NameSayuri Cho
Age and date of birthAged 13,
Age Appearance15
ParentsLength and build170 centimeters tall, slim build
Weight65 kilograms,
Favorite weather and seasonSpring, partially clouded sky
VillageThe Village Hidden by Leaves
BirthplaceThe Land of Fire
The Cho ClanRankGenin
Chakra Nature:
Water Release
Sayuri ChoSayuri is a fairly tall girl with a slim build, a result of her training. In combat, she wears an
outfit comfortable for her, with her puches tied on her belt, while she wears her forehead protector on her leg. Dragon´s Bite is strapped to her back when sheathed. Her
casual outfit consists of plain back clothes.
All credit for the picture goes to the awesome Yojiih!
Personality" Fly like a butterfly, bite like a dragon. "
The quote above perfectly describes Sayuri. Being an optimistic, cheerful and kind hearted girl allowed Sayuri to have many friends in her childhood. She can be approached by any problem and always does her best to offer advice or help of any kind. She is very respectful and humble when in the presence of her clan members and other important persons in her life. When in the presence of her friends and peers, she is relaxed and talkative, often joking and trying to avoind tensions above all things. At the same time, she can be a pretty sharp person who is not too picky in her language and methods in achieving her goals - but Sayuri never crosses certain boundaries, no matter what the situation is.
In combat, she is always focused on the situation at hands, but keeps a certain degree of dettachment from the fight - that way, she can gain a certain advantage that she will try to keep. The protection of herself and her comrades are very important for her and she will always find a way to combine protecting her friends with carrying out the orders given.
HistorySayuri was born into the Cho Clan with the current clan leader, Aiko Cho - Hon as her aunt. Since her parents and Aiko were on good terms, Sayuri often spent time with the clan head, and Aiko greatly inspired the young Cho girl. Sayuri was notoriously known for her inability to sit calmly in one place - tag and hiding were her favorite games, whether her parents were playing or not. She also had a pretty sharp tongue, but never to the point of disrespecting others. She spent her childhood in a loving and caring environment, leading her to develop a positive personality as described above. She started the training of her ninja skills at the age of six, with the aid of her parent and sometimes even Aiko. After three years of training with her family, Sayuri joined the academy. There, she made several friend and her progress seems to be a bit stalled.
This led to the point that while Sayuri could efortlessly graduate at the top of her class, her results were only average. Her nature was too wild for the academy and she made it clean on several occasions. However, once she graduated and attained the rank of a Genin, she became more serious and has taken on her responsibilites with her full capacity, earning her praise from her parents. She now does her very best to improve her aunt, Aiko - and to make the Cho Clan proud by her future achievments.
Theme Song:
Dragon Rider
Name of Weapon or ItemDragon´s Bite
DescriptionSayuri´s main weapon of choice is the sword she calls Dragon´s Bite - a gift from Aiko Cho - Hon to Sayuri being promoted to the rank of a Genin. Sayuri trained a lot in the art of Kenjutsu from her early years and this gift is the one she cherishes the most. She quickly mastered the unusual features of the sword and managed to further improve her Kenjutsu provess with it. The blade is made of chakra conductive metal, making it an ideal weapon for her.
AppearanceClick Me
Name of Weapon or Item:Sealing Scroll
DescriptionRegular sealing scrolls capable of containing basic shinobi tools and substances like water used for her techniques.
Appearance:Sealing Scroll
Name of Weapon or Item:Standard Shinobi Tools
DescriptionStandard Shinobi tools - 10 shuriken, 5 kunai, 10m of wire.
AppearanceStandard Shinobi Tools
Name of Weapon or ItemKonoha earphone communicator
DescriptionA convenient communicator that enables better communication in and between teams. The communicator is small and designed to not cause any irritation for the user. It has some stations, each for a specif group.
The range/radius to which messages and communication can be held with the use of the communicators is about 2.5 km wide.
Channel A :
Is for the team, thus everything that is said in station A will only be transferred and heard by those within the team.
Channel B :
Is for every other team in the 2.5 km radius. It will enable and provide communication to Konoha teams and thus enables better teamwork for when two or more teams are in each other radius, which can lead that more missions will have a higher chance of success.
Channel C:
This is only available for Jounins and leaders of teams. The C station provides communication for leaders of teams, without thus the problem that can be caused if the students also talk through the communicator. It will mostly be used for leaders of teams to direct their teams better in a synchronized attack or movement etc.
Appearance Konoha earphone communicator
Skills/AbilitiesTalented with Water Release
Good Chakra Control
Genin ranked Kenjutsu
Special TraitsNimble fighter
Average chakra and stamina reserves
Kekkei Genkai:
Name of Kekkei Genkai-/-
Custom Jutsu
Name of TechniqueWater Release - Water Whip
Type of JutsuOffensive / Supplementary
RangeClose - Mid
Nature TypeWater Release
HandsealsSeal Of Confrontation
DescriptionThis technique creates a whip of water from the object held by the user - be it a kunai or a sword. The Water Whip works like a regular whip, capable of performing all the feats a normal whip can.
WeaknessLightning Release and stronger Fire Release techniques can quickly neutralize the whip.
Name of TechniqueWater Release : Ball
Type of JutsuOffensive / Defensive / Supplementary
RangeMid - Close
Nature TypeWater Release
HandsealsDog - Boar - Ox
DescriptionA technique that creates a ball of water depending on the amount of chakra kneaded into the technique. The ball functions as a projectile, but is not capable of inflicting physical damage. She often shapes them into the form of dragons.
WeaknessLightning Release and stronger Fire Release techniques, quick movements and other strong defenses.
Name of TechniqueSpace Time Technique - Red Flash - Seal Stage
Type of JutsuOffensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Nature TypeNone
HandsealsTiger - Ram
DescriptionThis technique creates the
seal necessary for Sayuri to use her " Red Flash " space time technique.
WeaknessShe must weave the handseals and come close enough to the intended target to apply it, so good manuevering can avoid the application of the seal.
Name of TechniqueSpace Time Technique - Red Flash
Type of JutsuOffensive / Defensive / Supplementary
RangeClose - Long
Nature TypeNone
HandsealsSeal of Confrontation
DescriptionThe technique that allows Sayuri to teleport objects to the applied Red Flash seal. Due to the technique being very early in development and her being a Genin, the most she can transform are shuriken, kunai and explosive tags.
WeaknessThe technique is still in development and her mastery over it is very initial. She cannot teleport objects in a quick sucession and the size of the objects is heavily limited. Also, the ammount of teleportations is limited. Sayuri can teleport herself as well, but she is guaranteed to pass out from extortion.