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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

This RP is closed! (We may open again in the future, so feel free to stick around!)

Welcome to Pharros! This is a newly found land, found by Professor Oak. Very quickly, he hired a group of workers to work on the land and make it a haven for Pokemon. He's kept it secret from humans and have let the pokemon live there in harmony. The land is full of places for the pokemon to explore and discover including cave systems and waterfalls and many many more secrets!

You find yourself in a large field, your home very near you. Other pokemon live there. Some of them are friends and some of them are new to the nest. Well, it's more a collection of nests. Several pokemon live together. Some of the preferring to stay with their own kind, other's more free to branch ouch. There is a small trail that leads to a hill at the top of the psuedo-village and in it lives the alpha pokemon. The pokemon that has proved to be the one and only leader. Some times they are challanged and other times they are simply revered. Most pokemon follow their commands and others prefer to do their own thing. This is where you find yourself.
You're a pokemon now! Your pokemon can either be young or old. They could have lived in the village a long time or are brand new to the village. I'll have a list of all the pokemon as well as who the alpha is. Don't worry, I'll make playing the alpha fair as I more than likely won't be playing it. I want everyone to have an equally fair chance to play what they want.

The way this should work is there's a sort of chain of command. The alpha, be it male or female has a mate. Should anything happen to the alpha, the mate would step in in their place until they can return. Most times the alpha is just a figure head but they can also command everyone to do something. Whether their follow or not is up to them. More than likely, the alpha will exists solely to protect the clan.

Just view this RP as your chance to romp around as the pokemon of your choosing. It's meant to be pretty chill and relaxed so don't worry about plot too much or messing anything up. We're just going to do it and see what happens.

(Nasty, but we have to have them. :P)

1) Be kind.
2) Be respectful.
3) If the GM tells you to do something, do it. (This won't shouldn't happen often.)
4) Character limit per role-player is TWO.
5) Usual RPGuild rules. Fade to black, no goddmodding. You should be used to it. If you're new to the site, just PM me and I'll let you know the 'what not to do's.
6) GM has the right to change the rules anytime they see fit.
7) Inactive characters will be removed from the listing after two weeks of inactivity. You may re-submit a character sheet for that character if you can provide a reasoning for their absence or you could make a completely new CS(It can be the same character).
8)This is in the Casual section. Three line minimum.
9)Have fun!
10)If you have read the rules, please put this somewhere in your CS. "Arceus is GOD."

And, what you've all been waiting for, THE CS!


Luke, Rin, and Amara

~ Animelover_princess~
Puff and Kir


~Driving Park~
Akria and Oscar Biffle

Beast and Bam-Bam

Tanga and Dee


We will also be deciding who lives with who. The nest are basically just as they sound. Nests. Where the pokemon sleep. So some pokemon will sleep together, some may choose to sleep alone. Only the Alpha gets the big nest. So when that time comes, the list will be put here.
Alpha: Luke
Alpha's Mate: Akira

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

im taking this spot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago



5 Years Old

Rin has been a part of the village for a good while now. He came as a stray and found his home with one of the older pokemon, Beast.


10 Years Old


Amara was born not far off from the village. Like most that gather in the village, she lost her parents. She lost her parents to pokemon hunters and fled to safety. She hid for a few days before realizing she was underneath and live nest. When she surfaced, she was met with a rather gruff looking Arcanine. She jumped back and began to run away, but Beast ran after her and took her in, eventually.

She's a very skittish pokemon, frightened very easily. Though once she's feels safe, she is very hyper and happy, preferring to play games with everyone.


Male Alpha

22 Years Old

Luke was voted Alpha just this year with his mate being Akira. He's only been in the village for a few years but so far many of the other pokemon respect and admire him. He was born in a forest a far ways off from the village where a brushfire killed or injured most of his family. He was separated from them in the confusion of the fire and found his way to Pharros where the village seemed to welcome him. It wasn't long before he became Alpha, being hot headed as he is. He's very stubborn and doesn't often take no for an answer. He does have a soft side however, if only for his new found mate. He met her within a year or two of being in the village. And a year after that, he became the Alpha, taking her along with him.

Luke has a rather large burn mark on the underside of his belly. He often stays a bit lower to the ground in an attempt to keep it hidden as one might think of it as a weak spot.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*Name: Puff

*Age: 19

gender: female

Defining Features: n/a

History: she lived most of her life in a field near a small town, the smaller children would often play with her and her siblings, however a fire broke out in the village and destroyed most of the meadow before they could stop it. most of the wild jigglypuff's were killed in the fire. Puff left the area and the bad memories. however she was attacked by a wild cyndaquil, she barely escaped and found her way to pharros, where she was taken in by a Kirlia, she hasn't lived there very long.

Personality: pissy, can be nice but is very easy to upset, is a total sweetheart when she's happy

Other: is afraid of fire and so being refuses to fight fire-type pokemon under any circumstances

*Name: Kir

*Gender: female

*Age: 29

Defining Features: one of the red things on her head has a piece missing, only a small piece.

History: she has lived in the village for a long time, having originally moved there as a ralts, some time ago she found an injured jigglypuff and took it in.

Personality: very nice and sweet. but she has a hidden mischevious side, and as such actually likes pulling petty pranks on people and is hardly ever caught.

Other: she doesn't want to evolve, at all, but she knows it's coming eventually, and has basically resigned herself to it

Arceus is GOD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Vee

Gender: StarshipFemale

Age: ? (Seems to be around 18-20)

Defining Features: Has a large scar around the base of her left ear.

History: Vee is fairly new to the village. She used to be a middle cub/pup(?) in a litter of 5 living in the wild before she found her way to Pharros. Her cuddly appearance hides the vast amount of knowledge and experience she has had living in the wild.

Other: Vee will be evolving soon. But as what remains unknown.

Oh and... Arceus is GOD. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


21 years old

Alpha's (female) mate.

Akira has a fiery temper to match her Fire type. She has spent most of her life in the village and would do anything to prevent harm from coming to it. As soon as she evolved into Ninetales, she dreamed of stardom at the top of the alpha's hill. Having prospected several mates, she was found by Luke and saw a potential alpha, allowing his advances. Soon he became the alpha, and is Akira's proudest accomplishment. She sits loyally by his side on the alpha hill, trusting his decisions but also not afraid to question them if need be. She has a certain degree of authority due to her type advantage over him and she knows it.

Her top mane is orange like the tips of her tails.

Oscar Biffle

14 years old

Your resident naïve Staravia.

Oscar found the village when he was abusing HM02 a year ago. He stayed in it because he saw it as an opportunity to prove that he was the best...around. He's super naïve, man. But he's also not actually that annoying. Most of the time.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

How many spots are still left?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darcs said
How many spots are still left?

Should still be 3. Two if you're gonna be a taker. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Darcs said
How many spots are still left?

Three! T3T
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Happy Beast

Narked off Beast

Name: Beast

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Defining Features: Three thin claw marks across the bridge of his muzzle.

History: Beast has been around the block, and is practically part of the furniture on Pharros, often seen bounding around with the 'cubs/pups' as he tends to end up looking after them. Despite his soft appearance, he's proven in the past he's a force to be reckoned with often changing temperament at the drop of a pin. Call him a mama bear but DON'T mess with his cub scouts if there is one thing he won't stand for is the youngsters getting hurt.

Personality: Beast's nature could be summed up with the word 'Guardian' because that's what he is. He's generally a laid back beast often preferring the company of the younger generations to escape being 'too serious'. Beast gets very nervous around others within his own age group often becoming withdrawn and unresponsive unless coaxed out of his shell.

Other: Beast's favorite pass time is playing with his fire based abilities.


Name: Bam-Bam

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Defining Features: The skull perched atop her head has a split vertically down over her right eye hole.

History & Personality: Is new to the neighborhood so is a bit of a mystery, she loves to spin a tales about her 'heroic' past, though she's not much of a hero. She has a really short fuse and is prone to throwing the occasional temper tantrum when she doesn't get her own way. She is at that tender age where following the rules isn't nearly as appealing as breaking them, she's quite the little 'Queen bee' in her own little world, though she will listen to both the alpha and his mate. She can be bossy to those her own age but mostly she tries to sweet talk them into becoming her accomplices when on the hunt for trouble adventure.

Other: Bam-Bam's favorite phrases are ''Bam-bam' and 'I'm gonna wreck it'

Theme Song: - Currently undecided-

"Arceus is GOD."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Just in case anyone is wondering, those that have already been put into the Poke-List are people from my other RP and they have already been approved by me. So there's no need for me to approve them. Which is also why they may or may not have the last rule in their CS. Because I know they know the rules because I created them in front of them. So yeah.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Tangaroa 'Tanga' Lyons

Gender: Female

Age: 8

Defining Features: Broken front and back claws, burnt face and front paws from excessive training and use of water as a way to attack.

History: Born as a rare breed of Shinx in the Sevii Islands, Tanga loved her life. Her pride was proficient in using water to boost the power of their own electricity when hunting and fighting. Her pride was easily the apex predators of the island. With pollution this changed, water became less conductive, invasive species like Muks and Grimers came about, and her tribe began to die.

This happened one year ago.

Over 75% of the tribe had been killed when the ecosystem changes were at their worst. The day of Oak's extraction of the island, a lone Kabuto escaping the detritus in the water. Tanga, running along the shore, happened upon the Kabuto by chance being assaulted by a group of Trash cloaked Burmy. With the Kabuto's assistance, summoning a pillar of rain, Tanga defended the Kabuto until an assistant of Oak's happened upon the two poisoned Pokemon. They were promptly healed and shipped off to the island, the two have been inseparable ever since.

Personality: Brash, strong willed and a hard head. Tanga is the kind of Pokemon to fight a Tyranitar and pull punches to avoid hurting him too much.

Theme Song: Kirbyesque
Island paradise represent

Other: A chosen courier of Democracy.

Name: Perhaps once, Tanga is unsure, but has taken to calling her shelled companion 'Dee'

Gender: Tanga is also unsure, she's not really an expert on this stuff. But she thinks it may be a guy.

Age: A little over 300 million years old (lived to the rip old age of 180 pre-fossilization, has been alive post-fossilization for around 25 years)

Defining Features: Incredibly small for a kabuto it's age, presumably mute.

History: Plenty, unfortunately he hasn't divulged any part of it.

Personality: Not much of one, the Kabuto simply follows Tangaroa wherever the young shinx goes, perhaps lost in thought.

Theme Song: The Anarchist's Nightmare, the Glorious Hymn to Nikkal

Other: An ancient harbinger of Democracy and Order, rival of the envoy of Chaos and Bloody anarchy "He who posseses the mark of the helix"
Order is Progress-- Arceus is GOD.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Lulz, accepted. I like 'em!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Save me a spot!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

i want in aswell if there is space, it seems like fun casual rp
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@ Destiny, of course. There will always be a place for Athalia RPers. I know you guys and it'd be stupid of me to turn you down. So even if there aren't any spots open, you guys are always welcome to join

@Vec, Yes. There are two more slots open!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Max
Gender: Male
Age: ±40
Defining Features:
~A straight scar coming down his right eye.
~His constant Mega-Evolution is due to him swallowing an Alakazite by mistake in one of his journeys.

History: Max was born a small Abra on the far away region of Kanto. He was found by a young then Prof. Oak on one of his usual journeys around the world, raising him to become his trusty companion and friend. He originally came to Pharros with Prof. Oak as one of his helpers but was astounded by the beauty of the region that he decided he would stay there. He still keeps in touch with Prof. Oak.

Personality: Max is a serious Pokemon. Trustful and dependable, he will protect what he thinks is precious to him with all his might. Although he is old by pokemon standards, he will still hold his ground if he were forced to fight.

Other: He sleeps with his eyes open.

whatdya thinks?

Arceus is GOD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I like it. It would be good to have an elder in the village. Also, Alakazam is awesome.

We'll wait to see what Rose says, but it gets my approval.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Driving Park said
I like it. It would be good to have an elder in the village. Also, Alakazam is awesome.We'll wait to see what Rose says, but it gets my approval.

ikr? Alakazam is my fav poke :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


wait how can they call this a pokemon
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