Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The new candidates for the military were flooding into the training corps camp with the carriages or by themselves. They would arrive to the dull plains next to a forest with giant trees. There was a large empty field with a small stand in front of it, behind it, buildings like the cafeteria and the sleeping quarters. Some of the staff members were directing the newcomers to the cabins. The men were moving to one and the women were to another. Inside the cabins, each trainee would find several neatly placed uniforms of different sizes. The schedule on the back of the door showed that they had to be ready at the field by the next hour for an announcement.

Among the trainees, there were teenagers, young adults, some people who were in a last attempt to get into the inner district… Of course, almost everyone there was aiming for the Military Police. All they wanted was to get some coin in their pockets and lead a comfortable life with all of their troubles whisked away. There were a few people who were there to join the Scouting Legion, the people who some might describe as ‘suicidal’. They blurted nonsense about how they wanted to "see the world" or help free humanity from its cage. Like they’re going to make a difference.

Zachary Smith, the head of the Trainee Corps, watched the crowd fill his view, a look of disgust appearing on his face as he saw some of the new applicants. Those fat little punks weren’t worth the time they would be wasting on them for the test.
While some of these idiots were loud when their motives were questioned, one of the younger and well built trainees stood, seemingly isolated from the others. He had two faint scars, one on his nose, stretching from one cheek to the other, and the other was on the side of his left eyebrow. The boy who would identify himself as "Joseph" if asked his name watched as his new fellow trainees walked in and out of the cabin. Joseph had planned to make some friends on his first day, but he wasn’t exactly the most social type. He simply stood at the side, waiting for the courage to introduce himself to one of his comrades to miraculously appear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

In the crowded and bustling cabin full of other girls Scarlet kept quiet. Unable to recognize a single person she felt relieved as no one from her previous life would be in attempts to stop her or report her, but at the same time the less people that knew about her at the start the better. This was because she wasn’t sure how actively his father was searching for her. He might have posted a reward or looked to the military, so Scarlet’s best bet was to lay low until people trusted her and that she could trust them to not turn her in. At the same time she thought of this she listened to the other chatter cadets gave about the scour or police. <The police seem to be cowards, and I can’t tell how many of those wanting to join scouts are foolish and don’t have the stomach or drive.> she thought at she found her uniform size.

It didn’t take her long to change and claim herself a bunk, and thankfully she met no resistance doing so. Facing the reality of the military seemed easy enough so far. A bed was better than a pile of trash on the street and she would be fed. However, she didn’t like the close quarters living with everyone else. Preferring to have breathing room for herself as well as she would like to not here every bit of gossip. Whilst this idle chatter continued in area once they moved to the field Scarlet stood off to a side watching those she could see. Analyzing and coding information into her head about what they seem to be like was the goal. Scarlet wasn’t intelligent in the common sense, but she learned how to read people before leaving her home and on the streets. Hoping that by doing this she may find someone to talk to and end this feeling of anxiety in her chest she didn’t expect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


Member Offline since relaunch

The sun was still low when the trainees came in, and everyone was probably grateful. These past weeks had been excruciatingly hot, and the summer heat is worse in the training grounds. Newcomers flooded in through the front gates whilst military personnel herded them towards the barracks, separated the genders, took down names , and so forth. Viktor patrolled along the edge, making sure no one wandered off or tried anything stupid; it would be a shame to be court-martialed on the first day. Viktor's eyes darted, memorizing hair, eyes, body shapes, and voices. His peers shook their heads in disapproval but found it funny that he was putting any effort in this job. He didn't really think anything of this, it was simply their opinion and their choice to not take their duty as seriously as him. Back when he himself was a trainee, Viktor's supervisors were some of the top men from each of their respected branches, and even those from the Military Police took their job seriously, and that's the level of dedication he aimed for.

Viktor had an ever present smile and his monocle bounced and glared with sunlight as he walked, his hair was neatly pulled back into a small ponytail with a silk red ribbon. His military uniform was a bit tight though, since whoever was in charge of retrieving the uniforms didn't listen when Viktor asked for specific measurements. It felt uncomfortable around the back, even though he had perfect posture, the shirt and jacked pulled at his shoulders. The pants were worse; he didn't show it, but the crisp white pants squeezed his legs like snakes making it rather difficult to walk, especially how the trousers squeezed and rubbed against his nether regions; it was possibly the most uncomfortable situation he could have ever been in. And probably about to be the most embarrassing. Viktor could feel a small ripple coming from his clothing, although undetectable to others, he could even hear the unmistakable sound of the stitching snapping under pressure. His face was like a stone slab, but beads of sweat formed on his face and color rose to his cheeks. He couldn't make any sudden movements, or else--

"--Smisse! Vice chief Smisse!"

A hand tapped Viktor's right shoulder and the voice sounded small and squeaky. Viktor was startled since he was caught up in his own thoughts that he forgot his predicament and spun around abruptly. The horrific sound of fabric tearing echoed through the front yard, gigantic holes and tears formed and dotted the uniform and then silence followed.
Viktor swore he heard a couple of gasps and a few giggles, some instantaneous and other s bit late to the reaction. Viktor's face was a deep beet red and sweat drops trickled down his neck; world seemed to stop, making this moment unbearably longer than it should be. The one who had called Viktor's attention was a staff sergeant that-- if Viktor remembered correctly-- was from the Garrison, serving as the Trainee Corps' barracks inspector. The young man's eyes were probably as wide as Viktor's, his face was as white as a sheet, realizing his error.
The two stood still staring at each other until Viktor broke the silence, "Y-yes, inspector?" Viktor's voice was raspy and hushed, he was really thirsty all of a sudden.
"U-uh... It's almost time for the orientation, a-and the schedule says that there will be dinner afterwards... s-sir." The young inspector raised his clipboard in fear of retaliation from Viktor, even though everyone knew him to be very forgiving and even a sort of pacifist. Viktor didn't respond, staring into space, his dignity self imploding into a vacuum that sucked all light around it. "U-um... Vice Chief Smisse, sir?" The young officer called out Viktor, bringing him back to his senses. Viktor focused his eyes again, bring his attention to the young man. "I-it says on the officer roster that it's you're to cook tonights meal, sir." It took a moment for him to process what the boy was saying, since Viktor's mid was reseting itself, he then came to his senses and his gentle smile returned, "Oh, I see." Viktor patted the inspector on the shoulder, causing the young man to flinch. "Thank you for telling me this Inspector, I'll get on that right away."

Viktor turned away and began the trek to the mess hall, which ironically was on the other side of the grounds, meaning he would have to walk across the sea of bodies in his ripped uniform, while eyes burned holes into what remained of his pride and self esteem, even the other major officers stared at him with sneers and satisfied grins, maybe it was planned that Viktor was to be humiliated? Deleting the thought from his mind, Viktor humbled himself and held his head high, walking at normal pace towards the mess hall. At least it was more comfortable to walk since his pants didn't suffocate his crotch anymore.

Once inside, Viktor let out a sigh of relief, throwing his ruined jacket onto one of the tables. He was at least in his comfort zone, where he could let his consciousness drift while he did what he did best. Rolling up his sleeves and unbuttoning his shirt a little, Viktor made his way to the kitchen. Tonight would be his favorite and most popular military dish: Potato dumpling stew. Viktor threw on a worn teal apron, the embroidered insignia of Wall Rose with a loaf of bread in front of it would catch anyone's eye. He was a Baker's Man of course.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I don't want you to go."

Noelle shut her eyes, running one hand through her dark brown hair. She continued the motion, combing her hair with her fingers despite the pain caused by the tangles. When she was done, Noelle was certain that she had a bald spot on her head, since a good amount of hair was on the floor. She stood up from the wooden chair, bending down to collect the discards. At that moment, a tall and lanky boy burst through the door, a huge smile on his face. "Noe, you ready?" he asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

"You'll die."

"Yes. Just give me a moment," she said as she straightened up, her hands filled with hair. "Alright!" the boy said, stepping out of the house. "Don't take too long." Her lips pulled up into a tiny smile. His happiness was her happiness. Noelle stopped clutching her fist, letting the hair fall back onto the ground. After they were gone, father would be all alone. She sighed, walking towards a closed door that her father was currently holed up in. She stood there for a moment, wondering if she should tell her father that they were leaving. Would he like that? Noelle blinked a couple of times before opening the door, stepping inside the room to see a huddled figure on the bed.

"Daddy, we're going," she whispered, her voice strained. No response. "We'll come back." Still no response. Noelle stepped up to the bent old figure, planting a small kiss on the man's cheek before stepping out of the room. She paused and glanced back, worry filling her eyes as the figure still didn't move.

"Don't leave me."

She shut the door, exhaling once before leaving the comforts of her warm and compact home. Outside, her brother, Jay was waiting. He was leaned up against the wall, a distant look on his face. "Hey," she called out, briefly touching Jay's arm. Jay looked at his sister, a smile forming on his lips.

"Lets go."
The siblings were one of the last few to enter the training corps camp. When the two stepped into the camp, they were separated. Noelle took one glance at her brother, anxiety sketched on her face. Yet, Jay had a look of confidence and eagerness; he was finally taking that one step to his dreams. She went on her tip-toes, planting a small kiss on Jay's cheek before heading towards an already filled and bustling cabin. Inside, there were many unfamiliar faces. Noelle didn't recognize most of them, but she did see a few from her district. She walked over to get a uniform of her size, and in a few minutes, she was already dressed and ready. Glancing around, Noelle decided to just claim a bunk and head off out of the cabin. On the field, she just awkwardly stood off to the side near another girl; feeling quite vulnerable without her brother.
Jay whistled happily as he was herded off to another cabin. He put on his uniform, took a bunk, and headed outside. In a hour, all the trainees would be at the field. Joy bubbled inside of him as he looked around. After a few minutes of walking, Jay had passed by many people who didn't look very interesting at all. At first, Jay had thought there would be people like him searching for a way out of these walls. Yet, most of these people just wanted to live safely within the inner walls. Disgusted, Jay didn't even feel like talking to any of these people. Yet, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a boy who was just standing there. Looking closer, he could see the two scars decorated his face. His curiosity piqued, Jay went over to the trainee, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Hey, the name's Jay," he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Joseph was deep in thought when he was woken up by a masculine voice. He looked at its source with a dull and weary visage. His face brightened up and a faint smile curled up on his lips as he saw the offered hand. He mimicked Jay's previous movements and extended his hand, grasping Jay's and shaking it.
"Nice to meet you," he said to the rhyming boy. "I'm Joseph."
This was the first person he'd meet at the trainee corps. Hopefully, he could become friends with the boy who'd introduced himself as Jay. After shaking the hand, Joseph pulled his back and lowered it back to his side. "You seem rather enthusiastic," he said. "I'm assuming you have high hopes. Perhaps the Military Police?"

He assumed that anyone he saw to be happy was aiming for the MP and believed that they were going to make it wholeheartedly. Of course, he didn't want the one person who had approached him to join that rotten organization. It seemed more than likely to happen. It was a great offer. If you succeeded, you would get to live in the inner sanctum, lead an easy life with little to no effort. For some people, such a life could be satisfying. It certainly was for him for a portion of his short life.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scarlet crossed her arms while standing at the side and hummed quietly to herself. No one would hear her as everyone else was talking, no one except for the timid girl next to her. For several moments Scarlet tried her best to ignore her as she contemplated. <Allies are nice…. But allies stab you in the back. Should I talk to her? She seems honest and innocent. Trustworthy hopefully… but she could be acting?> All of these thoughts added together to cause her foot to tap impatiently at herself. Being indecisive is what made her most annoyed as it didn’t happen that often. Clapping her hands on her cheeks once she shocked herself out of her miniature panic attack from joining the military and sighed once in new clarity. <Sometimes all it takes is a moment to stop.> she recalled t herself.

It was then she turned to the girl next to her that seemed to be having a rough time as well. <I wonder what she left to join the military> went through her mind as she knew many of the cadets either lost parents or joined for refuge. <What does she fight for?> Crossing her arms again Scarlet started off their conversation. Actually, she hoped it would lead to a conversation and not her talking to thin air. “Are you looking for someone?” was the first words out of Scarlet’s mouth as she trusted her instinct of perception. From the time finding out how the wealthy could scheme, feign emotions, as well as lie in her family she had a talent for figuring out emotions that were veiled. So if they weren’t she saw them clearly.

Studying the girl next to her also gave her a sense that if she was going to help and protect people why shouldn’t she start by helping the girl? Though, it also distracted her from her doubts in heading towards training.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So his name was Joseph. Jay grinned, wondering if this guy would turn out to be one of his comrades. He seemed courageous enough; strong and alert. However, the moment Joseph spoke about him, Jay Ahn, joining the Military Police, his smile turned down. He clenched his jaw, about to snap back at him. Yet, Noelle's words from the previous day (and like all other days) floated into his mind. "Be patient." He politely coughed, shaking his head.

"Nah, I'm aiming for the Scouting corps," he firmly said, a flame of determination in his eyes. "And you?"
Noelle stared at the dusty ground, the sun's ray beating down on her. She had given up long ago on trying to find her brother. He was nowhere to be seen and from a distance, every male seemed identical to her. Small tears sprung up and she ferociously rubbed her eyes. She shouldn't be so timid! After all, she was Noelle Ahn. Crying like this was basically telling the higher-ups that she was a weak person. She didn't want to be weak, not now, not ever. Noelle would survive this camp and help Jay achieve his dreams. Right, so first she would need to -

“Are you looking for someone?”

Noelle audibly gasped, her skin jumping as she wildly looked at the origin of the voice. When she saw that the girl next to her had struck a conversation, she relaxed, her lips pulling up into a tiny smile. "Oh, I... Well, actually, I'm trying to find my brother," she said as she studied this girl. She seemed nice enough and was surprisingly head-on about her trying to search for someone. "U-uhm, Noelle. Noelle Ahn," she stammered as she stuck out her hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scarlet noticed that the girl was actually crying and took in deep breath quietly to try and not be that person who is going to mother her. It wasn’t her place to do so in the corps. Helping her is one thing, nurturing this girl would be too much. <Think of something…> she thought as she didn’t know what to say right away before simply nodding and looking back on forward at the crowd. “Brother?” she asked simply before noticing the hand being stuck out. Blinking for a moment Scarlet then let out her own hand and shook it. “Call me Scarlet,” she said in response. “Nice to meet you, Noelle.” Scarlet spoke plainly with a small touch of kindness as she sighed for a moment. This red head wanted to move past the brother topic for now as Noelle should know that she could be separated from her brother at any time in training and while serving.

However, Scarlet was not going to be the one to break it to her for now as she kicked the dirt idly looking to her feet. “Good to know some trainees aren’t acting all tough or yelling about the military police eh?” she said with little humor. Scarlet wasn’t bad at idle conversation, but seeing the girl cry threw her off her game for now. “If I hear one more person trying to escape the titans by getting into the Police I just might tear my hair out…” she stated afterwards as she couldn’t keep herself quiet on the feeling their cowardice gave her. “They need to fight the titans to escape their wrath. With the police you decide to wait for them to come and get you cornered.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A smile curled up on Joseph's lips. "Oh? You do seem like the more hotheaded type," he said. Joseph realized it might sound like he was making fun of Jay so he decided to clarify. "I guess we're aiming for the same branch, huh?" He didn't want to antagonize the first guy he'd met. "I'm also going for the Scouting Corps," he went on. "Even if I can't change the world, I don't want to stay trapped in these walls and grow old." He recalled his life in the Stohess district for a moment. The last year away from his home had changed him quite a bit. He hadn't thought about that godforsaken place for quite some time. He shuddered at the thought, shaking himself. The boy looked at Jay with a wider grin. "Though you sound like one of the guys who's actually trying to change something."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Isra hesitated, his hand hovering mere inches from the doorknob. Anxiety bubbled through him as he thought of the expression that would appear on his father's face when Isra explained to him that he would be leaving. Would he be glad, or indifferent? Isra squished down the hope that flowed up when he thought of his father being worried about his choice to join the training corps. From the start he knew that he wasn't wanted, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow. Isra didn't want to accept that his father only took care of him for the sake of his own reputation.

Finally reaching the courage that he required, Isra slipped his hand around the doorknob and pushed the door inwards. The light of the room revealed a huge figure perched upon a red velvet chair, his stubby fingers covered in a thick syrup as he shoved an unknown item of food down his throat. The nobleman didn't respond much to Isra's appearance, merely glancing towards the boy, then going back to chewing his food with an open mouth. Isra stood in the doorway, his light frame contrasting greatly to the pig of a man before him. Doubt enveloped him as he opened his mouth to speak, and he stopped himself, staring dumbly at his father. The nobleman turned, contempt displayed across his features as he stared down Isra. "Well boy, speak!"

Isra opened his mouth, finally managing a simple, "I'm joining the training corps." Fear coursed through him as he tried to gauge his father's response, but the man's expression remained as it was. Slow moments passed as they each stared at each other, then, finally, the nobleman looked back to his food. No response came, the silence stretching on. Finally, his patience gone, Isra spoke again, "W-...Well?" This time when his father looked up from the food, his mouth opened in response. "Well, what is it you want from me, boy? You've been nothing but trouble for me from the start, and the only thing I have to say is good riddance." The man said blatantly, turning once more back to his meal.

Isra turned himself around and stormed out of the room, hiding the emotions that splayed across his face. It had gone exactly as he knew it would, and he was stupid to think otherwise. But nevertheless, it still hurt. The one person who had raised him, took care of him to some extent, and was his father, was glad that his son was leaving. Isra always was lousy at keeping his emotions in, and soon tears were running down his face. Depression settled across him as he went to his room, but overwhelming that was burning hot rage. Rage for everything, the man that was his father, his silly hopes that he perhaps cared, and these god damned fancy suits!

Isra stood over the burning pile of cloth, satisfaction showing on his tear-stained face. He'd always wanted to get rid of these damned suits with their frizzy bows and their embellished buttons, but he had always feared upsetting his father. Now it didn't matter, why would he care about his father's emotions? Though, Isra still felt a twinge of shame as he looked down upon the burning cloth, all of it worth enough to feed a poor family for an entire year. But somehow it symbolized freedom, his escape from this damned stuffed up life of greed. He would not regret this, he decided.
Isra arrived to the training camp just in time to see the new trainees dismissed to their cabins. Examining them all thoroughly, Isra noticed how much more well-built and athletic most of them were compared to him. He had never done much major exercise, he may of climbed trees and done a lot of exploring, though that hardly improved his body as much as true exercise. Poofy dress suits and waltzing around at fancy balls didn't help his case much either. And above all else, Isra lacked the natural body required to excel as a soldier. He was a flimsy boy, his shoulders were narrow and sloping, and his arms and legs stood out like twigs. Isra stood at around 5'9 in height, and was accompanied by long legs and a short torso. The only thing that sorta helped was his long arms, he could maybe reach a coffee cup at a farther distance than another, if that counted as a talent.

As Isra made his way into the cabins along with the others, he settled down on an empty bunk. He was still a bit upset about earlier which was accompanied by a whopping headache, he didn't really feel like socializing at the moment. Heading over to the uniforms, Isra started searching through the piles for an outfit that matched his form. After a few moments of frustrating fits, Isra finally settled on a set that fit him, though was a bit baggy on him. That little worry didn't upset him too much, and anyways, now he was here. Free to start a new life and begin his career in the military. He would make a difference in this world, and he knew that he could help humanity escape from its confines and be free. Isra would change the world, he knew so.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yes, his name is Jay...and it's a pleasure to meet you as well Scarlet," Noelle said. Scarlet spoke about the trainees and the military corps, a touch of humor in her voice. Noelle smiled, feeling more confident by the minute. It didn't look like Scarlet hated her. Yet, as the red-hair girl continued to talk, Noelle had a feeling that Scarlet wanted to join the Scouting Corps as well. She chuckled, a smile on her face. "You sound exactly like my brother," she started, staring at the ground as she kicked a tiny rock. Freedom. Searching for a new life outside the walls. They were all dreams that would certainly lead to death. However, Noelle felt compelled to follow those dreamers, to see if perhaps they could change this world.

"I also want to join the Survey Corps," she finally admitted. "And I'm glad you'll be one of my comrades," she added, her gaze shifted to Scarlet.
Jay laughed in good humor, agreeing with what Joseph had said earlier. He did admit he could be a bit hot-headed, but it was mostly just the adrenaline. Jay curiously peered at other as he continued to talk. The same branch? A glimmer of hope arose. So there were some people out there who wanted to search for a way out of these walls. That was good, very good. Hopefully, he would be able to meet other people with the same dreams. His thoughts were broken when Joseph had mentioned something about him trying to change something. Jay thought for a moment before answering.

"Well, I hope," he began. "Being caged inside these walls is such a drag. Those titans have been terrorizing us for far to long. It's time to strike back." Jay closed his eyes, lifting his chin a bit. His mother used to say that a lot. Ever since he and Noelle was little, their mother would rant to them about outside the walls and how everyone else was too weak to fight back. Finally, after years of waiting, he was finally at the training camp. He just hoped he would be able to make his mother proud.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika Smyth,

A new life?''

Mika had been oddly quiet. She had spoken only little to those who had spoken to her. With a rather calm look, this wasn't the friendly girl that she had always faked to be. But she wasn't the silent type either. Walking towards the cabin she would find her uniform, Mika stared at it for a moment. She couldn't hear the people around her anymore. She really didn't even care about it. Both of her hands went to the uniform, slightly trembling. This is it. This is it. Was the sentence she kept repeating in her head as a little smile was starting to adore her lips. Getting dressed into the uniform, the trainee could almost see herself.


Overhearing two girls talking about the schedule that was placed on the back of the door, Mika thought briefly about it. She had to secure her positions and find a way to reach her own goal. Freedom. She wasn't like some planning on joining the police. That was for fools who wished to become mere lapdogs of those who were safe in the most inner district. Not a place where Mika would ever feel at home. No, then the slums were more fitting for a person like her. She had always lived at the dirt and had been content with it. At least, as long as her belly had been full and no cold was touching her skin. But then again, to realize her dreams, to become free of any law or authority, she would need to join the Survey Corps. If there was one choice she really was going to regret, it would be most likely that. To join a corps that would go outside the safety of the walls and civilization to combat those titans? Madness if you would ask Mika.

Walking outside the cabin, she briefly looked around herself. Nobody she knew. That could be demotivating. She had nobody to rely on. Nobody to use or who could be of use, as she had no information about somebody. But hopefully that was also right back at everybody else. Here she would just be a face among many. Mika doubted she would stand out and if she would, she would hold herself back. Getting attention now, in a position like this? That wouldn't help her plans to become independent. For now, she would just play along. Nice and friendly. With that in mind, she kept on walking, trying to figure out where she would start. Probably with making some contact with girls. She could use some ''friends'' that would be close. Then she could think about expanding her contacts. Passing two girls, she overheard one saying she wished to join the Survey Corps. Looking sideways, she looked better at the two. One that had red hair, that had said she wished to join the Survey Corps. Number two clearly wanted to join the Survey Corps as well, judging by the words of the red haired girl.

Walking up to two girls she saw talking, Mika put on a smile as she would greet them in a most friendly and eager way. ''Hey there. I heard you want to join the Survey Corps. Means we have the same plan, eh?'' Stretching her right hand forward, she flashed a smile to both girls. ''Mika.''
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scarlet tapped her foot a little as she listened to her fellow recruit talk. <Like her brother huh? I guess her and I would get along if she enjoys being in his company then.> she thought to herself before saying. “Nice to have you with me as well.” It was nice having a friend already in this new place where having allies might be handy. After all, no one can fight Titans alone without expecting some trouble. They say one man can change the world, but no one ever realizes both of them had a lot of support, so Scarlet took the chance to have someone by her side. Before she could say more though the new girl arrived to say hello and prevented further inquiry for now.

Then Scarlet looked up and down at the new company quickly taking note of what she seemed like. Not wanting to be too much of a judge, but at the same time she didn’t like losing her guard with people right away. The way this stranger approached Scarlet put her a little bit off. No one else seemed so 'friendly' in this building nor did many hold such a huge smile. Seeing the outreached hand though she prevented herself for being called rude and shook it once for Scarlet decided to speak in response “It seems so, I’m Scarlet.” Scarlet feigned a small smile with great accuracy herself, but watched Mika closely.

In her mind Scarlet had doubts as she referred to her past experiences. Smiles and handshakes are but formalities in her old life, and many sly schemes can be held behind them. So Mika was one that certainly set her on alert for the moment. Scarlet was entirely conflicted in her mind however. She wanted to trust her comrades and not be looking for the knife in her back when going after Titans. Asking herself if she is being paranoid or if she should still be on guard was her biggest choice. Noelle seemed too genuine for her upon her reaction, so Scarlet didn’t doubt her. Now though she was faced with whether she should try to survive for herself or put her faith in others. In the end she compromised and played it ‘cool’. Or so she hoped.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zachary stood up from where he lazily sat. He watched as the new recruits chattered. Why did everyone have to be so inconsiderate? He had a meal to get to and they were there, still trying to get ready. The ex-Military Police officer cursed the man who'd put him in charge of the Training Corps. He took a deep breath and let out a terrifying and somewhat annoying roar.

"Those of you who aren't ready and standing in the field for examination in the next three minutes are going back home right now! Got it, maggots!?" His voice echoed through the camp, bringing a silence afterwards. The man sat back down and heaved a sigh of relief, seeing how everyone had shut up. Some of the men around him stared at him as he leaned back in his chair, equally annoyed by the fact that this man had been appointed as their superior. Some of the 3DMG instructors were transferred from the Scouting Legion, who were most disgusted by Zachary Smith.
Joseph raised an eyebrow, stretching the scar. "That's not really a realistic dream," he said. "If it were that easy, humanity wouldn't be cowering behind these walls right now. Being reckless just to try to kill a few titans, who are probably more numerous than we are as well, will only get you killed. But I guess--"

"Those of you who aren't ready and standing in the field for examination in the next three minutes are going back home right now! Got it, maggots!?"

The boy looked over to the source of the voice and saw that most of the people there were doing the same. He turned back to Jay. "Maybe we should get going before they kick us both out."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


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Viktor wiped away the build-up of sweat on his forehead, humming a melody he learned somewhere during his time in the Survey Corps. It felt like not much time had passed since he started cooking, but already an hour had passed. The dumpling stew sat simmering over the iron stove, steam rising from its surface and circulating the room. Viktor brought his apron to his face and wiped away more sweat, the late afternoon sun accompanied by a stuffy kitchen was just the recipe for perspiration; perhaps it would be better to go outside than stay in the mess hall for another hour or so. Viktor pulled out the last of the bread loaves from inside the gargantuan stove and placed them with the others in a neat row along a wooden cutting board, their golden brown crust radiating heat and the sweet smell of freshness, they would cool off and still remain fresh by the time the meal would be served. Viktor smiled at his work and slipped off the apron, he would have the opportunity to be at the delivering end of the evaluation. Of course not him directly, but the fact that he would get to watch the whole ordeal unfold from a different point of view would be an interesting experience.

Re-buttoning his shirt Viktor slipped out through the back of the mess hall and jogged to the officer's quarters, He would have to borrow a spare uniform since his was in tatters. Slipping on a uniform with a better fit, Viktor stealthily made his way back to the training grounds, lining up by the other officers. The Chief supervisor being the bumptious man that everyone knew him to be, shouting orders in an obviously annoyed tone. Viktor stood attention, hands behind his back, stiff upper lip and eyes forward, looking over the new recruits, picking out a few he had spotted earlier. Today was going to be an interesting start
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CoyoteKisses


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jay shrugged, knowing full well that his dream was quite farfetched. Yet, he still held on to the belief that humanity would be able to achieve the impossible. Before Joseph could continue speaking, a loud and angry voice rang out.

"Those of you who aren't ready and standing in the field for examination in the next three minutes are going back home right now! Got it, maggots!?"

Jay looked at the source of the voice, spotting a quite irritable man. He nodded, his eyes still on the man. "Yeah, let's do that. That guy looks like he wants to skin us all alive," he laughingly said before heading towards the field.
Noelle beamed, glad that Scarlet now considered her as a friend. She glanced up to the sky, then back to the red head. Ah, was that a surge of confidence she felt? Before either of them could say another world, a girl appeared next to them, introducing herself ad Mina. Scarlet took the new girls hand and introduced herself. Noelle smiled, amazed that there was yet another girl who had the same dreams as her.

"Noelle. It's nice -"

Before she could say another world, a loud voice rang out. "Ah, let's go," she whispered, her eyes wide with mixed fear and awe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika Smyth

Both of them reacted positive to her friendly greeting. So that was good. Holding true to her act, Mika sighed and looked around with a smile as she placed both her hands on her hip. But before she could even utter a word, it seemed that she wouldn't be given that luxury. They were called to the field for examination. Mika briefly thought that it was some divine intervention to mock her attempts of gaining some foothold or alliances with others. Not that she would give up on her act. ''Seems we are need to go then.'' She friendly stated as she turned, but would try to keep walking next to one of the two girls. It would give her the chance to keep an eye on how the two were. It would take more than just a few moments to decide how each one of them was and reacted.

''So, from which district are you two from?'' Mika asked, sounding very polite and genuinely curious. Not that she was. But it would prove good to know where they came from in order to learn more about them. Knowledge is power after all. And the more knowledge one has, the more dangerous the person becomes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Once everyone had gone to their places, Zachary walked up to the stand and coughed loudly, trying to get the attention of the recruits. When that proved unsuccessful, he tried a different method.
"ATTENTION!" he roared, waking every sleeping child within Wall Maria. Silence fell once more. "Listen up, maggots! I, Zachary Smith, am here to welcome you to my slice of hell. It's my job to make sure you little weaklings are able to become big boys and girls once you're done here. While only ten of you will amount to anything, I'll be sure to make the next three years will be the worst time of your life." He paused and let the idea sink in. "Those of you who do not make the top ten, of course, will be forced to join the Garrison and perhaps be lucky enough to be stationed at Sina and maybe some of you will join the lowly Scouting Legion. Ugh..." He shuddered at the thought of those scum. The self righteous suicidal branch. He looked over at the group once more. "Tomorrow, you will be tested so that we can see if you're suitable to use the Three Dimensional Manoeuvre Gear. Those of you who prove to be unfit will be sent home. Those who want a second chance will be given one but only one."

He sneered at the ex-Scouting Legion members who were assigned to the Training Corps to teach the use of 3DMG. "Those are your baby-sitters. They'll show you maggots around this dirt hole."

He stepped down from the stand as the Scouts glared at him. "Come on, kiddies," one of the scouts said jokingly. "First line with me!"
21:00 - Dinner Time
The to-be recruits had changed into their casual clothes, making their ways to the mess hall. Joseph followed suit and marched into the building. There were several tables and small rectangular pillars holding up the roof. The boy found himself in the line for food as he continued to follow the people in front of him. He looked around, inspecting the others there. There were some rather weak and flimsy people who didn't really seem like soldier material. Then again, he wasn't much stronger than them when he lived in the Stohess District.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mika Smyth

''Would you please keep on walking?'' Mika asked. She didn't sound that pleased with the guy in front of her looking and staring at people around them. People were hungry. The boy in front of her wasn't that interesting to her as she was more focused on getting something to eat and then settle down at a table. Probably just trying to eat something and make use of the time to not be bothered by others. Cause once back in the cabin, Mika would have to share the space with others, people she didn't know and wasn't genuinely interested in. Still, if she wanted to realize her dream of wanting to become truly independent, she would just have to bite her tongue and do what was needed. If that guy in front of her would just use his legs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Geist


Member Offline since relaunch

The mess hall was dimly lit thanks to the oil lamps scarcely dotting the support beams, the air was filled with hushed chatter and eating sounds, and Viktor was in the center of it all. With masterful precision, Viktor filled multiple bowls at once with hot dumpling stew and slipped fresh bread in the mixture before returning them to their respective owners. Viktor smiled at each trainee as he returned their bowl, even if some didn't smile back or just gave him confused looks. The first impressions never really bothered him, he enjoyed serving his creations and seeing positive reactions. Even if those reactions were from the infamous chief director. Viktor's eyes glimmered when he thought of the chief director trying to suppress his enjoyment of Viktor's cooking. No one could resist him...well... at least his cooking. He sighed to himself pushing back stray hairs back into place, he could just feel the gray hairs starting to poke out. The day had been full of so many surprises, he secretly hoped for the same this night.
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