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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm talking about starting points to make my kingdom, not the moneys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ashgan
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Heyitsjiwon said
3 seasons that last 4 months each. It's Waiting Season (Winter), Growing Season, and Harvest Season.

According to the document, it's actually four seasons. Waiting, Working, Growing, Harvest. You can check it out on the first page.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

By the way, I'll not be using Sellafour, I'll be making another unique country and house, don't worry, it'll have a Badass Head of the House, but female.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashgan said
According to the document, it's actually four seasons. Waiting, Working, Growing, Harvest. You can check it out on the first page.

^ There we go. I should not try to remember stuff from a month ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name of Lord or Lady: Jarl Haraldr Vasa. 34. 6'6, 250 pounds. Large, even for Suehan. Light blond haired, square jaw, broad shoulders. Blue eyes, not bright so much as piercing.

Orkneyjar: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Jorvik: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Moen: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Northreyjar: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Suthreyjar: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Rogaland: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Troendelag: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Wooden Wall, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Narvik: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Fortified Manor, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 10 points spent.

Sveaborg: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Fortified Manor, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 9 points spent.

Aland: Fair, 18,000, Some, Advanced Infrastructure, Fortified Manor, 4.6 CPP, 26.5k. 9 points spent.

Towns: None

Town Name: Population, Wealth Level, Fief it is Located In, Taxes per Person


Since all fiefs have the same income, this is troops per fief. Also, treasury per fief.

220 Leidangr: Spear, leather armor, dagger, javelin. 17 to buy, 5 to maintain.
156 Huskarlar: Mail, great axe. 20 to buy, 5 to maintain.
96 Bogamathurar: Longbow, short sword, leather armor. 20 to buy, 7 to maintain.
96 Slingr: Sling, club, leather armor. 9 to buy, 3 to maintain
108 Horse archers. Bow, saber, horse, 35 to buy, 11 to maintain.
36 Riddarar. Plate, Lance, Mace, Horse, Barding. 78 to buy, 16 to maintain
250 Vikingr. Half axes, half short swords, leather armor. 10 to buy, 3 to maintain.

13810/3920 total

9 Great Galleys

3 War Galley

12 Ballistae.

28 longboats

7 Great longboat

Royal Court:

Grevinne Helga, Lady Vasa, 17 (3 points)
~After the previous Lady Vasa, Elda, died, it was imperative on Haraldr to remarry quickly lest the other Suehan nobles begin to believe he was grieving, a sign of weakness. Three weeks later, it became politically impossible to remain unmarried. At the next debutante ball, where Helga was presented, the Jarl stood up and asked Helga's father for her hand in marriage on the spot as she was the most beautiful girl there, breaking protocol but proving that the Jarl was, at least to all appearances, fine. In actuality, their marriage is cold, as the loss of the mother of all seven of his children has deeply affected the Jarl. She hopes that as the Jarl overcomes his grief, he will warm up to her.

Prins Viljalmur, 34 (4)
~The Jarl's younger twin, he is a follower more than a leader, albeit an extremely competent one. He is his brother's most trusted confidant, and the two of them are the best of friends. He too lost his wife in the fire that took Elda.

Prins Gunter (brother), 26 (4)
~The most ruthless of the sons of Lodbrok, Gunter does not believe in honor. He has no personal ambitions, but serves House Vasa and will remove anyone who threatens the House, even the Jarl. As much as anyone can trust him, Haraldr trusts him to handle the dirty work.

Prins Raudebjorn (brother), 23 (4)
~Raudebjorn is physically the largest, standing at seven feet tall. Far from what his enormous size and lumbering gait would suggest, he is no brute, and is actually the most learned of the sons of Lodbrok. Haraldr frequently entrusts the administration of several fiefs to him.

Prins Valgard (brother), 22 (4)
~The duelist of the family, Valgard cannot resist a tournament or a challenge. His day is filled with rigorous training, and he often emerges from his sparring with his brothers battered and bruised, but still smiling. His motives are unclear; he isn't a braggart, and will even enter tournaments under an assumed name. He is also the most honorable, and for this reason Haraldr must ensure he is out of the room when intrigue or politics are discussed. Obviously, he and Gunter do not get along.

Prins Yngvar (brother), 21 (4)
~All he wants is to be like Valgard, whom he admires. However, while a love of combat he shares with Valgard, his modesty and honor are lost on him. Whenever he wins anything, the whole world, particularly the women, are sure to know.

Prins Johannes (Brother), 19:
~The ascetic, Johannes is reserved and cold. He spends most his time with Raudebjorn reading books, or hunting deep in the woods by himself

Prins Ragnvald Vasa, 15 (5)
Prins Tyr Vasa, 10 (4)
Prinsesse Astrid Vasa (sister), 5 (2)
Prins Njall Vasa, 10 (4)
Prins Gerhardt, 2 (2)
Prins Thorvald, 2 (2)
Prins Jakob, 1. (2)

Optional Concerns:


Original Receipts:

Total Population: 180,000

Population Living in Towns: 0

Crops Produced per Annum: 834000

Total Growth Bonus: 9%

Income per Annum: 265k

Current Treasury: 235000

House History:

House Vasa under Jarl Hroerek came across the sea from the distant north, fleeing an expanding ice sheet, as part of a mass migration of Suehans, their people. From their island of Orkneyjar, they raided and pillaged all of Lundland, until as a result of fecundism the island became overpopulated and the Great Suehan Army landed on the continent and conquered huge swathes of land, driving south most of the original inhabitants. Finally, an anti-Suehan coalition was formed, forcing Jarl Blatand to accept the religion and suzerainty of the overlord in exchange for being able to keep his land. Over the years, House Vasa and the Suehans became progressively Lundized, to the point that their nobles speak Lundish almost exclusively. While all speak Suehan, only the peasants do not have a grasp of the Lundish language.

House Coat of Arms
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[ This be House Behringer's Vassals. A link will be posted on the front page for them. For you old-timers, vassals are now public, to aid in schem- I mean for convenience. I'll finish making it more legible when I return from work. House Cole's vassals are next. ]

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Forgot to mention. Military will be completed after I learn how many vassals I have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flooby, since it is 4 seasons, I have probably messed up again, let me see what happens with 4 seasons... again. And with 4 seasons Fortunes is in the negative.

Well... I actually... survived?

Crops in Storage

Crops in Storage

I am a bad ass Flooby
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I can export lots of food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This is Fortunes Kingdom
Current Treasury

Current Crop Storage
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wow FLooby, yer a butt. I got one guy who's cool with me, and we think alike, except for all the food. But that's okay. Another may betray me at any time if it serves to benefit the Lord and the House of Trisch. And the other is very MEH with me while probably still able to fight alongside me. You really came up with some good personalities. I'm gonna have to check out their relatives to benefit largely from this.

I may just look at the other players Vassals... maybe...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flooby, these Vassals won't fit in my territory, should I claim more land?
Needs approval
Territory Map also needs Approval
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think an alliance with House Fisher would be very beneficial to Ironstone Isle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

ulsterwarrior said
I think an alliance with House Fisher would be very beneficial to Ironstone Isle.

If you're looking to steal him from me, that's gonna be one big ass civil war. I see much better benefits with just Allying with me in general.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well he is a maritime based nation, so together they would rule the seas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

And because of them I'm not afraid of freaking sea attacks! Don't turn my strength into a weakness!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ulsterwarrior


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, it does say that the head of the house is currently disagreeing with your leadership. He wants his own lordship. As King of the Ironstone Isle, I could give him that lordship. He would be the most powerful Lord in all of Lundland, if he only joined me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's not that he disagrees with me it's that he disagrees with the Overlord, which, if I can give him the power to over rule the Overlord, he'll stay by my side. I'm not treating him as an underling, I am also giving him the best protection I can give. So if he would want to be under your rule, he'd have to move and get a new fief, I doubt he wants that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Done, and waiting for approval.



Wow, that Fish house is pretty damn big. Could be a player in its own right.
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