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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He slowly opened his eyes as he felt light hit his eyes and looked over to see the sun peeking up over the horizon. He yawned and slowly slithered his way to the exit, making his way toward the village. He didn't want to wake up Akira for fear of what she'd do to him if he did.

He looked around to see a few people out, mostly the older folks as the young ones were either still asleep or getting into trouble. He sighed and made way for Beast's nest, wanting to check in on some of the smaller kids.

"Knock knock..." He said as he made his way onto Beast's nest. Near him were several of Beast's cubs. None of them really his, just adopted in a way. He turned to look for Beast, wanting to know if the old man was up or not. Beast was only a year older than Luke, but still... He just seemed old.

The young Azurill opened her eyes slowly as she heard movement around her. She pulled herself up from sleeping on Beast's tail and smiled up at Luke. Seeing that it was just him, she laid her head back down on Beast's tail, content to stay there for the moment.

She'd have time to play later...

Rin was outside, playing in the mud nearby the village. He'd woken up well before daylight and had already made a run around the village two or three times, making sure to keep away from everyone. He felt it necessary to train himself. Now, he was just having fun, getting dirty as a young pup does. Still, he had to wonder how he'd managed to sneak past Beast so easily this morning. Was the old man that tired?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Beast -

Beast was in his favorite sleeping position, on his back with his cream underbelly on show his front paws resting on his chest and whilst his back legs were stretched out in a V, the other end of him his tail was curled up around his side, his head was rested back on the floor and his tongue lolled out the side of his mouth as he happily snored away. His ears twitched as he heard a familair voice call to him, pulling him from his marvelous dreams of fire and running

He cracked open his eyes blinking twice before he was able to focus on the perosn who was talking to him. Oh...Luke came to visit...-yawn-...!...LUKE! Seeming to come round quickly Beast squirmed on his back for a moment before carefully rolling onto his belly, not wanting to disturb the cubs as he did. He pulled his tongue into his mouth rapidly, bowing his head to the alpha in front of him. "Luke! What a pleasant surprise! To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" He asked, the corners of his mouth lifting in an attempt of a smile.

Smiling was something Beast had become very versed at doing, whilst he waited for Luke's answer he subconsciously did a head count of the cubs, his brow creasing as he was unable to locate Rin or Bam-Bam. What's the betting he found the muddiest puddle he could and is rolling in it...and Bam-bam is no doubt snooping out trouble Beast thought to himself absently before looking over at Amara who was still curled up on his tail, he nuzzled her affectionately before returning his full attention to the alpha before him.

- Bam-bam -

Now the other 'lost' cub was indeed snooping out trouble, apparently the youngster had woken up with the Giratina on her shoulder. She was currently skipping through the center of the village dragging her humus bone behind her as she hopped and hummed, her large hazel eyes looked around curiously trying to seek out her next target, by now she'd made her way up towards the alpha's nest. She ground to a halt as she watched Luke slither out of his nest, she skittered under a bush so he wouldn't see her, poking her head out once he moved off again. Her eyes returning to the hut expecting to see Akira appear at any moment...

...after minutes of waiting Bam-bam decided the fiery Ninetales was clearly having difficulty escaping her nest. Therefore she obviously needed rescuing from this most unfortunate situation. The young pokemon bounded up the hill, stopping at the door she gingerly poked her head through the entrance blinking at the sleeping heap of tails that was Akira. She needs some help getting up, Luke must have forgotten to wake her The devious pokemon thought to herself as she withdrew her head from the hut, tapping her face as she thought up a good way to 'help' Akira out. She could run in there and jump on her...but she might get blasted with fire...hmm, she knew what to do. With a quick skip of joy Bam-bam decided to do what she did best, she quickly retrieved a piece of bark from nearby holding it in one of her hands she tiptoed into the alpha's den positioning herself just to the side of Akira.

She took a deep breath before she begun to thwack the bark with her bone as if it were drum. "Wakey! Wakey!" Bam-bam sung out in a shrill voice, accompanied with the heavy thud of bone against wood. After a few moments of hitting the bark the young pokemon threw the bark in the air and bolted for the door, gripping her bone tightly even though her arms were flailing, she wasn't moving very fast and no doubt Akira knew exactly who had disturbed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"I just wanted to check up on the kids. Is everyone accounted for?" Luke asked, setting himself down on one side of the nest. He looked around but all he could see was Amara and he knew there were more kids than that. "Where is everyone?" Luke asked, glaring down at Beast. He wasn't really even trying to glare.. he just was. Still, it was pretty serious. Those kids could be getting into all sort of trouble. Or worse...

Messing with Akira.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Vee

Vee was enjoying a leisurely walk around the village, still trying to get used to where everyone and everything was. It was strange how she found it easier to find things in a forest than in an organized village like this one. Then again, a lot of scents were mixed in all over the place, except at private nests. Her ears perked up at the sound of someone’s else’s pitter patter of feet. ‘Hm. At least one person likes to remain active around here.’

For a while she just watched the young pup run around, then start playing off on his own while getting his fur dirty and matted. With an amused smile, Vee went up to Rin and greeted, “Morning. I see someone managed to sneak out of the nest today.”

Then giving off a light chuckle she continued, “Now you’ve got 3 choices.” She sat in front of Rin with her tail swishing back and forth with mischievous energy. “One, you can go back to Beast’s nest on your own. Two, I can take you back to Beast’s nest against your will. Or three… You can bribe me to look the other way. What’ll it be?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira needed her beauty sleep.

Not because she felt the need to sleep more, but because she was entitled to as the alpha's mate. Plus, by the time she woke up, Luke would have made all of his morning rounds and be ready for the day. It was a nice system.

Except for when it was interrupted.

Akira was a light sleeper. Pretty much anything could wake her up, and she very much appreciated how quiet Luke could be and leave her undisturbed. There were a lot of things she appreciated about her Serperior...but she couldn't think about those now, as a certain very annoying Cubone bolted her awake with something unnecessarily loud.

"YOU!" she yelled. It was a fearsome yell that, unfortunately, could sort of be heard everywhere. In the process of being woken up, she would probably end up waking other people up. As Bam-bam began to bolt for the door, Akira blasted hot fire at her...unfortunately barely too slow to hit the Cubone and instead hitting...everything else.

Moments later, Akira sat in the middle of what used to be the alpha house and was now a pile of ash.

Why haven't they learned to make our house out of something unflammable? she thought, agitated. In her frustration and the house burning down for the ten millionth time, the little Cubone had scampered away. Akira sighed. She hated burning the house down, but she hated that little rulebreaker even more. Next time, she thought.

Having nothing else to do now that she was fully awake, she left the alpha hill and walked over to where Luke was.

"Hi, dear," she said endearingly as she walked up to him. "We're...going to need a new house again. Sorry..." she said, looking genuinely disappointed in herself. She turned to the older Pokemon who owned the next. "Hello, Beast," she said, giving him a soft smile. "How're the cubs? Well...I know how one is," she said, looking agitated.

For all of his loud extrovertedness, Oscar slept alone. He wished he had a nest, but...they were all full. Or so he was told. Luckily, it didn't bother him too much, at least for now.

Waking up from another night's rest, he flew up above the village and looked at the scene. Most people were still asleep, but the Alpha was already up and at Beast's nest. He liked the Alpha. Luke was nice to him, and even more "the best" than he was. But, he was still the best. The best Staravia, anyway. Whatever.

He perched himself in one of the trees overlooking the nests, waiting for something to happen. It seemed only the Alpha was out and about so far. Oh, wait! The alpha house was on fire. It seemed like that happened every other week at least. Something had indeed happened. Oscar was satisfied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He turned to see Vee, much like a puppy looks at it's owner when caught ripping up their favorite pair of shoes. He grinned and wagged his tail excitedly, running over to her and licking her face, splashing mud all over her.

"Hi Vee!" He shouted, wiggly excitedly in front of her.

He groaned when she gave him his choices.. He turned tail and sat down defiantly. "I don't wanna go back to the nest. It's so boring!" He whined, shaking his head as if it would prove his point.

A smile grew on his lips and he turned to Vee again. He turned around and pounced on her, knocking her over. "Let's go on an adventure, Vee!" He shouted, licking her face.

His ears perked up when he felt Akira slide up next to him. He blinked, hearing her words and then his face fell. He let out a long sigh and then slide out of the nest, heading outside. He needed a breath of fresh air.

"Our nest? Again?" He mumbled, shaking his head. He looked up to see Oscar high above the village. "Good morning Oscar. Glad to see someone hasn't gotten into any trouble..." He greeted the young Staravia, one of the few kids he actually didn't mind. The others were... a hand full. Where the hell were all the adults around here? Was it really just him, Akira, Beast, and Kir? He thought they had more...

He let out another long breath and then turned to head back into Beast's nest. "Sorry, I needed a breather. I'll get someone to rebuild our nest as soon as I can..." He mumbled. He wanted to tell Akira not to burn the place down again but he knew it was wasted breath. She'd just end up burning Beast's nest down too in an attempt to get at him. She really needed someone to spar with. Maybe Beast would help her out. "Seriously Beast. Where is everyone? So far, I've only seen Amara and Oscar. Where are Rin, Puff, Vee, Bam-Bam, and the others?" He asked again, glaring down at the Arcanine. He never felt threatened by Beast even if they were an unfair fight. Beast never really tried to overthrow Luke in anyway. After all, a Serperior only fights with his all when against a formidable opponent. Not that Beast wasn't formidable, he just didn't have the fire in him that Luke did, oddly enough.

Again, more noise pulled Amara from her sleep. She opened her eyes to see both Luke and... Akira?! Her eyes went wide and she dove deeper into Beast's tail, shooting out water to try and douse herself and Beast to keep them safe from her flames. It was a reflex reaction. Whenever she saw the female, she doused everything near her with water because she knew flames were inevitable.

She pulled her tail inclose to her body and sat, shivering with her face smashed into Beast's tail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Beast's ears flicked back as he heard Luke ask where everyone was, the Arcanine looked down at his paws his mouth twitching higher into a 'guilty' looking smile. "Well about that..." He begun to say, visibly flinching as Luke's glare fell on him. "....they seem to have hopped away" He admitted,Quickly turning he shuffled the sleeping Amara off of his tail before he got up shaking out his large bulk, he reared up on his hind legs peeking out of the den, his eyes sought out the lost cubs. "I shall locate them straight away! No problems...I can assure you I won't let them cause any-" Beast rapidly begun to assure his alpha, just as an angry yell pierced the air, his tail drooped behind him as he breathed out the last word of his sentence. "-trouble" He lifted paw to his face resting it over his muzzle.

Although Luke's glare wasn't nearly as scary as Akira's soft smile as she appeared at his den not long after the yell had occurred. He inwardly grimaced as he overheard the Ninetales tell her mate they'd lost another house to the flames. Despite his large bulking form, Beast visibly shrunk in size under Akira's gaze even though her flames were ineffective against him...he still knew better than to push her buttons. "Ah, good morning Akira..." He greeted her politely, with a bow of his great maned head. "They're...OK, just missing a few of them" Beast admitted awkwardly, seeing the agitation in Akira's face he inwardly groaned. Bam-bam...had to of been , I'm not sure Rin would have the gall to "I'm terribly sorry about that! I'll get to rounding them up immediately...perhaps if you wouldn't mind watching over Amara whilst I do?" Beast asked, flicking his tail behind him.

As if things couldn't get worse for the Arcanine, Amara begun to stir beside him he glanced at her his ears flicking forward. The one cub that-ack! His thoughts were cut off as the young Azurill caught sight of Akira and proceeded to bury deeper into his tail after dousing the pair in water. Beast's ears flicked out to the side of his head as his soaked mane flattened against his face, he lifted a paw to his face peeling a section of it away from his eyes to look at Luke as he quizzed him on the whereabouts of the cubs. The Guardian Beast for once didn't hold the answer to that question, he sat back on his haunches resisting the urge to shake out his wet fur for fear of splashing Akira...and losing his nest. "...you see what happened was Luke...I may have overslept just a weeny bit" The Arcanine lifted his front paws holding them almost together in front of him as if this was a good way to tell the alpha how long he'd overslept. "And they may have...sneaked out" He finished, lifting his jowels in a sheepish grin.

- Bam-bam -

Bam-bam ran like her butt was on fire, the chances were that it already was! She was pretty sure her tail had been singed by Akira's wrathful flame attack...though she was secretly very smug about her antics, she knew she'd helped out Akira. The Ninetales was just too sleepy to see realize this...She dared a glance over her shoulder, skidding to a stop she turned to see the entire alpha hut up in flames. "Oh...wow" The small pokemon clapped her hands together in excitement. Well it was a normal thing to happen...but it didn't overshadow the fact it was still a sight to behold.

Not wanting to stick around and wait for Akira to emerge from the ash den Bam-bam skipped away from the alpha hill slipping away as the blaze died down, she didn't want to go back to Beast's nest. The old man was probably awake by now but she was sure he wouldn't find her newest trick amusing at all...she frolicked in the long grass by the village humming to herself as she dragged her bone club behind her, already on the look out for more fun activities to partake in. Unless maybe...the fun was at Beast's nest! Akira might want to thank me for helping her!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

“Uh-huh. Well the only choices you have now are-” She didn’t get to quite finish her sentence because Rin had just knocked her over and started licking her face. ‘Arceus… Thou art cruel.’ Laws of physics dictated that the smaller mass would fall if hit by a larger mass. Laws of pokemon stated that even an older Eevee was generally smaller and lighter than a pup of a Poochyena.

But it wasn’t as though she could get mad at such a playful greeting. “And an adventure? Inside this village?” Vee laughed, straining to get her face away from all the licking. Eventually she just rolled away and shook herself as though she had just had a dip into a pool of water. Using her front paws, she fixed some of her fur back into place and wiped off some of Rin’s drool. “Fine then. Lead the way and let’s go and have some fun!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Yahooooo!" The young pup barked, practically prancing around Vee. He gracefully skipped in one direction, not really sure where he was even going. He was just... following his nose. He was enjoying himself and glad that Vee had let him have his fun rather than dragging him back toward the nest. They weren't going to go far from the village anyway. Rin knew his boundaries and knew what would happen if he crossed them. He didn't want to face Luke or Akira OR Beast. All were people he really didn't want to see at this point.

He soon spotted an interesting rock in the distance and shouted in Vee's direction, "Look! A rock!" He ran over to it, jumping on top of it. "It looks like a throne, doesn't it. Maybe... One day, I'll be Alpha! And I can make this my throne!" He told her gleefully, showing the small older eevee his pearly whites.

The Alpha simply glared down at Beast, blowing air out of his nostrils. He ignored Amara's downpour onto Beast and herself, more focused on finding the others. "Find them before I do." Luke barked at the Arcanine and then slide his way out of the nest. He went up to inspect his nest and sighed at the ashes that remained.

I liked that nest...

He sighed again and looked out over what used to be his nest. He looked around everywhere, trying to spot some of the kids. He let out a groan of frustration when he couldn't. Why did this happen everyday? He slide back down the hill and made way for the empty nest that held the device he used to calling the Professor if they needed help. Expressionless, he pushed the 'Repair' button on the monitor with his tail and then slide back out. He looked far more irritated that he probably should have been. His blood pressure would kill him one day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kir -

Kir had been up for awhile she hadn't left the nest yet, as she didn't want to wake poor puff, finally she heard people starting to wake up so she carefully and as slowly as possible left the next, puff didn't wake up.
Kir walked slowly through the center of the village, a handful of younger pokemon were out and about, she stooped and plucked a flower, smelling as she walked. she wasn't sure what she felt like doing today so she simply walked around, the exercise was good for her.
Then Akira blew her and luke's nest up again, she could hear the crackling of the fire from here.
it took abnormally long to remember Puff and she started quickly back towards their nest


Puff was having a pleasent dreaming, playing with her family on their plains. she was quite content to sleep all day.
of course, she realized it was just a dream, but she didn't really care.
then the fire started, it occured to her almost immediatly what it was nd that she was in no danger, but the rest of her mind quickly shut the logic up as a combination of the smell and the sound made her panic.
she burst awake looking around, Kir was gone, which made her panic more. she stood and rushed for the door, colliding with Kir just outside.
kir made shushing noise, and puff realized she'd grabbed hold of her as soon as the hit.
"it's alright Puff, it's just Akira, calm down"
Kir's voice and tone did calm her down and puff straightened after a few seconds "you weren't there when i woke up, i got worried"
"i'm sorry, you were sleeping so peacefully i didn't want to wake you up"
"it's alright" puff looked over at the Alpha's nest, "why'd Akira set it on fire this time?" she saw the nine-tails head for beast's nest, which Puff assumed Luke was in.
"i'm not sure" Kir replied "do you want to go ask?"
"not particularly" Puff responded, Kir was sitting in front of her and her head was still above Puff's, that was the problem with you head being your body, you stay pretty close to the ground.
"come on" Kir said, standing up "let's go say hi"
"do i have to?"
"yes" and the Kirlia headed for beast's hut, puff sighed and quickly followed.
Kirlia poked her head in beast's nest "hello all" she smiled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

Vee followed along with Rin, letting him just hop about as he pleased. It may have been a good idea to let Beast know where they were going first but… ‘Ah well. I’m supervising him, aren’t I?’ She wasn’t exactly the most responsible caretaker out there, but she was almost the same age as Beast so she figured he technically wouldn’t be able to complain about letting the young pup run free on his own.

Then noticing a rather peculiar scent in the air, she raised her nose up and stared back behind her. There was a plume of smoke behind them somewhere in the village. Now normally this would have been a great need for concern, but even during her short stay at the village she became used to spontaneous combustion of objects that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Namely, near Akira when she was in a bad mood. Ignoring the potential chaos behind her, Vee continued to stroll along with Rin away from all the troubles.

She laughed, “Hah, good! Dream big and get big!” Vee encouraged him, not bothering to point out that if he ever did become Alpha he’d probably be old enough to know that a mere rock wasn’t much of a throne. “But for now…” Grinning mischievously, she also jumped onto the rock and using a small head-butt, she pushed Rin off. “You’re still 10 years too early to be challenging anyone. Hah.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira looked at her mate, just as agitated as before. "'Again'? I was disturbed by that Cubone 'again'. It's a reflex, dear."

She felt a little better when Luke scolded Beast. At least something's being done about it... she thought.

That "a little better" was gone instantly when Beast replied to her. "Do you even see Amara right now?" she responded. "She looks terrified. I'd hardly make a good babysitter." She wasn't cruel. She liked Amara, in fact - she had never done anything to upset her. She frowned at Beast for his explanation, and watched Luke bark at him and leave. "I won't bark at you. That's his job," she said afterwards. "But you might want to consider getting a hold of your cubs before they get into trouble. Specifically, trouble involving me. ...This is a nice nest, you know." And with that thinly veiled threat, she walked out. Spotting the Kirlia and Jigglypuff walk up to the nest, she quickly exited stage left. She didn't want to deal with any more kids, even though those two in particular also had never caused her any trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He yelped when Vee pushed him from the rock. He landed ever so gracefully on his tail and let out another loud yelp. He pouted as only a poocheyna could and looked up at Vee. "I can still train, can't I? I mean... I could do a much better job than Luke ever could!" He shouted, making outlandish claims again, as was his usual. Just as long as he didn't make them around Luke... or Akira for that matter. He shivered at the thought and then jumped up to push Vee off his rock again. He failed and barely made it to the rock. He flailed, trying to get his body on the rock but soon slipped off and fell on his back with another yelp.

"Okay, so yeah. Maybe I do need to grow up a bit more..." He said as he lay there upside down. He turned right-side up and sat, looking up at Vee. "Still... I don't want to wait." He confided. He hated feeling like a kid even though he was one of the youngest around.

He stood up and began to walk off in the direction of the forest, already bored of his rock throne. "I think I just need a bigger throne..." He mumbled with a smile on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh Bam-bam...how many times do I have to tell you...anyone but Akira Beast shrunk back from Luke as he blew air down his nose at him, he placed his paws back on the ground watching the alpha slide out of his nest. Arceus...he did not wake up on the right side of the nest today The Arcanine thought to himself, noting the truth to Akira's words he nodded as if in understanding. Not sure he should relax even though the Ninetales had said she wasn't going to bark at him. "Yes Akira..." He murmured lowering his head to her before she left feeling a prickle of worry a the thinly veiled threat the alpha's mate issued him, he exhaled as she walked out. "Well...this is a good start to the day hmm Amara?" He chuckled to the only cub that had remained with him.He lowered his head to Amara. "Come now Amara, there's no need to hide. Would you come with me to find the others?" He asked her gently, water dripped off the end of his nose as he nudged her lightly.

His ears pricked as he heard another voice echo around his nest, he turned his large head to look at Kir offering her a toothy smile as he greeted her. "Good morning Kir, how are you today? Say Puff wouldn't happen to be with you, would she?" He greeted and quickly inquired as he got up and padded over to the door glancing to make sure Amara was with him before he dared to step outside.

- Bam-bam -

Bam-bam had been happily frolicking for a while now, moving slowly around towards Beast's nest,She skipped her way out of the long grass catching sight of Kirlia and Puff also making their way to Beast's hut! They must have heard about her, helping out Akira this morning. With this in mind she merrily skipped on, though as the previously mentioned Ninetales appeared out of Beast's hut she ground to a halt. Watching the majestic pokemon quickly move towards her, she felt a smile cross her face as she hopped out of the long grass a few meters in front of Akira. "Akira! HI" The Cubone shouted to her, waving her bone around so fast she lost her grip on it and sent it flying towards the agitated Ninetales. Oops... She put a hand to her mouth watching the bone soar through the air...prepared to bolt should Akira decide the bone throwing had been a purposeful act.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

--Tangaroa & Sweet Dee--

"What are we going to do today, you ask?" Tangaroa ask her small, brown companion, a huge grin on her face.

The living fossil replied with a blank stare glowing stare.

The energetic blue feline jumped on top of a stump, taking advantage of the scenery to increase the efficiency of the her speech. "What we do every day, my dedicated, Sweet Dee!" she paused, a quite dramatic pause indeed. She jumped down, dropping inches intimidating her Kabuto companion to the point of paralysis... Or maybe it just didn't react, hard to tell with this Pokemon. After a deep breath, she continued, "Were gonna take over the world!"


"Tough crowd, but you do have a rapier wit as always, Dee! It's not the world, it's this village, and to do that, we need to evolve!" She was panting with anticipation-- she always did when she talked about besting the alpha. "I guess you don't actually need to evolve, you're like a million years old! You're obviously my tried and true supporter in my coup-- It'll make momma so proud."
Her training method consisted of using her attacks on trees, needless to say the experience gain was minimal, if that. Her broken claws ached as she stopped, "Hey, Sweet Dee, let's go to the nest, we need to re-work leveling up..."


"Yeah, you did good too, thanks. You know, maybe we should ask someone who's actually done it how it works?"


"Yes, let's go!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kir and Puff -
she looked back, Puff was hiding behind her, she pulled the girl around to her side "yep, puff's right here"
"hi beast" puff said, a little annoyed at how Kir babied her.
Kir didn't seem to realize Puff's slightly annoyed mood as she retained her warm smiled and said to beast "i'm doing pretty well this morning Beast, how are you?"
puff looked back out the door at Akira, who appeared to have found Bam-Bam
Kir knelled in front of Amara "hey there Amara, how are you this morning?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
Avatar of Driving Park

Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Akira called out to her mate, not because she was angry at him, but because she needed his help. The Cubone that had disturbed her, caused her to burn down her nest which Luke was none too happy about, and just thrown a bone at her face (successfully) was standing right in front of her, and she was exerting every ounce of restraint she possessed not to rip Bam-bam apart. That amount was finite, though, and would soon run out, which is why she called to Luke. He could resolve the situation more civilly than she could. At the very least, he could restrain her.

Oscar looked down to behold Luke greeting him. "Hi, Mr. Alpha! No trouble up here!" he enthusiastically responded. He always loved being greeted by his Alpha. It made him feel important. When Luke and Akira left Beast's nest, he decided to fly down and say hi, so he did. Seeing the nest full of other Pokemon, he simply said "Hi!" to everyone at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

Vee let out a small laugh at Rin’s grand claims and settled down on the rock, making herself comfortable and obviously in no hurry at all to move away. “Yup. Keep training for oh… Another 12 years and you might be able to challenge the Alpha.” She was subtly teasing him. Purposely adding on another 2 years to her previous statement as to when he would be able to put up a good fight with Luke.

She chuckled at his failed attempt to reclaim his ‘throne’. “Don't hurt yourself.” She was saying that half for actual concern for him, and half due to concern for herself. She was not about to let the young pup go back injured after she had pretty much encouraged him to stray away from his caretaker. Then contrary to what she would have thought, he ended up giving up on the ‘throne’ rather easily. “A bigger throne?” Vee repeated, giving a slightly curious look with a tilt of her head.

Getting back up, she trotted over to where Rin was and gave him a small nuzzle under his chin. “Don’t worry, just keep training and you can get there.” ‘Probably.’ She wasn’t exactly sure of his potential, and not everyone got to be an Alpha after all. Then moving on in front of him, she nudged him back instead of just following behind him like before. “Hey, no more going further off. I haven't even had breakfast yet and you’re trying to make me go on my second walk of the day already?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"But... Vee! I need a bigger throne! You said we'd go on an adventure. This has been a really lame adventure!" He whined, sitting down where he was to pout. His tail was swishing back and forth in frustration. He didn't want to go back... He wanted to explore! What kind of thing would he find out there? Other pokemon? Maybe there's some lost pokemon out there that needs his help!

"Veeeeeeeeeeee..." He called out. He bit her ear lightly and pulled on it. "Come on, Veee!"

He turned his head when he heard his name being yelled by Akira. Normally, he would have worried by the tone of her voice but he knew it was just one of the kids messing with her. He slide over to them and glared down at Bam-Bam, seeing her nearby. His attention then turned to the bone laying in front of Akira and the red mark on her face from it had presumably hit her.

He closed his eyes and sighed before opening them again. He slide over to the bone and picked it up with his tail and then proceeded to make his way over to Bam-Bam, glaring at her as he did.

"I believe this is yours." He said, looking down at her rather calmly. He was still glaring at her as most Serperiors do but he wasn't exactly... angry yet. He let the bone drop in front of Bam-Bam, still watching her face. "Please, apologize to Akira." He told her, his voice sounding very tired. He slide over to his mate and waited by her side to see what the young Cubone would do.

She looked up at Beast as he spoke kind words to her, his nose dripping with water. She smiled, amused by how wet he was and then nodded her head quickly. She pulled a bunch of air into her lungs, blowing up much like a balloon and then proceeded to blow dry Beast, blowing the water off of his fur and subsequently splashing Puff and Kir. HEr eyes went wide and she jumped onto Beast's back, trying to hide again. She ignored Kir when the elder Kirlia tried to talk to her. It wasn't that she didn't like her... Amara just wasn't one for talking much.

She nuzzled her face into Beast's mane, content to stay inside his warmth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It's that time of the month again? Max sighed as he sensed something had caught on fire at the direction the now presumably burned down nest of Luke and Akira was. Will these kids ever learn that its not wise to mess with her when she is sleeping? he thought as he woke up. Taking his usual meditative position, he started floating in the air and moved close to the window of his nest. He saw Luke and Akira at the distance talking to a small Cubone and sensed Vee and what seemed to be Rin. They were pretty far away from where most of the nests where located so he became a little worried but knowing that Vee can take care of herself and others, he gave it a rest.

He floated outside and rested himself on a flat rock and continued to observe...
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