Appearance 🔮 Milly is of average build for a boy his age, weighing in at one-hundred and five pounds. 🔮 He stands at an average five feet three inches, a little taller than his brother. 🔮 He has black hair and dark blue eyes. 🔮 He often appears a lot more cheerful than his brother, and tends to look a little more approachable. 🔮 Because his powers don’t involve excessive physical fighting, he lacks any muscle mass that would be considered above average.
🔮 Milly prefers to wear loose fitting t-shirts, darker colored skinny jeans and converse. His shoes are purple and black. 🔮 Sometimes he'll sport around a bright colored beanie, usually purple or yellow. 🔮 Other times Miles keeps his hair a little shaggy. Brushed but not perfect. 🔮 He wears a purple ring on his left thumb. He found the ring while he and his brother were travelling to the Academy, and wears it just for a fashion sense. But also because purple is his favorite color.
Personality 🔮 Miles has his bad days, but all in all is the average happy teenager. His bad days do make him moody though. 🔮 Miles hates bullies, thus he tries to stick up for those who have a hard time defending themselves. 🔮 He can be somewhat of a trickster sometimes, using his projected forcefields to prevent his brother from being able to grab something momentarily, or using them in some other tricky fashion.
Notable Relations 🔮 The person Miles values over anyone else in the world is his twin brother, Neoh.
Everyday Skills 🔮 Like his brother, he also enjoys drawing as pastime, but he is not nearly as good as Neoh. 🔮 He often hums his favorite tunes to himself, his favorite song genre being modern rock. 🔮 He can often be caught staring out the nearest window, enjoying the scenery or daydreaming about travelling or exploring. 🔮 Miles loves learning about plants, animals, and just nature in general. 🔮 If he’s not with Neoh, he’s usually outside exploring the gardens outside the Academy. 🔮 Because his forcefields can be used in the form of small discs, he is very good at playing frisbee.
🔮 Forcefield Projection 🔮 Miles can project forcefields to use as shields, to throw them at object or person, or to use as an obstacle against others.
Strengths 🔮 Miles can create forcefields around himself or others to use as shields. 🔮 He can create these forcefields around items within close vicinity to him. 🔮 His forcefields can last for as long as he is able to concentrate on them. 🔮 Miles can create forcefields as both a barrier and to aid him in attacking, such as creating a large one in front of him as a shield and charging an opponent, bashing them with it. 🔮 He can use these forcefields as small discs and throw them at objects and people. 🔮 Brief explosions, fire, or using his shields to break a fall are things Milly has no problem defending against.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🔮 Miles can only create a forcefield in the shape of discs or spheres. 🔮 His largest forcefields are only a couple feet taller than him, with equal diameter to height. 🔮 If Miles is put under extreme pressure or stress, he cannot keep the forcefield up. 🔮 While exceedingly sturdy, if very heavy blunt force is applied to Milly's force field, he can be slammed against the side and injured. 🔮 Creating a forcefield and holding it for long against continuous blunt force, such as bullets or other heavy assault, can sap his physical energy. 🔮 Once Miles’ physical energy is completely tapped, it can take a long time to use his powers again if he doesn’t get proper rest. 🔮 If not in the right state of mind, such as stress, anxiety, anger, Miles forcefields can become unstable, and he has the possibility to lose control of them.
Fighting Style 🔮 Milly relies strongly on his powers to fight. 🔮 He prefers to use his forcefields to push or pull opponents, and prefers to keep distance from them. 🔮 Milly prefers to team up with his brother, together they work well in covering each others weaknesses.
Strengths 🔮 He has some physical stamina when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. 🔮 Despite his preference to stay farther from opponents, Milly can excel in close combat if he is able to use his forcefields, and doesn’t have to rely on hand-to-hand fighting. 🔮 He is pretty good at keeping an eye out for his brother, covering his flanks and protecting Neoh when he attacks.
Weaknesses 🔮 Due to limited physical stamina he cannot sustain such combat for long. 🔮 He cannot sustain consistent physical combat, which is why he likes to keep his distance from opponents. 🔮 Milly hates killing. He’d prefer to stun and detain rather than kill, no matter the danger his opponent may present. This could put himself and others at risk if he isn’t careful.
Equipment 🔮 Despite his hatred towards killing, Milly keeps a small dagger hidden in the left boot of his hero attire for last ditch self-defense only.
🔮 When Milly uses a barrier, it blocks both incoming and outgoing fire. So you can't shoot from inside of them. 🥝 Kiwi
💗Neoh Dapper. 💕 My brother may seem a bit off putting at times, but he has a good heart. He cheers me up when I'm down, and picks me up when I'm at my lowest. He is the one person I care most about in this world. I know he'd do anything to protect me, and I'd damn well do anything I could to protect him. 💗Astra Jones 💕 We've known each other ever since our first year in the Academy. She's an amazing gal and is a blast to hang out with. I'm glad to have her as a close friend.
Silly Likes and Dislikes: ✅ Candy Bars (Reeses, Hersheys Chocolate) ✅ Skittles, Mike'n'Ikes ✅ Cookies (Oreos, Peanut Butter) ✅ Soda (Coca Cola, Mountain Dew, Shasta Orange) ✅ French Dips, Pesto Flatbreads, Proscuttio) ✅ Movies (Harry Potter, LOTR, Disney/Pixar)
❌ Pie, gross ❌ Butterscotch anything, way to sweet and weird ❌ Soda (Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Root Beer) ❌ Movies (Horror, Suspense, Drama) ❌ Big spiders ❌ Raccoons, those pesky buggers
Appearance 🍉 Alexya is a well built, not to muscular girl her skin tone is very pale. She is usually never seen without her gasmask on. Her hair is long and blood red.
🍉 Her eyes are a shade of pink as they are modified to fit her needs, mostly just to more easily see the chemical compositions of anything she wants to see.
Hero Appearance 🍉 Her suit is a basic russian rangers looking outfit with a gasmask and noise blocking headphones.
Personality 🍉 Alexya is a very gloomy person, she doesnt really like to talk to people unless she can earn something out of it or they are friends.
The people that know her know that she is quite intelligent, she is a fast learner and a very strong manipulator, she does have a witty side to her but not many people get to see it.
She takes pride in her intellect, often using it to help people with their assignments in school or with anything they have a problem with.
Notable Relations 🍉 Her Family consisting of Fater, Mother, Little sister and Twin brother. 🍉 Her grandmother
Everyday Skills 🍉 Cooking. This is a skill she picked up from her grandmother as her grandmother always said "Alexya if you want a man you need to know how to cook" She tought it was abit sexist but she decided to let grandma teach her how to cook. 🍉 Painting. She picked this skill up when she was little as she was bullied in school so her time were mostly spent on either Painting or Chemistry 🍉 Chemistry
Fighting Style 🍉 Strategic. She is usually seen analyzing the battleground before engaging, when in danger she disperses the toxic gas around herself as to hide herself from the enemy while she builds up the range of the gas.
Strengths 🍉 Crowd Control 🍉 Close range hand to hand combat
Weaknesses 🍉 If the mask breaks she cant use her power without hurting herself 🍉 Her power makes it difficult for her to go on missions that involve saving people 🍉 Her gas gets completely useless (Except for the decreased visibility) if her victim has a gasmask on.
Equipment 🍉 Saiga-12 🍉 MP-412 REX 🍉 Bayonet
Power Toxic gas
Strengths 🍉 It Disperses a toxic gas from her hands which can either asphyxiate or make the victim go mad seeing things only seen in your worst nightmare
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 20 feet area around her. 🍉 Has to wear the hazmat suit at all times when using the power 🍉 Really hard to help the public 🍉 Drains alot of her energy when dispersing it
🍉 Her eyes are robotic as when she was a kid she accidentally used her power without her mask on.
🍉 Got anything else you'd like us to know? 🍉 She was voted "Most likely to become a villain" in her school by her teachers
Positive Relations 💗 Alex Allen. Not to smart, might have to help her with studies, Zebras are pretty cool.
Neutral Relations ➖ Neoh Dapper. Moody, kinda weird, I guess hes kinda cute. ➖ Miles Dapper. I dont know tbh, seems like a good person. ➖ Dext Schaffner. Transformation power users are kinda weird. ➖ Josephine Lifebringer. She looks pretty cool a bit to flashy for me but ehh she might be nice ➖ Ángel Montero Cruz. Emo guy... ehh, maybe cool if I get to know him
Negative Relations ❌
"Hold your breath" "When you see the smoke take a deep breath for me"
Hero Name Faire Glisser (Official in poorly applied French) Zebra (Mean nickname)
Age 13 (Birthday on March 5, can be changed so its close to happening IC)
Gender Female
Ethnicity American
Nationality American
Detailed Information
Appearance Alex is a slim, tomboyish girl, with pale skin and a slightly toned body (nothing that looks out of the ordinary or healthy for a teen). With round and soft, yet determined looking eyes of a dark grey color and hair that is naturally black and white. She always looks like someone who just left a bath.
For clothes, she sticks to the uniform, sometimes using a tracksuit, among other sports clothes, and rarely using casual clothing. She likes to keep her hair in twin tails or ponytail (provided she is near mature people who won’t bother her on her looks) and typically uses caps or hats. Wears swimsuits for underwear.
Hero Appearance A zebra bra A sports bra with contrasting black and white pattern and leggings followed this same style, a loose cap, along with an electric green and black jacket. All tailored to not be harmed or to go loose and/or heavy with her powers. The green color was actually picked because she desired to not be known as “that water girl”.
Personality She is a focused, dedicated girl, who likes to explore her powers and challenge herself (Physically). She lives in the moment and is very forward about her feelings, this carelessness results in a strong mental resilience, she is rarely provoked by the words of others, but still takes offense and will act colder, if not a bit malicious, to those who try too hard to bother her.
Nobody ever described Alex as particularly bright, she often doesn’t bother justifying her ideas or questioning why they went wrong, her pattern recognition isn’t the best and more often than not she takes the wildest assumptions from explanations that should be simple. While able to focus, she also feels a need to move her body, and this detracts from her ability to read or study.
She tries to be independent and dislikes places with too many rules, even if she agrees with them, with its a sentiment born from disliking the overall idea of it as well as disliking having to memorize too many things. If leaving the academy didn’t result in no more waterproof treadmills, cellphones, couches, beds, etc in her life as well as clothes that don’t block her power, she would have considered leaving it.
And while it is nice that she has the mindset to brush off bullies and not be shy about her mind, her body and her mutation, there are perhaps things she should be shy about, like being shy about the mess that she calls a room, being shy about forgetting that when she goes to the mall she needs to wear more than a swimsuit, being shy about missing deadlines for school projects… Instead, it seems only others are bothered by her careless ways.
Notable Relations Her parents? No one so far, though she will need a roommate according to the rules.
Everyday Skills She is good at sports, as part of her training she developed skating skills, but she is also great at soccer. She has a good sense of color theory and presentation, for someone typically useless in intellectual fields, she actually does well when it comes to being ‘marketing savvy’. Also she can swim well, very well, she doesn't even like it all that much, but it comes naturally to her.
Water Affinity
The power of being wet. Alex has a kinship with water, and this is showcased by her ability to generate a coat of water that sticks to her body, basically, making her wet and, more importantly, slippery. It is a somewhat thin coat and does not enhance her body, but it is constant and is great for Alex to squeeze herself through passages where others might get stuck or to literally slide into battle, aquaplaning taking off the friction from the ground and allowing her to maintain high speeds (albeit with little to no handling of said movement)
A minor aspect is a resistance to moderate water hazards, being able to resist frigid water and snow as well as scalding waters and steam for longer than a normal person or even fully adapt to it. (For range example, she can carelessly go for a swim in a Russian ocean or relax all day on a hot spring, but when it comes to hot steam escaping a factory pipe, her advantage is surviving a couple of minutes in contact with it where a normal person would be seriously injured or killed.)
Weaknesses/Limitations - Does not include water projectiles or manipulation of any sort. Does not generate enough water to be threatening. - So far has not shown any ability to manipulate the temperate or form of the water - The water still interacts with the ground. Tile floor or dirt after a rainy day is great for her to move through, asphalt is neutral, and sand is bad, as it absorbs a lot of water. - Does not provide water breathing of any sort, though the ‘water aura’ does not block her breathing. - Is not thick enough to stop projectiles or blows does not enhance her physical abilities. - Most clothes block the power over the surface that is covered, only the academy provided clothes can reach the same performance as bare skin, though swimsuits or thin clothing are acceptable options to use the power while keeping her modesty. - Her power is always somewhat active, and much like water, she has an easier time going down than going up, she cannot utilize ladders quickly without gloves, else she might slip and fall down.
Combat Fighting Style The main tactic is surfing fast towards enemies with clubs, shields, or weights on her hand, delivering a momentum enhanced crushing blow, moving close and away quickly. To make use of Parthian-like Tactics, especially when she can retreat facing the enemy, a whip is used as an option to keep the harassment going after the blow.
Close quarters combat is more complicated, she is developing a style with her teachers that use capoeira like moves to take advantage of her slippery nature and the lack of friction. It is far from done, however, so right now her main tactic is to just trash about and see if she can move away.
Strengths In groups, her ability to slide quickly is useful for positioning and flanking, she can easily infiltrate areas through vents or small openings. She makes for a slippery enemy to deal with, with nimble movements, it can be somewhat stressful to deal with her, which is used to disrupt and bait enemies.
Weaknesses She is a one trick pony in solo combat and said trick requires her to literally crash head-on with enemies. Negating that negates much of her combat power. Her power is very passive and more utility based, requiring weapons to be viable in combat, in a sudden fight situation, she would need to improvise.
Equipment Her tailored uniform and hero costume (both compatible with her power) A whip, a combat shield, a tonfa and a weighted anklet.
Since a young age, her hair has white bangs. She changes a bit when interacting with water, cold water makes her hair and eyes more white, her skin paler for days and even forms a few crystals on her skin and eyelashes. She keeps the red tan of hot waters for days at times, with constant breath vapor even if it's not cold.
Name: Dex' (Dexter or Dextra depending on form) Schaffner
Hero Name: Shifter
Age: 16
Gender: ...???... Typically presents on the effeminate side of androgynous, usually goes with neutral or female pronouns.
Ethnicity: American European Mutt
Nationality: American
Detailed Information
Appearance: - Dex's preferred appearance is a lithe 6' even with a genuinely androgynous figure, short orange-pink hair, green eyes, freckles and pale skin. When presenting male, Dexter shifts his hair to an orange-brown. When presenting female, Dextra shifts her hair to more pure shade of pink. Dex' typically wears a white button-up shirt, black vest, blue "jeans" and something akin to a pair of knee-high converse. (good footwear is hard to transmute) - When as a cat Dex has cream gray fur with tabby patterning and yellow eyes. - The Predator form is highly efficient canine/feline hybrid plus a few extra bits. About the size of a wolf, the coloration is an ultra dark blue and gray with tiger-like patterning.
Hero Appearance: - Dex's dress uniform is a form-fitting black jumpsuit with gold detailing. Dex' has a number of small variations each one tailored for different kinds of weather. Their physical self under the uniform is a more muscular variant of their standard form. - Dex's combat form is purpose 'grown' for the role. A powerfully built male figure, covered in armadillo-like armor, tough leathery skin, enhanced senses, retractable claws, the whole nine yards. The more specialized variants feature things like added fat for insulation or webbed fins for improved swimming.
Personality: Dex' is almost excessively friendly with a preference for small tight-nit social groups. A bit of a tease and a prankster, Dex' has a taste for casual mischief. On the flip side, Dex' is surprisingly grounded and serious when on missions as they've seen and experienced enough to know that hero work is serious business and anything but fun and games. (more detail to be developed as they're written)
Notable Relations: Currently, her parents, but that's it.
Everyday Skills: Dex' is passionate about food, music and dance and has above average skill in these areas. In order to make better use of their power, Dex' has fairly extensive knowledge of biology, anatomy and to a lesser degree chemistry. Dex' also offers cosmetic transmutations to anyone interested. (tattoos, hair dyeing, etc)
Fighting Style: Dex' is a jack of all trades able to engage foes at a distance with her stun rifle or up close and personal with her combat body. Dex' is trained in Krav Maga.
Strengths: As a well rounded fighter, Dex's biggest strength is their durability. Their armor allows them to wade through attacks that would otherwise incapacitate or kill others. The above average physique of Dex's combat form gives them the mobility of an unarmored person and while their physique is mildly "enhanced" it's nowhere near being super-human.
Weaknesses: As a jack of all trades, Dex' lacks the advantage of a clear cut specialization. While their armor is tough, it's still vulnerable to explosives or high-caliber weapons. Their enhanced senses are also more vulnerable to flashbangs and the like.
Equipment: Stun rifle: Fires electrically charged non-lethal 'bullets' to wear down and incapacitate opponents.
Strengths: - Organic Transmutation: Dex' can transmute organic materials, herself included. - Given enough time, Dex' can even regrow lost limbs. (not usable in combat) That said it can be used to 'heal' minor injuries. - Dex' can increase or decrease the relative size of whatever they're transmuting by 3-fold.
Weaknesses/Limitations: - Requires physical contact to work. - Dex' can't transmute another sentient being without their consent. - The transmutation is a quick process, (a few seconds to minute) but only if they've created the form before hand. Crafting a new form is time consuming and takes exponentially longer the larger or more complex the form is. Simple objects can be done in a few minutes, but living transmutations that are more than cosmetic can take hours or even days to work out. - While Dex' can 'absorb' and store inanimate organics, (typically for clothes) it's mass/material can't be directly used to heal themselves.
Cosmetics: It's ALL cosmetic.
Current "forms" available: - Casual androgynous - > female variant - > male variant - Giant polydactyl maine coon (cat) - Hero dress uniform - Hero combat suit - > arctic variant - > desert variant - > aquatic variant - - > cold water variant - "Predator" canine/feline recon form - Giant eagle - Is currently working on a "giant monster" form
Positive Relations
Neutral Relations
Negative Relations
Roughly speaking, Dex's combat form is a blend of these two. The layering of the 1st one and the organic curves of the second one, sans all the spiky bits. Basically, it's a 'grown' suit of medieval full plate armor. And coloration is whatever Dex' needs it to be.
Appearance 🍉 Due to the nature of her powers, Josephine can, in theory, take on a variety of appearances, but prefers to take on the form of a young girl with deep green hair. At least when among her peers. She tends to wear a black dress when on campus grounds, or a t-shirt and shorts if allowed. This smaller form is partially used to conserve energy, and in general, keep a low profile, due to appearing much younger than she actually is. If she has a real form she would rather be, she has yet to make note of it. 🍉 Parts of her body may morph depending on the DNA sub-set equipped, with some changes more apparent than others. Her eye color may shift, her body may gain armor(if she equips insect type DNA), her entire body may become covered in feather or fur, the list goes on. Sometimes these changes may appear to be purely cosmetic, other times they do infact function for a reason.
Hero Appearance 🍉 While her default uniform is a green skinsuit to avoid her power activating prematurely during battle(or to aid her when using her whale DNA sub-set), if she really feels the need to be "flashy" or take on a more combat oriented form, she can transmute her appearance, into a woman with lighter green hair, and an overall elven fistfighter appearance. 🍉 However, her hair may shift color based on the DNA sub-set she currently has ingested, and if she has multiple DNA sets ingested, this will affect the color accordingly, with the "dominant" sub-set being the most apparent. Her outfits are all designed to accomadate the variety of DNA sub-sets she can carry.
Personality 🍉 Despite her often seemingly non-caring or even assholic type projection she gives as her personality at school, Josephine is a kind and caring person, but who keeps her feelings often represented in favor of a more professional approach, and to keep her powers from going out of control. This does, however, make her very nervous under pressure, which can cause issues with say, applying certain traits to her body or to others. While she doesn't like fighting as much as some of the more physical based heroes in training, she'll beat the shit out of someone if needed. She prefers helping others, and may often wander off to talk to the local animal life, or just people. It all depends. When it comes to the public, if her child form, she'll be standoffish probably, moody, but if in her alternative combat form she's far more outgoing and friendly.
Everyday Skills 🍉 Sewing, cooking, basic medical care, scientific research, chemistry, biology, anatomy, genetic engineering. In other words, what would be needed as a bio based power user. Also has basic combat training.
Fighting Style 🍉 Physical combat, using powers to work accordingly.
Strengths 🍉 Adaptability, being to use different DNA-subsets for different situations has its perks.
Weaknesses 🍉 It takes time to change out sub-sets, and while a more physical fighter, unless the proper sub-set is applied, not that strong.
Equipment 🍉 Bio-Belt: Akin to the Batbelt, contains all the components she needs to store DNA samples, blood, extract, inject, or use. Also contains basic medical supplies. 🍉 Bio-Scanner: A specialized set of goggles designed primarily to detect life signs, and scan lifeforms for information. Helps Josephine determine what she's up against, and if she has the needed means to at least last long enough for help to arrive. 🍉 Bio-Bike(Unfinished): An eventually to be completed living bike that consists of multiple lifeforms that exist in harmony to perform one task, that of movement. Will also allow her to store more DNA samples over time. 🍉 Bio-Database: A record of all the DNA sub-sets Josephine has gathered, and information on the races. Linked to her goggles, and is stored in her room. Also contains all samples of DNA she doesn't have with her in the field.
Strengths 🍉 Genetic/DNA Manipulation is the power to manipulate and control the genetic material found in all living carbon based lifeforms, as well as the leftover genetic material of recently deceased lifeforms. This is a "buff" type power is that DNA extracted from a lifeform can then be processed and applied to the user, to grant some sort of benefit that while temporary, can be quite effective. This can range from just changing the color of ones skin(chameleon) on will or with emotions, to being able to at least glide for a short time with a pair of wings(avian), or even dive to great depths(Sperm Whale Sub-set). The DNA of others and the user can also be modified, to fix issues in the code, or to augment existing traits, or to change them. Such as changing one's hair color, skintone, eye color, and a variety of other cosmetics. With enough time, body plans can also be changed. With training, a skilled user could engineer their own lifeforms via DNA research. The result of Josephine's mothers powers over life presumably reacting with her father's DNA(given he's a scientist and all).
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 While quite potent in its own right, DNA manipulation is not like its more spiritual based cousin life manipulation. DNA cannot be extracted from corpses, at least not intact. DNA sub-sets carry the risk of applying any genetic defects or mutations to the user, and if not careful could cause serious damage to themselves or to their targets. For example, causing a cellular mutation that results in cancer, or making a certain genetic disorder that was previously inactive trigger. In Josephine's case, she can only apply one aspect of a sub-set to herself, and she has to be extremely careful, as her emotions can cause issues. Additionally, she cannot raise the dead, and sub-sets when applied, have a duration, that once over, results in the biomatter used being vomited up, generally unusuable after. However, while she cannot raise the dead, she can make new life via careful genetic manipulation. This still will take a lot of time and research.
🍉 If you count being able to change appearance at will(albeit over time, varies based on complexity of shifts), then yes, otherwise, no.
🍉 Has a bit of a fanclub among both younger students and the public due to her powers. Sometimes hangs out with the newer students, helping them learn the ropes, or with the permission of teachers, using her powers to amuse them. Such as spewing ink. Or turning her skin into a random color. She even has a comic book series, some based on actual missions, and others made up.
Hero Appearance 🍉 Mostly black with some red, like this. Bottom is of a similar style. 🍉 Goggles protect/hide his face.
Personality 🍉 By default, Angel is generally not easy to read and is often composed and level-headed. 🍉 With that being said, he is also a rather intense person. 🍉 He projects an inexplicable vibe of innocence. 🍉 He enjoys being by himself. 🍉 He can be sly, but also generous towards those he calls friends. 🍉 He might stray (even drastically) from his usual demeanor at times, with claims that he was just 'acting'. 🍉 His words can be unpredictable, from brutal honesty towards another to an unexpected revelation about himself. 🍉 He is quite observant, but will not necessarily point out what he sees. 🍉 A slight defeatist attitude might show at times, due to his lack of confidence in his combat skills or in the use of his powers.
Notable Relations 🍉 The Cortez family from next door - A couple and their young daughter who were his neighbors back home.
Everyday Skills 🍉 Angel has an interest in Media Art, including photography, videography, and animation. 🍉 He has also proven to do well in theater, and his acting skills have aided him several times in real-life situations.
Fighting Style 🍉 The nature of Angel's powers is extremely damaging, he therefore tends to hold back unless he is prepared to destroy. 🍉 It is difficult to get something done discreetly once he strikes, so he strikes quickly and moves on regardless of range. 🍉 He uses his whip sword to conduct his electrical energy, or direct it towards a target.
Strengths 🍉 Angel's powers can deal heavy damage. 🍉 His electrical bolts can travel over a considerable range towards a target.
Weaknesses 🍉 His attacks attract a lot of attention. 🍉 Achieving moderate damage takes a lot of concentration.
Equipment 🍉 Metal whip sword (Max. length is 10ft) 🍉 A couple of 50000mAh power banks (that ain't for his phone)
Power: Electrokinesis
Strengths 🍉 Angel is virtually an electrical source. 🍉 He can draw and manipulate electricity from other sources, and amplify them with his own energy. 🍉 He is immune to electric shocks and other harmful effects of electricity.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 By himself, he is a finite source, and his energy will drain without a recharge. (He'll pass out after 10 minutes of continuous usage.) 🍉 He is not immune to the side effects of his attacks. The light and sound generated can still harm his eyesight and hearing.
🍉 N/A
🍉 N/A
Positive Relations
💗 Konohanasakuya Mikoto - My flower-loving hermana. She's always mature and kind to everyone. She has taught me a lot. I feel I don't do enough for her, but sometimes, I just don't know how.
💗 Kane Anderson - A pretty great amigo. He looks intimidating, but is generally a nice guy. He's a lot of fun to hang out with, but I don't actually know too much about him.
Neutral Relations
➖ Neoh Dapper - Kid smells weirdly pleasant. Looks like I could snap him in half, but one wrong move and he'll destroy the place. He's like a scented candle, that's lit.
➖ Miles Dapper - This guy's like the bridge between his brother and everyone else, isn't he? A nature lover, surprised he isn't the one with the ferret.
➖ Alexya Krashkov - Mad scientist lady. I mean she's intelligent, and... not too sure about the 'mad' part, but she scares me a little. It's that gas mask, definitely.
➖ Alex Allen - I admire her... authenticity. No really, it's a good trait to have. She'd be a genuine friend, I believe.
➖ Dex Schaffner - I wonder what this person looked like before they got their powers. Pretty sure they get asked that a lot.
➖ Josephine Lifebringer - Can't help but wonder if that last name is a pun. Is it weird to know that she's older than she usually chooses to look? Her elf form is... pretty.
➖ Nathan Young - Seems like a 'down to earth' kind of guy. *BA DUM TSS* Honestly, don't really know much about him, yet.
➖ Astra Olivia Jones - Happy as a lark. Not that it's bad, of course. Her optimism and childlike charm are much appreciated, in most situations.
➖ Elijah Stone - We could use a gentle giant around. Hard to believe he's still a teenager. It's probably both the looks and the behavior.
➖ Quinn Pierce - Absolutely love and admire his work. That mouth of his though, it's entertaining, if you're not the one in the line of fire.
➖ Gabrielle Stone - Liking the enthusiasm. I wonder where she gets all that motivation from.
Negative Relations
❌ Meleena Steele - Pretty sure she hates me. Yeah...
Name 🍉 Konohanasakuya Mikoto (prefers to be called Hana)
Hero Name 🍉 Hana
Age 🍉 18
Gender 🍉 Female.
Ethnicity 🍉 Japanese.
Nationality 🍉 Japanese.
Detailed Information
Appearance 🍉 Hana stands at around 5’11”. In clothes, she sticks to wearing the uniform. At formal events she wears a green dress. Always, no matter what, there is at least one flower design somewhere on her clothing. Her hair is short and white in color, and her eyes are brown. Hana is easily described as mature, calm, and gentle-looking. Her body is toned in a way that surprises everyone who sees it.
Hero Appearance 🍉 🍉 The same green dress she wears at formal events, except this time there’s a white apron over it. She wears wedge heels the same color as her dress.
Personality 🍉 Konohana is a kind soul, always putting others before herself. She tries her best to make people happy, and is always kind to complete strangers. She has a great deal of patience with everything and it takes a lot for her to truly get angry or annoyed with others. She is known to have a great deal of intelligence when it comes to nature. She also has an amazing memory, and absorbs information easily. This is shown by her ability to name every plant she can see, and being able to note the small details and defining traits they have. Her memory does not shine through with anything else. She has several plants that she takes care of. All of them have names.
She has a strained relationship with her parents, and she does whatever she can to separate herself from them as much as possible. While they are both prestigious individuals, she tries her hardest to not come off that way. Other than them, there are not many people she dislikes (with the exception of villains). She enjoys acting as the “mom friend,” and a source for advice and support for everyone. While she encourages everyone to stay on the right side of the law, a part of her doubts which side is truly the right side sometimes. This leads her to have a flexible interpertation of the rules and justice in general.
Hana becomes upbeat and bubbly when around her friends or plants, but is otherwise composed. She often acts without explaining her actions, and lets people get angry at her when they disagree. She enjoys fighting and becomes excited at the prospect of a battle, to the point where it unnerves others. She is disappointed when not able to fight. She is also a hard worker, for better or for worse.
Notable Relations 🍉 :(
Everyday Skills 🍉 Growing plants Tending a garden Giving advice Using her power, she’s really good at cheating in sports.
Fighting Style 🍉 Her fighting style revolves around her ricoheting off of surfaces and platforms (from her power). While not doing so, she uses her rapier to fight. She prefers fighting within her weapon’s maximum range. If she is further away, she has a gun to shoot with.
Strengths 🍉 Her power allow her to hit the enemy from multiple angles in rapid succession. It also allows her to scale heights and close distances quickly. While in her rapier’s ideal range, she is a potent fighter, and hard to stop. She is competent at staying in that range. Is highly trained in fencing, winning tournaments in the past for it.
Weaknesses 🍉 She is incredibly limited when she isn’t in her ideal range. She has little tools for being both too close and being too far. Her only tool for being too far is to get closer. If someone is too close to her and continues on being close to her, she ends up being defeated easily. Meanwhile, if someone is too far and is able to stay at that distance, she is also defeated easily.
Equipment 🍉 A double edged rapier, is durable and has a knuckle guard. Is identical to the second weapon here.
Konohana has the ability to project platforms. They appear in the form of a glyph with the symbol on them, and glow when disappearing. Strengths 🍉 She can jump or push herself off from them. They are very sturdy; a bullet is able to ricochet off of them. With this sturdiness, it’s possible for them to block attacks. She can make them appear up to 30 feet away from her. As long as she waits between uses, using the power requires little energy for her. She uses her power subconsciously, meaning she doesn’t have to keep focus on the glyph for it to be there.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 With the slightest touch, they will disappear immediately. If not touched, they disappear after three seconds. If someone falls into them, it’s effectively the same as falling onto concrete. Although she can make them appear from long distances, that serves absolutely no use as anyone else hitting it is only detrimental to both parties. She has to be very precise so she can land on it in a way that she can jump off of. When used in rapid succession, it exhausts her. As a result, Hana has to land on a surface other than her platform to be able to create another one easily.
🍉 A mark on her hand glows green when she uses her power. The mark is the same as on her platform glyph.
🍉 She has over 3000 unread messages from her father alone. Her plants are a cactus, a peacelily, and a laceleaf. They are named Hoderi, Hosuseri, and Hoori, respectively. The platforms are identical to those that appear with the abilities “Air Hike” and “Sky Star” from Devil May Cry (here) both visually and functionally, except Hana’s are green and have the symbol of a lotus flower on them. This is the same symbol as on her hand. Has... a lot of money. Too much. Her bio on all social media is “if you want airpods dm me.” While she tells everyone to call her Hana, Sakuya is secretly the name she likes being called the most. teehee japanese mythology
Kane stands at 6'3", quite tall and muscular, although not overly built. He weighs about 200 pounds, mostly muscle, and has very defined shoulders and jaw line. His eyes are an amber color and he has blue hair, genetic mutations from his power. His hair is short though, it's that picture just without the ponytail. He casually wears shorts and a tanktop in the summer and jeans and a sweatshirt in the winter. He normally wears more casual and comfortable clothing unless he's dealing with the public. He's in peak physical shape for an 18 year old. Hero Appearance
Basically that but with blue hair sticking out instead. Personality 🍉 Despite an edgy costume appearance, Kane is a relatively down to earth individual. He has a lot of hobbies and interests, ranging from music and videogames, to sports and ass kicking. He tries to be humorous and sarcastic, trying to be witty and clever in a conversation. The fame and attention is pretty nice, and kicking ass is great, but he truly does his job to help others. He knows all too well that everybody needs a helping hand some days. In this way he's kind, compassionate, and caring for others. This is all surface level, since deep in his heart he is somewhat closed off to try and protect himself from hurting.
However, on the job, he means business. His moral compass is the same, but he takes his job very seriously, and does not show this same kindness to those who would hurt others or put them in danger. The ghost can be as friendly as Casper, or can haunt you for the rest of your life, and after it.
Notable Relations 🍉 Has many friends and acquaintances, but nobody who is very close to him, keeping a very hard inner shell for his heart.
Everyday Skills 🍉 Kane enjoys singing, is very proficient in many sports (Volleyball, basketball, and football mainly), as well as plays guitar. He's also an avid gamer, enjoys parkour and exercise. Dancing and acting are minor hobbies of his as well. Has extensive medical training from school and taking more advanced classes for it.
Fighting Style 🍉 Kane is normally a close range fighter, as his powers don't provide much range. However, he does commonly bring equipment into the field to suit his needs. His style is similar to a rogue, quick hits, in and out, stealth and back line assaults. He is skilled in hand to hand combat and use with weapons, always making his opponents guess. He relies heavily on being quick on his feet, versatile, creative, and thinking one step ahead.
Strengths 🍉 Kane is exceptional at stealth, able to disappear in a moment's notice, as well as get in and out of danger. This also makes him great for reconnaissance and gathering information, as well as infiltration. His strengths lie in hitting fast, quiet, and hard. If anything he can be a very annoying distraction and very hard to hit.
Weaknesses 🍉 Kane can't really hit like a truck, he may be strong, but he's not super strong. He's not punching through metal or anything. He can only do so much in combat, and has to rely on his powers and clever thinking to overcome opponents. Also, he is as fragile as any normal human being, and catching him off guard could spell doom for him.
Equipment 🍉 At this moment, Kane usually uses an extremely durable and hard metal staff for combat, that can split in half. It also can run an electric current through it, shocking the opponent. Kane also keeps handy items like smoke bombs, sleep darts, sometimes even a sword, but they're always coming out with new gear for Kane to use in the field.
Strengths 🍉 Phasing: As his hero names eludes to, Kane can phase himself at will. When he is phased out, he's invisible and intangible, everything passes through him. Kane does control whether he phases through the ground or not, however, and he can go through walls, physical objects, basically everything, and is pretty much untraceable. This can be instantaneous, and he can do it to part or all of his body. He can also make other things phase with him, like his clothes, but he's still working on phasing larger objects. For right now, he hasn't tried unphasing through solid objects. Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 Phasing requires energy and stamina, so depending on how much is phased for how long, Kane will get tired and unable to phase. To combat this, Kane tried to be smart with his phasing, and has built up his energy over the years. Also, while phased, he also cannot interact with the world around him. He cannot hurt anybody or anything while phased. And when unphased, while he may be able to hurt someone, he can also be hurt, and an unexpected attack while unphased can hit him hard.
Meleena Steele- His "bratty little sister" of sorts, Mel has a soft spot in his heart. He knows what she's been through, and he helps her and they have each other's back. One of the only people he's really opened up to. The two have been dorm mates since day one and he'd jump in front of a bullet for that girl.
Miles "Milly" Dapper- Kane feels more like a mentor to Milly, the two treat each other as rivals. They compete as almost everything, from missions, to quizzes, and even frisbee. He's always surprised by how bright and creative he is, Kane could probably learn a thing or two from Milly normally.
Meleena Steele
Detailed Information
She has long blonde hair almost going down to her ass, platinum blonde, and she has bright blue eyes. When she's using her powers, however, her eyes turn orange, and extensive use make them turn a bright shade of red. She has a fair complexion, and she stands at 5'9". She fairly fit and surprisingly strong for a 17 year old girl, flexible, and has nice curves to her. Her blend of soft but striking features make her quite the model for the public. She commonly wears her red leather jacket, a black tanktop, and ripped jeans with converse. Hero Appearance
Basically that but with the red outlining the suit Personality 🍉 This is one bad ass bitch you do not want to mess with. She's only concerned with being the best, and anybody else who's in the way is on her shit list. She works day in and day out trying to be the best super hero that ever lived. She wants to feel powerful, and she's very self confident to a fault, oozing with sass and a resting bitch face that could kill. She could care less about what you think unless it benefits her. She's a very tough nut to crack, and she won't think twice about roasting the ever loving shit out of you.
There's few people that she considers worthy allies, and even less are her actual friends. To those that she respects, she is less of an asshole, but she's usually calm and collected. Her humor is quite dark, but she's not a heartless person. She does save people for a living after all. There's probably some warmth underneath all that spandex, but to most, she's just a quick-witted, smart-mouthed bitch.
Notable Relations 🍉 She respects those with power and things less of others, very few have come close to being considered her friend. One of her only friends she has made at the school is Kane Anderson.
Her parents abandoned her as a child, fearing her destructive powers, and dumped her on the doorstep, so she has no known family and is considered an orphan.
Everyday Skills 🍉 She can cook, she's great at sports, and she can eat as much as the other guys. She's an avid music listener and she can sing and is proficient with several instruments. She's also a great artist, a gymnast, a model, and does yoga and meditation.
Fighting Style 🍉 Meleena is super aggressive and rush down, wanting to swarm her opponent with oppressive and quick strikes using her powers. She tries to not let her opponent have time to think or breathe, assaulting them with blasts of varying power and speed. Her style of fighting is very rush down, in your face, hit you like a truck and end things quickly. If need be, she can also concentrate her attacks into long range beams to hit farther opponents.
Strengths 🍉 She's exceptionally strong and agile, able to dodge her way out of attacks and deliver powerful blows. She's fast and hits hard, and she has a stellar reaction time when it comes to the thick out the fight. She has no fear, and she fights on pure instinct and raw talent. She's also very versatile, able to handle a lot of situations and combat ranges. But this is all purely at a human level.
Weaknesses 🍉 She just goes, she doesn't think. And while she may be great in the moment and thinking on her feet, sometimes she should think things over. She will fight anything, even if she's outclassed. She also is pretty much a glass cannon. While she can hit like a truck, she can't take many hits like that without being severely hurt. Also, she's only human, and her stamina will wear out eventually. Long wars of attrition are not what she likes.
Equipment 🍉 Just her super suit, which is basically tight spandex that helps her control her power and channel it.
Strengths 🍉 Concussive Blasts: Meleena has the unique ability and producing concussive blasts from her body in the form of a red energy like substance. This energy can take the form of waves, beams, energy blasts, really molded into any shape or size. But, it's most commonly surrounding Meleena's body to give her attacks some huge force behind it. She can shoot energy blasts far, out to a range, she can make a lot of it, and she can control the intensity of how powerful the concussive blasts are. The closer to her body however, the more powerful the hit. These blasts don't burn like a laser, they simply impact with varying amounts of kinetic energy. Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 The energy can only go so far, and the farther and larger the blasts are, the less power they generally have. She could make a huge, powerful, far reaching blast, but that would probably make her faint on the spot. Her powers take a toll on her physically, and over use of her powers cause her to be unstable. In intense battles, her control of her powers slowly slip, and eventually she'll overexert herself and go unconscious. This is typically why she likes her fights quick and to be up close and in her face. This way she can hit hardest and takes the least amount of energy without having herself pass out.
Kane Anderson- Her polar opposite, he brings out the warm side of her, and he regards him as an older brother of sorts. He's been one of the only ones there for her since they both got to the academy, as she's shut out most other people. He has this charm and loving attitude that you can't shut out.
That, and he's one of the only people who can hand her ass on the regular, which bugs her to no end.
Personality He is the type of person who will stop at nothing to protect his team and friends,
Notable Relations Lost his parents because of his powers. No family left. If aloud he would of grew up in the academy from a young age.
Everyday Skills Cooking, sewing, building tech items, can type
Fighting Style He has a black belt in mixed martial arts and uses staff to keep enemies on their toes
Strengths Being able to manipulate the ground has a lot of uses he can shield people up to causing earthquakes so he's good in a lot of situations
Weaknesses Being a frontliner makes him a bigger target than most so he tends to draw the aggro, some of his abilities call for him to concentrate so being hit from multiple side makes it harder to do so.
Equipment A quarterstaff made from a strong alloy
An assault rifle with icer rounds, these rounds are a powerful tranq dart which melt into the body
Strength Nathan can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.
Because of his power he has learned to enhanced strength by manipulating the earth he focuses on the gravitational pull of the tectonic plates but this only works when he's on the ground
By infusing the ground with his skin his body is more durable than the normal person to a certain extent
He can focus on an area to sense the vibrations of whoever is there like sonar
He has to use a special suit to help with his powers, if he doesn't the vibrations of his stronger attacks revert back to him and can cause him bodily harm
Has to be/stay in contact with earth.
Glass and artificial solids are hard to control.
Not able to control extraterrestrial (Alien) earthen elements.
Earthen materials may be weak against erosion caused by water, ice or air
Appearance 🍉 Fairly thin, with broad shoulders and a small amount of muscle. He has shoulder-length hair which is stark white and floats as though underwater when he uses his powers. His eyes are also bright purple, but aside from that he looks like an ordinary guy.
Hero Appearance 🍉 The suit is white with purple accents, it's made of a light but sturdy material that functions as basic combat armour. On each forearm is a small purple orb which glows brightly when Jack uses his psionics, and the suit features no mask.
Personality 🍉 He's a smart kid, quiet but kind. He enjoys video games, rpgs and board games in his spare time, though he spends much of his time meditating to retain control of his powers. He has no trouble standing up to villains and criminals, yet he struggles with confrontation in daily life. He can be something of a pushover when he's not in the suit, honestly.
Notable Relations 🍉 His parents have been very supportive and keep in touch with regular video calls. He's regularly quoted as saying how great his mum is. Everyday Skills 🍉 board games, tabletop rpgs, poker (he's a little too good at poker, though. People get suspicious.) and Tai Chi
Fighting Style 🍉 Primarily a ranged fighter, although his powers can be quite effective at augmenting himself in melee when needed. He's most effective when it comes to dodging blows and using his powers to disrupt his opponent.
Strengths 🍉 Very agile, can use psionics offensively and defensively
Weaknesses 🍉 physically weak, without his powers he struggles to lift a heavy backpack, let alone an opponent
Equipment 🍉 His suit contains a device known as a "Psi-Amp", which boosts what he is able to do with his powers whilst worn (without it he is limited to minor telekinesis and basic energy fields, but suited up he could lift a bus with his thoughts, levitate himself and even use telepathy to target a weak-willed opponent's mind)
Strengths 🍉 Jack is able to manipulate psionic energy, which is a unique energy substance created by sentient minds. Typically he can only utilise his own psionic energy for reasions explained later. With it he can move or manipulate objects, create shields or energy attacks, and even communicate telepathically (though this is very difficult to do, and is almost always better to simply speak out loud).
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 Well first of all, though his mind produces psionic energy it cannot do so infinitely. If he uses his energy to create a shield, big enough for himself and 2 civilians to stand behind for example, this shield will last at most a few seconds, and is by no means indestructible. The more energy he puts into the shield (also, the more damage it takes), the more difficult it is to maintain. So while he can quite easily hold a book or a glass of water in midair for long periods of time without even really thinking about it, lifting heavier objects (or heavens forbid, living creatures that actively try to move against him) will be challenging to maintain for more than a few seconds. It is especially difficult to do these larger tasks if he doesn't have access to a Psi-Amp (like the one in his suit), and without that he would be unable to lift something heavier than a TV for more than 30 seconds or so. Without a Psi-Amp, he couldn't lift a car or similar large object at all.
As mentioned above, telepathy and the like is very difficult. While manipulating psionic energy itself or using it to control an object comes somewhat naturally, the psionic energy created by one mind is very different from the energy created by another. Linking two minds is a herculean task which requires an intense amount of control on Jack's part. The danger of attempting such a task is often that if not controlled properly, one or both minds may become overwhelmed by the energy which can cause things like hallucinations, spikes in blood pressure and even unconsciousness. It can be used as a weapon in some instances (the ability to make your opponent panic or fall unconscious is usually a benefit in a fight), but the unpredictability of mind-to-mind psionics makes it far too dangerous in most cases.
Though it rarely happens any more, if Jack does lose control over his psionics, his powers can be wildly unpredictable. If he is especially exhausted (such as once when he stayed awake for 57 hours straight during a particularly hectic mission), or his emotional state becomes erratic his control over the psionic energy his mind produces can waver, which invariably leads to catastrophic damage as the psionic energy goes wild. For this reason, he is unable to consume most mind-altering substances (not only hallucinogens or illegal drugs, but alcohol and even caffeine can impact his ability to control his powers).
🍉 As mentioned in his appearance, his hair is white and his eyes purple. Originally his hair and his eyes were brown, but the day his powers manifested they changed permanently. All of his hair is white, even his eyebrows and body hair.
🍉 When he manipulates psionic energy it glows a bright, light purple, the same colour as his eyes. Also I do not know who made the artwork I put in the appearances section, I tried to find out but could not. It was not mine, but I couldn't find another picture that fitted what I was going for.
Ethnicity 🎐 New Zealand (Mother: European New Zealander / Father: Asian New Zealander)
Nationality 🎐 New Zealand
Detailed Information
Appearance 🎐 Astra is precisely 5 feet long and she weighs 110 pounds. Her build is medium slim but not scrawny - while she isn't toned, she does have a bit of muscle. Her eyes are large and dark, but when light hits them, it's like staring into the night sky. Astra gets sometimes mistaken for a boy because of her short, soot coloured hair that got cut when during a mission she was shot with a blast of very sticky goo that wouldn't get off her hair. The girl's eyebrows are bushy, her nose is round, and her lips are plump. In addition to a myriad of freckles dotting across her face, Astra has very prominent dimples that come out whenever she smiles or frowns.
Hero Appearance 🎐 Astra's hero suit is rather plain in terms of shape. She designed the outfit with practicality in mind. The form-fitting clothes are designed to both massage Astra's pressure points and to prevent blood clots she might get from overusing her power. She wears a light, long-sleeved turtleneck and dark gray leggings that loop under the soles of her feet. The material resembles that of a yoga fabric. In addition she has a general yellow backpack she uses to store equipment. For colder environments, Astra has a puffy overcoat in the colours of an ugly 80's wind jacket and gloves that leave the fingertips open for her power to work.
Personality 🎐 Astra is pretty often found in a good mood. That's because even though she wouldn't describe herself as an optimist, she always finds a way to trick herself to feel positive. Astra loves messing around, and you might find she doesn't seem to take many things that seriously. At least she doesn't take herself all that seriously, and she tries to spread that mentality to the more uptight people of the academy. Astra isn't seen all that interested in being famous. She simply enjoys helping people and maybe occassionally showing off, but big crowds have never been her thing. You shouldn't mistake Astra for an extraordinarily kind person, however. She values honesty over tactfulness and sometimes trips and falls into the trap of hiding behind "just being honest" when really she is being a little unnecessarily mean. One of Astra's many shortcomings is her poor cooperativeness. You'd think with an ability like hers, she'd love to work with people. And she does - so long as they follow her plan. Astra is often reluctant or uninterested in following someone else's instructions, often doing so only after some wasted time used trying to convince her. She isn't one of the Venture students who brag about their awesome ability aloud, but Astra is clearly confident in herself. Sometimes she tries pushing too far, however, and ends up having to take the consequences of her reckless behaviour.
Notable Relations 🎐 Her parents. They exchange letters regularly, although nowadays Astra tends to forget to write with all the training and missions she does.
Fighting Style 🎐 Astra relies on strategy and wits rather than brute force. She prefers teaming up with people she can utilize well with her power. Her fighting style involves a lot of careful calculating of distances and taking advantage of her surroundings, because her energy goes only so far before she runs herself to the ground. The forementioned is also the reason Astra's fighting style could be described as very rythmical. Her power is medium-range, so both long-range and close combat are out of the question for her.
Strengths 🎐 Creative solutions to problems, unpredictability 🎐 Adapting and utilizing the environment available
Weaknesses 🎐 Astra's power might seem too unpredictable at first, but it's flaws and limitations show themselves pretty early on. Besides the fact that Astras ability can only work when physical touch is made, she becomes vulnerable after every transition as there is a brief charge period after every relocation. 🎐 Astra isn't good at weapon combat, especially close combat. 🎐 Astra isn't a physical fighter, and the only solo offensive move she can perform is teleporting someone (or a heavy object) into the air and relying on gravity to do the rest.
Equipment 🎐 A set of weights, rope, first-aid kit, swiss army knife
Strengths 🎐 Astra's power is reality warping by type. She is able to - for the lack of a better word - teleport things by touching them, even herself. The teleportation happens in the blink of an eye, hence the name for her power.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🎐 Astra cannot relocate people or objects out of her field of vision (this includes blind spots such as behind herself). Generally she relocates on a three dimensional cone-like radius, her safe reach being approx. 95ft (abt. 30 meters) horizontally and 30ft (abt. 10 meters) vertically*. The distance varies greatly on the weight of the teleported. *The estimates are based on Astra's own body weight. 🎐 The heavier the target, the less distance and times Astra can relocate them, as it takes more strength. 🎐 She is unable to relocate multiple people at the same time. This includes relocating herself and another person/object. 🎐 If someone living is relocated, be it Astra herself or another person, they will suffer from light-headedness or nausea. This effect is almost nonexistent at first, but if Astra keeps relocating herself, she becomes increasingly dizzy. 🎐 If used too many times consecutively, Astra becomes too exhausted to move, as every blink can be counted as a shortcut for the energy it takes to move around. If she continues to relocate after becoming too weak to move, Astra starts vomiting from the dizziness and nausea she is experiencing, unable to maintain balance.
🎐 Astra has stars in her eyes, quite literally. Or at least it's an illusion that resembles a starry sky whenever light hits her eyes the right way. This is how she got her name.
🎐 Astra has over-bending joints. Bending her fingers beyond what's considered normal is her favourite gross party trick. 🎐 Astra listens to music almost constantly.
"Blink and you'll miss me!"
"Is it just me, or were you there just now?"
"Hope you brought a parachute!"
*singing* "It's raining men, Hallelujah!"
"Today's forecast... a surprise!"
Positive Relations
💗 💗 Miles Dapper "Milly and I go a while back, we've known since the first year of the academy. He's my closest friend and I like hanging out with him. His brother is cool too, but we never really hit it off the way Miles and I did."
Standing at six foot eight and built like a brick shithouse, it’s not hard to pick Eli out of a crowd - the man’s a giant. Literally. Eli’s hulking stature is only about a third of his actual size (a staggering twenty-one feet - and growing!!), but thanks to a device created by his stepbrother, Eli is able to maintain a somewhat normal size. The “Anchor” as it’s so lovingly called, is clamped onto Eli’s back and resembles a sort of small leaf rake, with the main piece fanning out at the base of the neck, centered between the shoulders and a tail of sorts running partially along his spine to about mid back.
Now, at a glance, one would be forgiven for thinking Eli to be much, much older than he actually his. His skin is rough, with deep wrinkles around his mouth and across his forehead. The bags under his eyes are deep and dark. Scars zig and zag across his shaved scalp, face, and neck. His goatee has a noticeable number of gray hairs in it. Why, he looks more of a man pushing fifty than twenty. But his tired eyes still show a youthful optimism and his smile still shines.
As for clothing...well...when your Eli big, it’s not easy to find things that fit. Fashion’s not for giants. So, typically, the big guy keeps things simple. Plain tees most days, but maybe sweaters if it’s cold. Jeans most days, but sweats or shorts if he’s expecting to have to move. He does have one tailored suit for church service for those rare times he can actually attend.
Hero Appearance
Eli’s not exactly a flashy guy. He likes to keep things simple. And this really reflects in his super suit. It's just a plain black, skintight jumpsuit with a white strip running down the middle. The gloves and boots are both also white. No mask. No cape.
Honestly, he'd much rather go without a suit - it still feels a bit silly to him - but rules are rules. And considering the suit is able to expand should he release the anchor, it DOES have its uses. It's made of a lightweight, yet durable material that is capable of rapidly growing or expanding. The protection it offers is token at best, but anything beats slugging it out with a giant robot in the nude.
Patient. Gentle. Kind. Humble.
There’s a sort of calmness that radiates from Eli. It’s a sort of zen-like peace, really. The man keeps a level head and a cool mind no matter what comes his way. He keeps his emotions in check, so even if he is distressed, he doesn’t wear it on his face like some are prone to do. It’s a blessing in some ways.
Eli is a pious man. So showing kindness to others is what he’s all about. It doesn’t matter who someone is or what they might have done, if they need help, he’s gonna help. No one’s beyond redemption, after all. Even the worst villain deserves mercy. It’s not Eli’s place to judge them - only to stop them.
He's got a bit of a stubborn streak to him. He’s very set in his ways and isn’t super open to change or new ideas and concepts. He’s uncompromising in his values and will not budge if those values are challenged. But confrontational, Eli is not. Should things seem like they might get heated or blow up into an argument, Eli’s more likely to simply walk away than get pulled into a shouting match.
Overall, Eli is a happy man. He’s a bit of an optimist, maybe even to a naive degree. But he remains grounded. He’ll maybe crack a joke or two on his own free time, but when things are serious, so is he. Reliable to a fault, when you need something done, you ask Eli.
Notable Relations
Jesus Christ - Lord and Savior Emmanuel Stone - Father - alive Mariah Stone - Mother - deceased Andrea Stone - Stepmother - alive Isaiah Pierce - Stepbrother - alive Gabrielle Stone - Half-sister - alive
Everyday Skills
Eli’s pretty athletic, so pretty much any chance he gets, he’s outside. Sports, hiking, climbing. But his main hobby is lifting. The heavier the better.
Eli’s also got a knack for animals. Were he not a hero, Eli likely would have become a farmer. Or an actual preacher. Maybe both.
Fighting Style
A classic brawler, Eli relies on sheer might to overwhelm his foes. That means up close and personal, throwing hands. Or cars. Or a bus. A pure close range fighter, Eli’s got a solid boxing background meaning he can hold his own on the rare occasion he encounters someone that can match his brute strength.
Resistant enough to get in the thick of things and strong enough to cause some serious damage while he’s there.
Lacks options engaging medium to long range enemies. Relies completely on being able to punch his way to a solution.
The Anchor - the spinal mounted device that regulates Eli’s size. Can be disabled to allow Eli to grow to his true size, or activated to bring him back down to “normal.” Disabling the Anchor will grow Eli rapidly, but shrinking back down takes a few minutes. The process is rather exhausting, meaning that it’s not viable for Eli to grow and shrink multiple times in combat.
SuperStretch™ Clothing - Many of Eli’s clothes have been woven with SuperStretch™ material that allow them to grow and shrink to extreme proportions.
Giant Physiology
In his unanchored form, Eli is a massive twenty-one feet tall and is constantly growing even larger. He’s ridiculously strong - able to lift and throw a full-sized bus, albeit that little feat took quite a bit out of him. In addition to his strength, Eli is super durable. At full size, bullets pretty much bounce off the guy. They still hurt a bit, mind you, and enough gunfire is still going to leave a mark, but unless it’s directed at the giant’s eyes, it’s pretty much a waste of time.
When anchored, Eli is less strong, but could still toss a midsize car with little issue. Let’s just say a punch from this guy isn’t going to be fun at any size. His resistances at this size also go down a bit. A bullet still probably won’t pierce his skin, but it’ll leave a helluva bruise. And if it strikes a joint, it’ll probably break a bone. Armor piercing rounds, however, will tear through him no problem.
Eli may seem like a walking tank - and to a degree, he is - but he’s got a massive target on his back that just gets bigger along with him. The anchor isn’t heavily armored or anything. It can be destroyed, same as any other piece of hardware. More easily done by electric based abilities or even some sort of EMP or other tech-frying phenomena. And while yes, the loss of his size regulator would suck, there’s a worse consequence there.
See, it’s not common knowledge, but the Anchor is directly connected with Eli’s spine. It’s basically one giant lightning rod that would direct all charge right into Eli’s central nervous system. It should go without saying that that would not be a good thing. The Anchor’s design isn’t perfect, and Quinton is desperately working on a new one, but it works for now.
Furthermore, the giant’s size is definitely taking a toll on the poor guy. Even spending most of his time compressed, or perhaps because of that, Eli’s body is without a doubt aging quicker than normal. The most recent prognosis gave him a couple more years at best. All things considered, he’s taken the news pretty well.
Eli has to consume a staggering amount of food per day.
Never a hair out of place, never an outfit unmatched, Quinn’s a man who understands the importance of first impressions and looking one’s best. He’s a stylish kid, with a wardrobe only filled with the latest trends. It’s an expensive and flashy aesthetic to be sure, but in a way it’s to offset his less-than-flashy power. See, at five foot nine and a buck sixty soaking wet, Quinn’s not this pinnacle of human physique like his brother. He’s just like any other seventeen-year old. And since he, like most, can’t control his genetics, he’s gotta make the most of what he’s got.
That’s not to say he’s not an attractive guy. He’s in great shape despite not being the biggest guy around. His dark hair is thick and full, with not a gray hair to be found. The fade stays fresh. Not exactly blessed with the best beard genetics, Quinn keeps his chin clean shaven. Kid’s got good teeth though. Not too large, not too small. Sparkling white and straight. The lack of any noticeable acne can be chalked up to a proper skin care routine because ain’t nothing wrong with taking care of yourself.
Pretty much the only consistent staples of Quinn’s outfit are his sunglasses and his smartwatch. More on those later though. Everything else depends on season, occasion, current trends. So it’s difficult to narrow down.
Hero Appearance
It’s not exactly common for Quinn to personally be in harm’s way whilst on assignment and the whole concept of a “supersuit” is a bit too off-brand for Q. However, the academy does have its rules. Q's hit a sort of happy medium, he feels. His designs for a suit were based off an outfit be particularly liked - white tee, with this snazzy baby blue button-up with a pink and purple pattern on the underside. Classy jeans. Colorful high tops. The clothes were reinforced with a lightweight yet durable material, similar to the suit his brother uses. It’s definitely not a super effective getup for combat, nor is it really intended to be. Its primary function is to offer some token protection in the case of ambush or stray fire. Ideal situation, Q will never be in the line of fire to begin with.
There are two versions of Quinton Pierce: Quinn and Q.
Quinn’s a good kid. A little full of himself, but he’s got a good heart. He’s a true extrovert - loves being around people and ain’t ever met a stranger. But he’s got a helluva mouth on him and bless his heart, he can’t help but run it. And that tends to get him in trouble from time to time. To his credit, he can take a joke, but he can sometimes take things too far. He knows that though, so he’s not likely to hold a grudge. But good luck trying to get him to admit when he’s fucked up.
That all being said, Quinn loves fun. He’s not out here trying to pick fights and start shit. That just happens. He’d much rather everybody just be chill and have a good time. And if someone isn’t, he’ll try his damnedest to make sure they do.
Q, on the other hand, he ain’t so good. Q’s like all of the negatives of Quinn dialed up to eleven. He portrays this larger than life persona - a living ego, really. He brags, he boasts, and he roasts. He’s the sort of hero that the media just loves because whatever bullshit he’s spewing is almost guaranteed to get attention. See, to Q, it don’t matter whether people love him or hate him - as long as they’re talking about him he’s getting his name out there. Notoriety sells. And judging by how his multiple business ventures are thriving, notoriety sells well. This whole hero thing is a game. And Q intends to win.
It isn’t easy to keep his personal and professional lives separate, and Quinn’s made more than a few enemies due to the Q persona. So he’s pretty light on close friends, and while he’d never admit it, it does bother him. But that’s what money is for. It’s not exactly a healthy thing to surround oneself with leeches, but it beats being alone. Right?
Notable Relations
Andrea Stone - Mother - alive Jerome Pierce - Father - alive / no contact Emmanuel Stone - Stepfather - alive Elijah Stone - Stepbrother - alive Gabrielle Stone - Half-sister - alive
Everyday Skills
Quinn’s got a strong affinity for STEM subjects: Mathematics, engineering (electrical and mechanical), programming, etc. His particular field of interest, however, would be robotics and artificial intelligence. He’s managed some truly impressive breakthroughs in the field and plans to pivot his focus entirely on his research once he retires from the hero gig.
Outside of that, Quinn doesn’t exactly have a ton of time for hobbies. He dabbled with music for awhile but that was just a travesty. The kid may be a genius, but he ain’t an artist. He just signs ‘em.
He’s pretty handy with tools. And very good with money.
Fighting Style Quinn’s more quarterback than lineman. Brains over brawn and all that fun jazz. He takes a support position in combat away from the front lines, relying on his gadgets and more importantly, his robots to do the fighting for him.
He coordinates a team of five drones in combat. While these drones are equipped with A.I. that allow them to fight on their own, it’s not unusual for Quinn to make adjustments on the fly or even take manual control should the situation require it.
Awareness. Via video and audio feed from his drones, Quinn essentially has eyes and ears potentially anywhere on a battlefield. Able to quickly and efficiently gather information from multiple angles makes it easy for Quinn to get a grasp on a situation and come up with a plan.
This can prove invaluable when working in a group, allowing Quinn to easily relay information to his allies and coordinate their efforts.
The nature of Quinn’s style lends itself to a certain amount of adaptability and versatility. While it’s impossible to have a tool for every situation, given enough information and time Quinn can usually come up with something. His drones are designed to be easily re-equipped, either to cover for a weakness in an ally or exploit one in an enemy.
However, that’s not always possible when in the heat of battle, so the biggest advantage Quinn has is that his drones are expendable. As long as he can get away, he can always rebuild and fight another day. That’s not a luxury most heroes have.
Take out the head and the body will die.
The most glaring weakness Quinn has is...well...himself. Sure, he might be able to handle himself in some schoolyard scrap but at the end of the day, he’s not suited for actual combat. He’s not super strong. His skin can’t stop a bullet. He can’t move things with his mind or shoot fire from his hands. Hell, he’s not even a good shot with a gun. If someone who really wants to hurt him gets past the drones and finds him? Well...that’s all she wrote. And without Quinn calling the shots, the drones are little more than scrap metal.
Furthermore, Quinn is entirely reliant on technology to be relevant. There do exist those capable of nullifying or even manipulating tech, and Q just doesn’t really have an answer for that.
Q lives and dies by his equipment.
The most essential pieces of which would be his sunglasses and smartwatch.
The sunglasses, aside from being stylish as fuck, serve as a convenient, non-intrusive heads-up display for Quinn. They are capable of projecting a sort of AR interface with which Quinn can interact. It’s easier than lugging around a laptop all the time. Less conspicuous too. Through these, Quinn is able to monitor the camera feeds from all of his drones simultaneously in real time. Super handy.
The real heavy weight, however, would be the smartwatch that Quinn is never seen without. It’s a custom bit of hardware, running a custom OS. It’s more or less a fully functioning computer on the boy’s wrist. It’s through this handy device that Quinn commands his drone squadron. It wirelessly connects with the robots and allows for remote operation, editing of their programming, along with a slew of other functions. It also acts as Q’s skeleton key - a way for him to connect to other devices or networks. For those...more covert missions.
Now, onto the drones.
There are, for all intents and purposes, three types of drones that Q utilizes: slave drones, HERO drones, and experimental drones.
These drones are primarily used to gather information. They are not equipped for combat and are considered the most expendable of the lot. As such, they typically are not equipped with any sort of A.I.
Of these, there are two models which Q frequently uses: Spyders and Flyers.
Good for infiltrating buildings or quiet scouting, these mechanical arachnids are equipped with equally tiny, yet fragile, cameras and mics. They also come equipped with a USB connector (three headed, for A, B, or C) which, if connected to another device, can give Quinn remote access.
Equipped with a much longer range camera and thrusters which allow for flight, these funky looking bots are Q’s go-to when it comes to scouting. They’re quick and quiet, ideal for watching people Q would rather not know they were being watched. They also serve as the primary way of transporting Spyders to their destinations. Their cute little arms allow for some manipulation, but they’re not the most dexterous. Mainly useful for prying off grates or lifting windows.
These drones are those designed specifically for combat, search & rescue, and other heroic duties. Quinn has made a number of these since joining the academy, but his most commonly used would have to be Q-bot series. They’re among the first designs he ever made, but they were a hit with the kids. So much so that there’s even a children’s television program based on them. They have their own toy line and everything, so even if he wanted to replace them, he kinda can’t. A redesign, however, may be in the works…
These drones are equipped with highly advanced A.I., capable of making decisions within perimeters set by Quinn. He doesn’t have to manually control each little movement of the drones, just issue commands and make adjustments as needed. Unfortunately, we’re not exactly to the point of fully automated heroes just yet. But he’s working on it. He is capable of manually overriding controls of each drone if need be.
Just for fun (mainly to help boost merch sales), the drones even have their own distinctive “personalities” based on their characters within the show.
Along with the specifics mentioned below, all Q-bots are equipped with audio-visual hardware allowing for high quality video and audio to be captured and streamed back to Quinn, or for Quinn to broadcast a message from their onboard speakers. Unless specified otherwise, Q-bots are also equipped with foot and back mounted thrusters, allowing for low-altitude flight and high speed movement.
Portrayed as a bit of a hothead, RED is the de facto leader of the Q-bots. It stands at about four and half feet tall. At the end of its arms, RED is equipped with a pair of retractable “hands” that can be used to mimic a sort of jackhammer. They can also be extended and used as a pair of whips, should the range be required.
BLUE is the responsible second-in-command of the Q-bots, urging caution where RED lacks it completely. This somewhat high-strung robot looks after the others as if they were its children. Also standing at about four and a half feet, it’s equipped with a riot shield and a nightstick for subduing criminals who won’t comply. Alternatively, it has two shoulder mounted “cannons” that are capable of firing rubber bullets. The original design had a gun, but well...guns and children’s television don’t exactly mix nowadays.
The Eeyore of the Q-bots, GREEN is everybody’s favorite pessimistic, likely clinically depressed robot. It’s relatable or something. It is definitely the tallest of the Q-bots, standing at about five foot even. As its design might hint, GREEN primarily attacks through kicks with its oversized, heavily armored legs. It is also capable of rotating its upper torso 360 degrees. Not always useful, but it comes in handy in niche situations. A much more useful and handy ability, however, is its enhanced jumping. Its legs are based somewhat on a frog’s, and perform a similar role. They’re very springy. GREEN can tighten these then release them suddenly to propel itself high into the air.
A true hero, YELLOW is the polar opposite of GREEN: painfully optimistic, eager and willing to go above and beyond, and ever vigilant of the forces of EVIL! Honestly, this bot’s a bit much. It was made to be a bit more clumsy in the show. Obviously, that’s a bit harder to portray in real life without compromising the mission. So any and all clumsy YELLOW bits are pretty much all staged and manually performed by Quinn for the cameras.
It’s also four and a half feet tall. As for combat, YELLOW is the most heavily armored of the Q-bots and likely the first one into the fray. It relies on punching and bashing to solve most problems.
Let’s be clear: PINK wasn’t intentionally designed to be “the girl robot.” But the showrunners thought it was too good an opportunity to pass up. They insisted on making some changes to the design to better fit their idea. They weren’t really a dealbreaker, and Quinn even copied them over to the real life equivalent. Essentially, he just slimmed the bot down overall. Its got the lightest armoring out of all the Q-bots, but it also has the lightest equipment. This translates to PINK being the most agile of the five. It is equipped with a telescopic stun baton, the idea being that while the others distract an enemy, PINK could slip behind and stun them.
Like most of the others in the series, PINK is about four foot six.
These drones don’t exactly fit into the other two categories. Typically, these drones are never seen or heard about. They are primarily used by Quinn to test new functionalities or for research. Of these, only two are of any note: Brobot and WHITE.
Brobot interesting creation. It was originally designed as part of a series of prototype next generation Q-bots. Of the series, only Brobot was created before Quinn scrapped the project. Not wanting his work to go totally to waste, however, Quinn decided to use the chassis to host a new AI he was working on. A social AI, capable of having unscripted, dynamic conversations with a human partner. And it was successful. The data Quinn gathered from this little experiment led to the “personalities” in the current Q-bots.
Rather than just scrap the bot after the experiment, Quinn modified Brobot’s AI. It now serves as a personal assistant and bodyguard. Brobot’s got little to no combat applications, and as such, will not be deployed on missions. It’s sole purpose is to make Quinn’s life at the academy a bit easier.
Brobot wears clothes. Quinn’s not sure why or when that happened, but it happened.
6’0, black base paint, white armoring on torso, legs, and helm.
Everyone’s done things they’re not proud of or that they don’t want to do. For Quinn, that something was creating WHITE. See, WHITE represents a dark truth. That sometimes, there are some really bad people who do some really bad things. And the only way to stop these bad people are for the good guys to do some bad things too. WHITE wasn’t designed to subdue a criminal or rescue a civilian in trouble. WHITE was designed to kill.
Quinn hasn’t had to use WHITE yet. And he dreads the day that may change. So it waits, in some dank, cramped storage locker by the waterfront in Brooklyn.
Enhanced Intelligence
Quinn’s brain is essentially a supercomputer. He’s able to perform incredibly complex calculations at staggering speeds. His memory is near flawless. His capacity for perception, analysis, and deduction are far beyond those of an average person’s. In combat, he’s able to split his focus across five separate drone feeds without missing a beat.
While Quinn is incredibly smart, he’s not all-knowing. He may be one of the foremost experts on the topics of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, but he knows little of physics or the intricacies of medicine. And while sure, he may be able to sit down and learn about these other fields, just knowing about something doesn’t mean one knows how to implement said knowledge. Such things require experience and practice. He’s got that in his field, but it’d take years for him to gain that in another.
And let’s be real: being a nerd isn’t going to win him any fights. Without his robotic tools to help him out, Quinn might as well be powerless.
At five foot eight, Gabrielle’s pretty tall for her age. It was pretty much inevitable to be honest - both Mom and Dad were skyscrapers. She’s cool with her height, albeit a bit lanky and awkward. But given that she’s so close to being taller than her brother Quinn, she can’t help but rub it in every chance she gets. So that makes things a bit better.
Unlike her brothers who are both quite dark, Gabrielle took her mother’s light skin as well as the smattering of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Outside of a bit of acne on her forehead, her skin’s pretty much clear. Lucky girl.
Gabrielle doesn’t often wear her hair up, so it tends to fall in tight curls down to about her shoulders. Her brows are kept neat, though she is a bit gun shy about plucking towards the inner end. As for makeup, she doesn’t tend to use it often. And when she does, it’s little more than mascara and lipstick. It’s not that she doesn’t feel like she needs it - god, she has suitcases under her eyes! - but more that it’s too much of a pain in the ass.
And let’s be honest, she spends most of her time stopping assholes from doing terrible things. Who is she trying to impress? Some criminal scum? No thanks. One of New York’s finest? Unless the NYPD has started some sort of junior division, any dude with them that’s into her is probably going to end up behind bars anyway.
Clothing wise, Gabrielle’s something of a happy medium between her brothers. She’s not into the cutting edge of fashion, but she does at least put a little more thought into it than just whatever she touches first in the closet. Granted, it’s mainly graphic tees, band shirts, and distressed jeans, so it’s not A LOT of thought. But she may wear a dress or skirt in the spring or summer. Maybe. If she’s feeling it. Who knows? Don’t hold your breath.
Hero Appearance
Gabrielle actually based her costume design completely off her brother Eli’s. Her’s is also a black jumpsuit with white gloves, boots, and center strip. The difference, however, is that she has a large, bright orange heart front and center of her costume. And while she’s also opted for no cape, she did decide to grab a bright orange domino mask to match the heart.
Persistence personified. That’s Gabrielle Stone. It doesn’t matter what that girl is doing, she just doesn’t give up. That’s a source of pride for her. She’s a hardworking, diligent girl with goals she’s gonna achieve. And that’s that, really.
Now all things considered, Gabrielle’s a pretty laid-back girl. Unless it’s important to her, she’s not going to get worked up over something. The little things just aren’t a big deal. That’s why they’re called little things. Duh.
That being said...she’s got a super competitive side to her. Sports. Fights. Games. It doesn’t matter. The girl just likes to win. She wants to be number one. Can you really blame her? She’s not one to get super salty if she loses, but she won’t be happy. Mainly with herself. Don’t just let her win though. If there’s one thing she hates more than losing, it’s being looked down upon.
She’s a bit stubborn, but...that’s just kinda par for the course with the Stone/Pierce kids.
Gabrielle’s one of those people that can really just talk to anybody. And does. It’s an easy way to make friends or learn interesting things.
Notable Relations
Emmanuel Stone - Father - alive Andrea Pierce-Stone - Mother - alive Isaiah Pierce - Half-brother - alive Elijah Stone - Half-brother - alive
Everyday Skills Even without cheating with her powers, Gabrielle’s pretty good at basketball, and any chance she gets, she plays.
While she’s not exactly super into video games, Gabrielle’s got a soft spot for Pokemon and Mario games. It’s not really something she advertises. Not that there’s anything wrong with that it’s just...not really something she cares for other people to know.
As of last year, Gabrielle is officially CPR certified. And she knows her way around first aid. Honestly, she’s considering a career in Medicine. It’s not officially THE PLAN yet, but it’s likely.
Fighting Style
Stoneheart is most comfortable fighting in the mid-to-long ranges, where she can lob projectiles, assault the enemy with guided strikes, and generally harass and wear down her foe. In a team setting, she offers control: limiting the enemies movements and options and setting her allies up for delivering harder hitting blows.
The ability to fly and to directly interact with objects despite maintaining quite some distance means that Stoneheart is fairly safe in combat. Typically, she can outrange most opponents or even subdue them before they know what hit them. In less ideal situations, her less than direct method of fighting still gives her options to overcome a more powerful enemy.
She’s at her strongest in an environment with plenty of small, heavy or sharp objects. Think a knife store or a gym.
As Stoneheart relies entirely on her abilities to fight, she’s at a huge disadvantage if forced into hand-to-hand combat. And with her reliance on sight for her ability, anything that hinders her ability to see weakens her in turn, i.e., fighting at night, blinding her, or invisible/camouflaged enemies.
She’s at her weakest in an environment clear of clutter. Think the open desert or an empty warehouse. If she doesn’t have access to things to throw, her options become quite limited. Stoneheart just doesn’t have the heart to do something drastic like choke someone. She's more likely to flee than fight in that situation.
Essentially, Gabrielle can move things with her mind. While she can only really budge or push super large objects, smaller ones she has no trouble lifting, tossing, catching, and manipulating with just a thought. She’s even capable of flight, although she’s still not exactly the most graceful thing in the air.
While her strength could be better and is definitely something she needs to work on, her precision with her ability is spot on. The girl’s a helluva shot. Don’t play her in basketball - she’ll win.
As mentioned earlier, Gabrielle’s a little on the weaker side when it comes to just how much she can lift when compared to others with her ability. She could, at max, lift herself and one other, should they be of average height and weight and holding onto her. Theoretically, she should be able to lift say three hundred pounds of weight plates. But as the object gets larger, it’s harder for Gabrielle to actually lift, even if it does fit into her theoretical weight limit. Take a trampoline for example. Unassembled and in the box, Gabrielle can lift it no problem. Put that sucker together though, and at best she can tip it over. Maybe slide it across the ground. Size and shape really play more of a factor than weight, to be honest.
It may be something she could overcome given time and experience, but for right now, it’s a bit of wall.
She also requires a direct line of sight with whatever she’s influencing. At least to begin with. She’s got enough spatial awareness to say, have an object orbit her, but just blindly reaching out and grabbing an object in a room if she doesn’t already know where it is? Not possible.
Appearance 🍉 Al stands at 5'11, with lean, well defined muscle formation. He looks like a bit of a beanpole at first glance, but a closer look will reveal an extremely toned form. He intentionally keeps himself thin to stay quick and flexible, but don't let that fool you. When he isn't using his powers, his hair is a bold, almost bloody red with bangs that fall as low as his shoulders. He takes the colorful punk-aesthetic in stride, and pulls it off pretty well (if you ask him). When he gets fired up and kickin' his hair goes ghost white. Thanks to his well-played off Albinism, his eyes are a bright red that almost match his hair, and his skin is as pale as you'd expect. He's got a handful of tattoos thrown across his body with no rhyme or reason, and if you ask him what meaning they have he'll call you a dumbass, because none of them mean anything.
Hero Appearance
🍉 Alec's suit is his casual wear. A White jacket with blue trim, a torn to shit black V-neck tank-top, a necklace with a vampire fang pendant, dark blue skinny jeans and black combat boots that are permanently untied, and a blue mask with a red X over his eyes. However, thanks to the fellows at Venture, all of his clothing has some pretty sweet modifications. His jacket and tank top are both made from an ultra-light, ultra-durable Kevlar that prevents puncture wounds from sharp objects or bullets, and both are fitted with dozens, and I mean dozens, of throwing-knife holsters and retractable cabling with enough tensile strength that when combined with his powers can be used as grapples. His jeans and boots are made from similar materials, and both have additional hidden knife-holsters. His boots were specially made for shock absorption, allowing him to stick landings from greater heights than the average person. His mask and necklace however, are just that. A mask and a Necklace.
Personality 🍉 Alec only believes in what he can stab, see, and kill. He's got a grim perspective on life and death, and a my way or the highway attitude that makes him difficult to get along with, and nearly impossible to work with. More than anything he considers himself a survivor, and since doing his own thing has got him this far, why the hell should he change? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? He's notoriously difficult when it comes to cooperation, and hot-headed enough to fight anybody that tries asserting dominance or authority over him. He's too stupid to know when he needs help, and too stubborn to ask for it even if he does, and thanks to his attitude he's stuck doing low-level missions that don't require more than a single hero, despite how skilled of a combatant he is.
He's never been one to trust, and the only people he's ever gotten close to getting along with are those too afraid or too submissive to defy or challenge him. However, as long as you don't try and oppose him directly, he'll let any sort of behavior or activity slide.
Notable Relations 🍉 Himself That's it. No, Really. That's it.
Everyday Skills 🍉 Alec can fix anything, cars, bikes, broken bones, doesn't matter. If it can break, he can find a way to jury-rig it back together. He's got a knack for repairs, and he's a master when it comes to first-aid.
🍉 Alec is a skilled survivalist, drop him in the desert with nothing but the clothes on his back and he'll find water in a day, food in three, and a place to sleep near both in a week. It doesn't matter what environment you place him in, he'll figure out what can and can't be eaten, what animals are worth hunting, and how to sustain himself indefinitely. Not that the Academy would ever get so sick of him they'd dump him in the middle of nowhere for a wild goose-chase of a mission, but if something like that came up, the powers that be know who to assign.
Fighting Style 🍉 Alec is a master of mixed martial arts, hand to hand combat, the works, and if he can't take you down by stabbing you with his knifes or pummeling you with his limbs, he'll use those handy retractable cables of his to hog-tie you faster than you can blink.
Strengths 🍉 Any situation in which Alec doesn't have to use teamwork is his play-zone. Thanks to his powers and equipment he's got impressive close to mid-range combat skills, and his maneuverability makes it easy for him to reach those distant targets pretty quickly.
🍉 Thanks to his training Alec is extremely flexible, and can dodge duck and weave with the best of them. That combined with how quickly he can jump, flip, and slide around make him a tough target to get a bead on.
Weaknesses 🍉 Alec doesn't play well with others, and improvises his every move. So he's a serious flight risk in any mission involving teamwork or careful planning and tactics.
🍉 Alec doesn't have any heightened physical abilities along the lines of strength, speed, or durability. He's tough as nails, but a punch from somebody with super-strength or just getting shot can put him down for the count if he's not careful. He may be a bad-ass with an iron will, but a broken leg or a punctured lung will hurt him just as much as anyone else.
Equipment 🍉 Knives, knives, and more knives. Want to make somebody stop running? A throwing knife does the trick. Want to pull somebody nice and close? That's what hook-knives and retractable cabling is for. Want to get on a roof and don't feel like using the Elevator? His Grappling blades got it covered. This guy has more blades and knives on him then a sporting goods store.
Strengths 🍉 Perfect Projectiles Alec is able to curve anything he throws, any way he wants, Knives just happen to be his favorite thing to throw. He can hit a target 30 yards away, or hit every corner in a room from behind a cracked door. As long as he knows where he's throwing, he can hit it.
Weaknesses/Limitations 🍉 Physics exist, so he cant make something he throws ascend after it hits it's peak height. He can't makes something fly forever into the distance, and he can't hit something a mile south in a cave.
🍉 Alec has to either see the path he's throwing a knife, or know the area he's throwing. While he can throw a knife that'll do a full circle around his bedroom and land between someone's fingers with his eyes closed, he doesn't have the same type of accuracy in an unfamiliar environment.
🍉 Alec Does not have an enhanced ability to throw, he can throw harder and farther than most because of years of grueling training and practice, but his ability to throw is by no means a power, and things like distance and flight-time are definetely restricted to what would be expected of a powerless individual. His only power is the ability to have thrown objects follow the path of his choosing to a super-human extent. (For reference, the world's current records for farthest accurate knife throw is 101 feet)
🍉 His hair changes from Red to White when he is in active combat/on mission. Because why the hell not.
Hero Name (She's still working out what she wants to be known as, so hasn't stuck on a 'hero name' just yet)
Age 18
Gender Female
Ethnicity Northwest United States
Nationality US citizen
Detailed Information
Appearance Kat is tall, standing at 5' 10"(177 cm) and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and well-muscled limbs. Her hair is a dark red, and waves and curls down to her upper back. Her eyes glow faintly and are a brilliant purple color. Her face is faintly dotted with freckles. Her skin is pale.
Hero Appearance
Personality Kat is bright and full of life, and usually carries a winning smile on her face. She knows the world isn't perfect, but with a bit of work, she can make it better. And in the end, that's what matters. She earnestly believes that people are generally good and don't turn to a life of crime without reason and that it is her responsibility to learn and help as best she can. She works hard to be the best she can be, whether that's in the gym, on the field, or in the classroom. Some might see her as Naive or an unrealistic idealist, but she carries herself with confidence and remains a bright spot in the world nonetheless. One could accurately say that she holds herself to the highest standards of heroism, striving always to do what is right, even if that has put her at odds with rules in the past.
Notable Relations Adoptive mother, Quark.
Everyday Skills Basic first aid training, including CPR Has taken up photography Makes a mean smoked salmon(but is constantly annoyed with the taste as atlantic salmon just doesn't taste right to her) learning welding(you know, if the whole hero thing doesn't pan out, at least she'll have a useful skill that she can apply with her power!)
Fighting Style Kat is very straightforward in her approach to fighting, aiming to incapacitate quickly with immense bursts of power and physicality. Able and willing to take full advantage of 3D space when fighting, Kat is able to strike blows from unusual angles, and additionally move and dodge quickly with her abilities.
Strengths Speed and power are the name of the game for Kat, and she excels at close range combat, using her abilities to get and keep herself close to her opponent, or able to quickly disengage when needed.
Weaknesses Long fights will wear on Kat and opponents able to keep her at a distance will find she has little to offer at range.
Equipment Handcuffs
Strengths Plasma Jet- Kat can emit a high power burst of plasma from any part of her body. These 'jets' enable her to enhance the strength of blows, assist in dodging attacks, and even enable flight. On a smaller scale, they allow her to weld items together or set things aflame. In close combat can be used directly on opponents, though this is something Kat is averse to doing. She additionally is resistant to high temperatures and pressure and through use of the jets, can be considered to have higher strength, agility, and speed.
Weaknesses/Limitations Although allowing flight, Kat can't go too fast unless wearing something covering her eyes. A bug to the eyeball at high speed is not a fun time and before learning this did once lead to a few broken bones upon crash landing. Kat's jets also can't reach out beyond a foot and a half from her body. (She's theorized she might be able to increase the range with time and practice, but hasn't made any headway in that regard.) Her jets take a lot of energy to maintain, so excessive use will leave her drained.
The energy that powers her jets shows itself in her eyes, which glow faintly purple and will become brighter or dimmer accordingly to her use of her power.