ability to project platforms. They appear in the form of a glyph with the symbol on them, and glow when disappearing.
Strengths🍉 She can jump or push herself off from them.
They are very sturdy; a bullet is able to ricochet off of them.
With this sturdiness, it’s possible for them to block attacks.
She can make them appear up to 30 feet away from her.
As long as she waits between uses, using the power requires little energy for her.
She uses her power subconsciously, meaning she doesn’t have to keep focus on the glyph for it to be there.
Weaknesses/Limitations🍉 With the slightest touch, they will disappear immediately.
If not touched, they disappear after three seconds.
If someone falls into them, it’s effectively the same as falling onto concrete.
Although she can make them appear from long distances, that serves absolutely no use as anyone else hitting it is only detrimental to both parties.
She has to be very precise so she can land on it in a way that she can jump off of.
When used in rapid succession, it exhausts her. As a result, Hana has to land on a surface other than her platform to be able to create another one easily.
It exhausts her more when another human causes her platform to disappear.
🍉 A mark on her hand glows green when she uses her power. The mark is the same as on her platform glyph.
🍉 She has over 3000 unread messages from her father alone.
Her plants are a cactus, a peacelily, and a laceleaf. They are named Hoderi, Hosuseri, and Hoori, respectively.
The platforms are identical to those that appear with the abilities “Air Hike” and “Sky Star” from Devil May Cry
(here) both visually and functionally, except Hana’s are green and have
the symbol of a lotus flower on them. This is the same symbol as on her hand.
Has... a lot of money. Too much. Her bio on all social media is “if you want airpods dm me.”
While she tells everyone to call her Hana, Sakuya is secretly the name she likes being called the most.
teehee japanese mythology