Glaw said ...that sassy woman whose red hair and strangle-hold on werewolves stand out now more than her name.
*hee hee* Clavie.. dearest Clavie. Oh yes... I will one day write a book about her. Once I can write murder mysteries.. (heretofore impossible for me to do), because anything else wouldn't fit her personality.
Glaw said
Nobody catches and weaves the ridiculous and the magical into brilliant stories like you do.
You know, coming from YOU that is a huge compliment, because I often times feel I'm just holding onto your coat-tails and trying to keep up. I mean, for gods'sakes, Glaw! It was just a Caravan! Next I know, we're rushing through trees, turning into lichts, and wakening a Red Dragon (which wasn't a dragon at all, not sure if we ever really knew what the heck it was) and snatching some guy through a mirror (and to be fair, you gave me a blank mirror - I railed against that mirror! What in the world am I to do with a BLANK MIRROR???) I love writing with you. You drag the best out of me, generally with me squalling in terror in the background.
Glaw said But now I have an old woman with a secret that is ripe to be told, and no one yet to tell it to. What do you think? Fill in plot as we go? Any particular time period and/or setting you fancy? Past, present or future!
Old woman, tale to tell, and I get to choose the time period and setting and ...and...
Oh you know it doesn't really matter. Why don't you let her tell us where we'll be and end up? No doubt we'll be some kind of mixture of all time period and the setting is just as likely to change after twenty posts from desert to under the sea as I am to have dinner tonight, so I wouldn't dream of trying to capture your creative forces within any boundaries. Unless, well, unless you WANT me to give you fences just so you can bust them down. There is some fun in that. :)
Do we need a time period? Can it be... all of the time periods and yet, none at all? How about outside of time? Time is malleable? Or does she need a particular setting to live her story out in? Then I call... well, someone wrote Bazaar and I've been loving the idea of sands and hot winds and very spindly legged horses. A land of lions and limited water and closely packed homes to keep the dangers of the natural world out. Yes?
And if that doesn't suit, we could always throw her into a deep forest, quiet and sacred, with white birch everywhere and a wind soughing through the upper canopy (for a birch stand so old would have an upper canopy) where even the brush does not dare grow and the ancient irish elk walks with his mighty rack (almost a moose, but infinitely cooler, besides the fact I've never put one in a story and seriously? An irish elk would kick a moosen's hiney). Ah hah!
Or, really, any place she wants to go. You talk it over with her and I shall follow you both into whatever story the dear wants to tell us. :)