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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Plightz


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leaning back on his chair after handing his 'real' form. He grinned at himself for for thinking of what he just did. (Same Clubs from the previous form, Swimming and Home Eco)

Looking back at everyone, all of them seems to have almost finished their forms and then he spots Evan and Evangeline, and from what he can see, that Evangeline was expecting something from Evan, her eyes screamed that, which made Jeremy snicker lightly. "What does she want from him? She looks like she really wants something." he asks himself, them he sees her smiling like the Joker. Barely being able to contain his laughter, he used his hand to cover his mouth.

After that hole charade, he looked around at his fellow classmates for the year, and all of them looked really interesting to say the least. "This year will be really fun, huh?" he says to himself and leans back, putting his feet on his chair, yet again, but this time is a bit more careful.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frey


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Section A
The teacher had ignored Sonya's bad behaviour. He ignored the rude comment, the lollipop, and the random paper airplane. But as soon as he read her form, a deep sigh left his lips. He placed his hand on his face, before taking his glasses out and pinching the bridge of his nose.

Mr. Tadashi stood up and placed his glasses back on before speaking, "Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately." He instructed. Mr. Tadashi grabbed a paper from his briefcase before going over the list, "Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo." He announced. The tone of his voice changed when he said the first name, and he didn't bother hiding it. Clearing his throat, he proceeded, "Hisakawa Masaru and Evangeline Guiliani." He glanced around the room before looking back at the paper to see the next pair, "Jake Andronikashvili and Patrick Harren.. Ichishori Arasake and Kirra Argant.. Evan Lance and Conner Reinsberg.."

He continued to announce the rest of the seatmates. After everything was over, he put the paper back inside the briefcase and looked at the class. "Please sit with your seatmates. After that, you have your free time until the bell rings for break." He said. "One more thing, due to some.. bad behaviour from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends." His gaze momentarily landed on Sonya as he spoke. There was a slight visible smirk on his face as he took a seat and continued to do his paperwork.

Section B
"Has everybody passed their forms?" The teacher asked. Once the students murmured a yes, she stood up and looked at the class. "Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." She instructed. Ms. Yoshioka grabbed the list of seatmates from her desk and read it aloud, "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi."

After reading everyone's name, she placed the paper back on the table. "I hope you all get along with your seatmates. For now, you have free time until break, so feel free to get to know your classmates more." She told them with a small smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yosh


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When Evan's aunts had told him they were enrolling him and his brother in a private academy, he had expected the student body would consist primarily of spoiled brats. From what he's seen so far, the kids there were more quirky than anything. He had given Evangeline the benefit of the doubt earlier, thinking the wink she given him as he turned to fill out his form was just something he had imagined. But with the way she was grinning at him now, he was sure she was one of the quirky ones. It was almost unsettling, but not in a necessarily bad way. He was just relieved the students were interesting people and not snotty like he had expected.

With that in mind, Evan brushed off Evangeline's strange behavior and managed to meet her gaze as he replied. "It's nice to meet you." Before the conversation could go any farther, the teacher was talking again. He seemed to have lost his cool a bit, but with the shit Sonya was pulling it was understandable. Evan was half-listening to what Mr. Tadashi was saying, the other part of his thoughts elsewhere. He idly wondered what it was like in the Section B classroom, but Tyler would surely tell him later. Or maybe Alyssa could. She was in Section B, right?

"Evan Lance and Conner Reinsberg."

Evan snapped to attention as his name was called out, followed by another he didn't recognize. He looked around the room as the other pairs were announced, trying to guess who this Conner was. Hopefully they were someone he could easily get along with.

"One more thing, due to some.. bad behavior from someone in class, you will have homework."

Evan couldn't help but groan along with the rest of the class. Homework on the first day of school? He discretely glared over at Sonya. She was probably happy with the punishment. Nerd. He sighed and stood up as everyone found their seatmates, still unsure of who his was. The students began to pair off, so Evan decided to try his luck instead of awkwardly standing by his desk. He approached a rather tall boy with unusually colored hair and gave him a friendly smile. "Would you happen to be Conner Reinsberg?
Tyler glanced up once the teacher began talking. Instead of watching her as she talked, he took the opportunity to look at his classmates while he listened, since there was less of a chance of making eye contact with someone while they were all focused on the teacher. No one really stuck out to him except a girl with soft pink hair. He also noticed a few of the students sending pitying glances at a girl with dark hair and became a bit curious. It wasn't his place to pry, but he decided to keep an eye on her just in case. He faced the teacher as she called his name, accompanied by one he hadn't heard before.

He bit down on the remainder of his lollipop as everyone around him found their seatmates. Why couldn't it have at least been a name I recognized? he thought with a small sigh. No one had claimed the seat next to him earlier, so maybe his seatmate would notice he was sitting alone and put it together that he was her partner. He looked around the room nervously, hoping that would be the case.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Plightz


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Quietly sleeping on his chair, he was snapped awake when the new teacher said, in a rather ticked off tone of voice;
"Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately." Well who would blame him, Sonya did pull alot of shit to grant his anger, Then beginning to call the seatmates names he wasn't paying too much attention until his name was called out."Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo.",

"So I am sitting with Queen trouble herself huh?" he thought to himself, quickly standing up and sluggishly walking the the seat next to Sonya, he waved at her and sat back down trying to sleep yet again. While everyone around the room was shuffling to their designated seatmates, he was about to snap back into the dreamworld when;

"One more thing, due to some.. bad behavior from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends." said the teacher with a small smirk on his face. Much to the tangent on the class.

Groaning with the rest of the class and sighing at this, "Damnit, I didn't feel like doing anything later." he said under his breath. He noticed menacing glares from all over the room, not directed towards Jeremy but towards Sonya. "She's enjoying this isn't she?"

"Well we have free time, what do we do now?" he asked no one in particular and at the same time finishing his lollipop, popping it out of his mouth and throwing it, he gets another lollipop and unwraps it and puts it into his mouth.

"Yum Grape"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Iris felt the pitying looks of her classmates. She had learned to notice stares. You would just get the feeling you were being watched. When Ms. Yoshioka announced seat mates Iris wondered. Who is this Alexander guy? Was he part of that really loud group?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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The red-head busily thought and thought of her first steps of socializing with her new soon-to-be friends, repeatedly glancing at her classmate who was blind, noting her first on the list,until someone's quiet whisper rang in her ears;

"You do know that even though she is blind she can still tell when someone is staring at her"

Maiko's heart jolted to see a boy who's expression seemed stern.
A soft whisper of an "Oh!" escaped from her's lips as she turned away, hoping that the girl didn't take acknowledgement of her worrying contacts.
By then,she turned back to the boy who warned her and mouthed out a Thanks with a small bow of her head.

"Has everybody passed their forms? The teacher asked the class. "I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." And so,pulling out a form,she started;
"Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi."

Maiko then started to look around the classroom for her seatmate whom she apparently never knew, "Tyler".
She had to move since another pair has to sit on her empty paired places.
Awh..why away from the window?" She glumly thought to herself with a sigh.

A few minutes already passed and everyone was still settling down, including Maiko who was frantically searching for Tyler in front of the classroom.
Once there were only less people moving around, she laid eyes on a boy siting alone with a lollipop still stuck in his mouth. His auburn hair covering half of his eyes as he nervously turned his head from left to right. Seems like he's also looking for his seatmates.
"Could that be him,perhaps?"

The red-head hesitated for a few seconds, thinking to let Tyler find her instead, but then again, both of them were unknown to each other.
So. It's was now or never.
Clutching tightly onto her backpack, Maiko paced towards the boy and gently patted his shoulder. "Hello,there. You must be Tyler, am I right?" She asked with a small nervous smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Alex muttered "you're welcome" Alex then grabbed his stuff and moved to his assigned seat next to Iris. Alex then said "Hi my name is Alex"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tokki
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Totally eager to find out who his partner for the rest of the year was, Alois paid full attention to the teacher as she stood up and looked at the class.

"Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." She instructed.

The teacher picked up the list from her desk and read it aloud, "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi." and then placed the list back where it was.

After everyone had their names called out, they began to sit up and shuffle around the class to their destined seat-mates. Alois, having recognized Harumi as the quiet girl he'd seen in the principle's office along with the others, thanked his lucky stars that he was being partnered-up with someone he knew beforehand so he wouldn't have to look clueless asking around for who 'Harumi' was.

The odds were in Alois' favor, having to scan the classroom for a girl with bright pink hair; whom he found about two seconds later- seated two tables away from the windows. She made no signs of movement after the teacher had finished calling out the names, so he figured he would just save her the trouble and set up over where she was.

Alois stood up from his seat and dragged his trolley-bag noisily between the small space in the middle of the class as he made his way towards the girl who seemed to be lost in her thoughts. He lifted the trolley onto the wide window-sill and took a seat next to his classmate, who had her head turned in the direction of the windows.

He looked out the windows alongside her, and decided that that would be a good time to introduce himself. With a slight jerk of his chair, he tried to make his presence known so he wouldn't look like he was talking to the walls.

"Hey there..." he began, "My name's Alois. You're Harumi, right? I remember you from the principle's office..." he trailed off as he looked her up and down. He extended his arm for a handshake and smiled at her. "Since we're stuck together for the rest of the year, let's get along well, yeah?" ending his introduction with a light chuckle.

Alois still had his arm stiffly outstretched and shifted in his seat awkwardly as he awaited her response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nichinichisou
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"Okay, I assume everyone is done handing their forms in? Then, I will announce the seatmates. After you hear your name get called, go and sit with your seatmates immediately."

Yay. Seatmates. I mean, this was just processing in her brain while everyone was groaning and shit. That's why she was puzzled, because she didn't hear anything before this. But yeah, seatmates. Very original. She thought that the seats they were in were going to be their seats for the rest of the year, but nope. It was a bit confusing, but she went with it. There really was nothing to complain about so far. Maybe the next thing coming up? She didn't know.

"Sonya Belrose and Jeremy Ireneo."

What a fucking coincidence. She got seated with the only person that she really knew. I mean, that was surprising, actually. She just met Jeremy in the auditorium, and now she's seatmates for him for the rest of the year. Yay. Hooray. This is going to be so exciting. I am so surprised. I'm purposely repeating myself over and over to make it seem like I'm happy.

Please sit with your seatmates. After that, you have your free time until the bell rings for break."

Okay, so we have free time...until we have free time. Great schedule, really makes sense that he have free time until we have even more free time. I thought they planned out the first day with actual work and shit? No? That's just me? Okay.

"One more thing, due to some.. bad behaviour from someone in class, you will have homework. I will announce it five minutes before class ends."

That's what they were groaning about. Really? About homework? Shit you'll get for the rest of the year, until you're out of college? Fucking wimps. I mean, homework really isn't that hard at all. All you have to do is answer questions that are usually about what you learned that day or what you already should know. Now she's going to hear 'LOL YOU'RE SUCH A NERD' for the rest of the year just for this. It was really annoying, how your fellow students could get over the simplest of things.


"Come on people, it's not like you have lives or anything?" She said, trying to annoy the students further. While they were heavily annoying, it was a bit fun trying to piss them off. And it was true. They don't have anything to really do after school, unless the girls are huge sluts and the guys are manwhores, then they don't have 10 people trying to follow them around asking for anal sex.

Hell, now she's getting glares. It didn't really matter. Maybe she'll blow up the school. Probably. That'd be fun. Just kidding. I mean, then they'd scream 'RUN FOR YOUR LIIIIIIIIIIIIIVES' and shit as well. And judging from the glares, they might actually think that she'd enjoy this. Because obviously, she's a neeeeeeerd now. At least now they have something to do, other than jumping inside of TVs and beating monsters with imaginary friendly monsters.

Oh look, a reference.

She also noticed Jeremy sitting next to her after a while. There was nothing really wrong. Hey, maybe she wouldn't have a social life? She wouldn't mind. That means that she doesn't have to deal with friends' social life, because then they'd be asking other friends for help and then they might ask her for help as well.

It'll be like an ask for help simulator, or maybe it'd become Elite Beat Agents all over again.


And shit like that. That'd be funny. Then she wouldn't help them, because that'd be heavily annoying anyways. I mean, it might seem cruel, but if you can't deal with your love life yourself, you shouldn't even have a love life anyways.

Advice from Sonya, the troublemaker as of today and the rest of the year. Hooray. Yay. Now everyone's going to die because of a cliche terrorist attack from 5 miles away, and somehow they will blow up the school? Why? Because it's an anime RP, why the fuck not? The GM can do anything she wants anyways, so it won't make sense at all in the end. That's how RPs end up, right? Everyone dies, right?

That's what's supposed to happen, right?


Oh, and Sonya waved back and shit. I got carried away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Has everybody passed their forms?" The teacher asked. Once the students murmured a yes, she stood up and looked at the class. "Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." She instructed. Ms. Yoshioka grabbed the list of seatmates from her desk and read it aloud, "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi."

Alyssa looked up seeing the teacher walking into the classroom. Finally! The lesson could start. As soon as she said her name and some Mina girl. Alyssa looked around trying to find this 'Mina' girl. And then a girl spoke to her. She turned her head and smiled at the girl. It was Mina! Alyssa couldn't help but to giggle since it was weird that they were seatmates and Mina just spoke to her and such.

"Hello there. Its nice to meet you, Alyssa." And with that she extended her hand to shake with Mina. Her new seatmate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Masaru froze, not because of the damned girl who made them have homework, not because of homework, no, he froze because of something much more entirely worse than homework: seatmates. Masaru has always been home schooled, having no friends, and now, all of a sudden he has to sit with someone? This was way too sudden for Masaru, Masaru couldn't handle it, his temperature was going up, he felt sick, he felt ill.

"S- seat... mates..." Masaru whimpered out as he held his hand up to his forehead, it was hot, absurdly hot for no apparent reason. Inside of his head he wasn't faring any better, his mind was in a complete war zone, with the only mental image that could compare to the inside of his mind were small little mini Masarus' running around in his head, panicking as they threw around pieces of paper.

First the backpack... and now this? Masaru looked down at the backpack, and at the sight of it, his mind went into an even more panicky state, he still had yet to solve the main problem at hand: What am I going to do with this backpack? Masaru began to shake, he was afraid, afraid of what was going to happen, but in all reality, nothing was going to happen, Masaru was just overreacting. They're going to make fun of me, I have to get out of here... I have to..." Masaru turned his head to look out the window, a beam of light entering his eyes, and then, as if Masaru had suddenly just turned into one of the world's smartest people, an idea popped into Masaru's head.

Masaru stood up, walking over to the teacher, completely forgetting about the backpack - but this was all part of the plan. Masaru then did a slight bow towards the teacher. "Mr. Tadashi, please let me go to the nurse's office, I believe I have a fever and I'm burning up. Please tell me the homework as well." Masaru was still burning up, his internal temperature staying at a burning 106F (41.1C), but inside of his head, Masaru was celebrating.

If I can avoid leading this classroom without my backpack, if I can avoid sitting with a "seatmate" for today, all just by getting sent to the nurse's office, then maybe, just maybe I'll be able to go home and never attend here anymore! Masaru thought, the miniature people inside of his head jumping about.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It's nice to mee-" Evangeline went to return the notion, but was cut off by the teacher speaking. Her gaze traveled back to Mr. Tadashi as he explained the seating charts and that the group had homework. She couldn't help but join in the groans everyone was producing, and even put her face into her palm. It was true they we're going to get homework all the time, but no one wants homework on the first day of class. No one.

Eva gathered herself as she looked for her seatmate Hisakawa Masaru. Quickly she realized that everyone had paired up and the only person left was the boy at the front asking the teacher something. Evangeline's cheerful smile turned into a bit of a pout. "Is he asking for another seat mate?" the girl thought to herself, plopping down onto the chair that was assigned to her. She promised she wouldn't cause the boy any harm. Was it her hair? Was it her smile? Did she smell? Evangeline quickly did a smell check.

Nope, that wasn't the case.

It was then she noticed the item on the floor next to her seatmate's chair. A backpack. No, not any backpack THE backpack. The backpack from the drawing. It was meant to be that these two sat next to each other! Evangeline's frown turned all the way upside down into a grin as she leaned over and hoisted the backpack up on the table for everyone to see in plain sight. "Masaru!" Evangeline called towards the boy in a much too loud voice. "This backpack has sealed our destiny as friends!" she exclaimed, removing the drawing from her pocket and displaying it up in the air for him to see. It was certain, she was sure of it.

Poor Masaru. The boy stood no chance again Evangeline.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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"Hello Alex, once to meet you. I'm Iris, though you probably already know that," Iris said. She concentrated on his voice. She calmly added his to her list of people she could recognize by voice. She stood up and decided she needed to talk to more people. She would relly on voices to identify them. Iris started humming, luckily the classroom was still quiet enough for her to be able to use echolocation to map out the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yosh


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"Hello there. You must be Tyler, am I right?"

Tyler instinctively flinched away when he felt someone tap his shoulder. He hadn't noticed the red-headed girl approach him, so he was caught off guard when she spoke. He shifted his body so that he was facing her instead of the window. Though he wasn't sure what to make of her just yet, she seemed to be nervous as well. Tyler tentatively smiled at her and took the lollipop out of his mouth. "Mhm. You're Maiko?" Just talking to someone new was enough to stain his cheeks with a pink blush. Tyler spun the lollipop stick between his thumb and forefinger and glanced down at his hands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Alex thought to himself "she seems pretty friendly" Alex then leaned back in his chair and just looked around the classroom at the other students.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Has everybody passed their forms?" The teacher asked. Once the students murmured a yes, she stood up and looked at the class. "Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned." She instructed. Ms. Yoshioka grabbed the list of seatmates from her desk and read it aloud, "Harumi Yukimura and Alois Francis Jeon.. Mina Ko and Alyssa Summers.. Alexander Gildone and Iris Zero.. Tyler Lance and Maiko Nozomi."

"Hello there. Its nice to meet you, Alyssa," the girl next to her said. Mina grinned, shaking back. Wow, talk about coincidences. Mina was definitely sure she would be able to get along with her. Come to think of it, wasn't Alyssa part of that group from earlier? Mina mentally scolded herself, she should have introduced herself earlier to that group. Mina stopped shaking Alyssa's hand. "Ditto! Let's get along," she answered back. "So, what clubs did you sign up for?" she asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Waiting for a reply, the boy took out the lollipop out of his mouth and smiled at her.

"Mhm. You're Maiko?" With his cheeks starting to turn pink.

Maiko nodded with delight. "Yep. It's him, alright. And scooted herself beside him in her newly assigned seat, dropping her backpack at her side.
She slightly glanced down at him, making out to one fact that he was he may be the shy type. This made Maiko giggle in the inside and shed an embarrassed but polite smile.

She looked around her classroom to see everyone starting to socialize with each other with greetings and wishes.
Looking back at Tyler who's gaze was still fixed down at his hands, she herself might as well get started to making new friends. Guessing Tyler was her first step.
She might as well firstly build up her relationship with her seatmate, unless of course, they get changed.

"There's...no need to be shy,really." But deep down inside even saying this, she was even more shy than he was. Starting her first conversation with people who she never knew made her cheeks turn pinkish-red, but still doing her best to control and keep her words straight to make him feel calm rather than herself.

"Assuming that we already know each other.....let's be good friends, yeah?"
Maiko turned to full degree towards Tyler and reached out her hand for him to shake and let out a cheerful expression.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"Okay then, I will announce your seatmates. Go and sit with them after your names are mentioned."

Harumi was quietly looking at the scenery outside of the window. She could hear the teacher speak, but she couldn't make out her words because she was busy in her own train of thoughts. Harumi stared at the birds that chirped lightly as they stood atop the branches of a Cherry Blossom tree. She began to think about her family. Were they going to be fine without her? Who was going to prepare their breakfast? Different questions began to fill her mind, making her slightly worried.

"I hope you all get along with your seatmates. For now, you have free time until break, so feel free to get to know your classmates more."

As soon as she heard this, her train of thoughts broke, and she could hear the noise that came from the students moving around the classroom. She let out a deep breath, wanting to enjoy the scenery before moving to where her seatmate was. In the first place, she didn't know who it was because she didn't pay attention when the teacher announced the seatmates.

Harumi was about to stand up when a voice spoke beside her, catching her off guard. "Hey there..." She looked at him, and she recognized him to be the guy that she met in the principal's office. "My name's Alois. You're Harumi, right? I remember you from the principle's office..." Before Harumi could respond, he reached out a hand and smiled, "Since we're stuck together for the rest of the year, let's get along well, yeah?"

Harumi gave him a small smile before reaching her hand out. She placed her hand over his and gently shook it, "Yeah. it's Harumi. Pleased to meet you." She replied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by yosh


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"Mr. Tadashi, please let me go to the nurse's office, I believe I have a fever and I'm burning up. Please tell me the homework as well."

The teacher looked up at Masaru over the rim of his glasses, squinting slightly to give him a scrutinizing gaze. He'd seen similar situations before. There was at least one student every year that made themselves sick with anxiety on the first day of school. He gave a short nod in Masaru's direction and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He opened his mouth to reply, but was cut short by Evangeline's shouts.

"Masaru! This backpack has sealed our destiny as friends!"

A short, amused chuckle left Mr. Tadashi's lips as he turned his attention back to Masaru. "I'll write you a pass to the infirmary." He took a slip of yellow paper out of one of his drawers and began filling out the necessary information, then held it out to Masaru. He scanned the classroom quickly before his eyes landed on Evangeline, who was still holding Masaru's bag. "Evangeline, would you please accompany your seatmate and bring his bag with you. Here's your homework." He handed them their assignment and retuned to his paperwork, but not before adding "Use your map or the signs to find the infirmary, and don't goof around in the hallways."
"There's ... no need to be shy, really."

Tyler glanced up at those words, peering at his seat mate curiously through his bangs. It was hard to tell if she was trying to convince him or herself of that. He shrugged in response and cast his eyes down again, still spinning the stick between his fingers. He'd been told that ever since he could remember, some people even shouting it at him in frustration. It was a bit different coming from Maiko though. She seemed shy as well, yet she was putting it aside in an attempt to make friends. He felt it was the least he could do to try the same.

"Assuming that we already know each other.....let's be good friends, yeah?"

Tyler gave a small nod and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle shake. "Yeah, um, thanks." He returned her smile with a small grin of his own, mentally analyzing what he had said. He started to doubt his choice in words almost immediately. Why had he said thanks? Sure, he was grateful that she was eager to get along and talk to him, but would she know that was what he was thanking her for? Of course not. Normal people don't thank others just for talking to them. Maybe if he said something else she would forget he said that. "So, what clubs did you sign up for"? There, that was better. The blush on his cheeks had gradually darkened to a soft red that contrasted against his pale skin and made his freckles stand out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryu
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Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

Masaru slowly grabbed the homework, stepped back, bowed down slightly to show respect, and quickly left the room, giving no time for Evangeline to catch up. My plan is slowly failing... Masaru thought in his head as he clenched his left hand. Masaru then stopped, not for Evangeline, but for more time. Masaru needed help, and he needed a lot of help, with the small little Masarus' in Masaru's head slowly revolting against him, he couldn't think up of some genius idea when all he could hear inside of his head was, "You're stupid." and "No, you!" and then the very occasional

Masaru slowly got down on his knees, turned towards the direction of the window, and clasped his hand together, closing his eyes and bringing his head to his hands. Kamisama, please, give me an idea, what do I do?! I don't want to bring around this backpack anymore! If someone walked around the corner and into the hallway and looked upon Masaru, they would have thought he was either A. very religious or B. crazy.

"Help me... please..." Masaru said. Masaru, realizing that no idea was coming to his head - nor would some god help him with such a trivial thing - stood up and looked down the hallway.

And then, like last time, an idea formulated inside of his head.

"I can run..." Masaru muttered under his own breath. "If I can get away from that... girl who I'm supposed to sit next too and get to the nurse's office alone, I'll be good... I can run... yes..." Masaru raised his hands in the air, his face grinning. "I... CAN... RUN!"

Masaru, without anymore hesitation, took off sprinting down the hallway.

Of course, one single thing did not occur in Masaru's head. He had no idea where the nurse's office was, he didn't even check the map or signs.
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