Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Beast -

Beast was glad he had bumped into at least one happy camper today, though he had been perfectly polite he felt himself shift from one paw to the other nervously as he spoke to Kir. He'd done really well at talking to the alpha's normally...even if they weren't very happy with him this morning. "Good morning Puff" He greeted the young Jigglypuff with a soft hum before he glanced shyly back at Kir. "I can't complain...though I really do need to round up the rest of the cubs before-" Before he could finish his sentence he heard Akira's angry cry for Luke. "-trouble" He sighed, lowering his head as he puffed out a cloud of air. Having turned to nose Amara affectionately he watched her suck air into her lungs, automatically knowing to close his eyes he braced himself for the inevitable blow dry as she buffeted him with it, successfully blasting all of the water from his thick coat but causing his hair to go 'poof' leaving him looking like a Mareep.

He blinked in surprise chuckling at his predicament before he gave his coat a quick shake flattening most of it except for his wayward mane, he glanced down at Kir as she tried to talk to Amara, unsurprisingly she didn't respond instead she hopped up onto his back and hid herself in his thick mane. "Don't take it to heart Kir...I'm sure she'll talk when she's ready" Beast reassured the other pokemon, though he avoided her eye as he spoke. He glanced to his left noting that Luke had gone over to deal with Bam-bam I'm not sure I like being right... He thought to himself, he was contemplating moving over to the group when he heard another familiar voice. "Good morning Oscar!" Beast hummed in greeting offering the small Staravia a toothy grin. "How are you doing this morning?" He asked the other pokemon tilting his head to the side as one of his ears focused on the alphas. His eyes flickered around the village quickly trying to pinpoint Rin's where abouts. He knew the little Poocheyna had been here, his scent trail was still evident in the air he was a little worried that he couldn't see him. He couldn't deal with another cub angering the alpha and his mate today...

- Bam-bam-

Bam-bam was barely able to contain a giggle as her bone connected with Akira's face, though she felt her shoulders sag forward as Akira near enough told on her. Spoil-sport She thought to herself, she hadn't meant to throw her bone at the Ninetails face, it had just slipped free of her fingers. She clasped her paws in front of her as Luke slid over towards them, casting her gaze to the floor she came over all bashful though most of her expression was lost beneath the skull she wore atop her head. She peered up at him with large innocent brown eyes as he slid over to her. "Yes..." She murmured in a small voice, scuffing her foot against the dirt. She wrinkled her nose beneath her skull at the idea of apologizing for her helpful deeds.

Ok so hitting Akira in the face hadn't been helpful...funny but not helpful. She looked at Luke's stern expression and sighed in defeat. "I'm very sorry Akira" She apologized to the Ninetails looking up at the alpha for his approval. Though as soon as he so much as glanced away she stuck her fingers in her mouth and pulled a face at Akira, coupling the wide open mouth with crossed eyes. If Luke looked back she quickly changed her expression shifting her hands to the nose of the skull as if she were adjusting it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

--Tanga & Sweet Dee--

"Come ON." Tanga was obviously frustrated by this point. After a short rest she and Dee had begun the process of finding ways to evolve, the strong Pokemon laughed at her and walked away and weaker Pokemon ran away. Tanga couldn't quite tell the difference between the weak and the strong, to her, it was fear in all of them. It was incredibly annoying.


"I don't need sarcasm right now, Dee! I need results!" She was pacing between nests at this point, she threw herself on her back, "Won't SOMEONE PLEASE fight me so I can fight them and evolve already?!"


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

“Did I?” Grinning mischievously, Vee pretended to play dumb as Rin tugged at her ear. She let him continue with the whining for a bit longer before she shook herself again and freed her ear out of his grasp. Then she quickly whirled around him and jumped onto his back. Even if she was lighter than he was, it wasn’t as though she was significantly smaller than the pup just yet. In a couple more years he would become even bigger than now, but not yet. Knocking him to the ground, she enjoyed the fluffiness of her newest ‘seat’. She noticed that somehow Rin had already managed to collect quite a bit of dirt into his fur despite the early hour, but she didn’t really mind. It wasn’t as though she had been particularly concerned about minor details like dirt or a few twigs in her fur when she had still been out in the wild. ‘Though I bet he’s going to end up getting a bath later.’

Her tail swished slowly back and forth as she smirked, “I agreed to have some fun. And also…” Vee raised a paw and placed it right at the top of Rin’s head. “I didn’t get a proper bribe.” She poked at his head a couple times more before she got an idea and suddenly exclaimed, “Ooh, wait! I know!”

Vee shifted so she had her forelegs on one side and her hind legs over the other side of Rin’s torso and continued, “We can go to the forest if you carry me there. Think of it as training. Yeah, that’s it.” If anyone else had been listening, they would’ve realized that she had just come up with the ‘training’ excuse as she spoke but she wondered if Rin would. Well, no matter. She liked this idea and had every intention to stick with it. “Let’s go! As fast as you can!” Then, a second later, she thought about what she had just said. “Oh, if you drop me though, I’m taking you straight back to Beast.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((Disclaimer: I got Faith's full permission to do everything I did in this post beforehand.))


It was times like these when Akira appreciated her mate the most - Luke could be rational in situations that she never could. Like this one, for example. Much to her ease of rage, he was able to quickly get the young Cubone to apologize - and pretty convincingly, too. Of course, even in situations when Luke stepped in to help, she had her limits, and when Bam-Bam made a face at her when Luke wasn't looking she snapped.

"That's IT!!!" she howled, lunging forward and grabbing the Cubone by the head. Walking briskly, she dragged Bam-Bam back to Beast's nest, but not before setting her tail on fire. She needed to be rewarded with at least some pain for her efforts. Storming in to the now tranquil nest scene, she simply placed the Cubone front and center before Beast, tail still on fire. Fortunately for her mate's sanity, the fire was small enough that it provided no danger of burning down the nest.

"This one...needs to be reprimanded," she scowled. "Vociferously." She wheeled around on her heels, letting her tails dramatically cover a vast swathe of area and putting out Bam-Bam's tail fire in the process (she didn't want to further upset her mate, remember), and stormed out.

Walking back to her understandably tired and probably confused mate, she calmed herself down to the best of her ability, sitting down in front of him. "Sorry about all this, dear. You know how...volatile I can be," she said, looking genuinely apologetic. "Can't they just give us a nest that won't burn?"

Oscar smiled happily at everyone in the room, and particularly at Beast as he was greeted. "Hi Beast! I'm doing fantastic! How are you?"

Just then, the alpha's mate showed up, dropping off a little Cubone. Is it Bam-Bam? Something like that, Oscar thought to himself. The Ninetales left as quickly as she arrived, leaving an aura of tension in the room.

"I'm not doing as fantastic now..." Oscar remarked well after Akira was out of earshot. He wasn't really afraid of anyone in the village except her. Luke, the alpha, was intimidating sometimes, but always friendly to him. Oscar had never been addressed by Akira and he kind of wanted to keep it that way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Max sighed. There we go again he thought as he saw Akira picking up that poor Cubone with her flaming tail and taking it to Beast's nest. I've told her so many times that I can help her with her anger issues but she is just stubborn. Pride? I don't know anymore...these young ones are too energetic for me. Oh i know! Max used his powers to bring a bunch of berries from inside his house. Hey you two, he called out for Luke and Akira, won't you join me for breakfast? he said while holding berries in his hands. Max thought he could at least calm Akira down with some Tamato berries and as for Luke, Rindo berries are the best cure for his tiredness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Maw has been collecting berries in the morning since she woke up and stores them inside of her little home in the large forest. It felt like she belonged more to the forest then one of those villages they all seemed to live in. She could already imagine that Akiras house must have been burned down by now. But that was just a tought... Maw enjoyed her peacfull life alone in the forest but it would be fun to hang out with the town folks from time to time. So she headed off eating some of the berries on her way to the village. It didnt take long before she could already see a small black cloud of smoke above the city. She gave a sigh and continued her way down the path untill she reached the village where she already could see some of the kids playing outside. She knew a few of them since she used to play with them ever so often. She moved towards Veen and Rin to go play with them for a bit and could already quess a bit what was going on. They seemed to be talking about going towards the forest if Rin could drag Vee over there. She took advantage of the situation and scratched behind Rins ear trying to make him lose concentration of dragging vee "Hi guys how are you" she put on a soft smile and placed one of her berries in front of him. She looked sideways towards Vee and also placed a berrie in her paws which seemed to be free at the moment "Can I go play with you guys" She tried to put on some cute dog eyes as she looked at both of them waiting for a response
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Kir and puff -
Kir laughed when a spray of water hit them, she heard puff grumble.
"hi beast" Puff said, annoyance showing in her voice as she looked down at her now wet body.
"oh cheer up Puff" kir said, she whispered to Beast "she had a nightmare again, she was asleep when Akira set the nest on fire"
"don't talk about me like i'm not here" puff grumbled.
Kir ignored the comment and smiled at Amara "oh i don't care, if Amara doesn't want to talk she doesn't have too" her warm smiled widen a little.
then she heard Oscar "Oh Hello Oscar!"
a cubone was dropped off which got a giggle out of puff, until she realized Akira was the one dropping her off, then she hid.
"oh puff" Kir chastised, the jigglypuff ignored her. "you shouldn't get yourself in trouble so much bam-bam, it's bad for your health"
she chuckled a little at Oscar's response to Akira "she's not that bad"
"to you" puff muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Luke stared at his mate as she had her... episode, taking Bam-Bam towards Beast's Nest. The Serperior's eyes narrowed and then he threw his head back and let it thrash around as he let a bit of his anger off. He didn't make a sound, he just... thrashed around. He loved his mate and all of the pokemon in the village but they drove him crazy.

He stopped when he noticed Akria coming back and pulled back into a calm stance, watching her with calm eyes. "Yes, dear." He told her after listening to her. A less flammable nest would make sense.

Oak and Company

Oak sighed as he watched the scenery go by. One of his many scientists was driving the safari truck over to the village to inspect whatever Luke had reported. He brightened up when he felt the car stopping. He looked around at the village, frowning when he didn't see many pokemon out. Still, he could see Luke and Akira standing out in the open, talking about something. He smiled and stepped out of the car, running to the two pokemon.

"Good morning! How is everyone?" He asked enthusiastically. One of the scientists came up behind him with a brow raised.

"Uhm... Oak. They can't actually understand you." He told the professor.

"How do you know, Joe? You don't. Just let me do my thing." He responded without looking back. The scientist simply nodded and walked away, sighing as he did so.


He huffed as Vee turned the tables, sitting on him. "Veeeee!" He whined, squirming as he tried to get out from under her. He blinked as she spoke about a bribe and then proceeded to lay over top of him, telling him to go faster. He chuckled a bit and grinned.

"Of course. This is nothing!" He shouted, up to the challenge. It would be good training!

He stopped when he felt something on his ear and turned to see Maw. He grinned up at his friend and took the berry she offered. When she asked if she could tag along, he bounced up and down, well... the only way he could. He really just looked like he was fidgeting. It wasn't that Vee was fat or he was weak... it was just... okay. Vee was kind of fat... But he'd never tell her that! Who knows what she would do to him.

"Of course! I don't mind. Do you Vee?" He asked, looking up at Vee to see her response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


With a Pecha berry in his paws, Churro ran through the village happy as ever. Churro looked around hoping to find more berries to eat. “So hungry!” Churro said as he nibbled on the sweet berry. Not enough food can contain this cute little Dedenne. As he ran he noticed some fellow pokemons playing around, he climbed up a tall tree with the half eaten Pecha berry in his mouth and looked at the village happily, it was a great view, noticing some friends of his he waved but he get a feeling he won’t be noticed he shouted. “HI EVERYONE!!” Churro shouted happily as he danced on the branch, he then curled up into a little ball and slept with the Pecha berry in his paws.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Bam-bam -

Bam-bam squeaked as she was seized by the Ninetails, she gripped onto her skull helmet as she was dragged away. “Hey! Put me down! This is poke-buse!” She wailed at Akira, waving one hand at her tail as it was set on fire she pulled her feet up to her face and hastily blew on the flaming tip. “Ah! Hot, hot, hot!” She complained, flapping her tail against the ground as she was dragged.

- Beast & Bam-bam -

Beast grinned at Oscar as he smiled happily, he felt his tail wag in response. “That’s brilliant to hear Oscar! I’m not doing to bad though I need to rope Bam-bam in before she gets into anymore-“ Beast actually hesitated for a moment, looking around expectantly...though no sound interrupted him, with a relieved expression he opened his mouth to finish his undisturbed sentence when Akira’s angry voice cut him off for the third time that morning! “-trouble” He sighed dropping his head in defeat.

He tensed back as the fiery ninetails stormed back into the nest instantly aware Amara may douse them both in water again...he feared for his hut at this moment in time as well. “A-akira! N-now hold on I was just coming!” Beast stuttered over his words, his ears flicking back as she placed a squirming Bam-bam down in front of him, demanding she be punished for her actions. Beast nodded his head quickly at Akira, exhaling as she spun on her heels and left...he appreciated Akira a lot but Arceus did she scare the flames out of him. He physically shook himself, careful not to dislodge Amara as he did trying to shake the tension left in the room. He glanced back at Oscar as he mentioned his change in mood. “Aww, don’t let this get you down! Come on guys, what say we have a bit of fun? Lighten the mood” He grinned at the lot of them.

“Bam-bam on the other hand...I think its high time you paid the elder a visit!” Beast grumbled, his expression becoming harder as he stared at the sulking Cubone. “I mean it! Leave Akira alone and visit Max” He lowered his voice, he didn’t like being a hardball but it was necessary with Bam-bam, who merely persisted to sulk in front of him too afraid to challenge Beast after his demonstration of seriousness. It only took a moment for the warmth to return to the Arcanine’s face as he turned back to the others.
Noticing Puff had hidden upon Akira’s arrival he lowered his head towards her, wagging his tail slowly. “Hey Puff, want to come play? I’m offering free Beast rides first...then I’m thinking a game of either ‘*Beast Says’ or ‘Hide and Seek’ what do you guys think?” He asked eager to put the cubs back at ease. “We should probably keep an eye out for Rin as well” He grinned at them his tail wagging behind him happily. He was at ease talking to Kir if he directed his speech to either Puff or Oscar. Beast carefully made his way out of the hut, waiting to see who fancied joining him out here, his ears flicked towards Professor Oak as he bounded into the village. The Arcanine ‘barked’ a greeting at the professor before returning his attention to the cubs.

- Bam-bam continued -

Bam-bam scowled at Kir under her skull helmet, folding her arms and angrily turning her back on the other pokemon she hadn’t challenged Beast at all though upon him leaving she got to her feet and hopped up and down in a paddy. muttering under her breath before storming out of the hut. “Out of my way!” She hissed at Oscar as she passed him. She poked her bottom lip out, stalking back over to her discarded bone she picked it up casting a long glance at Oak, Akira and Luke before she dramatically jutted her head up and turned away in a huff dragging her bone behind her she begrudgingly made her way up the hill. Trying to think up a way to trick the old pokemon...

((* Clefairy Says ^^’))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira perked her ears up as Max, the elder, asked her and her mate to breakfast. Turning to Luke, she said "that sounds n-" as her sentence was cut short by the appearance of Bam-Bam. She peered her head around Luke's body when she saw the little Cubone trudging over to the elder's house, suddenly no longer interested in breakfast, despite how good the old Mega-Alakazam's berries were. She smiled, seeing how frustrated the little Cubone was. "It would seem that justice has been served," she remarked to Luke.

At that moment, Professor Oak and his assistant ran up to them. "Another time, perhaps!" yelled Akira at Max quickly. She didn't want to go near that Cubone, and her mate and she were responsible for "communicating" (if you could call it that) with the Professor. Looking up at the man, she responded to his greeting. "Well, well, the cavalry has arrived!" Turning to her mate, she said quieter, "It's too bad he can't understand us, hmm?"

"What did I do?!" Oscar asked in bewilderment as Bam-Bam stormed past him. "I have the worst timing. Seriously," he remarked, mostly to himself. "Can I stick with you today, Beast?" he asked, perking his head back up to look at the Arcanine. "As long as we don't have to run into Akira anymore?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jazz & Altaire

"Wooohooooo!!!!!!!" A loud howl was heard from the forest toward the large hill. A jolteon raced down the hill, skating upon a slightly curved flat plank of fallen wood.

The govgles covering her eyes as her spikes body remained low, her paws pressing against the wood and moving them side to side to avoid any trees. This was Jazz, the natural young adventurous dare devil. Just above her was another figure, one shaped almost like a jet, the pokemon Latios named Altaire. The dragon/psychic type looked down at her with big red eyes, slightly worried for the yellow pokemon, but kept up with her speed with somewhat ease.

One reason Jazz liked Altaire, he might be a nervous kid, but by Arceus could he fly! She hadn't met many pokemon faster than her, but he was one of the exceptions. She probably would of never met him if he hadn't bit a branch.

It hadn't been long since they came to this village, Jazz mostly the one showing her face while Altaire either his in the sky, trees, or if he was daring enough, going invisible and moving within the small town. In fact, her purplish blue eyes glanced up to see his body disappears in a blue glow, hiding himself as they neared the town.

With a smirk, Jazz skid the plank against a rock making it fly in the air and over the village. With a great thud, she landed at the edge, skidding to the middle until her back paws hit the back of the board to make it flip up. Her front paws grabbing the front while her back bit the ground in one smooth movement. Huffing in her success, she dropped the plank and pushed the goggles back up to her forehead and threw her head back as she gave a cheery laugh.

"Alright! That was awesome Alt! Next time I bet I can stand on your back! Hey kid, I'm gonna grab some grub for us. How about you try going to play with the others? If you get scared or something bad happens just come get me." Jazz said, her long ears perking as she strained to listen for the younger Pokemon.

After a few minutes, a quite reply was uttered against her right ear.

"Okay... Oran Berries please..." Altaire softly murmured before nervously floating away from the electric type, still cloaking within the environment as he nervously examined the other pokemon. There were indeed several children amongst this town, but even they still made him nervous. It was hard enough getting used to Jazz, but she was technically a adult. He never really played with other children of sorts and was unsure how to handle him.

So maybe he would just hide in a tree again before anyone bumped into him.

Jazz shook her head, making her red scarf wave a bit. Her fluffy white tipped tail flicked from side to side as she strutted to her nest to get some collected berries, only pausing as she saw the now burnt alpha nest. With a smirk and snicker, the Jolteon have a huff.

"Guess Miss Powderpuff got cranky again. That chick needs to take a chill pill... Then again she probably can't. Fire types heh." Jazz mused before continuing on nonchalantly.

Unlike most, she held absolutely no fear towards the ninetale's, which probably ticked off Akira even more than Jazz already did. Akira didn't quite as much enjoy her teasing or jokes. Luke was alright, but Jazz gave him the same treatment. No fear and says what's on her mind. It just the way she was, though that didn't mean she didn't like them.

They seemed alright overall, well mostly Luke.

Kids were kids. Beast was basically a big fluff ball. The old man was... Well a old man...

Really not too many pokefolk here were bad that she could think off. Kids were fun to play with sometimes too. Honestly she worried more for Altaire. Jazz could handle herself with pokemon but the kid had trouble socializing at all. He had proven he could take care of himself survival wise at least, just not with pokefolk.

And she was the adult, but she was no mom.... Maybe a older sister but still. She didn't really know anything about taking care of a kid. She herself acted a bit like one. Mhmm maybe she could ask Beast for advice, he seemed to like kids and he took care of most of them. It be nice if Altaire would meet him, but Jazz didn't want to push the poor kid too far. It was hard enough getting him into the town even if he hid himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Another time its is then!" he replied to Akira and grabbed an Oran berry to eat. The village was bursting with life which made him forget that today was one of the days Oak visited the village to check on everyone and see how they were doing. He searched for him with his psychic powers and let him know he was glad he had visited them. Due to him being a psychic Pokemon, he could communicate telepathically with humans, a plus when it came to dealing with problems such as food shortages and emergencies. "I should make sure to meet him while he is here" he thought while turning his attention towards Jazz, who had just entered the village through the forest. Max turned his head around instantly and faced her and an intimidating smile formed on his face, letting her know he knew what she was thinking. He then turned his attention towards Bam-Bam who was making her way towards Max's nest and with a smile he greeted her, "a lady like you shouldn't make that face" he said teasingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Vee

“Good good good, then let’s get moving.” Vee chuckled, relaxing her body to enjoy a (non-)leisurely ride into the forest. Then she noticed Maw coming up to them. Before she could ask how the Mawile was doing, she handed Vee a berry, something she was more than happy to accept. Popping the berry into her mouth, she pretended to make a deep consideration as to whether or not Maw could join them on their mini adventure. After swallowing, she stuck her tongue out and said, “No, you can’t.”

After a small, and likely awkward, pause she burst out laughing and answered, “Pfft, of course you can! I’m just kidding.” Grinning, Vee jumped off of Rin. As amusing as it had seemed at first, his back wasn’t exactly the most comfortable place to be in. And with two younger pokemon to look after she figured she should probably resume walking on her own 4 feet again.

Giving Rin a light push on the side she pointed out, “See? That’s how you bribe someone. Food, and a cute, innocent look to lower people’s guards.” Tilting her head to the forest she continued, “The sooner we go, the longer this ‘adventure’ of yours can be. But we’re going back for breakfast, alright?” Vee looked at the two other pokemon, waiting for confirmation that they heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oak and Luke

The professor smiled as Pokemon came to greet him. Even Max, the old man. Oak chuckled as the old pokemon spoke to him using his telekinesis. Oak simply smiled and the old Mega-Alakasam. And... The Arcanine? He chuckled at Beast, barking at him and turned to get something out of his book bag. He pulled out a rather large plastic sheet with wires hooked up to it. He laid it out on the ground, the wires running into his bookbag, it's power source. He turned the pad on and several boxes lit up. He smiled and motioned for Luke to punch in the box that corresponded with what the young Serperior wanted.

Luke watched the machine lit up and lifted his tail when Oak motioned for him to continue. He hit the square that held the light on it. When he did, all the other lights went out except for that one. Oak nodded his head and pressed a button that reset everything. Luke continued by pressing the square that held the fire. Oak sighed and then nodded, pressing the reset button. His eyes lifted to look Akira in the eyes. He shook his head at her, a smile on his face.

They should have figured this out ages ago. He stood up and turned to look for his scientists. "Let's get to building them a stone habitat. Akira can't seem to keep her fire under control." He shouted to his workers. He shifted his gaze and smiled at Akira. He walked over and put his hand on her head, petting it before walking around the village to inspect everything else and make sure everything was okay.

As Oak left, Luke turned to his mate and smiled. "Don't worry. It'll be fixed and he'll be out of here soon. Then life can go on as normal." He tried to reassure her knowing that what was going on probably would probably upset her. He turned when he heard Jazz coming up. He smiled when he saw her send Altaire to play with the other kids. For some reason he liked her. He felt like she was what the village needed... Or maybe he was just going crazy. He shook his head and turned back to Akira. "So, what do you want to do today? I could walk you to the meadow and let you relax without any interruptions..." He asked, trying to find some way to appease his mate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira watched apprehensively as Oak brought out the odd flat thing that let Luke request things. This was usually the part when Luke pressed "fire", and Oak smiled and just had another wooden nest built. Luke went through the same motions, and Akira expected the same result.

But then...something amazing happened. At Oak's endearing smile at her and subsequent shout to his workers, Akira nearly exploded. In happiness.

First, it was a few nanoseconds of disbelief. Wait...he didn't really say that, did he?

Then, it was a few milliseconds of complete shock as she processed the information, happily accepting Oak's head pet in the process.

And then, it was pure, unbridled elation.

"Luke! Did you...hear that?! A stone habitat!" She jumped and pranced around him as Oak walked away. "STONE!!! I don't know what you did but I love you!" she exclaimed as she went to nuzzle him, practically tackling him in the process. "Oh, I'm so happy! Luke, Luke! Isn't this wonderful?" She pranced around for a little while longer until she was finally able to calm herself down, still in the happiest mood she'd been in in a long time.

After collecting her emotions from the ground around her, she responded to his query. "Luke, that sounds lovely. But I want you to be with me, okay?"

Like a dog twitching while he waits for his master to let him at food, Akira was twitching, leaning towards the direction of the meadow. "Shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


With a soft hum, she took a glance toward Professor Oak, Luke and Akira. The human had brought her here to the island after she was found quite a bit beat up. Guess he helped out in this town from time to time. Smirking a bit in amusement at the ninetales happy yips, Jazz flicked her tail in greeting to the green serpent as he looked at her before continuing on. Might as well leave them be to do whatever mates do. He was a young leader amongst several children, he could use a break. Even if Akira was temperamental, he still seemed to love her and they do say love is love.

Glancing toward the old Alakazam, she simply smirked back, not intimidated by the psychic pokemon. Only sticking out her tongue playfully and thought "Old Man" knowing he could hear. Still it might be good if Altaire met him as well. After all he was part psychic type as well. Maybe Latios's could learn mind reading too? Mhmm not sure. Still, the kid could do some neat tricks already, but she had a feeling he wasn't well used with his all his skills except transforming and blending in. Maybe she would have to take him out for training.

Padding in her nest, she picked at some berries, gathering some in her scarf like a berry pouch. Frowning a little as she saw she was out of Oran berries. Guess she could hunt for some more or send Altaire to get some. Well maybe Beast had a Oran Berry, she could always pay him back since she was always out on her walk abouts.

Spotting the Arcanine outside with some of the cubs with him, the Jolteon bounded over to him with a cheery grin.

"S'up big dog! Out to play again this morning with the kids?" Jazz greeted with a carefree laugh.

Watching silently as Jazz went into the den, the blue invisible pokemon froze up a bit at the sight of a human. Deciding to take for the forest, the young Pokemon flew back into the forest quietly. It usually was bad if humans saw him so he wasn't quite willing to be any where near them. As he flew along, he spotted a small little group of Pokemon, one happening to be a Eevee. Jazz probably used to be a Eevee so maybe this one was friendly. Then again maybe not... Still, they looked pretty young and he was unsure why they were out of town.

His good nature getting the better of him, Altaire decided to quietly follow them, keeping himself hidden.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 8 mos ago


He frowned when he felt Vee get off of him. He didn't know why but he suddenly felt jealous that she was paying attention to someone else. He let out a rather short snort and shook his head when she started saying stuff about how to bribe someone. He rolled his eyes at her but couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, yeah..." He replied, his voice making him sound tired even though he wasn't. Still... What happened to that training he was going to get?

Trying his best not to pout, he walked along with his two friends towards the woods. He slowed down when he heard something behind them and.. smelled something off. He turned to see... nothing? Weird... The young poochyena's nose was never wrong... He looked around while walking slowly, still trying to keep up, his nose sniffing the air.

Wait... It was someone he knew but only vaguely. Who was it? This was going to bother him...

"Who's there?" He called out, finally stopping to look behind him.

"Of course." He answered her and began to slide over towards the meadow which was located just a few minutes south of the village. It had a wide expansive field with multicolored flowers all around. He smiled as he reached it for it was as much of a get away for Akira as it was for him. He let his large body fomp against the grass as he rolled around rather gleefully. Akira was the only person he let see the side of him.

He knew that she was probably the one that watched him the most but he also knew that if he couldn't be himself around her, he wouldn't be a good leader. He smiled as he thought.

Every good leader has a woman behind them.

He stopped rolling and lifted his head to look at his mate. He slide over slowly and nudged his head against her lovingly. "You're as a beautiful as the day I met you, Love." He told her, obviously sweet talking her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Akira's day was looking up.

She happily followed her mate to the meadow, watching him roll around in the field with a smile on her face. Seeing the big, long Serperior frolic around in a field like a little cub never failed to amuse her, and she assumed it amused him as well. While she was often angry at someone or something, she was happy if he was (and she wasn't annoyed at something). She was his mate, after all...a fact that was proven shortly when he rubbed his head against hers and gave her a florid compliment. Akira loved it when he complimented her. It was a perfect scene - in the meadow with just the two of them.

"Oh, Luke," she said as she dramatically (but completely genuinely) swooned, letting herself fall over into the grass, followed shortly by her tails. She was now a happy pile of tails poking out of the grass. She poked her head out of her mound of tails, looking expectantly at Luke, hoping he'd join her on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The young floating pokemon halted in terror as the young poochyena turned back to face toward him, seeming confused when he saw nothing. Before finally asking who was out here with the little group of children plus a adult who was just as small as them. Canine pokemon seemed to have good noses it seemed, it's how Jazz spotted him as well.

It was tempting to simply fly off, but these were just children like him, him being a bit older, and a adult Eevee. None of them probably would do harm to him but he was naturally cautious. Still, the Jolteon had told him to play with the children... And if things got out of hand he could simply fly off. He was much faster then these pokemon and none of them could fly. So he honestly probably didn't have too much to worry about, yet he didn't know how to exactly approach him.

Several minutes went by without a single answer uttered from the invisible Pokemon until finally, he floated behind a tree and his body morphed into a copied image of the young Poochyena. Slowly padding out behind the tree, his ears flattened as he nervously padded closer. The timid pokemon didn't say anything, merely shuffled in place as if he would be ready to make a bolt for it.
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