Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

“Aaaand done!” Alexander exclaimed as he set down the large box was carrying. He and his family had just finished moving the last of their stuff into their new apartment. It was spacious with a large den connected to a dining room. The kitchen had white marble counters, brand new stainless steel appliances, and a spacious island in the middle of it.

“Umm son a little help,” a voice said from behind two massive cardboard boxes.

“Sure thing Dad,” Alex rushed over and grabbed a box revealing his father. Damien Masters was a short balding man in his early forties. His hair was the same fiery red as his son’s.

“Whew,” his father wiped a hand over his sweaty brow,” Thanks. How are you not sweating?”

Alex shrugged, a smirk playing on his lips,” Maybe I got lucky and didn’t inherit your sweat glands.”

Damien rolled his and ruffled Alex’s smoothed back hair, much to the teenager’s dismay,” Yeah well thankfully you got my rugged good looks.” He looked out the large window that dominated most of the living room’s wall,” Man it’s really coming down, didn’t know Japan was so wet.”

“That’s what it’s like in autumn here dear,” a melodious voice sounded from the kitchen. A moment later a tall woman with short dark brown hair stepped out from the kitchen doorway. Her blue eyes flicked between her husband and son with an amused glint in them,” Reminds me of Shieffield to be honest.”

“Only less goats,” Damien laughed.

Alex rolled his eyes at that. Shiefflied had been a nice place but was surrounded by goat farms. Heaven forbid you commuted by car, there was rarely a day the roads weren’t filled with goats. Alex wandered into his new room jsu as his dad opened one of the boxes and began rummaging through it” Patricia dear have you seen my note book?”

“It was in the-“

Alex closed his door and slumped in the chair by his desk. The movers had come in yesterday and moved their furniture and most of their belongings in. what boxes they had just unloaded were last minute knickknacks and the like. His room was large with a queen size bed against the far wall. A pair of book cases holding all manner of romance, mystery, and true crime novels. There was a flat screen tv mounted on the wall. Alex’s desk held his laptop and a thin black case that held his old hunting crossbow. He took a look at the clock above his desk read 8:38.

He stretched and stifled a yawn. Tomorrow would be the first day at his new school. I wonder if Japanese schools are any different from European schools. Welp I’ll find out tomorrow. With that he stood up and trudged over to his bed. He was asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
Alex gave himself another once over in the mirror. Looking good. He smirked and ran a hand through his auburn hair, smoothing it down. He grabbed his silver pocket watch and bag and started to the door. His mother was in the kitchen fixing breakfast. Alex grabbed a bagel and started smothering it with butter.

“Morning dear,” his mother said cheerfully,’ How’d you sleep?”

“Like the dead,” Alex bit into his bagel,” Gotta get to school early. See ya Mom love you.” He gave her a peck on the cheek and jetted to the door.

“Hey don’t you want a proper breakfast!?” She called after him.

“Gotta get there early for the ceremony!” Alex slipped his shoes on and rushed out the fornt door.

His mother shook her head and chuckled softly,” Like father like son.”
Alex was able to easily find the train to Satoru High School. He jumped onto the latest train and took a seat. He saw a pair of girls looking his way. They each had book bags meaning they were stu8dents. Alex flashed them a smile garnering a blush from one and a giggle from the other.

“You two going to Satoru High as well I gather,” Alex said.

“Yes,” One of the girls said,” I’m Aiko and this is Emiko.” She gestured to the still blushing girl. They both sported soft brown hair. Aiko was slightly taller and kept her hair in a ponytail while Emiko let her hair stay unrestricted. They’re both rather cute too.

“Alexander Masters,” he stood up and gave a flamboyant bow,” A pleasure to make the acquaintance of two lovely young ladies such as yourselves.”

Emiko giggled,” So are you American?”

“Well I was born there but my family isn’t really into staying in one place for too long,” Alex chuckled,” But I’ve a feeling we’ll be here for a while.”

“Well then let me be the first to welcome you too Japan Mr. Masters.”

“You are too kind,” Alex lightly grasped her hand and gave it a chaste kiss,” And please call me Alex.”

She blushed slightly before chuckling,” Trying to charm me right out of the box hmm?”

“Is it working?”

Before she could reply the signs above the door lit up.

“Entering Satoru Distract. Two minutes to disembarking platform.”

“Would you ladies be averse to my tagging along with you for a bit,” Alex scratched the back of his head," I confess I’m not at all familiar with where the school is.”

Emiko looked to her friend who simply nodded,” Alright.”

The three walked to the school at an easy pace. Alex had been able to get a few words out of the shyer girl. He found out they had been friends since middle school and were first years. As for Emiko she was rather chatty, asking him about places he had been and other such questions. When they reached the school gates they had to go their separate ways.

“Good luck on your first day!” Emiko shouted as Aiko led her away. Alex watched them go with a smirk.

I have a feeling this will be an eventful year. Alex turned on his heel and started toward the Gymnasium. Once there he spotted several other students just standing around, each more than likely waiting for the ceremony to start. He pulled a small book form his bag. It read ‘Autumn’s Grasp’ on the cover. May as well get some reading in while I’m waiting.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Celeste was broken out of her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned her head and was met with the sight of a small girl with long white hair and red eyes. "Hello!" She chimed. It took awhile for everything to sink in, so instead of responding, she gave her a small smile instead. "So, what do you make of this grand session?" Celeste thought about it for a second before opening her mouth to respond,


"Oops, I'm sorry! I suppose I should ask your name first. I'm Rika Tachibana, what's your name?"

Celeste smiled at her before reaching her hand out, "You can call me Celeste. It's nice to meet you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"As my father said, I'm here as a special teacher. Mainly filling in here or there wherever I'm needed." Masanori replied rather flatly to Nanase's inquiries. The principle watched the two like some kind of predator, eying the two up and down before he responded himself. "Good good! Planning ahead is important, it shows professionalism." Raijin stood stock straight, putting a hand on his heart. "Ah, it warms my heart to see the youth of today be so professional and respectful. Truly am I blessed with such students." At that point, his head turned to stare at something past Nanase Suzu, gray eyes fixated on whatever was behind her. "Ah, I see. Well it appears preparations are almost complete, the director however needs me so I'll go attend to that." As he was walking away he gave his son a look that Suzu couldn't quite read.

As soon as his father was out of earshot Masanori shook his head with a sigh. "Crazy old man." The detective stuck his hands in the pockets of his coat. "So, you're a senior right? Any ideas what you want to do after you graduate?" Masanori leaned against a nearby wall, his gray eyes a mirror of his father's, except where in Raijin's there was a crazy warmth or happiness, Masanori's were calm, with a touch of curiosity and calculated interest. They weren't dull but not bright either, his eyes were guarded, as if they were steel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rika flashed a cheerful smile to the red haired girl. "Wow, Celeste? That's such a pretty name!" She quickly took hold of the girl's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "It's nice to meet you as well!" A moment later, she looked around the area, before turning back to Celeste. "There are a lot of students at this school huh?" She casually held her hands behind her head. "I mean, I wouldn't really know since I'm new here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Suzu narrowed her eyes at the response she got. Maybe it was true but she wasn’t quite buying it. A detective hanging about seemed all to suspicious to simply be a 'special teacher'. But maybe that was simply the case and she had read one too many scarey stories. The principal at least seemed not to doubt this at all. ”Thankyou, sir.” She responded idly, turning her head back in the direction the man's eyes were pointed at. She simply nodded to the next statement, her eye twitching lightly at the look the man gave the son. Suspicious... She thought to herself again. Despite trying to shake the feeling she couldn’t get passed the feeling of something seeming amiss here.

The next response took her for surprise a bit, but perhaps it shouldn’t have. The son didn't seem to have much respect for his father, though she wasn’t one to judge. After all she knew nothing of their history. ”I am.” Suzu responded to the first inquiry immediately but paused before addressing the second, as if in thought. ”Perhaps a manager... somewhere.” She looked away as she spoke, her normally intense sharp eyed gaze growing distant, wistful even. The girl gave a cough into a balled hand before turning back to the detective. ”For the record, I'm not convinced you're simply here as the principals son. I don't intend to prod but I wont stand for the student body being disturbed. Tensions run high enough on the first day.” She stated directly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Masanori gave a small smile at Nanase's wistful gaze, it was a far cry from the up-tight show she had been running up to that point. However that wistful gaze left as quickly as it came, leaving Masanori on the receiving end of a pointed, serious stare. The next comment she made was to be expected.......... Except for that wicked curveball at the end.

"I don't intend to prod but I wont stand for the student body being disturbed. Tensions run high enough on the first day."

Masanori couldn't help it, he tried but not even his most assertive act of willpower could stop his normally controlled face from breaking into a gleeful grin as he laughed uncontrollably. "Hahahahaha, ahahahaha!" By this point the detective was nearly bent over laughing, his eyes starting to tear up. Finally though, after a few minutes he seemed to regain some amount of composure, his laughs dying down as he slowly stood up. Masanori wiped tears from his eyes, that grin still plastered to his face. "Oh wow, sorry I don't mean to laugh but that was priceless. The way you said that just..." The grin faded somewhat as the detective gained a wistful look of his own, his grey eyes examining every corner of the gymnasium around them. "This school has stood for 20 years you know, I grew up here. It's like my second home." His gaze refocused on Nanase. "Heck, I was student council president, like you. For two years!" His wistful look turned to a small smile and his normally cold gray eyes had a bit of warmth and glee to them. "So, forgive my little outburst, I really didn't mean to laugh. It was just such an unexpected comment."

Masanori's gaze turned to something behind Nanase, similar to what Raijin did earlier. "Well, it looks like the ceremony's about ready to start........" He squinted for a moment, brows furrowed in concentration. "Yup, alright. I've gotta go tell Yoshi to start letting kids in." Masanori turned and started to walk away, however after a few steps he stopped and, giving a grin over his shoulder said. "Good luck with that speech Madame President."
Mr. Akida finally allowed students to file in and be awed by the sight of the gaudy decorations. The colors on the chairs were unique to a specific classroom, 2-2 was blue, 2-1 was yellow, 1-3 was orange and so on. And so all students were seated based on their classroom. The teachers were all lined up off to either side, giving them a good view of the auditorium.

Once everyone was seated the doors were closed and the lights went out, leaving everyone assembled in almost complete darkness. Only the very, very dim light of the high up paper lanterns provided any form of light. A click resounded as a brilliantly bright light shone on the center of the stage, revealing Principle Satoru in his plain black suit, dark, sharp edged sunglasses adorning his face. He stood tall, regal almost. Raijin Satoru snapped his fingers, giving the cue for a couple students with electric instruments off to the side to begin playing. Electric guitar riffs and the pounding of drums sounded throughout the auditorium as lights began flashing all over the stage.

The principle began casually walking toward the front of the stage where a microphone stand awaited him. As he passed flares began to ignite behind him, illuminating the already bright stage even further. Finally he arrived at the mic stand, where he merely held out his arms, the signal for the music and lights to cease. Once they did he removed his sunglasses and tossed them off away, taking the microphone from the stand and donning a brilliant smile.

"Welcome, one and all, to Satoru Academy. For 20 years this school has educated the young men and women of the future. For 20 years have I watched so many students come and learn, then go on to fulfill their dreams. And I am proud of each and every one of them." His voice was warm, like a father boasting of his child's exploits. "You all have so much potential, literally nothing is out of your grasp. Now, some would say it's a principles job to keep his students in line and run his administration with authority, and dignity. This is true, however it is also my responsibility to allow you to grow and find who you are. I, no, we the faculty, will always be here to help. We are here to provide you with whatever you may need to pursue your dreams. And so I welcome all you new students, and I welcome all of you returning students. Welcome, to my family, to your family."

With that he replaced the microphone and took a step back. "And now ladies and gentlemen, give a roaring round of applause, for your Student Council President, Nanase Suzu!" With that Raijin looked over to the backstage area, where Suzu had been told to wait, and gave a come here motion with his hand before clapping with the rest of the auditorium.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh great, now everyone's getting involved... Tim thought to himself as another student joined in on his conversation. Thankfully, the class president was called away, leaving him alone with this new guy. The boy bit his lip nervously, and struggled to come up with something to say, but he already stumbled with Suzu, and her certainly wasn't interested in making a fool of himself again. Thankfully, he got a reprieve when they finally started letting students into the auditorium. The boy breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness!" He exclaimed louder than he had intended to. He felt bad when he realized how rude that likely came across, and tried to make up for it. "Oh... uh... I mean... um... thanks... uh... it's nice to meet you..." He stammered, and then ran inside the auditorium in a hurry to look for a seat before the other guy could respond.

Gah, that was stupid. Stupid stupid stupid! He shook his head, and facepalmed as he sat in one of the seats where his class was supposed to be. Why do I always mess up when talking to people?! Now they probably think I'm a weirdo or something... Ugh, it's going to be a long year... Thankfully, there were teachers around directing everybody, otherwise Tim wouldn't have had any clue where he was supposed to go. Ugh, I hate being a new student...

Once everyone was seated, the ceremony finally began. For a few moments Tim forgot whether he was at school or a rock concert. The lights had been dimmed, paper lanterns were decorating the stage, they had people playing electric guitars and drums in the background, flares ignited as the principal walked to the mic stand, the man was even wearing sunglasses which he dramatically tossed away. Tim's eyes narrowed in disapproval. You are not a rock star sir... Get to the point already! It was a bit too much in Tim's opinion, and he didn't understand why he needed to make such a big entrance. He didn't go to rock concerts normally because they were so loud and obnoxious, and he really didn't feel like being at one when he was supposed to be at school. He didn't voice those thoughts however. Who was he to complain about how things were done in a different country? Besides, everyone else seemed to be enjoying the show.

Much to Tim's relief, after the show was over, things proceeded as these sorts of events were supposed to go. The lights came back on, the music stopped, and the Principal made a speech welcoming them all to the school. Nothing that he hadn't heard before, when he was attending middle school. He basically sat there tuning everything out, and let his mind wander on to other things. Like that adorable grey puppy he passed by at the animal shelter on the walk to school. Once the principal turned the mic over to the class president whom he had spoken to some time earlier. He clapped along with everyone else, and started paying attention, and wondered what it was she was going to say. She was probably nervous, he knew he would be if he had to make a speech in front of the entire student body. From what he saw of the president, he knew she could handle it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well that was interesting... Tsukiko thought, making a mental note to practice that glasses throwing move the principle did. She couldn't see much because the boy in front of her was taller than she was, but leaning over to the side let her see that much. Her neck started hurting from holding it bent like that though, so she settled back into her seat and crossed her arms with an inaudible Hmph. She tried to see again when the student council president was called forward, but she could only see enough to wonder why someone named 'Nanase' was wearing boy's clothes. She contented herself with looking upset again until she could hear their president speak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Naganori was relieved when they were finally called into the gymnasium. standing outside in the sun wasn't exactly easy. Not to mention all of the extra heat given off by everybody in the crowd. He followed closely behind the people he had lined himself up with as they passed through the doors of the building. Naganori wiped some sweat off his forehead when they entered the shade, and then looked around.

The decorations were certainly a little extravagant for an event that would only last one morning. There were several high-lamps, spotlights seemed to be placed around the gym, and there were several contraptions on the stage whose purpose Naganori couldn't say for sure. His attention was suddenly drawn by numerous teachers who were directing the students into their proper seating areas marked by colors. He saw the area where his 1st-year class was assigned and slowly walked through the crowd to reach it. He didn't really care whoever he sat next to (he was a new student anyway) so he chose a seat randomly and hoped he wouldn't be disliked by the students seated near him.

Not long after he had taken his seat, and the entire crowd was now sitting down, the doors of the gym closed behind them and the entire place went dark. He could barely see a few feet in front of him even with the high lamps still shining. "I wonder what they're preparing while it's dark..." Naganori thought. His question was answered in a matter of moments .

Suddenly, a spotlight activated and showed someone on stage. It was a man in an all-black suit and sunglasses, standing with a confident manner. "Umm... Has someone been watching Men In Black lately?" Naganori thought almost sarcastically. Before he could think further on the matter, the sound of electric guitars began playing through the darkened gym. More lights began activating as students on the stage began rocking out to music in the midst of rave party lights and flares shooting up from the ground (the flares following the man in the suit in perfect timing as he crossed the stage).

"What... The Hell is going on?!" Naganori thought confusedly. Sure the entire presentation was entertaining and impressive, but he kept wondering what the point of it all was. It wasn't anything like the welcome ceremony he had been expecting.

A little while afterwards, the music stopped and the suited man had tossed his sunglasses away and was speaking into the microphone. The colorful light show had stopped, and the gym was illuminated normally again. The man introduced himself as the principal of Satoru High. For some reason, Naganori had been half-expecting it to be the principal, and half-expecting it to be somebody else. Mainly because he never knew principals to behave in that manner. Still, he took it as a good sign that the school would be more interesting than he originally gave it credit for. "Not to mention richer than I first thought. Seriously... They expend this many resources for a few minutes of the opening ceremony? How much money do these people have?"

The principal then called upon the student council president to give a welcome speech. The woman that walked to the microphone wasn't as eccentric as the principal, but very notable all the same (In the sense that she looked more like a boy than a girl, despite the obvious signs that Nanase was indeed female). She seemed to carry a clear air of authority and control around her, as opposed to the principal and some of the teachers. Still, Naganori clapped along with everyone and waited to hear what she had to say
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the detective began to laugh like someone told a positively hilarious joke Suzu could only look to the man like he was down right crazy. Taken aback by it all she could say during the laughing fit was a dull ”Eh...?” Ordinarily she would be rather annoyed by the impudence of someone laughing in her face but it took her much too off guard to fully process. When he finally regained his composure and began to speak the girl sighed, gripping the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb. ”Right, unexpected...” She muttered to herself shaking her head. This guy was unbelievable, and he was a previous president? He should have known full well what she said was true then.

When he finally headed out Suzu started towards the stage, waving dismissively as he left. When he was finally gone and she could hear the students filtering in from beyond the stage curtain the girl set her hands on her hips, idly staring up towards the ceiling. ”Was that too dramatic maybe? Maybe I've just got myself too strung out about all this.” Suzu said to herself with another light sigh in the confidence that the backstage had been emptied for the most part.

From behind the stage curtain she could hear the chatter of students gathering towards their respective seats followed by the click of lights turning on, then the sound of music pouring through the room. The principals voice boomed throughout even into the backstage where she stood. Standing just behind the threshold and listening to the speech she could feel her nerves beginning to rise on edge and began to glare even more than she normally did, even if it was not intentional. Finally she heard her name called followed by the sound of applause from the crowd.

The girl took a deep breath to steady herself before stepping out onto the stage. She strode over to the microphone confidently, her shoes echoing through the room with each step. When she arrived she gave the principal a nod before taking the microphone in hand and turning towards the crowd.

”Hello everyone, and welcome to the start of yet another new year. Be it students new or old we are all gathered here in effort to know and reach our own potential. Perhaps your plans are already laid or perhaps you are still searching for your own calling. Perhaps they have been laid out for you or you have chosen your own path. Regardless, we are all here to strive to better ourselves with each passing day.” Suzu spoke firmly and earnestly as she regarded the crowed of fellow students, her voice not booming out quite as loudly as the principal's but holding a solidarity of its own. She gestured out to the crowd as she spoke, then sat a palm against her chest before continueing. ”You may struggle and your path may even change. It may not come easily but we are never alone. So remember this, we are all here to better ourselves and so we must strive to help one another. To those new admittances, remember this as you go forward and carry these beliefs into your following years. And for my returning classmates, do not forget to show this same support to those who have joined us.” The girl paused to take a breath, shutting her eyes and remaining silent for a moment before looking back to the crowd with a smile.

”If any of you ever feel it is needed for whatever reason, do not be afraid to see me personally. Now, we move on towards a new year!” As she concluded Suzu thrust her free arm into the air enthusiastically, her fist balled before she let her arm drop and reset the mic upon its stand. She then turned towards the principal, extending her hand outward respectfully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexander held his gut with one arm and bit down on his other arm to keep from bursting out laughing. [i]’Oh lord this is priceless.’[i] He had heard that Japanese schools, particularly this one, were different from any other school he had attended but he hadn’t been prepared for this. Some students arou8nd him glanced his way but he paid them no mind as the School Council president walked off the stage. After a moment he got himself under control and wiped a tear away. Alexander grinned,” This is certainly going to be an interesting year.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaltonSezHi
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DaltonSezHi The Evil Magistrate

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

After being notified that the ceremony was going to be starting, Tetsuo went into the auditorium, separated from Tim, and settled down with some people he recognized from his grade, so that he wouldn't be completely out of his element.The ceremony started, and he could honestly say that he knew it was going to be something like this. He was aware of the budget and expenses the school was able to spare, as well as the theatrical nature of his principal, so he just sat back a bit and enjoyed the show, observing the surprised faces of the newcomers and cackling a little to himself. He could easily remember his first time, in which the principal hired acrobats to put on a circus-like entrance ceremony. Good times, he thought.

When it was finished, he watched as Nanase stood up there and delivered her rousing speech about following your dreams and all that. He had heard a similar one last year, but this time, he actually recognized the student who was delivering it, making it a little more special. There was a slight applause when Nanase finished, and he was one of the people clapping their hands.

He watched attentively as the principal walked up to the mic, and listened to what he was going to say.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rika's attention was called to the gymnasium as the teachers began ushering people to go in. She entered the gymnasium with Celeste, but lamented after finding the chairs were organized by class. Seeing the red haired girl go into the 2nd year section answered one of her questions at least. She proceeded to follow a crowd of students in the dimly lit room. After finding a seat between a quiet black haired boy, and a peppy brown haired girl she sat anxiously. She had been listening to the students before hand, they all talked about how "grand" the opening sessions for this particular highschool were. She could only let her imagination wander until moments later the gymnasium lights cut and the room went completely dark.

Rika could only close her eyes as the stage lit up so brightly in the dark room. The sound of electric guitars and drum sets banging on her eardrums. Okay. I could do with out the no dark, dark, then very bright combination! Reopening her eyes, she saw a man in a black suit striding across the stage with flares going off behind him in sync with his passing. Squinting at him, he was also wearing sunglasses. Clearly this guy had a flare for the dramatic. Though, with all the flashing lights she wished she had her own pair of shades right now. Despite all that, she smiled, as the showy entrance made it's conclusion and the suited man announced himself as the principal. That guy is our principal...Sweet! This is gonna be a fun next few years for sure! She excitedly thought to herself.

After the principal gave a short, but nice speech. He enthusiastically called the student council president to the stage. Rika clapped along with the rest of the auditorium. Nanase Suzu huh? I'll have to remember that one... Looking closer at the girl, she noticed she was wearing more male oriented attire. Damn! Why doesn't she have to wear a skirt? She thought, being a little jealous. Unless she was actually a boy, just with an odd name for a boy. She shrugged, and continued watching as the girl had concluded her enthusiastic speech with an arm raised high in the air. She couldn't help but mimic it at the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The principal took Nanase's offered hand, his eyes gleaming with pride and what looked to be admiration. "Well said Nanase Suzu, I expected no less of you." He took the mic and stared out at the crowd once more, examining a few faces before speaking. "That concludes the grand ceremony of Satoru Academy. Now some of you may have noticed that you are all seated according to class. So when the doors open here in the next few moments you will follow your teacher to your new homeroom. Starting with first year class A on through third year class E."

He paused, as if some thought had wondered into his mind and his face took on a wicked grin. "Oh that's right, I forgot something students. One more thing........" He held up his left hand high in the air, palm outstretched. Giving the signal for the entire stage to ignite in fireworks and flares. Small explosions of many colors went off above the students heads and the walls were ablaze with sparklers and flashing lights. And above all of this Raijin Satoru's voice rang throughout the auditorium. "WELCOME! TO SATORUUUUUU ACADAMYYYYYYYY!" And with that the fireworks display ceased and fizzled out, with the principal nowhere to be seen. Not even Nanase Suzu who was standing next to him saw where he went. But the doors to the auditorium were open and just as the first students were getting up a torrential downpour of glitter covered the entire student body like a fresh blanket of snow.

Mr. Akida tried to dust some of the glitter off of his helmet but to no avail. So with naught but a sigh he put it back on his head. "Class 1-A form up! To me students!" He called as he made his way to the door, and so the students left from 1-A all the way to 3-E.

Akida and his class entered the classroom that they would stay for the entire school year, it was pretty ordinary. Wooden desks, tiled floors, big windows. "Alright students take your seats. And if there's any disputes settle it civilly or I'll have to get involved." The way he made the last part sound was clear that he was a no nonsense type of person. When everyone was seated he took a stand at the desk at the head of the classroom. "Sicut erat in principio academiae!" He put his right fist to his heart in a salute and began writing on the chalkboard. "Yoshimitsu Akida, which is Akida-Sensei to you. I am your homeroom teacher and will also be your history teacher." With that he placed the chalk down and turned to face the class. "Nunc welps! Attendite!" He shouted before going into the standard first lesson.
An average height, rugged brown haired man wearing glasses led the second years of class C to their classroom which was identical to every other. "students if you'd please seat yourselves we can get started." The man spoke just loud enough to be heard but lacking any kind of force or authority. After all were seated he took a piece of chalk and started writing his name on the chalkboard behind him. "My name is Sanosuke Kogami." He pushed his glasses closer to his eyes with his right hand. "I'll be your homeroom teacher this year as well as the math teacher. So, let's get started." He rubbed his unshaven jaw as he flipped through his lesson book. "Now we'll start with some simple equations....."
A short, yet stout woman with chestnut brown hair tied into a loose bun led the third years of class B to their classroom, which was simple and boring, much like you'd expect from any classroom. Desks, windows, a chalkboard. "Students take your seats, I want no fights you hear me?" She stood at the door with her hands fold behind her back as the students all settled to their seats. She walked up to the chalkboard and began writing her name. "As you probably know I am Yumi Taichi, it's a pleasure to see you all again. I will be your homeroom teacher this year, as well as the English* teacher." She started leafing through her lesson book, finding what she was looking for she glanced up at her class. "So, shall we begin?"

After about an hour of lessons the lunch bell rang, signaling to everyone on the premises that it was time for a break. And so teachers took their leave for their lunch and students left quickly or slowly depending on how eager they were. And as some made their way to the cafeteria where food was sold, various students could be heard talking. "Hey did you hear the rumor?"
"No, what?"
"That if you gaze into the fountain in the park after midnight you'll see the future!"
"Pssh, no way. That's gotta be some kind of fairytail."
"I dunno man, why we don't go check it out?"
"Hmm, let me think, no."
*English, Japanese, I honestly have no clue. She teaches a language.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tim applauded along with the rest of the audience after Suzu made her speech. She certainly was a better speaker than the principal. She also must have been very brave to be able speak like that to such a large crowd, and make it look easy. Tim knew he would never be able to do the same thing in with the the eyes of everyone in the school watching him like that. He knew he'd choke from the anxiety. After that, the principal let everyone to their classrooms. Tim's homeroom teacher was that history teacher who was wearing the gladiator helmet he had seen earlier.

However, just as they were about to leave, the Principal had one last pyrotechnic display up his sleeve. The entire stage ignited in fireworks and flares at his command. Small explosions of many colors went off above the students heads and the walls were ablaze with sparklers and flashing lights. Tim flinched, let out a gasp, shut his eyes, and covered his ears hoping he didn't get hit by a stray spark. Above all of this Raijin Satoru's voice rang throughout the auditorium. After that, the fireworks display ceased and fizzled out, with the principal nowhere to be seen. The sixteen year old narrowed his eyes. Was all this necessary...?

The doors to the auditorium were finally open and just as Tim and some of the other students were getting up it suddenly started raining glitter covered the entire student body. The boy had to admit, this was the least obnoxious things about the whole display, even if his black hair was now sparkling from the glitter. He smiled, and laughed sheepishly as he wiped some of it out of his hair. "Well, that was a nice touch." After that, his new homeroom teacher led his students to their new classroom.

Once they finally got to his classroom, Tim quietly took a seat in the middle of the classroom. Not so far back, so as to miss the lessons and the teacher thought he was a troublemaker, but not so close to the front that people bullied him for being a nerd or a teacher's pet or whatever it is they use to bully kids who actually cared about their education in this place. After Akida-Sensei introduced himself in exactly the way he expected a man who goes around wearing a gladiator's helmet would, Tim took his notebook out of his blue backpack, and took notes as the first lesson began.

Tim didn't realize an entire hour had passed once the lunch bell rang. He had filled up quite a few pages of his notebook with actual notes, and a few doodles here and there. Wow, lunchtime already? It feels like class only just started. Not that minded the break. Even though he usually sat alone in the cafeteria, lunch was still his favorite time of the day. He eagerly headed off to the cafeteria, and purchased some food for himself, as well the lunch he brought from home. He wound up with a large quality of food to eat. Tim walked by a few other students who were in a group chatting about something, but he didn't really pay any attention to what they were talking about, figuring it was just baseless gossip anyway. He was more interested in the meal he was about to enjoy. The boy took a seat at one of the empty tables, and began to chow down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rika smiled as the principal announced that the ceremony was over. Definitely the most memorable school ceremony I've ever seen. Though, I wonder what graduation will look like? Well let's just hope I make it to see! As she was busy lost in her thoughts, she was quickly torn out of them by the announcement to follow your teachers out of the gym. She didn't quite catch the whole thing, she shrugged and decided she'd get up once the rest of the students did as well.

Rika looked at the principal for a couple moments. Something was off, it didn't feel quite over. And then, he got a wicked smile across his face and she braced herself for more flashing lights and sounds.

"WELCOME! TO SATORUUUUUU ACADAMYYYYYYYY!" The principal let out in the loudest most booming voice he could probably muster. Rika watched as the entire gym lit up, and just as quickly went out. As everyone stood up she did the same. Though suddenly glitter began raining from the ceiling, cascading over her and getting all tangled in her hair. At that point, she couldn't hold it any longer. She let out a very audible laugh. "That...was...awesome!" She coughed loudly between her fits of laughter. However, the teacher in the gladiator helmet announced he'd be the homeroom teacher for the first year's. And then she was reminded that she's still at school. Regardless, she carried a perpetual smile as the students were brought to their classroom.

Rika waltzed into the classroom amidst the students and quickly made her way to the back row of seats, and took the one specifically by the window. She sat and looked out at the rest of the classroom, a good vantage point to keep track of everyone. Not to mention she liked having the option of staring out the window if a lesson got too boring for her, so that's a plus. For once though she watched the teacher, Akida-sensei, go through the entire lesson intently. She had a sheet of paper she was recording various notes, not very neatly mind you.

Rika was relieved when class finally ended, she was dying to talk to one person in particular. She picked up from some students that the black haired kid in the middle of the classroom was an American exchange student, interesting. She smiled as she collected her things, looking over at Tim he seemed to set off for lunch. She looked over to a student nearby. "Excuse me, do you know if this place has a cafeteria. I was so rushed to get out this morning I totally forgot about lunch."

"Uh, oh yeah. I heard they had a cafeteria. From what I heard it's nothing amazing, but it's better than nothing right?" The brown haired student replied very relaxed.

Rika smiled and bowed to the student. "Thanks so much, you're a lifesaver." After that she quickly slung her bag over her shoulder and began making her way to the cafeteria. She stepped into the cafeteria and scanned the room. Bingo, she found her target. She swung by the counters and bought some stuff before making her way over to Tim's table. "Hello!~" Rika chimed as she stepped over and sat across from him, beaming the whole time. "So, how's it going?" She asked casually, unwrapping a piece of bread and starting to munch on it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noel
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When the microphone was taken from her Suzu took a step back, crossing her arms to her chest as the principal continued on with the entrance ceremony. It seemed to be coming to a surprisingly normal end considering the over the top events that began it, but Suzu already new otherwise. And the ordinarily stoic student council president could not help but grin. The explosion of colors and enthusiastic shouting was just like something out of one of the many manga she read. Still one thing did surprise her. She found herself blinking after the fire works display with the principal no where to be found. She scratched her head looking for any sign of the man but sure enough there was none. With a shrug of the shoulders Suzu proceeded back behind the stages curtain. After all it was still only the morning, there was a whole day left to get through.
Suzu made it to her first class without any hassle, and plenty early at that. She took a corner seat at the back of the class room located adjacent to one of the doors. This was almost always the seat she took just in case someone needed to find her during a class. It was the easiest seat to slip in and out of while avoiding making much of a disturbance actually. Fortunately the language class went by smoothly without any such interruptions. The first day of classes was always hit or miss. It could either be insane and hectic with any number of things going wrong or it could be smooth and calm with everyone simply winding into the return to school life. This year it seemed to be the latter.

When the language class ended with the sound of the lunch bell Suzu lingered for a moment, finishing up a couple of notes while various students filtered out of the class. When she finally stood up and stepped into the hallway the gossiping of a couple of students passing by caught her attention. The student council president set a hand on her hip with a light huff at the rumor, proceeding down the hall to the student councils room. Rumors were always normal in this school, or any school really, and they always turned out to be spawned from something silly when you really took the time to look into them. Still those weird little rumors about paranormal happenings were part of the whole flavor of school life and they usually did little harm.

When Suzu made it to the student council room it was empty as expected. Most of the members liked to mill about in the cafeteria or various club rooms on the first day. Suzu stepped over to a desk and thumbed through a couple stacks of paper before sitting down and stretching out, enjoying the bit of solace and quiet for the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Still shaking off some of the glitter that was dropped in the opening ceremony, Naganori followed the others as they filed into their classroom. He took a seat at the far side of the room near where the doors were, and opposite of the windows. It made it easier to exit the room, as well as being distant enough from where the rowdier students usually sat so that he could focus better on the lessons. Their homeroom teacher introduced himself as Mr. Akida. He was the man wearing the Roman helmet back during the ceremony. Though the mohawk of the helmet seemed to have gotten glitter stuck in it. Distracting as it was to have the helmet reflect the lights of the room like that, Naganori tried to not notice it.

Despite the eccentric get-up of their teacher, it was clear that he was someone whom rules were important to,and not to be trifled with. With that in mind, Naganori remained seated quietly, with a pen in his hand and a notebook on the table as their history lesson began.

It didn't take long for their morning lessons to pass by, and for lunch hour to arrive. After their teacher dismissed them, Naganori made sure his packed lunch was still inside his bag before heading out of the room. He had heard that this school, unlike most, actually had a cafeteria similar to foreign and international schools. He decided to eat there if only just to check it out. And besides, if there was a place like that, then they probably expected the students to be eating there.

Arriving at the cafeteria, he was dismayed to see the place almost fully crowded, with all of the tables occupied. Heck, there were even students sitting or standing on the corners to eat their food. He would have preferred eating alone (as he didn't want to intrude on anybody who may be eating with their friends), but he didn't really have much of a choice. He found a table that still had some free spots, where an American-looking boy and a small, very pale-skinned girl were seated. The girl seemed to be talking to the boy and neither noticed Naganori approach.

"I... Hope I'm not interrupting anything, but... would it be alright if I ate here? None of the other spots around the place are free." He asked, hoping they would be nice enough to allow him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nanase Suzu heard the door to the student council room open and close, accompanied by the sound of soft, yet deliberate footsteps. The student who had walked in, was one well known to Nanase Suzu. Hideki Onimori was his name, second year student, Captain of the School's Kendo Team, and her trusted Vice President. He was tall, nearly 6' with long, shaggy, dirty blond hair that still had glittter from the ceremony in it. He sported a bandage over his entire left eyebrow that wasn't there last time she saw him at the end of the previous school year. His grass green eyes surveyed the room before finally falling upon it's only occupant.

Hideki took a measured, yet relaxed stride up to the desk Nanase was sitting at and raised his hand in greeting, giving a small smile. "Mornin' Madame President, geez what a ceremony, I guess I should've expected it but it was still quite the surprise." He ruffled his hand hrough his hair to try and shake some more of the glitter out. A sigh escaped the young man as he eventually thought of the futility of it. He gave Nanase a subdued smile. "So, enjoy your first classes?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Tim was happily enjoying his lunch, one of the girl's he recognized from his class had decided to take a seat at his table. It was pretty hard to miss her, considering she was an albino. "Hello!~" The girl happily chimed as sat across from him, a smile planted on her face the entire time she spoke. "So, how's it going?" She asked as she unwrapped a piece of bread and starting to munch on it.

"Um... Well..." Tim began as he also took a bite on a piece of bread, and slowly chewed it to stall for time to come up with something to say. It was a little easier this time, because this girl wasn't as intimidating as the class president he had spoken to earlier, but he was still nervous. After swallowing his food, he continued speaking. "I-I-I'm alright... I guess... Um... You?"

And as that was going on, a spiky haired boy that Tim also recognized from his class, asked if he could take a seat at the table. Tim breathed a sigh of relief, and actually smiled a little bit for the first time since he got to this new place. From the tone of his voice, it seemed like this guy was just as nervous as he was. He must have been new here too. It was nice to meet another shy person. "Oh, don't worry, you're not interupting anything. You can sit here... Um... if you want to."
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