Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

member/ char roster:

Drake Baku = Blade Shuriken, Runa Fukada, Arya Springfield and Sorin
Briza = Esther Harte
Steel Fist = Shar Eprhon(Later known as “Sharphorn”)
1Charac2 = Soulless Bliss
Meuxie = Ra'avi and Kaya Rye
AliceZaru = Kim Mae
BingTheWing = Cyril Saravar
LowKey123 = Ivette Guo


Light filled the sky of an unknown world, all focused above a large and seemingly ancient forest.
A young girl laying high in a tree looked up to see this strange event.
"beautiful" was all she could say about this strange event as she watched it until she fell asleep.

Little did the girl know that this strange yet interesting event was more then just a rare show of nature's wonders.
In reality it was a portal, a crack between worlds, and as all cracks, things can go between the 2 sides.
And it did, multiple creatures that have never been seen in this world were pulled out of their own world, Earth, and all would find them self in these woods once they woke up.
it was getting late, the time was around 21.00 in Holland, meaning it would be around 12.00 in certain area's of america.
Blade was just like the people on this site, an active roleplayer, so he had learned the time difference in order to know when a few of his american friends would wake up.
They generally rp'd trough chats so being online at the same time was a big thing.
Blade was pretty excited as he had made a new character.
he recently had gotten a new short sword from a nephew for his birthday.
the sword had given him new inspiration for a character.
Blade grabbed the weapon to take a quick good look.
yet suddenly he felt weird, dizzy.
It seemed as if the world just turned bright, as if everything became light.
Then suddenly he felt like he was falling and while everything was still bright he felt the ground back under his feet.
The light started to fade after, he had no idea how long, it could have been minutes, it could have been hours, it was like time itself had suddenly began to unrafle, like it was just gone.
Once the light really was gone, so did the dizziness and weirdness.
Blade looked around, unfamiliar with the new place he was at.
A forest, but non as he had ever seen before, it looked so much older then any forests he had ever seen.
He could see the sun starting to rise from between the tree tops, it was morning, morning??
It was evening, did he get send away crossed the globe??? and how?? This was stuff out of one of his rp's, how can it be real all of a sudden??

Blake wanted to start walking when he felt something with his toe's (as he was only wearing socks before all this happened)
He looked to the ground to find other people laying there in what seemed to be his sleepwear.
"wat de?" *TL: what the*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Soulless Looked around (he had taken to calling himself that becausing he was not death not atm) He trudged Through the forest marsh His eyes Gazing up at the Skie.
As he neared The landing spot of one of the glowing Balls of Light. he felt a strange rush on uneasiness He did not know what it was or is that was in there that caused him Death To lose all its power. Standing their where Creatures that where slimier to elf's yet there features where not so fair. he muttered a Curse under his breath as his Scythe at least what was left of it appeared in his hand.

He held it in his hand as he walked into Clearing Facing one of the strange Creatures. nothing was out of deaths knowledge in this realm but theses creatures where a mystery to him. His eyes Glanced on one that seemed to be Male. whom he heard say "What the" Soulless moved closer. His scythe raised ready to inflict and fatal blow when necessary. soon he was standing about 10 metres From the Creature when he spoke up "What Are you Beast are you a Changling or a Shapeshifter"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Steel fist Minotaur been, Minotaur seen, Minotaur crashed...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shar was practicing on a punching bag in the companies gym, like he always did after work, "Yes, this algorithm might work.." he was thinking while hitting the bag..
When suddenly a strong light surrounded him, Shar found himself couple meters in the air above something that looked like a forest floor,
he fell down and landed on his rear part right into some kind of puddle, "WTF !!!" he shouted loudly while standing up on his legs and gazing around confused..
Some kind of hoof shaped weird amulet was stuck to his behind and pretty quickly absorbed into his body, but Shar didn't notice it at the time.
"Who are you??" , Shar asked his companions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meuxie


Member Offline since relaunch

Ra'avi - As the lights struck down.
Ra'avi sat by herself next to the bonfire. It was past midnight and she was tired. But as warrior of the light and pure she knew falling asleep before the fire was a no-no. It could cause damage on the forest and the animals. She rubbed her eyes trying to stay awake. She then reached forward placing her palms near the flames to keep warm. Another yawn.

"This is silly, I should be at home but nooooo.... Ravi always gotta take the early shifts.."

She sighed and glanced towards the south where some brief lights came from the small town. She knew that the lanterns soon would die out for the night as most of the people were asleep. She couldn't stand the weight of her eyelids anymore and fell back next to the bonfire letting her petite body fall against the grass. She looked up upon the stars and smiled slightly. Her eyes slowly shut as she fell asleep by the fire.
Hours later she heard a weird "swoosh" further away, across the little town by the south-west forest. She squinted her eyes to make sure her head wasn't playing pranks on her. She followed the glows with her eyes, somewhat smitten by the swirling, twirling glimmers around it. She smiled, somewhat convinced she was dreaming. She laid back down and fell asleep and the bonfire died out within a minute.

Kaya - All dreams come to an end.
Kaya brought her arms around her fiancee, they had been falling asleep on the balcony daybed again. She could feel a light sunburn on her chest. She stretched out and looked upon her fiancee with a smirk upon her face. He was still sleeping. He had been working overtime again and yet found the strength to wake up with Kaya as she wasn't feeling good this morning.
She took a glance down at the diamond ring on her finger. Sometimes she felt like pinching herself in the arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She yawned, she had been so tired the past week. Figured she was exhausted due to the sun exposure. She felt nausea again and figured it'd be better to sit up for a little. The room spun around and she was certain she was about to pass out. She reached out for her fiancees arm hoping he would be alarmed by her condition. She was somewhat worried herself. She didn't reach her fiancee for some reason but before she knew it everything brightened up. She was certain she was passed out.
Her knees connects to the balcony, no wait...

She reached forward still blinded by the light. Grass? She must have officially lost her mind. She laid down on the grass hoping her fiancee would wake her up soon. Expecting to wake up in a hospital bed or something. She was also quite the drama queen.

Minutes had passed and she figured she'd open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy. The grass around her was cold and the surrounding was somewhat dark. She sat up on her knees still dazed. Where was she? Is this was coma looks like?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

Blade suddenly heard a voice screaming "WTF!"
Looking at where the voice came from he looked to an other person that was awake, the man looked at him at the same time.
"Who are you??" The man asked him.
"Blade, so... what the hell happened here?"

The person that was laying on the ground in front of him suddenly started to get up.
She looked dazed and confused, well they were all pretty confused so that was natural.

Then suddenly an new figure appeared.
Blade looked at the weird man.
It was clear that whatever he was, he was not a human and he was armed with a scythe.
"What Are you Beast are you a Changling or a Shapeshifter" the man asked.
Blade's initial reaction was to draw his own sword, glad that he was holding on to it when this change of view happened, and took a defensive position in case the man suddenly attacked them, wondering if a short sword would be useful against such a huge weapon the man had.

A changling, Shapeshifter? Clearly this was a fantasy setting like one of his rp's, still how the hell was this possible.
"Uhm... how about a human?" was what he said "so.. what the hell happened and where the frick are we??" he did not know if he was in any position to ask the man anything, but either the man would kill them, walk away or answer, it was the closest he thought they would get to getting some answers.
Runa woke up from some commotion happening underneath the tree she was laying in.
A group of unknown creatures have suddenly appeared as she was sleeping and seemed to have started some fight.
She decided to stay in the tree for a while, seeing how things unfolded, if any would get killed she might get some nice items of the corpses.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meuxie


Member Offline since relaunch

Kaya - First meeting with the other world.

Kaya lifted her head glancing between the two. Something told her that this wasn't a dream. She felt physically cold and got up on her knees ready to defend herself with everything she had which wasn't much at all. She saw the other human carrying a sword. He seemed scared which didn't exactly comfort her at this time. She still couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that she wasn't laying on the balcony with her fiancee anymore. Yet she wasn't sure if this was actually happening.

Part of her wanted to scream, part of her wanted to lay back down on the grass waiting for the doctors to wake her up in the hospital and tell her she was just passed out for a little. Maybe due to the sun. Her arms weakened as she supported her torso on the ground. She couldn't quite gather the strength to stand up yet.
"What's going on?"
She hadn't spoken English in a while, her English was slightly rusty yet fully understandable with a Scandinavian accent. She shifted her glance over to Soulless. Something about him gave her a really bad feeling. Chills down her spine. He looked human, yet didn't. Something about his eyes, his posture.. His way of dressing.. His voice. Everything was different yet she couldn't figure out what scared her the most.

She didn't have the time to think it all through before she felt a weird sensation in her stomach... She threw herself sideways and threw up todays breakfast.

Ra'avi - Searching for the light.

Ra'avi yawned quite loudly as she woke up next to the died out bonfire. She sat up straight as her white hair was stirred out in every direction. She rubbed her eyes and reached for her backpack holding water, simple potions and her butterfly knife. Something felt off, she didn't know why. There was this silence. As if the birds and the bugs and the trees were sleeping all at once. The trees didn't move as they usually do.

She suddenly remembered the lights in the sky from the day before. The swirls and the twirls and the whoosh. Everything sounded so much better explained in sounds. The thought of the lights made her feel all fuzzy and warm inside. As if she was in love. Maybe it was a sign? Maybe someone was waiting for her? Ahhh she had let her mind wander off again. Either way she wanted to check out the forest further south where the light had struck. She packed her belongings and put her white cotton-like hair in place and cleaned her face in a nearby pond before moving towards south.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Steel fist Minotaur been, Minotaur seen, Minotaur crashed...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Shar didn't know it, but the amulet already started to influence his body, it sharpened his senses and fortified his physical strength and reaction.
"Who to hell are, you don't smell like a human!" said Shar to Soulless while grabbing a huge tree branch from the ground and holding it like a club, "And why to hell I can tell the difference??" he added in a surprised tone of voice.
"BTW, I'm Shar" he told swiftly to his human companions while continuing looking on Soulless and remaining in a defensive position.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Minotorus... Soulless muttered Looking a Shar. who seemed to found the artifact by pure coindence he deduced. but his attention was mainly focused on the first Human he saw. he knew of humans before but they neither wore clothing like this.He was Holding a Short Sword. Sure he could easy'ly disarm him But then again. he would probably become Crushed by the man who was becoming a minotaur. and then all hell would descend on the world.

he Sighed as he Evaporated his Scythe into thin air he put his hands into his pockets to make it bluff that he was not entirely unarmed Which he kinda was. his eyes broke with worryness about what would happen if they killed him. he muttered something under his breath. as he chained their souls to the boundarys of the forest. he would not let them leave until he had good reason to. He sat down Slightely Muttering under his breath and he started to draw a complex rune in the dirt with one finger keeping the other in his pocket to maintain the bluff.

his eyes kept on looking up at the minotaur and the man with the sword
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

(mostly posting due to adding Aya XD)


As Blade spoke to the strange man with the huge ass weapon, the girl by his feet started to throw up.
He did not know if she was sick or if it was due to the transport or whatever, but he knew that the girl would not be able to protect herself if she is throwing up.
Taking a deep breath Blade took a step forward to stand between the sick girl and the non human male.
Even if his sword would be useless against such a scythe, he had to do something if he attacked, he could not let the girl get hurt while she was sick.


As she noticed the girl throw up, she felt bad for her.
She always hated it when she was sick and she would have liked it if she could heal that with her water as well, but she could not help the poor woman.
and even if she could she would most likely not act that fast either, the man with the scythe was giving off a strange vibe.
Then she noticed how the guy with a sword moved to stand between the sick girl and the dangerous man.
She giggled, the man was kind and brave enough to protect someone even if he stood no chance, she liked a man like that.


between all this confusion Aya slowly started to wake up confused at all this noice and more at the place where she was.
last she remembered was going to bed, yet here she is, in her sleepwear, in a forest like one of those she had read about, between people she had never seen before.
She tried to grab something, anything, to cover herself, but she could not find anything but dirt, so she did the next best thing, cover her front with her arms.
She looked up wishing this was a dream where she noticed some girl high in the tree's


Runa noticed that an other person had just woken up and had seen her.
Again Runa had to giggle as she motioned the new girl to keep quite.


it was a strange and surprising thing to see the girl in the tree motion her to be quite.
So Aya took her eyes back to the ground around her, a man standing between a sick girl and something else.
a scary person that was no human.
She moved backwards while remaining sitting, away from the man with the scythe until she bumped against something.
Looking it was an other human man.
Aya her face turned red and she quickly looked at the ground.
"s...s..sorry" she said quietly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Groaned, thinking she was on her bed but instea she was on a patch of grass. It was a strange event and she didn't know what was going on and so she slowly opened her eyes too see that she has awaken somewhere, other than her bed, " W-...Wha?!" she screamed, panicing as she quickly stood. Her eye sight was blurry and could barely see anything and so she needed to find it. She looked around her hands softly touching the ground, finally she could feel a pair of cold plastic, " Its...its my glasses! " she exclaimed once more she smiled as she quickly put them up an positioning it onto her eyes and so she looked around, " This...what is this? " she asked herself as she looked around, exotic trees settled around her.

Kim was scared...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

it was a Dark Stormy day in the Overpopulated City the rain seemed to pour down. none stop Mary just smiled She loved the rain and water because it washed away the sins of the past it was amazing to watch it fall so gracefully and carefree. she sighed it was just not the same now that her powers had been sealed away. she could now feel the Eagerness of fatigue and the painfulness of hunger and pain. Mary stopped as she saw one the runes branded on her arm pulsing slowly. so she started to walk towards a near full body mirror. Death was Calling his Little Sister to him.

It was Dry and dreary down in the Sweaty Dwarfven mines Where nightmare was currently trying to scare them away from unleashing a army of trolls unto the land which they would if they kept mining down the main tunnel it was gettting harder and harder to inflict Nightmares on them Nightmare was feeling fatigue and Worriedness. He was scared of what would happen if he could no longer do his work would his siblings Berate him Jeer and him Maybe even disown him. The thoughts came thick and fast with increased vigor he summoned his candle. It was blazing 3 times every minute "death" nightmare whispered in a raspy voice Nightmare sat down in the cavern and prepared the same complicated Rune as Soulless was preparing Nightmare shuddered at the thought of what would happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Steel fist Minotaur been, Minotaur seen, Minotaur crashed...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Blade moved between the stranger and the girl, Shar stood right near him to back him up,
but when the stranger discarded his weapon, Shar relaxed.
"My friend, I don't think that the stranger is hostile, or he would already attacked us.." he said to Blade, then he noticed the half naked teenager, Shar approached the teenager and gave her his shirt, "Here little lady, please wear this!" he said.
When Shar was removing his shirt to give it to Arya, he didn't won't to let go of the weapon, so he moved the club into his left hand, removed one sleeve and then took the weapon back into his right hand and removed the second sleeve, he was keeping one eye on the stranger all the time, when he removed his shirt, it became obvious that his muscles became very bulky, even for an athlete, but he was to distracted with the surrounding and didn't notice it.
After that he approached the girl that was throwing up a minute before and remained lying in the ground, he put his left arm around her and helped her stand up, while continuing holding the weapon in his right hand and looking at Soulless with the corner of his eye.
"I don't think we're on earth, everything is too different! We might as well ask the local guy where we are and what's happening!" he said loudly to everybody.
Then he addressed Soulless and asked, trying to be as polite and diplomatic as he could: " Excuse me friend, I apologize for the violent reaction before, but we are all very surprised and you approached us with a weapon..Could you please tell us where we are?" at this moment Shar remembered the last word that the stranger said before he started his weird calligraphy and added: "..and what Minotaurs has to do with it? " , all this time Shar was holding Kaya with his left hand and supporting her so she could stand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Soulless Put up His Arm Telling him to be Silent As he Finished the Rune He Then Cut his left wrist with a stone letting a single drop of blood Spill onto the the ground underneath the Rune Seemed To disappear As it became a swirling mess of Both Glass and Black Water. Soulless then let out the Widest of Grins As he his siblings on the other side. "Brother,Sister Come up here" Soulless Called down to them the happiness obvious in his voice. he then turned back to the Man who had Absorbed the Minotorus "you've absorbed a Artifact into your Body named minotorus and you are changing slowly but surely into a minotaur" Soulless Paused. "But where are my manners My name is Soulless but you may know of me as Death..."

Mary Smiled in front of the mirror as it began swirling with what looked like bones and Black water She saw Soulless and Smiled and Waved as she started traveling through the vortex towards where soulless was. she Sheathed her blade it looked like she would not be needing it for whatever Her oldest brother had found.

Nightmare kept a straight almost annoyed face as his Rune Turned into a Vortex of Sharp Glass and Bones So His Sister Was joining him to get to soulless He gave a slight smile Maybe they where gonna cause someone to go insane Or they would get their powers back Nightmare started to move impatiently through the portal. he could not wait another minute to become back to his powerful self
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
Avatar of Drake Baku

Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago

Blade kept his sword in his hands even after the other made his disappeared and the man named Shar said that the strange man did not seem likely to attack them.
"Still going to keep my weapon in hand, thank you, Minoraurs, ancient looking forests, teleportating lights, disappearing weapons, all a bit too fantasy, and fantasy means, he might have dropped his weapon, but chance is, he knows magic"
Blade kept his eyes on Death as he summoned 2 others.
Grabbing his weapon tighter "besides, calling himself death and summoning 2 others, better be prepared in case off"

Blade did not say his further thoughts, that if the 3 of them did attack, then they will all likely die anyway, especially if the man calling himself Death was honest about who he was.
He just did not wanted to cause unnecessary panic or something to the other humans, especially the girls who are already scared or sick to begin with.
He looked at Death in the eyes, he was good at reading movements when looking the others in their eyes (having experienced that with sparring and judo), so he liked to keep his focus on the man.
"now you got your friends summoned, both Shar and I asked about this place and what happened that brought us here, can we got some answers?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meuxie


Member Offline since relaunch

Ra'avi approached the scene naive to what to expect. She had somewhat fallen in love with the dazzling lights from the night before and couldn't get them out of her head. She was smiling from ear to ear as she approached, interrupted by the weird vibe around her. The group of people caught her eye and she jumped aside trying to hide in the bushes. But truth be told her strange look would stick out like a sore thumb. Bright skin, Bright hair.. Clumsy being. She wasn't exactly quietly dodging in the bushes either.

She poked half her head up from the bushes glancing upon the group. The way they stood in two groups with their shoulders raised didn't seem very casual. And the scared looking creatures looked nothing like she was used to. What were they? They were dressed oddly, with odd looking eyes and odd looking skin.
Ra'avi, being under the curse of attraction found them quite interesting. Although she couldn't help but also being attractive to the dark elf looking creatures with their backs turned towards her. She kept her head lowered trying to listen in to the conversation without being noticed.

She managed to wipe her mouth with her sleeve before getting picked up off the ground and held by Shar. She didn't feel very sill but the situation was too unreal to cope. She barely caught on any part of the conversation between the others as her thoughts were loud enough on their own. She brushed her fingers through her hair and muttered something in Norwegian. She glanced around hoping she'd spot her fiancee among the people but unfortunately he was nowhere to be seen.

She suddenly realized one of the creatures ahead of her were "Death" gasped loudly.
"Wait wait wait.... You're DEATH? So... We're dead... I'm dead!?!! What is this? Hell?" With a heavy Norwegian accent. Some might not even understand her due to the panic in her voice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

He Stretched Feeling Drained by the Summoning Questions Came bombarding from the Human Group Like "where are we" "What is this? hell?" and looks of general surprise and shock. Soulless waited untill his siblings where beside him before rubbing his throat and launching into Explanation "Your In the Forests Of Gaia Which is north of the nearest village run by the Elfs" He looked around at the surprised looks "I am Death yes But none of you are dead... Yet" he turned to sis little sister With her Wings gently moving in the wind "This is Bloody Mary My little sister she is a expert at interrogation and a master of using a Blade" he then turned to nightmare Who was looking Rather Shocked at the Revelation that humans where real. "This is Nightmare My Younger brother He can manipulate dreams and cause people to go insane do your best not to anger him"

Soulless Stood stright his arm out in front of him as his scythe reappeared in his hand. "And I am Death Master of Scythe combat and a manipulator of Spirits. Im here along with my siblings to keep balance in the world. he paused before continuing "But i have seemed to lost most of my truth Strength Due to what i think was this light phenomenon" both of soulless Siblings piped up in saying that this happen to them also.

he Paused before continuing with a small smirk on his face "Your Souls are chained to the boundarys of the forest You can move anywhere around this forest freely but you cannot leave Unless You do one of to things Either Kill me But know that me and my siblings will kill you if you try to kill us in self defence Or Answer this question Who are you And What do you plan on doing next now that you know that nothing is impossible. if i find them satisfactory i will let you leave but if they fall short I will walk away until you answer all you know You will answer to my sister Do your best not to lie or she might give you a warning..."


Nightmare Just Stared at the Humans in Shock He did not believe such things had existed even when His eldest brother said he saw them in limbo he had shrugged it off as a exaggeration Nightmare recomposed himself when soulless said his name as he leaned against the tree Checking the time by looking at the skie...

Mary Smiled at the human creatures Such cute things they where with their chubby faces She almost squealed in delight when She Heard Soulless tell her she would have to interrogate them she smiled a wide grin it would be fun talking to such Primitive Pets even if they did steal her powers She would be insistent to kill them they where just so cute. but neither the less She cared about her brother more as she Sat down wait for the first person to come forward for interrogation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Steel fist Minotaur been, Minotaur seen, Minotaur crashed...

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I will, answer your questions, I have nothing to hide or fear, but do know that I won't allow you to torture anybody, you maybe invincible in our world, but here you look pretty vulnerable, if you try to harm any of us, I will crush you like a bug!" said Shar and came forward, still holding Kaya in his left hand and his weapon in his right.
"I'm Shar Eprhon, I'm a human from Earth, I work.." Shar stopped, his sensitive ears heard a noise and someone's breath in the nearby bushes..
Shar suddenly roared so strongly that it made the leaves on the trees shiver and then said loudly towards Ra'avi " Come out, now!" ,
when Shar was a young man, he served in the army like all the young men in his country and he learned from bitter experience that an unknown that hides in the bushes on foreign territory is bad news.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
Avatar of Drake Baku

Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 24 days ago


" Come out, now!" one of the male's yelled to an elf hiding in the bushes.
She had seen the elf hide not long before, well try to hide that is.
A Bright elf with such bright features would stand out in a forest and the elf was not really that good in hiding silently it seemed.
She hardly repressed a giggle herself.


Blade was about to a answer this man calling himself death when Shar beat him to it.
Yet when Shar was distracted Blade wend on where he had left.
"where all from Earth I guess, Doubt saying what kind of work we do would be useful or even understandable here, cause I am pretty sure this is not Earth, anyway, unless some of us here have any idea what the hell happened, we basically got dropped here without our consent, you can see that much is true if you look at the girl in her pyama, doubt that is normal clothing for traveling, all I can say is this"
Blade took a breath before continuing, still holding his sword, mostly to feel a bit secure.
"I for one was basically minding my own business, about to play with some friend trough a, lets make it simple cause I doubt computers exist here, long range communication thingy, ironically it would have been about a fantasy like setting, much like where we are right now, when some strange light appeared out of nowhere and next thing I know once the lights disappeared, I was standing in this forest, meeting with Shar, seeing everyone else laying on the ground and then mister Death show up"
Blade then laughed a little to himself "got to say, all those drawings and pictures they made about how death looked like are way off, that or this world version is different or your not who you say you are, trough the scythe and your siblings look pretty convincing about that"


Most of the time Aya just stayed quite, trying to wrap her head around all of this.
Holding on too the shirt the man called Shar gave her with trembling hands.


Runa watched to the moment that the elf would come out in the opening.
Listening to the story the man with the sword gave them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ansering The Man with the swords Question. I am Death For that i do not lie But i can't be in my true form due to what seems like 99% of my powers have been sealed away"
Now then lets see how mary Judges you. Mary put the two thumbs up sign at Soulless Who then Continued to Release The Man From his Binding to the forest He then Walked Towards The man And held out his hand in formal Greeting "I welcome you to the land of Eatherra now may i take a look at your Sword please also what is your name" Soulless Said he wanted to enchant it with something and be more formal.

Mary Just sat their singing a Song that she sings on the battlefield a mixture of light and dark themes entered her sing song voice. waiting for the next person to pipe up
so they could be freed from the their bindings and Leave the forest
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AliceZaru


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Was in the middle of no where but she could see the souls that were near. Seemingly the ones she new followed her but they couldn't talk but only and simply guide her and help her. Waving too the soul as he/she waved forwards, nodding as she followed and so for a few hours she had followed this soul until she could her rustling bushes. She was unsure and so she looked around seeing as the soul finally faded away. Frowning, repositioning her glasses walking forward as she soul the whole group. She smiled, " H-...Hello " she waved her hands, repositioning her glasses as she waited for the groups response....
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