Ryu said
I don't like cats

Ryu said
I don't like cats
CoyoteKisses said
AW MAN THIS AnImE is 26 episodes long ! bye
Ryu said
... What... what am I reading?...
CoyoteKisses said
Ryu said
Okay, children friends
Do I control the teacher, or does Frey control the teacher?
Please answer that question so I can post something or continue to wait.
CoyoteKisses said
^you can sit here and be a cool wall like me. sleeeeeeeeek
CoyoteKisses said
*slaps your rugged wall*BE SMOOTHHH AND SLEEEKK
Tokki said
-7 years later-Alois still has his arm out for a handshake from Harumi...
WinterNightSky said
Sorry 'bout that! Been busy with school preparations. It starts tomorrow. I'll write a post now :)