and better.
Teoinsanity said
I say we have a common sense detector,anybody who has too much will be kicked out
Derpestein said
So basically, everyone besides Nat.
Teoinsanity said
I say we have a common sense detector,anybody who has too much will be kicked out
Doivid said
who are you
Teoinsanity said
im the new guy
Teoinsanity said
so what im 13?
Lucian said
Don't worry, that's roundabout the minimum age when there was one, but I'd like to take a moment to remind everyon, (Trips, Idle, looking at you)That the spam community can be overly protective and really picky about who it allows to integrate with it. Don't take this personally, kid, it happens to everyone, sans a few exceptions, like myself. :P
idlehands said
It's past your bed time.